director - Ministarstvo finansija

director - Ministarstvo finansija director - Ministarstvo finansija


Activities of the minister BULLETIN OF THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE/JANUARY-MARCH 2006 March 10, 2006 – Minister of Finance Igor Lukšić hosted a working lunch with the media representatives - TOPIC: Stabilization and Association Process and negotiations on Stabilization and Association of Montenegro to the European Union. “The Government will soon complete the draft Law on State Aid, which should introduce European standards to Montenegro. It represents another condition to be met in order to access the European Union. European regulations imply that it is allowed to assist the industrial branches as whole, not individual enterprises”. gorička bank and emphasized that it was very significant, both in the view of regaining the citizens’ confidence into the banking system and the overall reform and development of banking sector in Montenegro. He pointed out that this example proved that investment risks in Montenegro show tendency of significant decrease and that signing the agreement with one of the biggest European banks, which entered the Montenegrin market, would bring about increase in competition of domestic banking system, what was a justified belief. It was jointly assessed that Podgorička bank privatization was one of the most significant and very successful privatizations – implemented in the last period, as well as that, on the basis of the up to now results, numerous positive breakthroughs could be stated since «Societe General» arrived. Mart 3, 2006 – Parliament of the Republic of Montenegro at the session from March 1, 2006 adopted the Law on Referendum on State – Legal Status of the Republic of Montenegro, which was published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro“, No 12/06. Pursuant to the provisions of the aforementioned law (Article 34), funds for implementation of the referendum shall be provided from the budgetary funds of the Republic. Apart from the funds for implementation of the referendum, the amount of 2.000.000,00 eur will be allocated from the budgetary funds not later than three days after the decision is made to call the referendum for the purpose of the referendum campaign funding for both referendum options (1.000.000,00eur for each referendum option). Funds for the referendum campaign funding are to be allocated to the referendum campaign entities, registered in accordance with the quoted law, who shall be obliged, pursuant to the provisions of Article 39 of the Law, to open a special giro account with an organ authorized to perform payment operations, which can not be used for other purposes but for collection of funds for the referendum campaign costs funding and for all payments linked to the referendum campaign costs funding. January 17, 2006 – Minister of Finance Dr Igor Lukšić took part in the Euromoney Conference in Vienna Minister Lukšić presented progress in achieving macroeconomic stability and economic indicators realization. He presented challenges in the framework of economic policy for the next period and emphasized the investment opportunities for the territory of Montenegro. It was underlined that important political processes in Montenegro, first of all, the referendum on independence in May, would not influence the economic developments and reform processes, which had no alternative. PR SERVICE OF THE MINISTRY Spokesperson, Ana Miljanić Senior employee I, Maja Bašić March 9, 2006 – The Minister of Finance Dr Igor Lukšić held talks with the delegation of the French Bank "Societe Generale" and Director General of "Podgorička bank" Mladen Rabrenović "Minister Lukšić expressed his satisfaction over the arrival of «Societe Generale» to Montenegro and successful privatization of Pod- 42

Macrofiscal report BULLETIN OF THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE/JANUARY-MARCH 2006 Report on macrofiscal developments in the 1st quarter of 2006 The Report on macrofiscal developments in the 1 st quarter of 2006 has been based on data under the financial statements of the budget of the Republic of Montenegro, extrabudgetary funds and local self-government units. The objective of the Report is to monitor realization of planned macrofiscal dimensions quarterly. Objectives of the public spending policy in 2006 include: continuation of the reforms implementation towards the accession to the EU; formalization of the grey economy; competition protection and improvement of competitiveness; companies and banks restructuring; and maintaining macroeconomic stability together with reduction of the public spending. Public spending in 2006 is projected to the amount of 785,26 mil. eur, or 44,64% of the GDP of the Republic of Montenegro. Deficit in public spending is projected to amount 38,77 mil. eur or 2,2 % of GDP. 1. PUBLIC SPENDING Public spending in the first quarter of 2006 amounted to 174.13 mil.eur. Deficit in public spending in the same period amounted to 1.99 mil.eur, out of which Government budget deficit accounts for 5.49 mil.eur, Pension and Disability Insurance Fund - 0.63 mil.eur , Health Insurance Fund- 0.46 mil.eur and local self-governments - 0.69 mil.eur. The Employment Agency has made a surplus to the amount of 3.50 mil.eur. Deficit in public spending, together with net repayment of domestic and foreign debt, was financed from the privatization receipts to the amount of 3.59 mil.eur and by reduction of deposit by 7.99 mil.eur. The Table below shows public spending realized in the first quarter of 2006: Total deficit in public spending on cash basis amounted 1.99 mil.eur for the first quarter of this year. The deficit was realized as follows: Government budget: to the amount of 5.49 mil.eur and was covered by the privatization receipts to the amount of 0.65 mil.eur, and by reduction of deposit to the amount of 11.19 mil.eur. Pension and Disability Insurance Fund: to the amount of 0.63 mil.eur and was covered by the privatization receipts to the amount of 2.51 mil.eur. Health Insurance Fund realized deficit in the first quarter to the amount of 0.46 mil.eur and was financed by reduction of deposit at the amount of 1.77 mil.eur Employment Agency has made a surplus to the amount of 3.50 mil.eur , and if income from the sold property to the amount of 0.42 mil.eur is added to the above sum, the deposit amounts to 3.92 mil.eur. Local self-government has realized deficit to the amount of 0.69 mil.eur, which was financed by reduction of deposit to the amount of 2.06 mil eur and net repayment of domestic credits to the amount of 1.43 mil.eur. 2. BUDGET OF THE REPUBLIC OF MONTENEGRO Current revenues of the Budget of the Republic of Montenegro in the first quarter of 2006 amounted to 102.88 mil. eur, representing an increase by 16,54 % as compared to those planned for the same period. As compared to the same period in 2005, the current revenues are higher by 42,65 %. Revenues realized in the first quarter are higher than those planned, providing conditions for budget execution as planned, provided that planned dynamics of increase is realized by the end of current year. Positive trend was particularly achieved with respect to the following types of revenues: Corporate Income Tax is higher by 1,77 mil. eur, or 89,05 % as compared to the plan for the same period, Real Estate & Rights Transfer Tax is higher by 0,3 mil. eur, or 52,33 % as compared to the plan for the same period, Value Added Tax is higher by 13,51 mil. eur, or 36,05 % as compared to the plan for the same period in 2006, which is in line with increasing trend in collection of this type of tax, International Trade and Transactions Tax is higher by 2,19 mil. eur, or 28,09 % as compared to the plan for the 1 st quarter of 2006. Expenditures of the Budget of the Republic of Montenegro for the period from January to March 2006, are executed to the amount of 109.10 mil. eur, being lower by 22.04 % than expenditures planned for the 1 st quarter of 2006. The following Table shows a comparative review of receipts and expenditures of the Budget of the Republic of Montenegro realized in the 1 st quarter of 2006. 3. PENSION AND DISABILITY INSURANCE FUND Review of receipts and expenditures realized by the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund in the 1 st quarter of 2006 is given in the following Table: Current revenues of the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund are realized to the amount of 26,57 mil. eur, being lower than planned by 4,13 mil. eur. In the first quarter of 2006, contributions were collected to the amount of 26,26 mil. eur, being lower than planned by 4,24 mil. eur. Transfers from budget amounted to 13,14 mil. eur, being lower than planned ones by 4,19 mil eur. Total spending by the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund amounts to 40,72 mil. eur, being lower than planned by 7,31 mil. eur, mainly due to the Fund’s incapability to fully meet its liabilities to the Health Insurance Fund with respect to the health care of pensioners. Deficit of the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund amounted to 0,63 mil. eur. 4. REPUBLIC HEALTH INSURANCE FUND Total revenues realized by the Health Insurance Fund amounted to 17,59 mil. eur, which is lower than planned by 1.77 mil. eur. Revenues from contributions amount to 16.20 mil. eur, being lower than planned by 2.96 mil.eur, while received transfers amount to 4,73 mil. eur, being lower than planned by 3.86 mil.eur. Review of revenues and expenditures of the Health Insurance Fund in the period from January to March 2006 is given in the following Table: 5. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY OF MONTENEGRO Total receipts of the Employment Agency of Montenegro amounted to 9.07 mil. eur, being higher than planned by 57.10% mil. eur. Revenues from contributions amount to 1.08 mil. eur, being lower than planned 43

Activities of the minister<br />


March 10, 2006 – Minister of Finance Igor Lukšić hosted a<br />

working lunch with the media representatives<br />

- TOPIC: Stabilization and Association Process and negotiations<br />

on Stabilization and Association of Montenegro to the<br />

European Union.<br />

“The Government will soon complete the draft Law on State Aid,<br />

which should introduce European standards to Montenegro. It represents<br />

another condition to be met in order to access the European<br />

Union. European regulations imply that it is allowed to assist the<br />

industrial branches as whole, not individual enterprises”.<br />

gorička bank and emphasized that it was very significant, both in the<br />

view of regaining the citizens’ confidence into the banking system<br />

and the overall reform and development of banking sector in Montenegro.<br />

He pointed out that this example proved that investment<br />

risks in Montenegro show tendency of significant decrease and that<br />

signing the agreement with one of the biggest European banks,<br />

which entered the Montenegrin market, would bring about increase<br />

in competition of domestic banking system, what was a justified belief.<br />

It was jointly assessed that Podgorička bank privatization was<br />

one of the most significant and very successful privatizations – implemented<br />

in the last period, as well as that, on the basis of the up<br />

to now results, numerous positive breakthroughs could be stated since<br />

«Societe General» arrived.<br />

Mart 3, 2006 – Parliament of the Republic of Montenegro<br />

at the session from March 1, 2006 adopted the Law on Referendum<br />

on State – Legal Status of the Republic of Montenegro,<br />

which was published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic<br />

of Montenegro“, No 12/06.<br />

Pursuant to the provisions of the aforementioned law (Article<br />

34), funds for implementation of the referendum shall be provided<br />

from the budgetary funds of the Republic. Apart from the funds for<br />

implementation of the referendum, the amount of 2.000.000,00 eur<br />

will be allocated from the budgetary funds not later than three days<br />

after the decision is made to call the referendum for the purpose of<br />

the referendum campaign funding for both referendum options<br />

(1.000.000,00eur for each referendum option). Funds for the referendum<br />

campaign funding are to be allocated to the referendum campaign<br />

entities, registered in accordance with the quoted law, who<br />

shall be obliged, pursuant to the provisions of Article 39 of the Law,<br />

to open a special giro account with an organ authorized to perform<br />

payment operations, which can not be used for other purposes but<br />

for collection of funds for the referendum campaign costs funding<br />

and for all payments linked to the referendum campaign costs funding.<br />

January 17, 2006 – Minister of Finance Dr Igor Lukšić took<br />

part in the Euromoney Conference in Vienna<br />

Minister Lukšić presented progress in achieving macroeconomic<br />

stability and economic indicators realization. He presented challenges<br />

in the framework of economic policy for the next period and emphasized<br />

the investment opportunities for the territory of Montenegro.<br />

It was underlined that important political processes in Montenegro,<br />

first of all, the referendum on independence in May, would not<br />

influence the economic developments and reform processes, which<br />

had no alternative.<br />


Spokesperson, Ana Miljanić<br />

Senior employee I, Maja Bašić<br />

March 9, 2006 – The Minister of Finance Dr Igor Lukšić<br />

held talks with the delegation of the French Bank "Societe Generale"<br />

and Director General of "Podgorička bank" Mladen Rabrenović<br />

"Minister Lukšić expressed his satisfaction over the arrival of «Societe<br />

Generale» to Montenegro and successful privatization of Pod-<br />


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