Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group

Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group
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Seeing Sitaa maataa, Hanumaanji stood up. With smiling face, the great queen asked: ―Why Maaruti! Are you well?‖ ―Yes mother. I am enjoying very much serving Bhagwaan‖, saying thus Hanumaanji bowed. The daughter of Janak pacing slowly reached Bhagwaan and seated by him. She greatly enjoyed talking to Pavankumaar. She said: ―O Maaruti, if continually keep serving the Lord, he will become too dependent He will not be capable of doing anything himself.‖ Hearing tis, Hanumaanji raised his head and said: ―Mother, what need is there for the Lord to do anything himself. Why should he take any effort to do anything? I am here to do it.‖ Observing the guileless behaviour the great queen smiled. And then said: ―You are right. But is the use of presence 24 hours per day by Bhagwaan? You should leave him alone for a time. He will not have any difficulty with that.‖ But being Maaruti, he said: ―No Mother, say no such thing. I am used to being with Bhagwaan all the time. Suppose I have gone elsewhere and the Great Lord suddenly has a need for me, what then?‖ Sitaaji said: ―But suppose someone had to discuss matter of major importance with the Lord, what then?‖ Hanumaanji said: ―What then? Whoever wants to do so can gladly do it. I am not saying no to it.‖ ―You would not say no, but if it was a secret personal issue, what then?‖ , asked Sitaaji with emphasis on ―secret personal‖. Hanumaanji was puzzled with the ―secret personal‖. He thought ―What is this secret personal? What issue would there be to be kept secret from me? And how would Bhagwaan hear such secret without my presence?‖ When the devotee has attained oneness with Bhagwaan, then he believes his heart is same as the heart of the Lord. His eyes are those of the Lord.His hands, feet, ears are the hands, feet ears of the Lord. And when that is the case, then how can Bhagwaan put into action anything without the devotee? And how would Bhagwaan keep anything secret from the devotee? But Mother Sitaa wanted to have fun with Maaruti. She wanted to remove him from the Lord for a little while. And then she wanted to observe. And so keeping a serious face without paying attention to Hanumaanji‘s confusion, she said: ―Does it make sense Anjani‘s prince? If someone comes to talk to your Bhagwaan, then you should cultivate habit of removing yourself from him for that time. Look, I have came here for some urgent work. And I need to talk to the great Lord. And if there is a third party present then I cannot talk freely. So for that time please sit outside, such that no one can enter.‖ Maaruti did not like the behaviour of the great Queen. He loked at the Lord‘s face. But the Lord moved towards Sitaaji and said: ―There is no problem Pavan kumar. Just stroll outside for a while. Meantime I will quickly run through the issues with the great Queen, and will then call you in.‖ Now there was no choice but to go outside. With confused mind, Hanumaanji began to walk towards the door. But reaching the door step, he stood and asked: ―But Lord…‖ Smiling, Raamchandraji said: ―What is it, pray tell me?‖ 80 | P a g e

―Nothig else, just that when you feel a yawn I have my duty to snap my fingers. But while I am standing out, if you have to yawn, then how would I know to snap my fingers?‖ ―My word, he is unusual,‖ said Sitaaji in her mind. Thereupon Bhagwaann said, ― Maaruti, do not worry about that. Until you snap your fingers, I will not yawn. Just when you snap your fingers only then will I yawn. You can now go without any worry.‖ Hanumaanji kneeling his head went outside the room. The room where Bhagwaan Raam was sitting was surrounded on three sides by garden. In that garden, Hanumaan roamed around. But he did not feel at ease. Every moment felt like an eon rto him. When would the conversation of Bhagwaan and Mother end? Every few moments he would stare at the doorway to the room, but the discussion of Raam and Sitaa was not ending. Reminiscences of the twelve years of residence in the forest together with the scenes of the battle of Raam – Raavan began to spring up in their dialogue. Amongst them, they forgot about Hanumaan. Here son of Anjani was was getting impatient. Every moment was painful to him. But what could he do? Without Bhagwaan‘s calling how could he go in? At last he took refuge in the name chanting of Raam‘s name. Sitting in one corner of the garden, he took the lotus position. He chanted the dhun ―Raajaa Raam Raam Raam, Sitaa Raam Raam Raam‖. The dhun in a few moments created a miracle. Instead of the pain in his heart, it was replaced by bliss. And unconsciously in the rythem of the dhun chant Maruti snapped his fingers. But now the fun started. Just as Hanumaan started to snap his fingers, Raam started to yawn repeatedly and suddenly the conversation was disrupted. Sitaaji was alerted. ―O what is this? Why this?‖ she said, but the Lord could not shut his mouth from the yawns to respond. He now rapidly began to yawn in succession. Because engaged deeply in Raam dhun, Hanumaanji began to snap both hand fingers. Observing this state of the Lord, the great queen was frightened. He she immediately sent message to Kaushalyaa. ―Raam‘s health has deteriorated‖ Hearing these words, Kaushalyaa came hastily. And taking great strides, Laxmanji also came. In a moment the news spread in the whole palace. And Bharat, Shatrughna, Sumitraa, Kaikai, servants and maids all gathered. Maharshi Vashishtha was also called. Foolowing them, eminent medical personnel also assembled. Someone said ―O the Lord is suffering from wind trap, so treat him for that.‖ Someone else said ―O, the heat has gone to his head otherwise this would not happen.‖ Another said ―O this yawning is result of sickness of the stomach, so treat him for that.‖ The medical main tested the hand pulse and declared it was fine. The astrologers counting their fingers declared the Lord‘s horoscope was fine. Just as they were finishing the sentence, the Lord went into an overdrive with his yawns and he was very distressed and he fell back on the pillows of the seat. Mother Kaushalyaa immediately sat next to the Lord and passing her hands on his head said ― My beloved, my beloved‖. And Laxmanji began to press the Lord‘s feet with his hands. Bharatji began to fan him. Sitaaji was confused and upset. Vashishtha rushi was stilled. 81 | P a g e

―Nothig else, just that when you feel a yawn I have my duty to snap my fingers. But<br />

while I am standing out, if you have to yawn, then how would I know to snap my<br />

fingers?‖<br />

―My word, he is unusual,‖ said Sitaaji in her mind.<br />

Thereupon Bhagwaann said, ― Maaruti, do not worry about that. Until you snap your<br />

fingers, I will not yawn. Just when you snap your fingers only then will I yawn. You can<br />

now go without any worry.‖<br />

Hanumaanji kneeling his head went outside the room.<br />

The room where Bhagwaan Raam was sitting was surrounded on three sides by garden.<br />

In that garden, Hanumaan roamed around. But he did not feel at ease. Every moment felt<br />

like an eon rto him. When would the conversation of Bhagwaan and Mother end? Every<br />

few moments he would stare at the doorway to the room, but the discussion of Raam and<br />

Sitaa was not ending.<br />

Reminiscences of the twelve years of residence in the forest together with the scenes of<br />

the battle of Raam – Raavan began to spring up in their dialogue. Amongst them, they<br />

forgot about Hanumaan.<br />

Here son of Anjani was was getting impatient. Every moment was painful to him. But<br />

what could he do? Without Bhagwaan‘s calling how could he go in?<br />

At last he took refuge in the name chanting of Raam‘s name. Sitting in one corner of the<br />

garden, he took the lotus position. He chanted the dhun ―Raajaa Raam Raam Raam, Sitaa<br />

Raam Raam Raam‖. The dhun in a few moments created a miracle. Instead of the pain in<br />

his heart, it was replaced by bliss. And unconsciously in the rythem of the dhun chant<br />

<strong>Maruti</strong> snapped his fingers.<br />

But now the fun started. Just as Hanumaan started to snap his fingers, Raam started to<br />

yawn repeatedly and suddenly the conversation was disrupted. Sitaaji was alerted.<br />

―O what is this? Why this?‖ she said, but the Lord could not shut his mouth from the<br />

yawns to respond. He now rapidly began to yawn in succession. Because engaged deeply<br />

in Raam dhun, Hanumaanji began to snap both hand fingers.<br />

Observing this state of the Lord, the great queen was frightened. He she immediately sent<br />

message to Kaushalyaa. ―Raam‘s health has deteriorated‖ Hearing these words,<br />

Kaushalyaa came hastily. And taking great strides, Laxmanji also came. In a moment the<br />

news spread in the whole palace. And Bharat, Shatrughna, Sumitraa, Kaikai, servants and<br />

maids all gathered. Maharshi Vashishtha was also called. Foolowing them, eminent<br />

medical personnel also assembled.<br />

Someone said ―O the Lord is suffering from wind trap, so treat him for that.‖<br />

Someone else said ―O, the heat has gone to his head otherwise this would not happen.‖<br />

Another said ―O this yawning is result of sickness of the stomach, so treat him for that.‖<br />

The medical main tested the hand pulse and declared it was fine.<br />

The astrologers counting their fingers declared the Lord‘s horoscope was fine. Just as<br />

they were finishing the sentence, the Lord went into an overdrive with his yawns and he<br />

was very distressed and he fell back on the pillows of the seat.<br />

Mother Kaushalyaa immediately sat next to the Lord and passing her hands on his head<br />

said ― My beloved, my beloved‖. And Laxmanji began to press the Lord‘s feet with his<br />

hands. Bharatji began to fan him. Sitaaji was confused and upset. Vashishtha rushi was<br />

stilled.<br />

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