Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group

Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group
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moment be on the branch of the tree and next moment come down from the tree. From this vision, Pavanam-jay remembered Anjanaa, what would the helpless suffering lady be doing? How would she be suffering? Just remembering her, his eyes went blank. Pavanam-jay was proficient in occult. He took his friend and came to his palace. Prahasit took to guard duty. Seeing her husband suddenly back, anjanaa was overjoyed.her lame bady was electrified and her face lit up. Pavanam-jay and Anjanaa made up for the time apart. Pavanam-jay now thought it unwise to stay any longer. In case his father and others get to know, they would consider him as a coward. So he went back with his friend secretly in same manner as he had come. And by the break of the morning he was back in his tent. There after Pavanam-jay repeatedly went to the assistance of Ravan. In time, it became to known that Anjanaa was carrying a child. Her mother-in-law said : ―O sinner, My son is in battle, so how did you become pregnant? Immoral woman ! you have shamed the dynasty. I do not want you in my house.‖ Anjanaa explained what had ensued in the night, but she would not accept. Anjanaa was delared an immoral woman and was seated in a chariot and delivered to her father‘s abode. [3] Before Anjanaa could reach her father, bothe her father and brother Prasann-kirti got the news that Anjanaa was a black mark on the dynasty. She was stopped on route before she could reach her father‘s city. She was refused permission to enter. Anjanaa with her servant Vasnt-tilakaa stayed in the forest. Lamenting Anjanaa was relating her tale to the forest‘s birds and trees. Here in the jungle she gave birth to a son. This son‘s birth was celeberated by the great noises of the birds and the dropping on the grounf of flowers and blossom from the bending branches of the trees. In a little while, Anjanaa was met in the jungle by an Aachaarya (professor) by the name of Amit-gati. Anjanaa poured out her heart, and asked what her future was to be. The muni reading her horoscope said ― Sati ! You will find your husband. The blemish / disreputation will be rid off and those have disrespected you will repent. All this will happen in nest few days. Muni flew away by sky route.and wher he became invisible, a plane was sighted and flew in circles. Anjanaa intently watched it, whereupon it landed. From it alight a Vidyaa-dhar – it was Anjanaa‘s maternal uncle Prati-surya. Observing the condition of his niece Anjanaa, Pratisurya‘s heart became tender and emotional. And he took aboard the plane Anjanaa, her son and Vasant-tilakaa. The plane took off to Hanumaan-pur. The son was small but glorified with luminosity. As the plane was proceeding, his anklets let out sounds from the diamond hangings. In trying to catch 20 | P a g e

them, the child fell off the plane within sight of Prat-surya and Anjanaa. Anjanaa instantly began to cry. The plane came down, to find the child palying on a slab of stone. But the slab of stone underneath had completely fractured. So the maternal uncle named the child Sri-sheil. And as this event had occurred by Hanumaanpur, he was named Hanumaan. [4] Pavanam-jay defeated Varun. Raavan greatly congratulated him. Pavanam-jay returned home. Only then he heard of anjanaa‘s calamity. Pavanam-jay cried out and said: ―If anjanaa cannot be found then I will not be able to live.‖ He made searches everywhere, he eventually found Anjanaa at Prati-surya.The mother-in-law who had been contemptful, her brother and father all brought back Anjanaa. Anjanaa and Prati-surya‘s evolved sweet as nectar. Hanumaan – Sri-Sheil grew up to become heroic.He also helped Raavan thereafter many times in battle. And he wedded Varun‘s daughter Satyavati and Shurpa-nakhaa‘s aughter Anang-kusumaa. When Sri Raamchandraji came from Ayodhyaa to the forest, then the meeting of Sri Raamchandraji took place with Hanumaan. Hanumaan was an intellectual. His dynasty was from monkeys, so he was known as monkey intellectual. Hanumaan at first sight of Raamchandraji became his greatest devotee. And he remained ever present in his service . At the time he heard of abduction of Sitaaji, he had been acquainted with Raavan for a number of years. Even so, he got very angry at him and went to Raavan as the king‘s messenger. Prior to going to Raavan, he first went to Ashok forest and met mother Sitaa and said, ―O Mother, sit on my shoulder. I will deliver you to Sri Raamchandraji. Observing his devotion she was very pleased..But not wishing to touch another male despite the devotion, she declined. Telling the good news of Sri Raamchandraji, he presented sitaaji with the finger ring.. jumping away, Hanumaan went to Raavan‘s court. He terrorised all Lankaa. He devastated Raavan‘s gardens. And in full court, he admonished Raavan that his end was near. Before Raavan could mete out any punishment to Hanumaan, in full court slapping Raavan threw down Raavan‘s crown. And before any could catch im he had vanished. Thereafter Raavan‘s frightful battle ensued. In this battle, many opposing fronts took place. In them the intellectual hanumaan became the leader of the army. He fronted battle against Raavan‘s so called undefeatable Angad. Hanumaan was victorious in this battle. And he remained equally devoted to Sri Ramchandraji as prior to the battle. 21 | P a g e

moment be on the branch of the tree and next moment come down from the tree. From<br />

this vision, Pavanam-jay remembered Anjanaa, what would the helpless suffering lady be<br />

doing? How would she be suffering? Just remembering her, his eyes went blank.<br />

Pavanam-jay was proficient in occult. He took his friend and came to his palace. Prahasit<br />

took to guard duty. Seeing her husband suddenly back, anjanaa was overjoyed.her lame<br />

bady was electrified and her face lit up. Pavanam-jay and Anjanaa made up for the time<br />

apart.<br />

Pavanam-jay now thought it unwise to stay any longer. In case his father and others get to<br />

know, they would consider him as a coward. So he went back with his friend secretly in<br />

same manner as he had come. And by the break of the morning he was back in his tent.<br />

There after Pavanam-jay repeatedly went to the assistance of Ravan.<br />

In time, it became to known that Anjanaa was carrying a child. Her mother-in-law said :<br />

―O sinner, My son is in battle, so how did you become pregnant? Immoral woman ! you<br />

have shamed the dynasty. I do not want you in my house.‖<br />

Anjanaa explained what had ensued in the night, but she would not accept. Anjanaa was<br />

delared an immoral woman and was seated in a chariot and delivered to her father‘s<br />

abode.<br />

[3]<br />

Before Anjanaa could reach her father, bothe her father and brother Prasann-kirti got the<br />

news that Anjanaa was a black mark on the dynasty. She was stopped on route before she<br />

could reach her father‘s city. She was refused permission to enter. Anjanaa with her<br />

servant Vasnt-tilakaa stayed in the forest. Lamenting Anjanaa was relating her tale to the<br />

forest‘s birds and trees. Here in the jungle she gave birth to a son. This son‘s birth was<br />

celeberated by the great noises of the birds and the dropping on the grounf of flowers and<br />

blossom from the bending branches of the trees.<br />

In a little while, Anjanaa was met in the jungle by an Aachaarya (professor) by the name<br />

of Amit-gati. Anjanaa poured out her heart, and asked what her future was to be. The<br />

muni reading her horoscope said ― Sati ! You will find your husband. The blemish /<br />

disreputation will be rid off and those have disrespected you will repent.<br />

All this will happen in nest few days.<br />

Muni flew away by sky route.and wher he became invisible, a plane was sighted and flew<br />

in circles. Anjanaa intently watched it, whereupon it landed. From it alight a Vidyaa-dhar<br />

– it was Anjanaa‘s maternal uncle Prati-surya.<br />

Observing the condition of his niece Anjanaa, Pratisurya‘s heart became tender and<br />

emotional. And he took aboard the plane Anjanaa, her son and Vasant-tilakaa. The plane<br />

took off to Hanumaan-pur. The son was small but glorified with luminosity. As the plane<br />

was proceeding, his anklets let out sounds from the diamond hangings. In trying to catch<br />

20 | P a g e

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