Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group

Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group
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to recall Sitaaji.Through Vibhishanji, Sitaaji had received victory message of Raavan‘s death. After the crowning, Vibhishanji had ordered the demon maids to please the mother and to serve her. Those demonesses who in the reign of Raavan had uttered bitter words to Sitaaji and had threatened her repeatedly, those very demonesses were now prepared ready to serve her under the command of Vibhishanji. Time tells its tales. The maids bathed Sitaaji in fragrant waters. Her washed hair were impregnated with fragrant oils. With beautiful attire and garland of flowers, the emaciated body of Sitaaji began to look beautiful. Having left Ayodhyaa, it was anly now that Sittaji had adorned the new clothes. Even though Sitaaji had intended go in the old clothes to bow to the feet of Bhagwaan Raam, but due to the wish of Vibhishanji, the maids had with great love persuaded her to wear the beutifying clothes. The auspicious message of the coming of Sitaaji to the service of Bhagwaan Raam was allocated to Mahaavirji. Because was it not he who had the one at the peril of his life delivered Bhagwaan Raam‘s message? Getting the command to announce the message Mahaavirji was very pleased. Bowing at the feet of Bhagwaan, he proceeded to Ashok garden. And with great reverence, he bowed prostately to Mataji. Sitaaji blessed him. Mahaavirji delivered the auspisious message to the Mother to present herself in the service of Bhagwaan. Message of meeting the loved one, and the bringer of such a message can be so pleasant? Only those who have experienced such an event can appreciate it. How pleased was Sitaaji to hear this message? How can this little pen describe it? When the subject is beyond the capability of intellect, then what of the inanimate pen? Tears began to roll from Mother‘s eyes. The body was engrossed with love. For a moment she forgot herself. After a while she said: ―Pavankumar! What can I give you in return for this message? There is not anything I can give you in return for this message. But my child, I can only say this Sitaa is ever indebtede to you!‖ Saying thus Sitaaji‘s throat was overcome with emotions. She could not say anymore. Hanumaanji bowed with great respect at Mother‘s feet. Seating Mother in the palanquin provided by Vibhishanji, Mahaavirji proceeded with mace in hand. The armed demon guards was with them. Seeing from a distance the palanquin coming, the monkeys ran to have sight of Mother. But the guards prevented them from going forward. The monkeys were disappointed and came back. How can the Lord see his monkeys disappointed? He commanded the servants: ―Let Sitaaji come by foot so all the monkeys can observe Sitaaji through their motherly sight.‖ Taking aboard the command, they alighted Sitaaji from the palanquin. All had sight of the Mother of the worlds, bowed to her and became satisfied. Arriving thus she immediately bowed at the feet of the Lord. She washed his feet with tears from her eyes. But another unpleasant event was awating. The Lord uttered instead of pleasant welcoming words some unfortunate ones. And he ordered for examination by fire.Who can explain the reasons for the Lord‘s playact? But Sugriv, Vibhishan, Laxman, Hanumaan and others were pained hearing this command. This pain was ever pervading. By the command of the Lord, Laxmanji had to prepare the pyre of wood. The Mother entered the fire. But the fire had not power to burn her body. Experiencing collness of the 144 | P a g e

sandalwood, Sitaaji returned absolutely sanctified from the fire Yes, she was now adorned with beautiful form like that of heated gold. With great joy, the Lord welcomed seated her on his left. 1 The deities showered flowers on them from the sky. Mendicants, celestial musicians, celestial singers all by their priases of glory to the young monarchy filled the sky. Indra came and by the command of the Lord gave lifeto the monkey soldiers who had been killed in the battle. Vibhishan requested the Lord to step but once into Lankaa, but as per his father‘s vow Sri Raghunaathji was not able to enter any city or any residential areas. So the Lord said: ―Vibhishanji! My stay of residence in the forest has a few days left to expire. And by that time if I cannot get back to Ayodhyaa in time, then I may not see my lovely brother Bharat alive. So please do not insist on this. And taking on the command of the Lord, Vibhishanji prepared the Pushpak plane. With jewels, pearls and flowers the Puspak plane was decorated. And he presented at the lord‘s feet invaluable jewels, pearls, diamonds and other items. But what would the Lord do with such presents? So he commanded all the things to be loaded on the Pushpak plane and showered down in flight, so that the monkeys and the bears and so forth can take them and enjoy. So as per the Lord‘s command they were showered from the sky. Taking whatever they desired the monkeys began to dance. It was the Lord‘s wish that all the monkeys go to their residences. But they were very eager to see the crowning ceremony of Sri Raghunaathji. So all together with the monkeys and Vibhishanji took their seats in the Pushpak plane. The Pushpak plane was not like the modern planes. It was able to take on board all the passengers.The victorious departure of the Lord took place. Proceeding forward, the monkeys shouted glory to the Lord: ―Siyaaver Raamchandraki Jay!‖ [ 19 ] Mother’s gift The knowledge that is obtained by teaching of hundred gurus and a thousand teachers, that knowledge thousand fold is conveyed by the Mother seating the child in her lap. By the words filled with love from the Mother, the child enjoys to obtain knowledge. Humans gain the knowledge of Dharma, impressions and practical application from the Mother. Bhagwaan Raam, Bhagwati Sitaaji, Laxmanji, Vibhishan, Sugriv, Hanumaanji, Jaambvaan and Angad and the monkey army all aboard the Pushpak plane proceeded by the sky route.Traversing across the ocean, it proceeded over the locations which Sri Raam pointed out to Sitaaji where he had searched for her. Showing her many of the forests, mountains, monasteries, the plane passed over Kishkindhaa, Rushyamukh, Pampaa reservoir and others amongst the. Sri Raamji looked at Hanumaanji and observed he intended to say something. The Lord asked: ―Mahaavir! Do you intend to say something?‖ 1 The worldly people doubt the the playact of great souls. In reality, Raavan never abducted the true form of Sitaaji. Readers of Vaalmik Raamaayan will know that Sitaaji‘s shadow was abducted by Raavan. Her true form she had given up to Fire. Apart from Sri Raam and Sitaaji, no one else knew the reason for entering into fire. Having entered the fire, Sitaaji made her shadow disappear. And the Fire divinity himself returned Sitaaji. - Editor 145 | P a g e

to recall Sitaaji.Through Vibhishanji, Sitaaji had received victory message of Raavan‘s<br />

death. After the crowning, Vibhishanji had ordered the demon maids to please the mother<br />

and to serve her.<br />

Those demonesses who in the reign of Raavan had uttered bitter words to Sitaaji and had<br />

threatened her repeatedly, those very demonesses were now prepared ready to serve her<br />

under the command of Vibhishanji. Time tells its tales.<br />

The maids bathed Sitaaji in fragrant waters. Her washed hair were impregnated with<br />

fragrant oils. With beautiful attire and garland of flowers, the emaciated body of Sitaaji<br />

began to look beautiful. Having left Ayodhyaa, it was anly now that Sittaji had adorned<br />

the new clothes.<br />

Even though Sitaaji had intended go in the old clothes to bow to the feet of Bhagwaan<br />

Raam, but due to the wish of Vibhishanji, the maids had with great love persuaded her to<br />

wear the beutifying clothes.<br />

The auspicious message of the coming of Sitaaji to the service of Bhagwaan Raam was<br />

allocated to Mahaavirji. Because was it not he who had the one at the peril of his life<br />

delivered Bhagwaan Raam‘s message? Getting the command to announce the message<br />

Mahaavirji was very pleased. Bowing at the feet of Bhagwaan, he proceeded to Ashok<br />

garden. And with great reverence, he bowed prostately to Mataji. Sitaaji blessed him.<br />

Mahaavirji delivered the auspisious message to the Mother to present herself in the<br />

service of Bhagwaan. Message of meeting the loved one, and the bringer of such a<br />

message can be so pleasant? Only those who have experienced such an event can<br />

appreciate it. How pleased was Sitaaji to hear this message? How can this little pen<br />

describe it? When the subject is beyond the capability of intellect, then what of the<br />

inanimate pen?<br />

Tears began to roll from Mother‘s eyes. The body was engrossed with love. For a<br />

moment she forgot herself. After a while she said: ―Pavankumar! What can I give you in<br />

return for this message? There is not anything I can give you in return for this message.<br />

But my child, I can only say this Sitaa is ever indebtede to you!‖<br />

Saying thus Sitaaji‘s throat was overcome with emotions. She could not say anymore.<br />

Hanumaanji bowed with great respect at Mother‘s feet.<br />

Seating Mother in the palanquin provided by Vibhishanji, Mahaavirji proceeded with<br />

mace in hand. The armed demon guards was with them. Seeing from a distance the<br />

palanquin coming, the monkeys ran to have sight of Mother. But the guards prevented<br />

them from going forward. The monkeys were disappointed and came back.<br />

How can the Lord see his monkeys disappointed? He commanded the servants: ―Let<br />

Sitaaji come by foot so all the monkeys can observe Sitaaji through their motherly sight.‖<br />

Taking aboard the command, they alighted Sitaaji from the palanquin. All had sight of<br />

the Mother of the worlds, bowed to her and became satisfied.<br />

Arriving thus she immediately bowed at the feet of the Lord. She washed his feet with<br />

tears from her eyes.<br />

But another unpleasant event was awating. The Lord uttered instead of pleasant<br />

welcoming words some unfortunate ones. And he ordered for examination by fire.Who<br />

can explain the reasons for the Lord‘s playact? But Sugriv, Vibhishan, Laxman,<br />

Hanumaan and others were pained hearing this command. This pain was ever pervading.<br />

By the command of the Lord, Laxmanji had to prepare the pyre of wood. The Mother<br />

entered the fire. But the fire had not power to burn her body. Experiencing collness of the<br />

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