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SECTION 4: RISK CHARACTERIZATION dose-response effect could be observed if it were present. The data had to be transformed back to the original state after the regression analyses so that the EC 50 could be estimated. The transformation and then back-transformation can result in some uncertainty. The uncertainty in the estimated EC 50 values is inversely proportional to both the sample size and r 2 for the regression model on which they are based. As both sample size and r 2 increase, confidence in the EC 50 increases. The best EC 50 measurements (e.g., those with the least uncertainty) are based on models with the highest r 2 (i.e., > 0.5) and the largest sample sizes, followed by EC 50 based on models with high r 2 and small sample sizes. Moderate uncertainty is associated with EC 50 based on models where 0.2 < r 2 < 0.5. Given the small amount of variation they describe, the EC 50 based on models with r 2 < 0.2, regardless of sample size, are not recommended for use in remedial decisionmaking. For Nereis (in sediment), topsmelt (in surface water), and Mysidopsis (in surface water), it was not possible to determine the maximum concentrations of any chemicals that would not cause significant effects (the NOECs) or the lowest concentrations that cause effects (LOECs). This occurred because no effects were observed at the highest exposure concentrations that were tested. Therefore, the NOECs and LOECs for those species represent uncertainties, may result in an overestimation of the HQ. Uncertainties associated with the selection of RTVs for use in the ERA include the effects data available and extrapolations made. An attempt was made to identify RTVs for each chemical for each receptor group, but toxicological information that can be correlated to media concentrations is generally limited for terrestrial plants, invertebrates, and birds. In general, RTVs for terrestrial receptors were limited to chronic no-effect and low-effect levels. RTVs for aquatic receptors included both chronic and acute effect levels. As such, the highest level of risk that could potentially quantified was Category B for terrestrial receptors and Category A for aquatic receptors. Lack of RTVs for several chemicals results in uncertainty of the risk posed by these chemicals. Receptors that had the least number of RTVs available were terrestrial plants, terrestrial invertebrates, and birds. RTVs were available for most chemicals for mammals and aquatic receptors. The other main source of uncertainty in RTVs is for those chemicals for which the only RTV available was a NOEC based on a toxicity bioassay which did not show any toxicity. Since there were no other RTVs with which to compare the HQs, it is unknown whether the HQ represents an accurate estimation or is over-estimated. The other site-specific RTVs (e.g., NOECs, LOECs, LC 20 s, and LC 50 s) were generally within the same magnitude as established benchmarks, but not in all cases. Specifically, some LC 20 values were far more conservative than ER-Ls. 4.3.3 Risk Characterization Uncertainties related to the risk characterization include the use of hazard quotients to quantify potential risks and the assumption that estimated risks for the representative species will be protective of all similar receptors. Hazard quotients are an estimate of potential risk and, while it can be conservatively determined that if an HQ exceeds one there is a potential for risk, the magnitude of the HQ cannot be used as a definitive measure of the risk. Different types of effect levels such as SAC/143368(004.DOC) 4-27 ERA REPORT 7/31/02

SECTION 4: RISK CHARACTERIZATION no-effect levels, low-effect levels, and acute effect levels are used to aid in the weighting of potential risks. In addition, results of toxicity bioassays are also used to increase the confidence in the estimation of risk to a given receptor. Given the differences in species, the estimated risks for one species may be over-or underrepresentative of another species. 4.3.4 Overall Uncertainty The uncertainties that have the greatest impact on the results of the ERA and their potential impact are listed below: • Use of ½ non-detect limits for estimating risk – overestimation of HQs. The HQs would be lower if the actual value in that sample was much less than 1/2 the reporting limit and the maximum detected value had been used. In some cases the HQ would have been within the same order of magnitude, but in others, it would have been less and may possibly have resulted in an HQ less than 1. • Use of “0” for reporting non-detected chemicals – results in an underestimation of the exposure point concentrations using the 95 th UCL. These calculations typically use ½ the non-detect value. Use of “0”s lowers the 95 th UCL and as such lowers the resulting HQs. • Lack of any RTV for a given chemical and receptor – level of impact varies based on whether there is an RTV for the given chemical for another receptor group (e.g., RTVs for 4,4’-DDD were not available for terrestrial plants or invertebrates, but were available for birds and mammals). If the chemical can be evaluated at some trophic level, then there is less uncertainty than if the chemical could not be evaluated at all. • Lack of site-specific RTVs – level of impact varies depending on the chemical and receptors potentially involved. Site-specific RTVs add power to the quantification of risk and may provide RTVs where none were available in the literature, but if they complement those available in the literature, then the impact is minimal. Use of RTVs with inherent uncertainty – level of impact can be minimal or large. RTVs with some uncertainty include those taken from older references (e.g., Long and Morgan, 1990) that are not used in more recent references as well as those that are based on toxicity bioassays in which there were no toxic effects. The use of older references had a minimal impact as they allowed quantification of risks to some chemicals that would otherwise have no other low-confidence RTVs. Use of NOECs from toxicity bioassays that had no toxic response could have a larger impact and result in overestimated risks for those chemicals. This was most apparent in the estimates for aquatic receptor exposure to sediment (Table 4-3). ERA REPORT 4-28 SAC/143368(004.DOC) 7/31/02


no-effect levels, low-effect levels, and acute effect levels are used to aid in the weighting<br />

of potential risks. In addition, results of toxicity bioassays are also used to increase the<br />

confidence in the estimation of risk to a given receptor.<br />

Given the differences in species, the estimated risks for one species may be over-or underrepresentative<br />

of another species.<br />

4.3.4 Overall Uncertainty<br />

The uncertainties that have the greatest impact on the results of the ERA and their potential<br />

impact are listed below:<br />

• Use of ½ non-detect limits for estimating risk – overestimation of HQs. The HQs would<br />

be lower if the actual value in that sample was much less than 1/2 the reporting limit<br />

and the maximum detected value had been used. In some cases the HQ would have<br />

been within the same order of magnitude, but in others, it would have been less and<br />

may possibly have resulted in an HQ less than 1.<br />

• Use of “0” for reporting non-detected chemicals – results in an underestimation of the<br />

exposure point concentrations using the 95 th UCL. These calculations typically use ½ the<br />

non-detect value. Use of “0”s lowers the 95 th UCL and as such lowers the resulting HQs.<br />

• Lack of any RTV for a given chemical and receptor – level of impact varies based on<br />

whether there is an RTV for the given chemical for another receptor group (e.g., RTVs<br />

for 4,4’-DDD were not available for terrestrial plants or invertebrates, but were available<br />

for birds and mammals). If the chemical can be evaluated at some trophic level, then<br />

there is less uncertainty than if the chemical could not be evaluated at all.<br />

• Lack of site-specific RTVs – level of impact varies depending on the chemical and<br />

receptors potentially involved. Site-specific RTVs add power to the quantification of risk<br />

and may provide RTVs where none were available in the literature, but if they<br />

complement those available in the literature, then the impact is minimal.<br />

Use of RTVs with inherent uncertainty – level of impact can be minimal or large. RTVs with<br />

some uncertainty include those taken from older references (e.g., Long and Morgan, 1990) that<br />

are not used in more recent references as well as those that are based on toxicity bioassays in<br />

which there were no toxic effects. The use of older references had a minimal impact as they<br />

allowed quantification of risks to some chemicals that would otherwise have no other<br />

low-confidence RTVs. Use of NOECs from toxicity bioassays that had no toxic response<br />

could have a larger impact and result in overestimated risks for those chemicals. This was<br />

most apparent in the estimates for aquatic receptor exposure to sediment (Table 4-3).<br />

ERA REPORT 4-28 SAC/143368(004.DOC)<br />


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