Tirupathi Urban Development Authority declaring the Bid as non-responsive. However, TUDA may solicit the Bidder’s consent for extension of the period of validity. 4.10.11 TUDA reserves the right to reject any Bid which is not sealed and marked as instructed above and TUDA will assume no responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening of the Bid. 4.11 Bid Submission 4.11.1 The Bidder can submit the Bid, in the manner and form as detailed in the RFP, by registered post/ courier or submit the Bid in person, so as to reach the under mentioned address by 1500 IST on the Bid Due Date stipulated in Section 4.1. TUDA shall not be responsible for any delay in submission of the Bids. Any Bid received by TUDA after the deadline for submission of the Bids stipulated in Section 4.1 shall not be opened. Vice Chairman Tirupati Urban Development Authority Tirupati - 517501 Tel.: +91-877-2225803 Fax: +91-877-2225730 4.11.2 TUDA may, in exceptional circumstances and at its sole discretion, extend the Bid Due Date by issuing an Addendum in accordance with Section 3.8 uniformly for all Bidders. 4.12 Late Bids Any Proposal received by TUDA after 1500 hours IST on the Bid Due Date will not accepted by TUDA. 4.13 Modifications / Substitution / Withdrawal of Proposals 4.13.1 A Bidder may modify, substitute, or withdraw its Bid after submission, provided that written notice of the modification, substitution, or withdrawal is received by TUDA before or by the Bid Due Date and Time. No Proposal shall be modified, substituted or withdrawn by the Bidder after the Bid Due Date and Time. 4.13.2 The modification, substitution, or withdrawal notice shall be prepared in Original only and each page of the notice shall be stamped. The copy of the notice shall be sealed, marked, and delivered in accordance with Section 4.10, with the envelope being additionally marked “MODIFICATION”, “SUBSTITUTION” or “WITHDRAWAL” as appropriate. 4.14 Instructions to Bidders All Bidders should note the following: Request For Proposal Development of Integrated Tourism Temple Township on Public Private Partnership Basis 21

Tirupathi Urban Development Authority 1. Bids that are incomplete in any respect or those that are not consistent with the requirements as specified in this Request for Proposal or those that do not contain the Covering Letter or Letters of Acceptance as per the specified formats may be considered non-responsive and may be liable for rejection. 2. Strict adherence to formats, wherever specified, is required. Non -adherence to formats may be a ground for declaring the Bid non -responsive. 3. TUDA reserves the right to seek additional information from the Bidders, if found necessary, during the course of evaluation of the Bid. Non-submission, incomplete submission or delayed submission of such additional information or clarifications sought by TUDA, may be a ground for rejecting the Bid. 4. All communication and information provided should be legible, and wherever the information is given in figures, the same should also be mentioned in words. 5. The Bids shall be evaluated as per the criteria specified in this RFP Document. However, within the broad framework of the evaluation parameters as stated in the Request for Proposal, TUDA reserves the right to make modifications to the stated evaluation criteria, which would be uniformly applied to all the Bidders. 6. The Bidder should designate one person (“Contact Person” and “Authorised Representative and Signatory”) authorised to represent the Bidder in its dealings with TUDA. This designated person should hold the Power of Attorney and be authorised to perform all tasks including but not limited to providing information, responding to enquiries, entering into contractual commitments on behalf of the Bidder etc. The Covering Letter submitted by the Bidder shall be signed by the Authorised Signatory and shall bear the stamp of the entity thereof. 7. The Bid (and any additional information requested subsequently) shall also bear the initials of the Authorised Signatory and stamp of the entity thereof on each page of the Bid. 8. TUDA also reserves the overriding right to reject any Bid pursuant to any change in the composition of the Bidding Company / Bidding Consortium without ascribing any reasons whatsoever. 9. TUDA reserves the right to reject any or all of the Bids without assigning any reason whatsoever. 10. Anti-collusion Section: If TUDA detects collusion amongst the Bidders at any stage during the bidding process or subsequent to the award of the Project, it shall have a right to take such actions as it may deem fit to ensure not only the sanctity of the bidding process but also to protect its interests in the context of its broader obligations towards the society. 11. Mere submission of information does not entitle the Bidder to meet an eligibility criterion. TUDA reserves the right to vet and verify any or all information submitted by the Bidder. 12. If any claim made or information provided by the Bidder in the Bid or any information provided by the Bidder in response to any subsequent query by TUDA, is found to be incorrect or is a material misrepresentation of facts, then the Bid will be liable for rejection with Bid Security forfeited. Mere clerical errors or bonafide mistakes may be treated as an exception at the sole discretion of TUDA and if TUDA is adequately satisfied. Request For Proposal Development of Integrated Tourism Temple Township on Public Private Partnership Basis 22

Tirupathi Urban Development Authority<br />

1. Bids that are incomplete in any respect or those that are not consistent with the<br />

requirements as specified in this Request for Proposal or those that do not contain the<br />

Covering Letter or Letters of Acceptance as per the specified formats may be considered<br />

non-responsive and may be liable for rejection.<br />

2. Strict adherence to formats, wherever specified, is required. Non -adherence to formats<br />

may be a ground for declaring the Bid non -responsive.<br />

3. TUDA reserves the right to seek additional information from the Bidders, if found<br />

necessary, during the course of evaluation of the Bid. Non-submission, incomplete<br />

submission or delayed submission of such additional information or clarifications sought<br />

by TUDA, may be a ground for rejecting the Bid.<br />

4. All communication and information provided should be legible, and wherever the<br />

information is given in figures, the same should also be mentioned in words.<br />

5. The Bids shall be evaluated as per the criteria specified in this RFP Document. However,<br />

within the broad framework of the evaluation parameters as stated in the Request for<br />

Proposal, TUDA reserves the right to make modifications to the stated evaluation criteria,<br />

which would be uniformly applied to all the Bidders.<br />

6. The Bidder should designate one person (“Contact Person” and “Authorised<br />

Representative and Signatory”) authorised to represent the Bidder in its dealings with<br />

TUDA. This designated person should hold the Power of Attorney and be authorised to<br />

perform all tasks including but not limited to providing information, responding to<br />

enquiries, entering into contractual commitments on behalf of the Bidder etc. The<br />

Covering Letter submitted by the Bidder shall be signed by the Authorised Signatory and<br />

shall bear the stamp of the entity thereof.<br />

7. The Bid (and any additional information requested subsequently) shall also bear the<br />

initials of the Authorised Signatory and stamp of the entity thereof on each page of the<br />

Bid.<br />

8. TUDA also reserves the overriding right to reject any Bid pursuant to any change in the<br />

composition of the Bidding Company / Bidding Consortium without ascribing any reasons<br />

whatsoever.<br />

9. TUDA reserves the right to reject any or all of the Bids without assigning any reason<br />

whatsoever.<br />

10. Anti-collusion Section: If TUDA detects collusion amongst the Bidders at any stage during<br />

the bidding process or subsequent to the award of the Project, it shall have a right to take<br />

such actions as it may deem fit to ensure not only the sanctity of the bidding process but<br />

also to protect its interests in the context of its broader obligations towards the society.<br />

11. Mere submission of information does not entitle the Bidder to meet an eligibility criterion.<br />

TUDA reserves the right to vet and verify any or all information submitted by the Bidder.<br />

12. If any claim made or information provided by the Bidder in the Bid or any information<br />

provided by the Bidder in response to any subsequent query by TUDA, is found to be<br />

incorrect or is a material misrepresentation of facts, then the Bid will be liable for rejection<br />

with Bid Security forfeited. Mere clerical errors or bonafide mistakes may be treated as an<br />

exception at the sole discretion of TUDA and if TUDA is adequately satisfied.<br />

Request For Proposal<br />

Development of Integrated Tourism Temple Township on Public Private Partnership Basis<br />


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