2008 Annual Monitoring Report (pdf 10.9MB) - Bolsa Chica ...

2008 Annual Monitoring Report (pdf 10.9MB) - Bolsa Chica ... 2008 Annual Monitoring Report (pdf 10.9MB) - Bolsa Chica ...

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Bolsa Chica Lowlands Restoration Monitoring 2008 Annual Report Table 1-20. Avian abundance by survey (2008) cont’d. Species Feb 08 Apr 08 Jun 08 Aug 08 Oct 08 Dec 08 Total Northern Flicker 1 1 Pacific-slope Flycatcher 1 1 Black Phoebe 9 1 14 19 23 29 95 Say's Phoebe 6 1 1 17 16 41 Western Kingbird 1 2 3 Cassin's Kingbird 2 1 1 3 7 Loggerhead Shrike 1 1 1 3 American Crow 33 7 25 8 15 4 92 Common Raven 6 8 2 16 Violet-green Swallow 42 8 50 Tree Swallow 23 23 46 Cliff Swallow 44 26 222 53 24 369 Northern Rough-winged Swallow 83 11 10 3 1 3 111 Barn Swallow 42 18 62 107 2 231 Unidentified Swallow 30 4 34 Bushtit 13 9 29 20 71 House Wren 2 1 6 3 6 18 Bewick's Wren 5 1 2 8 Marsh Wren 12 3 4 1 2 6 28 Blue-gray gnatcatcher 6 1 7 Northern Mockingbird 3 4 9 16 European Starling 17 13 10 2 19 10 71 American Pipit 30 11 41 Orange-crowned Warbler 3 3 Yellow-rumped Warbler 27 1 2 51 81 Common Yellowthroat 12 22 24 17 10 6 91 California Towhee 1 2 1 6 3 2 15 Savannah Sparrow 43 22 14 504 236 819 Belding's Savannah Sparrow 113 257 402 156 135 19 1082 Song Sparrow 16 18 11 13 7 65 White-crowned Sparrow 28 24 9 78 139 Unidentified Sparrow 9 4 13 Western Meadowlark 48 7 2 1 20 11 89 Red-winged Blackbird 20 35 2 2 12 71 Great-tailed Grackle 26 19 45 Brewer's Blackbird 32 32 Brown-headed Cowbird 3 3 House Finch 211 84 257 96 124 158 930 American Goldfinch 1 7 21 29 Lesser Goldfinch 6 6 6 7 25 Unidentified Goldfinch 1 1 House Sparrow 1 8 9 Total 8,948 9,779 3,818 9,387 8,793 10,412 51,137 * Species suspected of overcounting in some cases due to multiple sightings that could not be determined as either unique or duplicate. Merkel & Associates, Inc. 79

Bolsa Chica Lowlands Restoration Monitoring 2008 Annual Report (3.3%), American wigeon (Anas americana) (2.6%), ruddy duck (Oxyura jamaicensis) (2.3%), Belding’s Savannah sparrow (2.1 %), and marbled godwit (Limosa fedoa) (2.1%). The most abundant bird guild was shorebirds in all survey periods except June (3,567 individuals in February, 5,028 individuals in April, 7,059 individuals in August, 6,773 individuals in October, and 4,407 individuals in December) (Figure 1-17). Shorebirds made up an average of 53.8% of all birds observed, with a high of 77% in October 2008. During June the number of shorebirds dropped to 656 individuals and represented only 17.2% of the birds present. Number of birds 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 Jan 2008 Apr 2008 Jun 2008 Aug 2008 Oct 2008 Dec 2008 Mean- all 2008 surveys 2,000 1,000 0 Aerial Fish Foragers Coots and Rails Dabbling Ducks/ Geese Diving Ducks/ Grebes/ Cormorants Gulls Herons Raptors Shorebirds Upland Birds Figure 1-17. Avian abundance by guild at Bolsa Chica during 2008 surveys The most numerous shorebird species in 2008 was the western sandpiper with its highest numbers during August (4,867 individuals and 51.8% of all species), October (3,735 individuals, 42.4%) and April (2,723 individuals, 27.8%). There were low counts in December (1,342 individuals), February (630 individuals), and almost no western sandpipers in June (8 individuals). Other abundant shorebirds included black-bellied plover, dowitcher, marbled godwit, semipalmated plover (Charadrius semipalmatus), black-necked stilt (Himantopus himantopus), killdeer (Charadrius vociferous), and willet (Tringa semipalmata) in that order. In June, when most of the shorebirds were absent, the black-necked stilt was the most common shorebird. This is one of several shorebirds that nest at Bolsa Chica. The snowy plover is the only listed shorebird observed at Bolsa Chica and our count of 49 individuals in April was almost identical to the 50 adults observed on a focused count for this species in May. The second most abundant guild was dabbling ducks/geese which had high counts in December (2,721 individuals), February (2,125 individuals), and April (1,151 individuals) and remained present year round in smaller numbers. The most abundant of the dabbling ducks were northern shoveler, American wigeon, and northern pintail (Anas acuta). American wigeon and northern pintail were absent during the June and August surveys and present in only very small numbers during the February Merkel & Associates, Inc. 80

<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>Chica</strong> Lowlands Restoration <strong>Monitoring</strong><br />

<strong>2008</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong><br />

Table 1-20. Avian abundance by survey (<strong>2008</strong>) cont’d.<br />

Species Feb 08 Apr 08 Jun 08 Aug 08 Oct 08 Dec 08 Total<br />

Northern Flicker 1 1<br />

Pacific-slope Flycatcher 1 1<br />

Black Phoebe 9 1 14 19 23 29 95<br />

Say's Phoebe 6 1 1 17 16 41<br />

Western Kingbird 1 2 3<br />

Cassin's Kingbird 2 1 1 3 7<br />

Loggerhead Shrike 1 1 1 3<br />

American Crow 33 7 25 8 15 4 92<br />

Common Raven 6 8 2 16<br />

Violet-green Swallow 42 8 50<br />

Tree Swallow 23 23 46<br />

Cliff Swallow 44 26 222 53 24 369<br />

Northern Rough-winged Swallow 83 11 10 3 1 3 111<br />

Barn Swallow 42 18 62 107 2 231<br />

Unidentified Swallow 30 4 34<br />

Bushtit 13 9 29 20 71<br />

House Wren 2 1 6 3 6 18<br />

Bewick's Wren 5 1 2 8<br />

Marsh Wren 12 3 4 1 2 6 28<br />

Blue-gray gnatcatcher 6 1 7<br />

Northern Mockingbird 3 4 9 16<br />

European Starling 17 13 10 2 19 10 71<br />

American Pipit 30 11 41<br />

Orange-crowned Warbler 3 3<br />

Yellow-rumped Warbler 27 1 2 51 81<br />

Common Yellowthroat 12 22 24 17 10 6 91<br />

California Towhee 1 2 1 6 3 2 15<br />

Savannah Sparrow 43 22 14 504 236 819<br />

Belding's Savannah Sparrow 113 257 402 156 135 19 1082<br />

Song Sparrow 16 18 11 13 7 65<br />

White-crowned Sparrow 28 24 9 78 139<br />

Unidentified Sparrow 9 4 13<br />

Western Meadowlark 48 7 2 1 20 11 89<br />

Red-winged Blackbird 20 35 2 2 12 71<br />

Great-tailed Grackle 26 19 45<br />

Brewer's Blackbird 32 32<br />

Brown-headed Cowbird 3 3<br />

House Finch 211 84 257 96 124 158 930<br />

American Goldfinch 1 7 21 29<br />

Lesser Goldfinch 6 6 6 7 25<br />

Unidentified Goldfinch 1 1<br />

House Sparrow 1 8 9<br />

Total 8,948 9,779 3,818 9,387 8,793 10,412 51,137<br />

* Species suspected of overcounting in some cases due to multiple sightings that could not be determined as either unique or duplicate.<br />

Merkel & Associates, Inc. 79

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