director - Ministarstvo finansija

director - Ministarstvo finansija director - Ministarstvo finansija


Law on Compulsory Traffic Insurances BULLETIN OF THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE/JANUARY-MARCH 2006 Law on Compulsory Traffic Insurances Pursuant to the existing law, the Compulsory Traffic Insurances are regulated by the single Law on Property and Personal Insurance ("Official Gazette of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia" No.30/96). In contrast to that, the Draft of the new Law on Insurance envisages adoption of the special law on compulsory traffic insurances. The reason for such approach in defining the legal regulations was determined due to the need to include in the provisions of this law a wide range of Republic entities, which should not be set in the framework of the laws regulating the conditions and manner of establishment, doing business and supervision of insurance companies and companies which perform activities linked to the insurance activities. At the same time, separating compulsory insurances in a special law points to significance of this insurance and enables its easier application. In addition, European Union Directives, which attach special importance to compulsory insurances, as well as many Conventions of international organizations in relation to traffic indicate to special definition of regulations on the level of compulsory insurance. The Law on Compulsory Traffic Insurances introduces certain novelties, such as e.g. obligation to collect and keep data necessary to conclude an agreement on insurance and indemnification of damages. In addition, this law envisages the possibility for healthcare, pension and disability insurance funds and voluntary healthcare insurance funds to ask the insurance companies to refund the amounts paid to their insurees, within limits of obligations assumed by the insurance agreement, what was not enabled by the past law. The Law envisages obligatory cooperation of insurance companies, which handle compulsory insurances in the Republic, in particular in relation to: - indemnification on the basis of the international agreements (green cards); - indemnification of damages caused by uninsured, unknown vehicles and vehicles insured with dissolved insurance companies; - proposals of conditions and tariffs of premiums for compulsory insurances, etc., Novelty in the Draft Law is establishment of an Indemnification Fund, which will perform indemnification of damages caused by the uninsured and unknown vehicles and damages caused by the vehicles insured with the dissolved insurance companies. The activities, which were transferred to the Association of Insurance Organizations of Serbia and Montenegro, (Guarantee Fund) by means of public authorizations in accordance with the past insurance, will be dealt with on the level of the Republic of Montenegro according to the new regulations. The Indemnification Fund is to be established within the regulatory body, and the manner of its functioning will be regulated by special regulations. Such regulations are adjusted to the conditions of Montenegrin Insurance Market. Milanka Obradović Draft Law on Compulsory Traffic Insurances consists of the following nine chapters: Basic Provisions; Insurance of Passengers in Public Transport against Consequences of Accident; Insurance of Motor Vehicles Owners against responsibility for damage inflicted to third parties; Insurance of Vessels Owners against responsibility for damage inflicted on third parties; Insurance of Aircrafts Owners against responsibility for damage inflicted on third parties; Cooperation of Insurance Companies and Branches of Foreign Insurance Companies; Indemnification Fund; Penalty Provisions; Transitional and Final Provisions. Adoption of this law will regulate the compulsory insurances issue in Montenegro in a more comprehensive manner and provide for protection of the citizens of Montenegro by means of relevant penalty policy in the framework of responsibility for damages caused by the traffic vehicles in the public transport. Department for insurance control Coordinator of the Department, MILANKA OBRADOVIĆ 36

Agenda of the Ministry of Finance BULLETIN OF THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE/JANUARY-MARCH 2006 Agenda of the Ministry of Finance for 2006 I. THEMATIC PART ECONOMIC POLICY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1.Information on the existing business barriers with proposal to adopt relevant regulations aimed at their elimination Information will make reference to the existing business barriers, assesment of situation and proposal to adopt relevant regulations aimed at their elimination. Analyzer: Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Spatial Planning, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Justice Term: I quarter Working group in charge: Commission for Economic Policy and Economic Development Commission for Financial System and Public Expenditures Commission for Political System and Internal Policy 2. Feasibility study of setting up regulatory mechanisms, which are related to privatization of enterprizes in the field of utility services The study will examine possible models of regulatory mechanisms, which will provide for a clear and transparent manner of realization of preceding activities, on the basis of which the privatization process public utility enterprizes will be carried out, and which will be respected by the local self-governance units. In addition, the Study will define also the manner of determination of services and delivered products prices policy in the field of utility services. Analyzer: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Spatial Planning in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice, Agency for Economic Restructuring and Foreign Investments and Community of Municipalities of Montenegro Term: III quarter Working groups in charge: Commission for Economic Policy and Economic Development Commission for Financial System and Public Expenditures 3. Feasibility study for establishment of a special entity for housing policy and National Housing Fund The objective of this study is to examine the most acceptable model for Montenegro for realization of activities related to the development in the field of housing, and in that connection, efficient implementation of Action Plan for Housing Policy as well as National Housing Fund. Analyzer: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Spatial Planning in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice, Agency for Economic Restructuring and Foreign Investments and Community of Municipalities of Montenegro Term: IV quarter Working groups in charge: Commission for Economic Policy and Economic Development Commission for Financial System and Public Expenditures FINANCIAL SYSTEM, SOCIAL ACTIVITIES AND SOCIAL POLICY MEASURES 1.Guidelines for capital budget drafting The guidelines will define the manner and procedure of capital budget drafting for the purpose of a more transparent financial reporting and providing a base for more quality decision-making in the area of economic policy. Analyzer: Ministry of Finance Term: I quarter Working groups in charge: Commission for Financial System and Public Expenditures Commission for Economic Policy and Economic Development Commission for Political System and Internal Policy Commission for Budget 2. Report on status of the public debt of Montenegro (until December 31, 2005), with reference to implementation of the Strategy for Public Debt Management of the Republic in 2005 The report will present the status of public debt on December 31, 2005. Analyzer: Ministry of Finance Term: I quarter Working group in charge: Commission for Financial System and Public Expenditures 3.Tax policy realization analysis for 2005 The analysis will examine the tax policy application effects in the previous year and its influence on economy, budget and funds. It will also propose the relevant measures for the policy improvement in the next year. Analyzer: Ministry of Finance, in cooperation with the Tax Administration Term: I quarter Working groups in charge: Commission for Financial System and Public Expenditures Commission for Economic Policy and Economic Development 4. Report on consolidated public expenditures (central budget, extrabudgetary funds and municipalities) in 2005 This report will elaborate indicators of the consolidated public expenditures (central budget, extrabudgetary funds and municipalities) in 2005. Analyzer: Ministry of Finance Term: I quarter Working group in charge: Commission for Financial System and Public Expenditures 5.Report on macrofiscal developments The report will contain indicators, which are related to the macrofiscal developments. Analyzer: Ministry of Finance Term: quarterly Working group in charge: Commission for Financial System and Public Expenditures 6.Report on implementation of the adopted Health Financial System Sustainability Plan for 2005-2007 Aiming at proceeding with the planned Health System Reform implementation, dynamics of implementation of the adopted plan will be reviewed. Report on implementation of the project ''Health System Promotion in Montenegro“, which is being carried out in cooperation with the World Bank, will 37

Law on Compulsory Traffic Insurances<br />


Law on Compulsory<br />

Traffic Insurances<br />

Pursuant to the existing law, the Compulsory<br />

Traffic Insurances are regulated<br />

by the single Law on Property<br />

and Personal Insurance ("Official Gazette<br />

of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia"<br />

No.30/96). In contrast to that, the Draft of<br />

the new Law on Insurance envisages adoption<br />

of the special law on compulsory traffic<br />

insurances.<br />

The reason for such approach in defining<br />

the legal regulations was determined<br />

due to the need to include in the provisions<br />

of this law a wide range of Republic<br />

entities, which should not be set in the framework<br />

of the laws regulating the conditions<br />

and manner of establishment, doing<br />

business and supervision of insurance<br />

companies and companies which perform<br />

activities linked to the insurance activities.<br />

At the same time, separating compulsory<br />

insurances in a special law points to significance<br />

of this insurance and enables its<br />

easier application. In addition, European<br />

Union Directives, which attach special importance<br />

to compulsory insurances, as<br />

well as many Conventions of international<br />

organizations in relation to traffic indicate<br />

to special definition of regulations on the<br />

level of compulsory insurance.<br />

The Law on Compulsory Traffic Insurances<br />

introduces certain novelties, such<br />

as e.g. obligation to collect and keep data<br />

necessary to conclude an agreement on insurance<br />

and indemnification of damages.<br />

In addition, this law envisages the possibility<br />

for healthcare, pension and disability<br />

insurance funds and voluntary healthcare<br />

insurance funds to ask the insurance companies<br />

to refund the amounts paid to<br />

their insurees, within limits of obligations<br />

assumed by the insurance agreement,<br />

what was not enabled by the past law.<br />

The Law envisages obligatory cooperation<br />

of insurance companies, which handle<br />

compulsory insurances in the Republic,<br />

in particular in relation to:<br />

- indemnification on the basis of the<br />

international agreements (green cards);<br />

- indemnification of damages caused<br />

by uninsured, unknown vehicles and vehicles<br />

insured with dissolved insurance companies;<br />

- proposals of conditions and tariffs of<br />

premiums for compulsory insurances, etc.,<br />

Novelty in the Draft Law is establishment<br />

of an Indemnification Fund,<br />

which will perform indemnification of damages<br />

caused by the uninsured and unknown<br />

vehicles and damages caused by the<br />

vehicles insured with the dissolved insurance<br />

companies. The activities, which were<br />

transferred to the Association of Insurance<br />

Organizations of Serbia and Montenegro,<br />

(Guarantee Fund) by means of public<br />

authorizations in accordance with the<br />

past insurance, will be dealt with on the<br />

level of the Republic of Montenegro according<br />

to the new regulations. The Indemnification<br />

Fund is to be established within<br />

the regulatory body, and the manner of its<br />

functioning will be regulated by special regulations.<br />

Such regulations are adjusted to the<br />

conditions of Montenegrin Insurance<br />

Market.<br />

Milanka Obradović<br />

Draft Law on Compulsory Traffic Insurances<br />

consists of the following nine chapters:<br />

Basic Provisions; Insurance of Passengers<br />

in Public Transport against Consequences<br />

of Accident; Insurance of Motor<br />

Vehicles Owners against responsibility for<br />

damage inflicted to third parties; Insurance<br />

of Vessels Owners against responsibility<br />

for damage inflicted on third parties; Insurance<br />

of Aircrafts Owners against responsibility<br />

for damage inflicted on third parties;<br />

Cooperation of Insurance Companies<br />

and Branches of Foreign Insurance Companies;<br />

Indemnification Fund; Penalty<br />

Provisions; Transitional and Final Provisions.<br />

Adoption of this law will regulate the<br />

compulsory insurances issue in Montenegro<br />

in a more comprehensive manner and<br />

provide for protection of the citizens of<br />

Montenegro by means of relevant penalty<br />

policy in the framework of responsibility<br />

for damages caused by the traffic vehicles<br />

in the public transport.<br />

Department for insurance control<br />

Coordinator of the Department,<br />



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