Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group

Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group
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Thereafter, the loving devotees with great pomp and show brought the saint into the city of Surat. In Surat the saint resided on Kotsafil. After some time a temple was constructed there. Paasing days there, there were many tales of the saints loving devotion. At midnight thee would be no-one present in the saint‘s residence, yet there was melodious sound of someone‘s dancing anklets jingling when the meditating saint sung priases to Sri Raam. People could not fathom out this curious event. Some used to call it ―Mahaabali Hanumaan‘s loving jingles‖. Whatever that be, but by this extrordinary effect of the saint, a low caste bhangi residing on a hilltop in harijanvaas opposite by the name of Khushaalpir who was proficient in black magic became jealous of the glory of the saint. So when the saint was in meditation at night by the dhuni, at that moment the crooked low caste low minded by his accomplshed strength of black magic mantras used to fly huge grinding wheel half at the saint. The huge frightening grinding wheekl would come into the location of the meditating saint, circumambulate the saint and used to go back to the bhangi‘s residence. The low caste did not succeed in his effort, so in a feat of temper he used to employ even greater of his accomplishments in black magic. In the end the lowly minded decided to experiment to make the saint lifeless! He employed all his black magic accomplishments on the grinding wheel half and sent it to the saint. The meditating saint would certainly have died, if it was not for the presence of the able guard. Just as the revolving grinding wheel half came into the saint‘s residence, immediately Mahaabali Hanumant held it and running at wind speed threw it on crooked bhangi Khushaal. Ending the life of the evil one who had dared to assasinate the saint, Maaruti truly proclaimed his status of ―Guardian of the saintly‖. The saint great affection for Mahaabali Hanumant, as if he was totally immersed in the his form – such that people wee at times even frightened to go near him. In all his acttvities it was as if Mahaabali was the leader. In all his temples Mahaabali was residing foremost. Even to this day, in Surat‘s mother Tapi river‘s floor there is a big temple known as ―Paatalia Hanumaan‖ which was built by sant Nirmaldaas. There are some glorious events connected from the time of the accomplishment of the temple. Thereafter, a temple was constructed in Salaabatpuraa. In that temple when the saint was conducting the aarati, it was also time for the proclaiming baang (loud recital) and namaaj at the masjid next door. Once there was great crowd violence. The saint used to lock the temple gates and sit opposite at the ploce station. But at the evening aarati service time, the bells rang out by themselves. There was no body in the temple. In this respect the police checked for themselves its authenticity. Only when the fanatic ir-religious were impressed by the miracles did the normal daily prictices revert. Similarly, there is a statue of Hanumant consecrated in Kotsafil temple. There also a similar violence took place. His place also stands to this day in Bharuch in front of farujaa. 26 | P a g e

During the uprising of 1857, he was arrested and jailed accused of treason. At that time, the impressive saint stunned the British officers. The jailer was walking guard in front, and the saint would appear on a horse riding away when to try and catch him the jailer would run after him to find no body there! Looking in the cell, he would find the saint sitting in meditation, so the confused jailer would shout to try and wake up the saint. The saint would come out of meditation, but as the saint‘s meditation stream of affection on his foremost deity Sri Raamchandra was inturupted, he would feel hurt. Mahaabali was very annoyed at the jailer‘s behaviour. So the next time the jailer came to the cell to shout, at that moment Mahaabali in temper picked him up and threw him at the jail chain stone. The poor jailer fell fainted. Thereafter, the saint also impressed the British collector, so he immediately declared the saint as not guilty and released him from captivity. And saluting the saint, brought him him back with great respect to his abode. There are so many glorious events conntected with Sant Nirmaldaas that a book could be published. In Vikram samvant 1935 in the month of Bhadarvaa first day of the dark half – on Monday at the high age of 113 years he took live samaadhi in Surat. His saintly lyrics, songs, praises are sung by devotees even to this day. Messenger or servant ? Looking casually at Bhaarat‘s ancient glory, so many jewels appear to make them beyond count.It would seem Vidhaataa (the deity of forecat) showered all her proficiency in just Bhaarat.Some full of strngth, some tactful, some valorous, while some compassionate; some endowed with intellect, while some graceful and some unparalleled devotee and some others complete servant. In that manner, there is no such shortage of any faculty, but all this glory is in the past, then what in present …? ―Mangamandir‘s editor has been involved working incessantly to avail this message to all corners of Gujaraat. At his hands so many such monthly editions have been born and have stood up and been made to progress – giving them new life. It‘s amazing speciality is that they are not short lived. His brainfrom time to time generates novelty. And to give shape to the environment, he generates it with life of great individuals of that age. Organisation of Maaruti‘s character organisation is commendable. Because Bhaarat needs glory, cowardice cannot have place in it. Therefore, the ideal intent of above prayer is Mahaavir Maaruti. In the tale of Mahaavir, a section of Raamaayan becomes a natuaral part. So the editor‘s imagination is praiseful as ―one path two objectives‖. Therefore it is intended to serve plate of part cooked sweetmeats. In Mahaaraashtra‘s tales, the faith in connection with Maaruti, the process to give it direction will be found by the readers as interesting. 27 | P a g e

During the uprising of 1857, he was arrested and jailed accused of treason. At that time,<br />

the impressive saint stunned the British officers. The jailer was walking guard in front,<br />

and the saint would appear on a horse riding away when to try and catch him the jailer<br />

would run after him to find no body there!<br />

Looking in the cell, he would find the saint sitting in meditation, so the confused jailer<br />

would shout to try and wake up the saint. The saint would come out of meditation, but as<br />

the saint‘s meditation stream of affection on his foremost deity Sri Raamchandra was<br />

inturupted, he would feel hurt. Mahaabali was very annoyed at the jailer‘s behaviour. So<br />

the next time the jailer came to the cell to shout, at that moment Mahaabali in temper<br />

picked him up and threw him at the jail chain stone. The poor jailer fell fainted.<br />

Thereafter, the saint also impressed the British collector, so he immediately declared the<br />

saint as not guilty and released him from captivity. And saluting the saint, brought him<br />

him back with great respect to his abode.<br />

There are so many glorious events conntected with Sant Nirmaldaas that a book could be<br />

published.<br />

In Vikram samvant 1935 in the month of Bhadarvaa first day of the dark half – on<br />

Monday at the high age of 113 years he took live samaadhi in Surat. His saintly lyrics,<br />

songs, praises are sung by devotees even to this day.<br />

Messenger or servant ?<br />

Looking casually at Bhaarat‘s ancient glory, so many jewels appear to make them beyond<br />

count.It would seem Vidhaataa (the deity of forecat) showered all her proficiency in just<br />

Bhaarat.Some full of strngth, some tactful, some valorous, while some compassionate;<br />

some endowed with intellect, while some graceful and some unparalleled devotee and<br />

some others complete servant. In that manner, there is no such shortage of any faculty,<br />

but all this glory is in the past, then what in present …?<br />

―Mangamandir‘s editor has been involved working incessantly to avail this message to all<br />

corners of Gujaraat. At his hands so many such monthly editions have been born and<br />

have stood up and been made to progress – giving them new life. It‘s amazing speciality<br />

is that they are not short lived. His brainfrom time to time generates novelty. And to give<br />

shape to the environment, he generates it with life of great individuals of that age.<br />

Organisation of Maaruti‘s character organisation is commendable. Because Bhaarat<br />

needs glory, cowardice cannot have place in it. Therefore, the ideal intent of above prayer<br />

is Mahaavir Maaruti.<br />

In the tale of Mahaavir, a section of Raamaayan becomes a natuaral part. So the editor‘s<br />

imagination is praiseful as ―one path two objectives‖. Therefore it is intended to serve<br />

plate of part cooked sweetmeats. In Mahaaraashtra‘s tales, the faith in connection with<br />

Maaruti, the process to give it direction will be found by the readers as interesting.<br />

27 | P a g e

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