JANUARY 2012 - Stukeleys Magazine

JANUARY 2012 - Stukeleys Magazine

JANUARY 2012 - Stukeleys Magazine


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Top: The Tree Planting Team. Centre: Sue Parkin & Terry Pinner<br />

Bottom Left: Stewart Jackson MP, Sue Parkin (Dep Chair, SPC), Judith Aylott (Chair, Alconbury PC),<br />

Terry Pinner (Chair, SPC), Jonathan Djanogly MP, Jason Ablewhite (Leader, HDC) & Robin Butler (MD of U&C)<br />

Bottom Right: Sue Parkin (Dep Chair SPC), Amrita Huggins (U&C) & Rebecca Britton (U&C)<br />

More pictures on Page 2 .

Tree Planting along Ermine Street By<br />

Urban & Civic and Volunteers from The <strong>Stukeleys</strong> and Alconbury<br />

See the Update from the Airfield on Page 9<br />

Top Let & Top Right: Tree Planting Volunteers Centre Left: Neta & Eric Charter<br />

Bottom Left: Paul Ryan & his daughter Bottom Right: One of the USAF Scouts

Parish Council Meeting 9 th January <strong>2012</strong><br />

Nine Councillors, the District Councillor, representatives from Urban & Civic, the District<br />

Council Planning Department, Alconbury PC, Abbots Ripton PC, Tim Slater the<br />

<strong>Stukeleys</strong> PC Planning Consultant all attended the January meeting of the Council.<br />

The main agenda item was the discussion revolving around the ‘Enabling Applications’<br />

recently received from Urban & Civic for the Alconbury site. That application<br />

incorporated several elements. New Construction & Service Access, Alterations to<br />

existing Main Access, Three New Gatehouses, Creation of a Boulevard Access within<br />

the site, Demolition of existing buildings, Landscaping, Alterations to Boundary Fencing<br />

and Removal of Hardstanding. Full and frank discussions were held with all parties<br />

attending and many relevant issues were discussed (full transcript of issues can be<br />

found in the Councils January minutes) Many areas of concern were raised by members<br />

and answers were provided in varying degrees. After the discussion it was agreed that<br />

the Council would formulate a full submission document for the District Council to be<br />

approved at the meeting of the Parish Council on 6 th February, this bearing in mind the<br />

Councils planning advisors suggested agenda for consideration; viz; Visual Impact &<br />

scale of Gatehouses, Impact of new access roads, Illumination, Loss of Trees,<br />

Replacement Landscaping.<br />

It was reported by the ROW committee that progress was being made on the proposed<br />

diversion of footpath 11 at Grange Farm and also with signage of footpath 8 at Low<br />

Road; however he was still awaiting comment from Alconbury PC relevant to the<br />

reopening of footpath 2 from Mill Road to Alconbury.<br />

There was much reported concern about the visual impact of the new signage erected<br />

for the new northern entrance for RAF Alconbury and also of its nature, as it was not<br />

indicating that the base could not be entered approaching from the south on Ermine<br />

Street. Mr. Monk said he was in consultation with the County Authorities and the matter<br />

was on the agenda for the forthcoming traffic group meeting, this approach was<br />

supported by members.<br />

The Next Council meeting will be on Monday 6 th February <strong>2012</strong> at 7.30pm at the village<br />

hall Low Road, Little Stukeley.<br />

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Michael. J. Newman, Clerk & RFO<br />

This Month<br />

Great Stukeley Village Hall Table Top Sale<br />

Update from the Airfield<br />

Great Stukeley Village Hall<br />

Fundraising Ferret Racing Evening Form<br />

Quiz Night at Little Stukeley Village Hall<br />

<strong>Stukeleys</strong>’ Heritage Group<br />

The winner of the Christmas Quiz<br />

March <strong>2012</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> Cut-off Date<br />

The cut-off date for contributions for the March <strong>Stukeleys</strong> Parish <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Is 9am Monday 21st February <strong>2012</strong>


A friendly family Pub<br />

Run by Michelle & Doddy<br />

Come and visit us<br />

We have a good selection of<br />

beers, spirits and soft drinks.<br />

We have Pool, Darts and Dominoes .<br />

We will be having a Jubilee Party to celebrate the<br />

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee<br />

With Stalls, Bouncy Castle, BBQ, Disco, Raffle<br />

and other attractions.<br />

The Party is a fundraising event with all money<br />

raised going to the<br />

MS Therapy Centre<br />

More information in future Parish <strong>Magazine</strong>s. Watch this space!

The Winners were:<br />

St Martins Church 150 Club<br />

£5 Weekly Draw: J Owen, Sally Smith, B Ramsell, Joy Ball, Jean<br />

Lyford, T Close, Rachel Gill, P Gomez, Lindsey Bush, Sylvia Grace,<br />

G Hossack, John Page, Ray Willets, James Daw, N Smith, A Adams,<br />

Adele Dant, M Day.<br />

£60: Penny Glover<br />

£25: Jonathon Owen<br />

£10: Derek Lumley<br />

£5: Joan & Nigel Fensome<br />

Thank you to all of those who bought & sold Tickets and made it<br />

another successful year.<br />

G M Field<br />


Happy New Year to everyone!<br />

AUTUMN BAZAAR – Many thanks to all of you who helped to make this event a success, either<br />

by<br />

running a stall or spending your money on the stalls, or both! We made a profit of £718.27.<br />

CHRISTMAS SUPPER DANCE – Even though numbers were less this year, everyone who<br />

attended seemed to enjoy the evening and made it go with a swing. Next year we are intending to<br />

do something slightly different – see the dates list below.<br />




If you have answered YES to any of the above questions, you might be interested in renting a<br />

table at the GSVH Table Top Sale on Saturday 25 th February. Tables will cost £7, and you keep<br />

the profit. Contact Jan Sly 01480 450197 to rent your table.<br />

Or, you might have items that you want to ‘recycle’ but you don’t want to rent a table. In that case<br />

you can give these items to a member of the GSVH committee. The committee will sell them and<br />

the profit will go to GSVH.<br />

Setting up on the day will be from 1pm. The sale will open at 2pm and end at 4pm.<br />

Tea and biscuits will be sold.<br />


Wednesday 29 th February – Public meeting to discuss the future of the hall<br />

Friday 1 st June – a ‘Right Royal’ Quiz<br />

Sunday 3 rd June – a Village Jubilee Picnic<br />

Saturday 6 th October – Autumn Bazaar<br />

Saturday 8 th December – A Christmas Entertainment

Alconbury & Brampton Surgeries<br />

Are you a patient of Alconbury & Brampton Surgeries?<br />

Your patient group - ALBRAM - Needs you!<br />

The Surgery is working with our Patient Participation Group, Albram, to<br />

encourage patients to give their views about the services we provide and any<br />

changes or new services being considered.<br />

We would like to ask the opinions of as many patients as possible and are<br />

asking if people would like to provide their email address so that we can contact<br />

you every now and again to ask a question or two. If you would like to become<br />

involved please email c-pct.albram@nhs.net<br />

or call the surgery and inform reception.<br />

Patient Survey<br />

We are also requesting patient feedback through our Patient Survey.<br />

This will be conducted during the month of February.<br />

To complete a response form please visit our new website<br />

www.alconburybramptonsurgery.co.uk<br />

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the ALBRAM Committee<br />

for their ongoing commitment and support of the Surgery.<br />

Carers Direct<br />

Carers Direct is the official website designed to help you get the help<br />

and support you need as a carer. They offer all the information you<br />

should need to get the financial help<br />

you’re entitled to, as well as advice on getting a break from caring,<br />

going to work and much more.<br />

Contact Details<br />

Telephone:<br />

0808 802 0202<br />

Helpline Information:<br />

http://www.nhs.uk/carersdirect/carerslives/updates/pages/carersdirecthelp<br />

line.aspx<br />

Email:<br />


What is a Carer?<br />

Most people care for, that is they love other people. Parents care for their children<br />

and children care for their parents. Men and women care for their partners. But<br />

where is the dividing line between loving somebody and being their carer? If you live<br />

with or have a responsibility for somebody who becomes ill or cannot look after<br />

themselves as before because of, say, age or illness then a caring role becomes more<br />

onerous. You can’t go out as often or as long as before or even at the most<br />

appropriate time because you cannot leave the person for whom you care alone in the<br />

same way.<br />

There is a lot of help available for people in this situation but it’s not always easy to<br />

know where to go for this help. If change is gradual, it is not always possible to realise<br />

when your caring role has actually become arduous. And many people are too proud<br />

to ask for help. The result can often be that the person who is doing the caring<br />

becomes ill themselves. Then there is often no option but hospital admission either for<br />

the cared-for person or for both people. Hospital is very disorientating and,<br />

particularly for the elderly, this can increase the rate of decline.<br />

Where do you turn for that help? Your doctor can help but doesn’t always have the<br />

time to talk through all the issues or to be aware of all the options of social help<br />

available. Therefore some time ago the Charles Hicks & Roman Gate Surgery started a<br />

“Support4Carers” programme. Once a week patient representatives attend the<br />

surgeries in Huntingdon and Godmanchester and are available to talk to people who<br />

are carers. They can discuss in more detail what help is available, both from the NHS<br />

and from the many charities that are either disease, disability or age-related.<br />

If you are a patient at Charles Hicks & Roman Gate and think that you would be helped<br />

with a little bit of assistance, or know anybody who is battling along alone, do please<br />

talk to the receptionists in each surgery and ask them to make an appointment with<br />

the patient representative.<br />

Can you help?<br />

And do you have time on your hands to help. The Patients Group service is completely<br />

unfunded and we provide this service with a very small number of volunteers. We<br />

would welcome some more volunteers to join the ranks. If you are prepared to give up<br />

2 hours of your time every few weeks your support would be much appreciated..<br />

Again, if you could help, please give your name and contact details to one of the<br />

practice receptionists and a member of our Group will contact you.<br />

Contact details and/or more information about Support4Carers or the Charles Hick &<br />

Roman Gate Surgeries Patients Group can be found at www.chrgpatientsgroup.co.uk.<br />

Sandy Ferrelly<br />

Chairman of the Charles Hicks & Roman Gate Surgeries Patients Group

enabled, empower, advise<br />

Employment Relations Advisory Service - free initial support<br />

As Employment relations specialists, we know that times are hard for both<br />

businesses and employees, our speciality is dealing with employment disputes<br />

in the workplace in order to resolve them, and to remove tension. Let's face it<br />

whether you're the boss, the manager or whatever role you have a work we all<br />

have to work together in order to have the true meaning of the word “a company<br />

” and it is inevitable from time to time that people will fall out or have different<br />

expectations of what is right and wrong.<br />

We specialise in resolving work place disputes whether you be an employer<br />

who feels that an employee is not living up to expectations, or whether you are<br />

an employee who feels that you're being treated unfairly.<br />

With over 25 years’ experience in resolving disputes and helping to produce the<br />

right, terms and conditions we would suggest you contact us for initial free<br />

advice and support on any employment issue, including:<br />

· contracts of employment and company handbooks<br />

· employment law issues or clarification<br />

· employment disputes, grievances, disciplinary or investigations<br />

· discrimination or equality issues<br />

· employment tribunal<br />

· health and safety<br />

· payroll<br />

· TUPE transfer issues (buying or selling companies, due diligence)<br />

contact us on, info@e-ras.co.uk or on (01480) 896442 for effective<br />

advice and solutions.

Update from the Airfield<br />

Tree planting along Ermine Street has progressed well, and should be<br />

completed by the end of January. This first phase of planting was jointly<br />

designed with the local parish councils, and will see over 2,250 trees and shrubs<br />

being planted. The work will make a big difference – visually, environmentally<br />

and in creating an appropriate setting for the new Enterprise Zone. We were<br />

grateful for support from local MPs Jonathan Djanogly and Stewart Jackson,<br />

Council Leader Jason Ablewhite, tree warden Sue Parkin and the Chairs of<br />

<strong>Stukeleys</strong> and Alconbury Parish Councils, who helped plant the first tree. A big<br />

thanks also to all who joined us on Saturday 21 January to plant the smaller<br />

trees which will help the landscape develop and change over the next few<br />

decades. These trees are the first of over half a million we plan to plant on the<br />

site.<br />

We, with about 10 <strong>Stukeleys</strong> residents and 10 or so from the American Scout<br />

unit from the base, managed to plant 500 trees.<br />

<strong>Stukeleys</strong> Tree Warden Sue Parkin said:<br />

“I’d like to say thank you to everyone who turned up and - despite the cold<br />

weather - helped us plant 500 trees. The planting along Ermine Street bank will<br />

make a big difference to local residents and it was great to see people of all<br />

ages, and from the village, the base and Urban&Civic getting involved.”<br />

January has also seen the consultation on our first planning application which<br />

will enable us to prepare the infrastructure for the development of the Enterprise<br />

Zone. It will see the creation of a separate new entrance to the north of North<br />

Gate for construction traffic, the creation of roads, lighting and landscaping<br />

inside part of the Enterprise Zone area of the site and the demolition of some of<br />

the buildings which are in a bad state or of low heritage value. You can find out<br />

more about the application online at:www.alconburyairfield.co.uk.<br />

To view the full application, please see the District Council’s planning portal at:<br />

http://planning.huntsdc.gov.uk/PublicAccess/tdc/tdc_home.aspx.<br />

You can also come and see hard copies of the application in the Urban&Civic<br />

offices on the Airfield.<br />

Urban&Civic are also working hard to pull together the feedback and next steps<br />

from the Design and Discovery events in September. We plan to publish this<br />

report over the next few weeks, before holding public meetings later in the<br />

Spring to share the next version of the Masterplan. We will confirm the dates in<br />

the next issue.<br />

If you want any further information about the development or to meet up please<br />

contact:<br />

Rebecca on 01480 413141 or<br />

e-mail: rbritton@urbanandcivic.com<br />

You can also subscribe to our electronic newsletter online at<br />

www.alconburyairfield.co.uk .

Boiler Servicing & Installation<br />


If you suffer from this condition,<br />

visit our website for our tips to<br />

help manage the symptoms.

Dear resident of Great Stukeley<br />

Great Stukeley Village Hall<br />

As you all know we have been looking at the heating in the village hall, amongst other things.<br />

We had an energy audit carried out by ACRE (Action with Rural Communities in Rural England)<br />

which confirmed our own thoughts on what we needed to do, and gave us some innovative<br />

solutions to solving our high energy costs . Our annual fuel cost is about £6,000, and the carbon<br />

footprint of the hall is 29.58 tonnes of CO2 per annum.<br />

We cannot consider any of these major ideas until we have done some basic work on improving<br />

the insulation. This means replacing all the lower windows and some fire exit doors with double<br />

glazed units, ensuring that all outer doors are draught proofed, insulating the roof space and<br />

insulating the cavity walls. Not a small task!<br />

However, we have an even greater problem facing us. At present the hall is not generating<br />

enough money to cover the running costs, never mind spending extra money. We have very little<br />

in reserve now as we ended up taking more from our reserves than we had intended when we did<br />

the acoustic work and the refurbishment of the toilets. Therefore profits from our fundraising<br />

events are being swallowed up by just keeping the hall going. This cannot be sustained in the<br />

long term. As you know we revised our hiring charges in June 2010, substantially raising the<br />

charges to outsiders, and keeping the increase to village costs as low as possible. There is a<br />

possibility that we raised the out of village charges too much as bookings for weddings etc have<br />

been down. However this could just be a reflection of the current financial climate.<br />

We are therefore asking for your help. We will be holding a public meeting on 29 th February,<br />

starting at 7.30pm to discuss the issues and ask for your ideas. We hope as many of you as<br />

possible will attend. In addition we will be running various events during the coming year, and<br />

again ask that you support as many of them as possible.<br />

It’s a case of USE IT OR LOSE IT!<br />

Ann Monk, Chairman<br />

Dog Fouling in Great Stukeley<br />

As a responsible dog owner (who does clear up after my dog) I am finding it unpleasant that while<br />

walking around the village the amount of dog mess you have to tip toe round to avoid stepping in!<br />

Dog fouling is not only unpleasant it is dangerous. The biggest threat to public health from dog<br />

excrement is toxocariasis.<br />

It is the responsibility of the dog owner or the person in charge of the dog to clear up any dog foul<br />

left by their dog. If you fail to clean up after your dog you can be issued with a Fixed Penalty<br />

Notice, or if the case goes to court a fine of up to £1000.<br />

The regulations state specifically, that being unaware that the dog has fouled, or not having a<br />

suitable means of removing the faeces is not a reasonable excuse for failing to clean up after your<br />

dog.<br />

Please pick up after your dog, you are giving all dog owners a bad name.<br />

Donna Rogers

*************************************<br />

***********************************<br />

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Legal London: Discover the Inns of Court<br />

Thursday 26 th April <strong>2012</strong><br />

The Central Criminal Court of England, is commonly known as The Old Bailey from the street in which it<br />

stands. The Old Bailey is a court building in central London, one of a number housing the Crown Court.<br />

The Crown Court sitting at the Central Criminal Court deals with major criminal cases from Greater London<br />

and, in exceptional cases, from other parts of England and Wales. Part of the present building stands on<br />

the site of the medieval Newgate Goal, on Old Baily, a road which follows the line of the City of London’s<br />

fortified wall (or bailey).It lies between Holborn Circus and St. Paul’s Cathedral.<br />

As there is a requirement for justice to be seen to be done, trials at the Old Bailey, as at other courts, are<br />

open to the public subject to stringent security procedures.<br />

During the afternoon of our London visit on Thursday 26 th April, there is a coach tour after lunch which will<br />

include the Old Bailey and Staple Inn followed by a stroll through stately Lincoln’s Inn.<br />

Our departure from the Aldwych, our morning drop-off point, is planned for 4.45pm-just ahead of the<br />

London rush hour.<br />

Mary Alleyne-James<br />

Tel: 01480 433 954<br />

FERRET RACING EVENING : 24 TH March <strong>2012</strong><br />

Great Stukeley Village Hall Fundraising Event<br />

Our FERRET RACING EVENING is less than seven weeks away and we wanted to give you some details<br />

for this much looked forward to evening.<br />

Our Menu<br />

Doors Open<br />

First Race<br />

Steak & Ale Pie, New Potatoes and Peas & A surprise Dessert<br />

7pm<br />

7.30pm sharp<br />

The supper will be served after the first race around 8.15pm.<br />

Please remember to bring along your own bottle that evening and do not forget your drinking glasses!.<br />

Shortly, reservation request forms will be dropped off at every home in Great Stukeley. For those living<br />

outside the village please call and I will ensure that you receive a sign-up form this month.<br />

We need help both before and on the night of the event. If you would like to be part of this fun event please<br />

call me as soon as possible expressing your interest.<br />

Adult tickets<br />

Children’s tickets<br />

(under 12 years of age)<br />

£ 11.00 each<br />

£ 5.50 each<br />

Name a Ferret: Unique opportunity to name a Ferret in each race for £ 5.00.<br />

We very much look forward to offers of your help which we need to make this evening a huge success.<br />



Mary Alleyne-James<br />

Event Organiser, Great Stukeley Village Hall Committee. Tel: 433954

<strong>Stukeleys</strong>’ Heritage Group<br />

We had around 20 to our meeting on 21 st December and we enjoyed mince<br />

pies, cakes and suitable festive drinks and looked at a slide show of the photos<br />

and documents we now have stored electronically. Thanks to all those who<br />

provided the refreshments and to the technical team of John and Nicola<br />

Oldfield.<br />

John is also our treasurer and he told us that we have 35 members who have<br />

paid their annual subscriptions, an income over the last calendar year of £259<br />

(from subscriptions and donations from refreshments etc.); we spent £117 (on<br />

village hall committee room and the web site address) so that we have a<br />

working balance of £133. Thank you all for your support which keeps the Group<br />

going. John will be pleased to accept further subscriptions at our next meeting,<br />

which is:<br />

in the Main Hall of Great Stukeley Village Hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday 15 th<br />

February when that veritable Stukeley institution, the St. Bart’s Readers and<br />

Singers will be presenting their current revue “Oh how we laughed!”, a nostalgic<br />

look back to television situation comedies. You may know that the Readers and<br />

Singers Group was started in Great Stukeley by the late Tom Rollo, who was a<br />

retired actor. Over the years it has transformed into a small troupe who bring<br />

light-hearted entertainment at no charge to those who live in care homes and<br />

similar institutions and whose opportunities to access live theatre are very<br />

limited.<br />

Our subsequent meetings will be:<br />

Wednesday 18 th April<br />

Wednesday 20 th June (possible “bucket ‘n’ spade” coach trip to Sunny Hunny.)<br />

Michael Monk<br />

Convener, <strong>Stukeleys</strong>’ Heritage Group<br />

The <strong>Stukeleys</strong> Heritage Group is pleased to present:<br />

the much acclaimed St. Bart’s Readers and Singers<br />

In<br />

“Oh how we laughed”<br />

A light hearted revue of television’s situation comedies over the decades.<br />

Great Stukeley Village Hall<br />

Wednesday 15 th February at 7.30pm<br />

Everybody is welcome. No admittance charge but please note there will be a<br />

collection shared between the Heritage Group and St. Bart’s Readers and Singers.

THURSFORD CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR <strong>2012</strong><br />

Christmas is a time for children and it brings out the child in us all.<br />

The spirit of Christmas is made up of many splendid things…love, laughter, giving, sharing,<br />

peace, goodwill and religious contemplation.<br />

At Thursford Christmas is in their thoughts all year round whether there is snow on the ground in<br />

mid winter,at the first signs of new life in the spring,when the sun beats down in summer or the<br />

leaves fall in autumn.<br />

Our coach is now reserved with a pick-up time of 10am at the Great Stukeley Village Hall<br />

returning around 7.45pm that evening depending on traffic.<br />

My requested dates for this year’s trip are:<br />

Preferred Sunday 18 th November <strong>2012</strong><br />

Alternative Sunday 25 th November <strong>2012</strong><br />

If you would like to join us this year PLEASE CALL ME as soon as possible.<br />

Mary Alleyne-James<br />

Te:l 01480 433954<br />


7pm Saturday 11th February At Little Stukeley Village Hall<br />

Supper & Bar<br />

Tickets £10 From Jocelyn Kerr<br />

Tel: 01480 45323<br />

Carol Singing around Little Stukeley Village<br />

Our hardy carol singers once again braved the cold and windy weather to raise £377.96 in aid of St<br />

Martin's Church and MAGPAS.<br />

We would like to thank all those who generously donated to raise this sum and to those who very kindly<br />

provided welcome refreshments on both nights.<br />

Many thanks<br />

Peter Soinne<br />

Secretary, Little Stukeley PCC<br />



Great Stukeley Village Hall<br />

February 17 th 2010<br />

10.30 – 12.00<br />

Please come and support us

THANKS<br />

The Sly Family would like to thank all the kind folk who<br />

had enquired, sent cards and/or offered lifts while Ian<br />

was in Papworth.<br />

All good wishes and phone calls have been much<br />

appreciated.<br />

Being greedy, Ian had a quadruple instead of triple<br />

bypass and he is making a good recovery.<br />

Many thanks from Jan and the Gang<br />


Held on Wednesday 14 th December 2011<br />

The WI Christmas Party was held at the Village Hall which was as usual tastefully<br />

decorated for Christmas.<br />

Thirty one members and guests sat down to a delicious choice of three menus<br />

which had once again been provided by Jan Tildon. Several of the ladies had<br />

dressed the tables during the morning and six members each provided a table<br />

decoration. One very clever addition was a hand knitted Christmas pud with a<br />

Ferrero Rocher inside placed at each setting. Our thanks to Val<br />

Halliday for all her hard work and thoughtfulness in providing these. Also thanks to<br />

Sarah Toyn for donating the Christmas Crackers.<br />

We had a draw for the food hamper which was won by Maureen Sewell and<br />

a Christmas assortment of draw prizes were on offer.<br />

Our entertainment was provided by Andy Collier who sang for and with us.<br />

This was made possible by the generous donation of Mary Alleyne-James and<br />

her trips for which we thank her.<br />

The Christmas cake and the sherry was kindly donated by Joan Gray and these<br />

were served whilst the results of the monthly competition were announced. The<br />

winner of the cup having accumulated the most points over the year was Joan<br />

Gray. Second prize was won by Sarah Toyn and third by Val Halliday. The Berrill<br />

Cup which is competed for each Christmas as a one off competition was won by<br />

Jan Sly with a character from panto. Mr Henry Oldfield gave a lovely vote of<br />

thanks and wished the <strong>Stukeleys</strong> WI a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.<br />

My thanks to all who helped in any way and to those who stayed after the party to<br />

clear up.<br />

We wish you all a Happy New Year.<br />

Jan Sly, President

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11 th January <strong>2012</strong><br />

The president, Jan Sly, welcomed 18 members, wishing them a Happy New Year.<br />

Apologies were received for Sarah Toyn, Nicki Sly, Nancy Oldfield, Mary Alleyne James and<br />

Jennifer Liddell.<br />

The Minutes of the November and December meetings were read and agreed.<br />

Jan thanked –Jennifer Liddell for the Curtis bowl, Margaret Helme for the draw prize and Val<br />

Halliday and Freda Butter for providing the refreshments. She also thanked everyone who had<br />

helped at the Christmas party.<br />

East of England Show raffle tickets were available. The competition categories for the Show were<br />

announced.<br />

A warm welcome was given to Sue Angell, the speaker for the evening, and to her helper, Esme<br />

Render.<br />

Sue, who is a committee member of Fan Circle International, gave an interesting and amusing talk<br />

about just a few of the fans from her collection. These included the first fan she acquired, at the<br />

age of 8, fans that she had been given, fans that she had bought and her favourite fan, dated 10th<br />

July 1796, and known as a ‘Margate Fan’.<br />

Sue was thanked by Doris Sadler.<br />

The competition winners were – 1st Billie Evans, 2nd Jan Sly, 3rd Marlene Garner.<br />

Shirley Berrill and Margaret Helme won the draw prizes.<br />

Next meeting is on February 8th. Speaker - Mark Hudson on Photography. Refreshments –<br />

Joan Gray and Sheila Stephenson , Curtis Bowl and draw prize – Nita Charter, competition –<br />

a ‘landscape photograph taken by you’ and roll call – name an iconic photographic picture that you<br />

like.<br />

It was noted that members should think about what charity they would like to support in <strong>2012</strong>. The<br />

treasurer said that a sales table is needed every month to boost funds.<br />

Ann Monk<br />

Milk Bottle Tops<br />

Thank you very much to all of you who kindly collected milk bottle tops. The Postman who was<br />

collecting them has now stopped because he has achieved his aim of a wheelchair for the young<br />

boy. (One gentleman came to my house and asked where he could take his minibus half full of<br />

“Tops”.)So many thanks to all of you for your efforts – they were not in vein. We helped to make a<br />

difference.<br />

I still have some tops and am going to give some of them to a gentleman in Brampton who is<br />

collecting for a friend in Surrey for the Air Ambulance. (Lots of us use the M25!!) If by chance<br />

anyone knows someone local collecting for a good cause I would be happy to pass them on. It<br />

seems that most of the Recycling plants that can deal with these tops are in the South of England.<br />

I stand to be corrected.!! Please continue collecting them rather than throwing them away. If you<br />

don’t have anywhere to take them please leave them on my doorstep.<br />

Thank you,<br />

Sheila Stephenson. 01480457338.





Bishop Matthew Wade<br />

Sunday Services<br />

10.00am to 11.15am Sacrament Meeting<br />

11.15am to 12 noon Sunday School Classes for 12 years old and over.<br />

11.15am to 1pm Primary For under 12 year olds, and Nursery for 18<br />

month old to 3 years old.<br />

12 Noon to 1pm Relief Society Meeting for Sisters 18 years and<br />

over(Women)<br />

12 Noon to 1pm Priesthood Meeting for Brothers 18 years and over(Men)<br />

12 Noon to 1pm Young Men and Young Women Classes for 12 to 18<br />

year olds.<br />

All are welcome to come and join us.<br />

Weekday Meetings<br />

Every Tuesday:<br />

Youth Meetings for 12 to 18 year olds from 7.30pm to 8.30pm<br />

First Wednesday of each month:<br />

Sisters Meeting from 7.30pm to 9pm

The Retreat<br />


A salon with a difference;<br />

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Couples massage...so much more...and of course Vouchers so that you can share the experience.<br />

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February<br />

5th 9.30 am Holy Communion CW 11.00 am Family Service<br />

Third Sunday before Lent Celebrant To be advised Leader Ian Sherratt<br />

12th 8.00 am Holy Communion CW No Service<br />

Second Sunday Celebrant To be advised<br />

before Lent 9.30 am Morning Prayer<br />

Leader<br />

Janet Talbot<br />

19th 9.30 am Holy Communion CW 8.00 am Holy Communion<br />

Sunday next before Lent Celebrant To be advised Celebrant To be advised<br />

22nd 7.00 pm Holy Communion CW No Service<br />

Ash Wednesday Celebrant To be advised<br />

26th 9.30 am Morning Prayer 11.00 am Holy Communion<br />

First Sunday of Lent Leader Alan McGoff Celebrant To be advised<br />

March<br />

4th 9.30 am Holy Communion CW 11.00 am Family Service<br />

Second Sunday of Lent Celebrant To be advised Leader Ian Sherratt<br />


Churchwardens Richard Turpin Anne Owen<br />

Montagu House<br />

15 Church Way<br />

1 Church Walk Great Stukeley Little Stukeley<br />

Harry Raby<br />

Brookfield Farm<br />

Great Stukeley<br />

Sally Smith<br />

16 Low Road<br />

Little Stukeley<br />

Secretary Alan McGoff Peter Soinne<br />

of the Parochial 4 Seathwaite "Pearcroft" Sanders Close<br />

Church Council Stukeley Meadows Huntingdon Little Stukeley<br />

Vice Chairman Richard Turpin Jocelyn Kerr<br />

of the Parochial Montagu House 2 Mill Close<br />

Church Council Church Walk Great Stukeley Little Stukeley<br />

Tel: (01480) 456476 Tel: (01480) 453213<br />

Fax: 07092 365508<br />

Rector<br />

Revd Andrew Milton<br />

Tel: (01480) 412674

Dates For Your Diary <strong>2012</strong><br />

Monday 6 th February Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm LSVH<br />

Wednesday 8 th February WI Meeting GSVH<br />

Saturday 11 th February Mens Breakfast 9.00am Grace Fellowship<br />

Wednesday 15 th February “Oh How We Laughed” 7.30pm GSVH<br />

Friday 17 th February Royal British Legion Coffee Morning 10.30-12noon GSVH<br />

Monday 21 st February March <strong>Magazine</strong> Cut-off Date 9.00am<br />

Friday 24 th February Games Evening 6.30pm Grace Fellowship<br />

Wednesday 29 th February Public Meeting about GSVH future 7.30pm GSVH<br />

Christmas Quiz - The Winners<br />

Congratulations to<br />

Gail & Pete Belcher<br />

whose entry to the Christmas Quiz was picked out at random from<br />

all the entries with all questions answered correctly. Well done.<br />

Please contact Martyn to arrange collection of your prize.<br />

Thank you to Steve Ryan of ERAS and The Marriott Leisure Club<br />

for providing the fantastic Prize.<br />

Take a look at the <strong>Magazine</strong> website at www.stukeleysmag.co.uk<br />

Email to: Martyn at martyn@stukeleysmag.co.uk<br />

Post/drop in to: 7 Hill Close, Great Stukeley PE28 4AZ<br />

Tel: 01480 432633 Mob: 07710 171924<br />

Please include your phone number in case of queries.

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