Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group

Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group
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it. To the surprise of all, Baldev-prasaad woke up as if from sleep. The Mother and relations were overjoyed! Mahaatmaaji performed the five rituals on an auspicious day and making him a devotee named him Baldevdaas. The divine teacher (Gurudev) taught the disciple penance mantra of Maaruti complete with the bij. In time, Baldevji became a great accomplished man. Towards the end of the lifespan of Gurudev, he called him to confer: ―Baldev, you are accomplished, even I do not have more accomplishments than what you already possess. You have these accomplishments accumulated by the grace of Bhagwaan Maaruti, but even so I have something to say to you, so listen: ―The accomplishments in the accomplished only befit when the accomplished renounces all attractions of the material world and its contents to learn to concentrate his heart in his Ishta‘s (chosen deity) subtle form. The accomplished whose mind does not progress from the gross to the subtle becomes arrogant and eventually topples from the peak of accomplished to the levels below ordinary humans. The one who only serves the Ishta for accomplishments is an ordinary being, he cannot progress further. He cannot obtain eternal peace. Because for the accomplished amorous of accomplishehments, achieving renunciation becomes an impossibility.‖ Hearing the words of the Gurudev and beholding them in his heart, Baldevdaas became an accomplished devotee …. After the demise of his Gurudev, he roamed here and there. Once he was traversing by Kaala-talaav near Raampur, he had desire to visit Champaaaranya. In the vicinity of the lake hearing shrill cry of a human, he immediately ran in that direction, and what did he see? A lion and a loness were together attacking a human. The man was a hunter and had all the facilities of a gun ammunitions, but he did not time enough to kill the lion. The king of the forest and his empress got very near. The hunter was proficient but was not capable of averting this accidental attack. He did not have even time to use his sword, because the attackers had covered both the north and south directions. Mahaatmaaji coming there realised the gravity of the situation. ―Narhari, Gangaa, children ! What is all this – there is no sin like killing of human. Get away, get far away, come to me, no one will hurt you children.‖ Upon hearing these words and by thegrace of Ishta, both the lion and lioness became humble. And the Mahaatmaaji went near them, whereupon both the violent anumals began to lick his feet. As if they had met their teacher to welcome him. The man was the chief of the army of the Bhosle. Observing the accomplishment of the Mahaatmaaji, he resorted to be his desciple. Mahaatmaaji conveyed Vaishnavee dikshaa (disciplehood) to the three souls together. Made them Guru brothers. The violent animals became Vaishnava and roamed with the Mahaatmaaji, and they were named Nar-hari (man-Lord) and Gangaa. By the grace of Mahaatmaaji Badevdaasji, the Bhosle were victory after victory, eventually to establish their capital in Naagpur. Taking the reins of the whole kingdom, being a part of the fivefold Maraathaa empire, he became renowned as the valorous Raaghobaa Bhonsle. At the great request of the Bhonsle monarchy, where the Mahaatmaaji had saved him near the Kaala Talaav, a beautiful Math was constructed. To this day, it is renowned as Mahaatmaaji Doodhaa-dhaariji and the Math is known as Doodhaa-dhari Math in all the 78 | P a g e

wider area. Under the auspicies of the penance of the Mahaatmaaji to Maaruti are some 12 to 14 villages and many disciples. The victorious flag of Maaruti flies. Once some Gaud people came to loot the wealth of the Math and attacked. The terrified disciples relayed all to Mahaatma Baldev-daasji. The Gauds were numbered some two to three thousand with weapons. Apart from the disciples wee also present the villagers as it was gathering time.. Mahaatmaaji requested all to be silent and went to the temple of Maarutiji, and humbly began to pray: ―O Lord! Your place, your reputation. You are the looter, and you are the wealth to loot, there is nothing of your servant. All these accomplishments and wealth are but your grace. So that the universe may not slander penance of Maarutiji, that is the only wish of your devotee.‖ With sounds from within the temple, thousands in number of monkeys rushed against the looters. The unduly proud unruly Gaud looters were frightened and ran for their lives. Within a moment the monkeys had vanished. The present all kneeled at the feet of the Mahaatmaaji. At the present day in the Math is Sri Vishnudaasji mahant, who is presiding for the running of the Math. Iti. Jay Maaruti ! Hanumaanji’s snap of fingers Devotee cannot tolerate moment‘s separation from Bhagwaan. This caricature from Hanumanji‘s life will bring smile as also knowledge to the readers. Tulsidaasji atributing the title of ―Atulit-bal-dhaama‖ in his prayers to devotional Hanumaanji is worth noting. It is true that son of wind had immeasurable strength. The heroism he displayed during the Raam – Raavan battle, who can fully describe it? Just as was his devotion, so also was his indescribable strength.. Therefore he was strong beyond measure is no way beyond fact. But Goswaami mahaaraaj praying by calling him ―Atulit bal dhaamaa‖ does not seem as if he had conjured it by being impressed by renowned Raam-kathaa‘s Hanumaanji‘s heroism. We believe that after listening to the little known story of the heroism of Hanumaan, Tulsidaas addressing him as ―Atulit bal dhaama‖ bowed his head in reverence to his Guru. You may question that if Goswaami had known of the heroic feats, then why did he not include it in ―Raam-charit-maanas‖. We are also surprised by it. But how dare we question ―Why?‖. Instead why don‘t we reminiscing on Pavankumaar‘s sanctifying name enjoy the heroism tales. Well then, here it is: In Ayodhyaa‘s sky-scraping palace, in one of the rooms was seated Bhagwaan Raamchandraji. In front by his feet was seated with his legs bent as of awaiting his command was Hanumaanji. Bhagwaan‘s face was smeared with a mild smile. The devotee‘s heart has blossomed with devotion. Just like a parent pleasantly watches the beloved child, so Bhagwaan was staring at the devotee‘s face. And like understanding the affection of the parent the devotee‘s mind has become full of joy. The environment has become sanctified. Every atom is filled with it. Suddenly there is jingling sound of anklets. And pulling aside the silk curtain on the side of the room, the great queen Sitaa entered. 79 | P a g e

it. To the surprise of all, Baldev-prasaad woke up as if from sleep. The Mother and<br />

relations were overjoyed!<br />

Mahaatmaaji performed the five rituals on an auspicious day and making him a devotee<br />

named him Baldevdaas.<br />

The divine teacher (Gurudev) taught the disciple penance mantra of Maaruti complete<br />

with the bij. In time, Baldevji became a great accomplished man.<br />

Towards the end of the lifespan of Gurudev, he called him to confer: ―Baldev, you are<br />

accomplished, even I do not have more accomplishments than what you already possess.<br />

You have these accomplishments accumulated by the grace of Bhagwaan Maaruti, but<br />

even so I have something to say to you, so listen:<br />

―The accomplishments in the accomplished only befit when the accomplished renounces<br />

all attractions of the material world and its contents to learn to concentrate his heart in his<br />

Ishta‘s (chosen deity) subtle form. The accomplished whose mind does not progress from<br />

the gross to the subtle becomes arrogant and eventually topples from the peak of<br />

accomplished to the levels below ordinary humans. The one who only serves the Ishta for<br />

accomplishments is an ordinary being, he cannot progress further. He cannot obtain<br />

eternal peace. Because for the accomplished amorous of accomplishehments, achieving<br />

renunciation becomes an impossibility.‖<br />

Hearing the words of the Gurudev and beholding them in his heart, Baldevdaas became<br />

an accomplished devotee …. After the demise of his Gurudev, he roamed here and there.<br />

Once he was traversing by Kaala-talaav near Raampur, he had desire to visit Champaaaranya.<br />

In the vicinity of the lake hearing shrill cry of a human, he immediately ran in<br />

that direction, and what did he see?<br />

A lion and a loness were together attacking a human. The man was a hunter and had all<br />

the facilities of a gun ammunitions, but he did not time enough to kill the lion. The king<br />

of the forest and his empress got very near. The hunter was proficient but was not capable<br />

of averting this accidental attack. He did not have even time to use his sword, because the<br />

attackers had covered both the north and south directions.<br />

Mahaatmaaji coming there realised the gravity of the situation.<br />

―Narhari, Gangaa, children ! What is all this – there is no sin like killing of human. Get<br />

away, get far away, come to me, no one will hurt you children.‖ Upon hearing these<br />

words and by thegrace of Ishta, both the lion and lioness became humble. And the<br />

Mahaatmaaji went near them, whereupon both the violent anumals began to lick his feet.<br />

As if they had met their teacher to welcome him.<br />

The man was the chief of the army of the Bhosle. Observing the accomplishment of the<br />

Mahaatmaaji, he resorted to be his desciple. Mahaatmaaji conveyed Vaishnavee dikshaa<br />

(disciplehood) to the three souls together. Made them Guru brothers.<br />

The violent animals became Vaishnava and roamed with the Mahaatmaaji, and they were<br />

named Nar-hari (man-Lord) and Gangaa.<br />

By the grace of Mahaatmaaji Badevdaasji, the Bhosle were victory after victory,<br />

eventually to establish their capital in Naagpur. Taking the reins of the whole kingdom,<br />

being a part of the fivefold Maraathaa empire, he became renowned as the valorous<br />

Raaghobaa Bhonsle.<br />

At the great request of the Bhonsle monarchy, where the Mahaatmaaji had saved him<br />

near the Kaala Talaav, a beautiful Math was constructed. To this day, it is renowned as<br />

Mahaatmaaji Doodhaa-dhaariji and the Math is known as Doodhaa-dhari Math in all the<br />

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