Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group

Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group
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The bridge was now built. And Bhagwaan commanded all the monkeys not to bring any other mountain. But where I command, there place the mountain and quickly cross the ocean to the other side. Mahaavirji walking from Dronaachal mountain arrive by Gokul Mathuraa. There he received the message from the Lord. He was confused, because when lifting Govardhan, he had promised he would provide the Lord‘s vision. And arriving here the situation had changed according to the lord‘s command. What to do now? Hanumaanji placed Govardhan there and consoling him proceeded to receive permission from the Lord. And bowing at the feet of Sri Raam he prayed: ―Bhagwan! I was bringing Govardhan mountain with great expectation but in midst I received your command to leave all mountains immediately and come to you. Now what shall I do to the promise I had made to the mountain?‖ ―Mahaavirji!‖ replied the Lord smiling. ―Govardhan is Bhagwaan Krishna‘s supreme devotee. And the one whose Hanumaanji holds, then he definitely delivers them to their favourite deity. So your promise will be fulfilled.‖ Hanumaanji was intently listening to this beautiful words of Bhagwaan. He was expecting the Lord to give command to bring the mountain, but then Bhagwaan said: ―But he will have to wait till Dwaapar Yug for the Krishna incarnation. In that incarnation I will hold the flute and the not only will I give my vision but for years give touch of my feet. And for continous seven days I will hold the Govardhan mountain on my hand. Till then let him sit in Vrajdhaam. Give him that message.‖ Hanumaanji hearing the command of Bhagwaan became emotional. So much attention for a small servant of his? Great is the Lord! Hanumaanji again to recite Bhagwaan‘s message came to Govardhan. And he retold the Lord‘s command: ―In true devotees there is no impatience. Not today but after one Yug, he will get the vision of Bhagwaan Sri Krishna. In that enthusiasm, he was thrilled. And with pleased mind, he made the Vraj district his abode. Across the hundered yojan wide ocean, the bridge got built. Sri Raamchandraji was epitome of modesty. According to the limitations of the Shaashtras, he arranged for worship and consecration of Shankar. And immediately calling intellectuals and mendicants, astrological date was set for the installation of Shiva. The rushis said: ―For only four ghadis (time span) there is a window. Within that time if installation of Shiva is completed, then your victory is guaranteed.‖ Bhagwaan Raamchandraji asked Hanumaanji: ―Mahaavirji! From the shores of Narmadaa River, bring a beautiful Shiv ling. And come back quickly.‖ Theson of Wind had just been waiting for the command of Bhagwaan. Saying ―Jay Raghuvir‖, he took his flight path. And coming to the shore of the Narmada river began to seek for Shiv Ling. But all the stones there were Shiv Lings! He was confused – from all which Shiv Ling to take and which to abandon? He fell into deep thought. He took one Shiv in hand and then saw there was another more beautiful. So he kept exchanging! At last he chose one Shiv Ling of Sphatic mani, and lifting it he flew towards the ocean. Three hours has thus surpassed. The seers and the mendicants prayed to Bhagwaan: ―Bhagwan! There is only one hour left for the astrological time. Hanumaanji is not seen anywhere. Therefore you create and consecrate a Shiv Ling from the sand of the ocean to 126 | P a g e

make do within the astrological time. After the time is over there is no benefit to consecrate. Bhagwaan Raam made a Shiv Ling from sand . The proficient in Veda carried out the rituals to consecrate it. Worshipping Bhagwaan Sadaa Shiv thus, Sri Raam gave the name Raameshvar. The worship was still ongoing when Hanumaanji arrived with Shiv Ling. Learning that Bhagwaan Raam had consecrated Shiv Ling, he was pained. He simply remained silent and witnessed the worship. But for the all pervading Bhagwaan, how can he ignore the thughts of his devotee? After the worship, he said to Hanumaanji: ―Do not feel bad. According to the opinion of the seers and mendicants, I had to consecrate a sand Shiv Ling. But your Shiv Ling will also be placed here. And it shall be worshipped ritually with your own hands. And consecrated by you, this Shiv Ling will be famed by the name ‗Hanumadishvar‘.‖ According to the command, Hanumaanji ritualy performed the worship and consecration. Bhagwaan granting a boon said: ―The one who performs pilgrimage of bridge and worship of Raameshvar first worships Hanumadishvar, only he will obtain the benefit of the fruits of the pilgrimage and the worship. Without the worship of Hanumadishvar if one performs worship of Raameshavar, the he will not obtain benefit of the pilgrimage.‖ To this day in the location of bridge Raameshavar, there is temple of Hanumadishvar Shiva temple. And Hanumadishvar is always first worshipped prior to worship of Raameshvar – this is still the protocol. The affectionate oh the devotees Bhagwaan thus promoted the fame of Shiv Ling consecrated by his devotee. And crossing via the bridge to the shore across, together with the army made camp on the Suvel mountain. [ 15 ] Warrior of strength Bajrang Raavan got to know through his spies that Bhagwaan Sri Raam had arrived on Suvel mountain together with his army. He immediately called meeting of his ministers and made decision for battle with Sri Ram. The army began to formed. The weapons began to be distributed and command was given for the formation of the battalions. On the other side, Sri Raamchandraji sent Prince Angad to the court of Raavan for concilliation. But the one whose time has arrived, how would he listen to words of wisdom? At last with no option but initiate war, Angad returned from Raavan. On all the four sides of the doors of Lankaa a terrifying battle began between the armies of monkeys and demons. The demons were fighting with weapons. From over the impenetrable fort walls showered cannon balls, sharp missiles and rain of arrows came. Whereupon the monkeys were titing out the demons with volleys of stones and boulders, mountains, trees… Many demons were engaged in hand to had fight with the monkeys. Some were shearing the demons with their sharp nails, some were biting them with their teeth whereas some were lifting their with thjeir legs and smashing them. Many monkeys climbed over the walls and jumping down on the demons inside the fort began battle. Some were burying heads of the demons in the sand and kicking them with their feet and others lifting them with their feet whizzed them around and threw them in the ocean. In this face to face battle, the demons getting tired. Many demons were meeting their end at the hands of the monkeys. 127 | P a g e

The bridge was now built. And Bhagwaan commanded all the monkeys not to bring any<br />

other mountain. But where I command, there place the mountain and quickly cross the<br />

ocean to the other side.<br />

Mahaavirji walking from Dronaachal mountain arrive by Gokul Mathuraa. There he<br />

received the message from the Lord. He was confused, because when lifting Govardhan,<br />

he had promised he would provide the Lord‘s vision. And arriving here the situation had<br />

changed according to the lord‘s command. What to do now?<br />

Hanumaanji placed Govardhan there and consoling him proceeded to receive permission<br />

from the Lord. And bowing at the feet of Sri Raam he prayed: ―Bhagwan! I was bringing<br />

Govardhan mountain with great expectation but in midst I received your command to<br />

leave all mountains immediately and come to you. Now what shall I do to the promise I<br />

had made to the mountain?‖<br />

―Mahaavirji!‖ replied the Lord smiling. ―Govardhan is Bhagwaan Krishna‘s supreme<br />

devotee. And the one whose Hanumaanji holds, then he definitely delivers them to their<br />

favourite deity. So your promise will be fulfilled.‖<br />

Hanumaanji was intently listening to this beautiful words of Bhagwaan. He was<br />

expecting the Lord to give command to bring the mountain, but then Bhagwaan said:<br />

―But he will have to wait till Dwaapar Yug for the Krishna incarnation. In that<br />

incarnation I will hold the flute and the not only will I give my vision but for years give<br />

touch of my feet. And for continous seven days I will hold the Govardhan mountain on<br />

my hand. Till then let him sit in Vrajdhaam. Give him that message.‖<br />

Hanumaanji hearing the command of Bhagwaan became emotional. So much attention<br />

for a small servant of his? Great is the Lord!<br />

Hanumaanji again to recite Bhagwaan‘s message came to Govardhan. And he retold the<br />

Lord‘s command: ―In true devotees there is no impatience. Not today but after one Yug,<br />

he will get the vision of Bhagwaan Sri Krishna. In that enthusiasm, he was thrilled. And<br />

with pleased mind, he made the Vraj district his abode.<br />

Across the hundered yojan wide ocean, the bridge got built. Sri Raamchandraji was<br />

epitome of modesty. According to the limitations of the Shaashtras, he arranged for<br />

worship and consecration of Shankar. And immediately calling intellectuals and<br />

mendicants, astrological date was set for the installation of Shiva. The rushis said: ―For<br />

only four ghadis (time span) there is a window. Within that time if installation of Shiva is<br />

completed, then your victory is guaranteed.‖<br />

Bhagwaan Raamchandraji asked Hanumaanji: ―Mahaavirji! From the shores of<br />

Narmadaa River, bring a beautiful Shiv ling. And come back quickly.‖<br />

Theson of Wind had just been waiting for the command of Bhagwaan. Saying ―Jay<br />

Raghuvir‖, he took his flight path. And coming to the shore of the Narmada river began<br />

to seek for Shiv Ling.<br />

But all the stones there were Shiv Lings! He was confused – from all which Shiv Ling to<br />

take and which to abandon? He fell into deep thought. He took one Shiv in hand and then<br />

saw there was another more beautiful. So he kept exchanging!<br />

At last he chose one Shiv Ling of Sphatic mani, and lifting it he flew towards the ocean.<br />

Three hours has thus surpassed. The seers and the mendicants prayed to Bhagwaan:<br />

―Bhagwan! There is only one hour left for the astrological time. Hanumaanji is not seen<br />

anywhere. Therefore you create and consecrate a Shiv Ling from the sand of the ocean to<br />

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