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SECTION 3: ANALYSIS These nine primary principal components were back-correlated with the original variables in the dataset (Table 3-24). The first principal component is highly correlated with petroluem compounds (e.g., PAHs, TPH, waste oil, etc.) and may be interpreted as a measure of petroleum contamination. The second principal component best correlates to metals (nickel, vanadium, mercury, zinc, and lead) and total PCBs. The third component is positively correlated to organochlorines and copper and negatively correlated to petroleum compounds. Component 4 is negatively correlated to PAHs and positively correlated to organochlorines and metals (Table 3-24). Component 5 is positively correlated to inorganics and negatively correlated to organochlorines. 3.2.2 Stressor-Response Profile The stressor-response profile presents the results of the stressor-response analysis. It results in a set of reference toxicity values (RTVs) that were then used as the basis for estimating risks to representative species at the Bolsa Chica Lowlands. The RTVs were selected primarily from the site-specific dose-response information, in addition to other available sources, including toxicological databases, wildlife toxicological reviews, and scientific literature. The most conservative of the reliable RTVs generally were used, because of the stated future land use (mitigation and wildlife refuge). The RTVs were selected according to a specified hierarchy. This was presented for aquatic organisms (sediment and surface water exposure) in Sections 2.3.3 and 3.2.2, and for terrestrial organisms in Section 3.2.2. The RTVs included both acute and chronic effect levels. The selection of RTVs for the various receptor groups is presented below. In addition, the GIS application and Tables 3-25 to 3-28 identify the RTVs that were used in the risk calculations. RTVs representing no observed adverse effect levels (NOAELs), NOECs, lowest observed adverse effect levels (LOAELs), or LOECs are preferred over those for lethal doses or concentrations (such as LD 50 or LC 50 ). The RTVs for terrestrial plants and invertebrates exposed to sediment/soil were obtained from several sources, including wildlife toxicity reviews, literature searches, and toxicity databases, such as PHYTOTOX and the database compiled by Efroymson et al. (1997a and 1997b). The RTVs are presented in Table 3-25 for terrestrial plants and in Table 3-26 for terrestrial invertebrates. The RTVs for birds and mammals exposed to sediment/soil and surface water were obtained from several sources, including wildlife toxicity reviews, literature searches, Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables (HEAST), Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), and toxicity databases, such as TERRETOX. The most conservative RTVs were typically selected for terrestrial receptors with the following two additional criteria: Where possible, a) values that were based on test species most similar to representative Bolsa Chica species were selected, and b) sources reporting both a NOAEL and a LOAEL were generally preferred. The RTVs are presented in Table 3-27 for birds and in Table 3-28 for mammals. The RTVs for aquatic organisms (e.g., benthic macroinvertebrates) exposed to sediment were obtained from the dose-response regression analyses conducted on the amphipod survival and reburial bioassays and Nereis bioaccumulation studies described in the previous section. The ER-L and ER-M values from Long et al. (1995), and Long and Morgan (1990) where not available in Long et al. (1995), are also included as reference benchmarks. RTVs obtained from Long and Morgan (1990) include 4,4’-DDD, 4,4’-DDT, chlordane, and SAC/143368(003.DOC) 3-37 ERA REPORT 7/31/02

SECTION 3: ANALYSIS dieldrin. These values do not have as high a degree of confidence as those obtained from Long et al., 1995 because of limited sample size. The RTVs for sediment are presented in Table 3-29. The RTVs for aquatic organisms (e.g., invertebrates and fish) exposed to surface water were obtained from the California Water Quality Standards (U.S. EPA, 2000), as well as sitespecific bioassay using topsmelt, Ceriodaphnia, and Mysidopsis (described in the previous section). In addition, RTVs for aquatic plants exposed to surface water are presented. The RTVs for surface water are presented in Table 3-30. ERA REPORT 3-38 SAC/143368(003.DOC) 7/31/02


These nine primary principal components were back-correlated with the original variables<br />

in the dataset (Table 3-24). The first principal component is highly correlated with<br />

petroluem compounds (e.g., PAHs, TPH, waste oil, etc.) and may be interpreted as a<br />

measure of petroleum contamination. The second principal component best correlates to<br />

metals (nickel, vanadium, mercury, zinc, and lead) and total PCBs. The third component is<br />

positively correlated to organochlorines and copper and negatively correlated to petroleum<br />

compounds. Component 4 is negatively correlated to PAHs and positively correlated to<br />

organochlorines and metals (Table 3-24). Component 5 is positively correlated to inorganics<br />

and negatively correlated to organochlorines.<br />

3.2.2 Stressor-Response Profile<br />

The stressor-response profile presents the results of the stressor-response analysis. It results in<br />

a set of reference toxicity values (RTVs) that were then used as the basis for estimating risks to<br />

representative species at the <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>Chica</strong> <strong>Lowlands</strong>. The RTVs were selected primarily from<br />

the site-specific dose-response information, in addition to other available sources, including<br />

toxicological databases, wildlife toxicological reviews, and scientific literature.<br />

The most conservative of the reliable RTVs generally were used, because of the stated future<br />

land use (mitigation and wildlife refuge). The RTVs were selected according to a specified<br />

hierarchy. This was presented for aquatic organisms (sediment and surface water exposure)<br />

in Sections 2.3.3 and 3.2.2, and for terrestrial organisms in Section 3.2.2. The RTVs included<br />

both acute and chronic effect levels. The selection of RTVs for the various receptor groups is<br />

presented below. In addition, the GIS application and Tables 3-25 to 3-28 identify the RTVs<br />

that were used in the risk calculations. RTVs representing no observed adverse effect levels<br />

(NOAELs), NOECs, lowest observed adverse effect levels (LOAELs), or LOECs are<br />

preferred over those for lethal doses or concentrations (such as LD 50 or LC 50 ).<br />

The RTVs for terrestrial plants and invertebrates exposed to sediment/soil were obtained<br />

from several sources, including wildlife toxicity reviews, literature searches, and toxicity<br />

databases, such as PHYTOTOX and the database compiled by Efroymson et al. (1997a and<br />

1997b). The RTVs are presented in Table 3-25 for terrestrial plants and in Table 3-26 for<br />

terrestrial invertebrates.<br />

The RTVs for birds and mammals exposed to sediment/soil and surface water were<br />

obtained from several sources, including wildlife toxicity reviews, literature searches,<br />

Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables (HEAST), Integrated Risk Information System<br />

(IRIS), and toxicity databases, such as TERRETOX. The most conservative RTVs were<br />

typically selected for terrestrial receptors with the following two additional criteria: Where<br />

possible, a) values that were based on test species most similar to representative <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>Chica</strong><br />

species were selected, and b) sources reporting both a NOAEL and a LOAEL were generally<br />

preferred. The RTVs are presented in Table 3-27 for birds and in Table 3-28 for mammals.<br />

The RTVs for aquatic organisms (e.g., benthic macroinvertebrates) exposed to sediment<br />

were obtained from the dose-response regression analyses conducted on the amphipod<br />

survival and reburial bioassays and Nereis bioaccumulation studies described in the<br />

previous section. The ER-L and ER-M values from Long et al. (1995), and Long and Morgan<br />

(1990) where not available in Long et al. (1995), are also included as reference benchmarks.<br />

RTVs obtained from Long and Morgan (1990) include 4,4’-DDD, 4,4’-DDT, chlordane, and<br />

SAC/143368(003.DOC) 3-37 ERA REPORT<br />


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