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SECTION 3: ANALYSIS sampling program is included in Table A-1. Biota (terrestrial plants, terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates, fish, black-necked stilt eggs, and small mammals) were collected at various locations within the Lowlands (as shown in Figure 3-1). Focused sampling was conducted to characterize and determine the extent of contamination of selected known or suspected sites where previous industrial activity took place and to measure chemicals present in surface water inflows to the Lowlands. In the ERA Sampling and Analyses phase of the project, sediment samples were taken within the selected sites to provide media for bioassays and to determine concentrations of contaminants at various depths; they were analyzed for Suites A, B, or C. Surface water inflow areas were sampled for pH, conductivity, metals, organochlorine herbicides, and organophosphorus insecticides during low-flow and storm events. Table A-2 in Appendix A summarizes the chemical analyses of surface sediments collected during the field sampling (Suite C), sediments or water tested for toxicity/bioaccumulation (Suite C or D), and sediment/soil collected from deeper depths within the same sample cores (Suites A and B). In addition, plant and animal tissues were analyzed for those chemicals that were likely to bioaccumulate, including metals, organochlorine insecticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polycyclic aromatic hyrocarbons (PAHs) (Suite E). Bird eggs were analyzed using a modified Suite E, which includes all Suite E compounds except PAHs. Tissue samples resulting from the laboratory bioaccumulation exposures were also analyzed for contaminants (Suite E). Focused Sampling and Analyses The purpose of the focused sampling program was to further characterize known or potential sources of contamination within the Lowlands. The focused sampling sites include Random Follow-up sites (composite areas sampled during the Random Sampling where at least one analyte exceeded benchmarks selected by the Technical Committee), CAR sites, and Partially Characterized sites (previously sampled by Tetra Tech [1996]). The sampling strategy is discussed in more detail in Appendix A, and the numbers of samples are listed by facility/feature and analytical suite in Table A-1: Random Follow-up Random Follow-up sites are discrete locations sampled during the Random Sampling program where the composite sample representing those locations had at least one analyte that exceeded criteria established by the Technical Committee. Calculated LC20 and LC50 values (from the Bolsa Chica ERA), Effects Range-Low (ER-L) and Effects Range-Median (ER-M) values published by Long et al. (1995), and calculated background levels were used by the Technical Committee as guidelines in establishing the selection of Random Follow-up sites. A total of 190 Random Follow-up sites were sampled and are shown in Table A-1 in Appendix A. Most of the individual random sampling locations were re-sampled to a depth of 0.5 feet bgs. Boring depths were advanced to the original project depth of 6 feet bgs when the bottom composite sample exceeded any of the above stated criteria. Selection of analyses to be performed on the Random Follow-up sites was based on those constituents that exceeded screening levels set by the Technical Committee on sediment/soil samples at the intervals where the exceedances occurred at each location. Appendix A provides a complete listing of analyses performed on the Random Follow-up samples. SAC/143368(003.DOC) 3-3 ERA REPORT 7/31/02

SECTION 3: ANALYSIS CAR Sites A total of 233 locations were sampled in CAR sites as part of the focused sampling. Most of these CAR sites were “Plate 1 Schaefer-Dixon Anomalies,” those areas within project boundaries identified from aerial photographs to be areas of disturbed morphology, possibly from industrial or recreational activity (Schaefer Dixon Associates, 1991). All CAR site borings were advanced to 6 feet bgs. Samples from each boring were collected at three intervals; 0 to 6 inches, 30 to 36 inches, and 66 to 72 inches. The middle and bottom intervals from each boring were combined into a single sample. For those CAR sites that were less than 1 acre, two borings were collected. However, if the CAR site was less than 0.1 acre then the two top samples were composited together and the two middle/bottom samples were composited together. One boring was collected for every acre or partial acre for those CAR sites that are greater than 1 acre. No horizontal compositing was conducted. All top samples were analyzed for the “modified” Suite C list of constituents (Table A-2), and middle/bottom samples were analyzed for the Suite B list of constituents. A detailed list of the CAR sites, the number of locations and samples within each site, and the analyses performed are found in Appendix A. Partially Characterized Sites The Partially Characterized sites are the focused facilities or features sampled by Tetra Tech (1996) for which some existing data were available (Figure 3-3). The sampling plan for the Partially Characterized sites was developed using all existing Tetra Tech and CH2M HILL data matched to the list of facilities and features. Sampling rates, analyses performed and depths below ground surface were used in determining whether any additional characterization was needed at a particular focused site. Some facilities and features, such as the oil wells and the roads and berms, were sufficiently characterized and are not scheduled for additional sampling until the delineation phase, during which the extent of the contamination will be identified. A total of 76 Partially Characterized sites were sampled. Below is an explanation of the sampling and analysis plan for each type of facility or feature. A list of Partially Characterized sites for each type of facility or feature can be found in Appendix A. Note that some samples were previously collected during the ERA Sampling program (CH2M HILL, 1998a). Specific locations, numbers of samples, and analyses performed in the modified sampling plan are detailed in Appendix A. Sumps Most of the sumps defined by Tetra Tech were less than 1 acre. There is, however, one site that is approximately 3 acres and one site, a settling basin, that is about 5 acres. For those sites that are 1 acre or less, two cores were collected in each. The other two sites were sampled at a density of 1 core per acre. There were 29 sumps sampled during the second phase of sampling. Each core was bored down to 6 feet bgs. Three samples were collected from each boring (surface, mid, and bottom). The surface interval (0 to 6 inches) from the first core at each sump was analyzed for the modified Suite C list of constituents. All other surface samples at ERA REPORT 3-4 SAC/143368(003.DOC) 7/31/02


CAR Sites<br />

A total of 233 locations were sampled in CAR sites as part of the focused sampling. Most of<br />

these CAR sites were “Plate 1 Schaefer-Dixon Anomalies,” those areas within project<br />

boundaries identified from aerial photographs to be areas of disturbed morphology,<br />

possibly from industrial or recreational activity (Schaefer Dixon Associates, 1991).<br />

All CAR site borings were advanced to 6 feet bgs. Samples from each boring were collected<br />

at three intervals; 0 to 6 inches, 30 to 36 inches, and 66 to 72 inches. The middle and bottom<br />

intervals from each boring were combined into a single sample.<br />

For those CAR sites that were less than 1 acre, two borings were collected. However, if the<br />

CAR site was less than 0.1 acre then the two top samples were composited together and the<br />

two middle/bottom samples were composited together.<br />

One boring was collected for every acre or partial acre for those CAR sites that are greater<br />

than 1 acre. No horizontal compositing was conducted. All top samples were analyzed for<br />

the “modified” Suite C list of constituents (Table A-2), and middle/bottom samples were<br />

analyzed for the Suite B list of constituents.<br />

A detailed list of the CAR sites, the number of locations and samples within each site, and<br />

the analyses performed are found in Appendix A.<br />

Partially Characterized Sites<br />

The Partially Characterized sites are the focused facilities or features sampled by Tetra Tech<br />

(1996) for which some existing data were available (Figure 3-3). The sampling plan for the<br />

Partially Characterized sites was developed using all existing Tetra Tech and CH2M HILL<br />

data matched to the list of facilities and features. Sampling rates, analyses performed and<br />

depths below ground surface were used in determining whether any additional<br />

characterization was needed at a particular focused site. Some facilities and features, such as<br />

the oil wells and the roads and berms, were sufficiently characterized and are not scheduled<br />

for additional sampling until the delineation phase, during which the extent of the<br />

contamination will be identified.<br />

A total of 76 Partially Characterized sites were sampled. Below is an explanation of the<br />

sampling and analysis plan for each type of facility or feature. A list of Partially<br />

Characterized sites for each type of facility or feature can be found in Appendix A. Note that<br />

some samples were previously collected during the ERA Sampling program (CH2M HILL,<br />

1998a). Specific locations, numbers of samples, and analyses performed in the modified<br />

sampling plan are detailed in Appendix A.<br />

Sumps<br />

Most of the sumps defined by Tetra Tech were less than 1 acre. There is, however, one site<br />

that is approximately 3 acres and one site, a settling basin, that is about 5 acres. For those<br />

sites that are 1 acre or less, two cores were collected in each. The other two sites were<br />

sampled at a density of 1 core per acre. There were 29 sumps sampled during the second<br />

phase of sampling.<br />

Each core was bored down to 6 feet bgs. Three samples were collected from each boring<br />

(surface, mid, and bottom). The surface interval (0 to 6 inches) from the first core at each<br />

sump was analyzed for the modified Suite C list of constituents. All other surface samples at<br />

ERA REPORT 3-4 SAC/143368(003.DOC)<br />


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