Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group

Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group
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All your ministers are saying in your favour to please you. There is no sign of any benefit in those. You are reasoning intellectual. When just one monkey burnt down whole of Lankaa, where was the bravery of your ministers? Together with yourself why were all rubbing their eyes? When whose one monkey terrorised Lankaa, then think with your reasoning power of the valour of the supreme of those innumerable monkeys. It is my pleading to you to take Bhagwati Sitaa and go to the refuge of Sri Raam who has arrived at the other coast from Lankaa. And beg forgiveness of your misdeeds. To create enemosity with the very supreme Lord, there is no benefit.‖ But the one on whose head fate is banging the drums of doom, whose condition is adverse, the one on whose head time destruction has rolled over, that one would not hear of such beneficial advice. Raavan‘s intellecet had been perverted. Standing up in the court he kicked Vibhishan in the chest.. And roaring aloud he said: ― O wicked! Staying in my house, eating my food togrow up you are not my brother but my very enemy. By praising those mendicant brothers you have inflamed my heart. If those two children have your welfare at heart, then today – right now you go to them. You preach your advice to them. There is no need for you this side of the border of Lankaa.‖ Not taking any offence from the brother‘s kick, Vibhishan bowed to Raavan, and going out he said: ―Big brother. You are like my father. You now do not have the capacity to listen to good advice. So by your command I am now leaving to go to the refuge of Sri Raghunaathji. All those present in the court that I am going of my own decision, but that he has been pushed out physically.‖ And the court onlooking, he became invisible in the sky. A great craving for the vision of Bhagwaan Raam, with chanting of his name and with heart full of great auspicious feelings, in no time he arrive to the coast opposite. The monkey guards placed at the coast line came to Sri Raam and gave him the news: ―Lord! Raavan‘a younger brother Vibhishan wishes to meet you.‖ ―Raavan‘s young brother? Vibhishan?‖ asked Bahgwaan Raam. ―Yes Bhagwaan! Vibhishanji in person has arrived here.‖ Looking at Sugriv seated nearby, Bhagwaan Raam asked: ―Sugrivji! What is your advice in this matter? Is there any objection in calling Vibhishan here?‖ ―Bagwan!‖ Sugriv said with clasped hands. ―According to my understanding, the brother of the enemy should not be considered trustworthy. What may be in the heart of the magical demons? Without knowing this it is against protocol. If he has to be called, then he should be brought bound.‖ Mahaavir Hanumaanji was seated nearby. He heard this discussion. This was now the real test of servitude. Hearing Sugriv‘s words he was aggrieved. Sugriv and Sri Raam were both at the level of his master. To say anything now was against the duty of the servant.What Hanumaanji knew of Vibhishan, that Sugriv had not known. With grave face he was intent upon hearin Bhagwaan‘s command. But the Lord is omniscient. That knower the hearts of all, how could he not know the wish of his supreme devotee Hanumaan? And the one who has with great faith devotion had vision of Hanumaan even once, for him what bondage could there be to come to seek the refuge of the Lord? Thnking for a while, Bhagwaan Raam said: ―Your advice is according to protocol. But my vow is that the one who has abandoned all fears to come to my refuge, I consider him to be mine. Be he a friend or foe.There cannot be any doubt of fear or selfishness. 124 | P a g e

Vibhishan today is not the brother of the enemy, but a surrendered refugee devotee of mine. Just as he has come, so call him with respect to me.‖ These words of Bhagwaan were sweet like nectar to Mahaavirji. Getting the command to bring Vibhishan with respect, he was very pleased. And he proceeded to bring Vibhishan. Angad, Jaambvaan and Suriv went forward to welcome Vibhishan. Mahaavirji just holding Vibhishanji‘s hand was bringing him. Walking along, Vibhishan laughingly said: ―Mahaavirji! Today you have held theis servan‘s hand, and hold it to the end.A supreme devotee of the Lord when holds one‘s hand, he does not let go without taking to the other shore.‖ Knowing the intent of Vibhishan, Mahaavirji laughed. In no time they reached Raam. Vibhishanji clasping both hands stood infront of Sri Raam – Laxman. Single sightedly he was observing the seet form of the Lord. His eyes shed tears of joy. And bodily prostrating, Vibhishanji said: ― Lord! Raavan‘s brother, a nocturnal sinner has come to seek your refuge. O ocean of compassion, grant me protection.‖ Bhagwaan Raam immediately stood up. Lifting Vibhishan with both his hands and hugging him, he said: ―Lord of Lankaa! Welcome! I was awaiting your arrival.‖ Sugriv, Jaambvaan and Angad and other ministers began to ponder on the Lord‘s words ―Lord of Lankaa‖ Jar with water of the ocean was nearby. Giving his blessings he showered the water on Vibhishan. The thousand years penance which obtained the spendour of Lankaa for Raavan from Shankar – that Lankaa with all its wealth was conveyed without effort to Vibhishanji by the grace of Hanumaanji. After consulting Sugriv, Vibhishan, Jaambvaan, Hanumaan, Angad and other ministers, the Lord prayed to the ocean to make way. But for three days , the ocean did not listen. So the Lord raised his bow. Frightened by the wrath of Sri Raam, the trembling ocean appeared praying to Bhagwaan and suggested way to cross. Nal and Neel – two great monkeys began to build a bridge! Both these monkeys when they were young used to throw the Shaaligraams of the rushis in the river. So the rushis had cursed them that stones flung by them will float in water. The curse of the rushis had now become a boon to them. The monkeys brought big boulders to Nal – Neel. The bridge began to take shape. Hanumaanji began to bring mountains to the shore. Of the seven kos of Dronaachal mountain, one of the peaks was named Govardhan. When all the deities had incarnated on the earth to aid the Lord‘s tasks, then this mountain had also descended from Golok to aid the Lord. Therefore this mountain was form of divine bhagvat and all its stones were forms of Shaaligraam. Hanumaanji lifted the peak of the Dronaachal mountain. But he could not lift the small peak of Govardhan. Mahaavirji was surprised. Thinking a while he realised the importance of Govardhan. So he respectfully saluted and said: ―King of mountains! You have come from Golok to fulfil the tasks of the Lord! I have come to take you to the lotus feet of the Lord. The Lord will verily put his foot on you to get across the ocean. Will you come with me?‖ The attraction of the vision of the Lord and touch of his feet provided incentive for Govardhan mountain to become light. Hanumaanji lifted with ease and proceeded towards to ocean. 125 | P a g e

Vibhishan today is not the brother of the enemy, but a surrendered refugee devotee of<br />

mine. Just as he has come, so call him with respect to me.‖<br />

These words of Bhagwaan were sweet like nectar to Mahaavirji. Getting the command to<br />

bring Vibhishan with respect, he was very pleased. And he proceeded to bring Vibhishan.<br />

Angad, Jaambvaan and Suriv went forward to welcome Vibhishan. Mahaavirji just<br />

holding Vibhishanji‘s hand was bringing him. Walking along, Vibhishan laughingly said:<br />

―Mahaavirji! Today you have held theis servan‘s hand, and hold it to the end.A supreme<br />

devotee of the Lord when holds one‘s hand, he does not let go without taking to the other<br />

shore.‖<br />

Knowing the intent of Vibhishan, Mahaavirji laughed. In no time they reached Raam.<br />

Vibhishanji clasping both hands stood infront of Sri Raam – Laxman. Single sightedly he<br />

was observing the seet form of the Lord. His eyes shed tears of joy. And bodily<br />

prostrating, Vibhishanji said: ― Lord! Raavan‘s brother, a nocturnal sinner has come to<br />

seek your refuge. O ocean of compassion, grant me protection.‖<br />

Bhagwaan Raam immediately stood up. Lifting Vibhishan with both his hands and<br />

hugging him, he said: ―Lord of Lankaa! Welcome! I was awaiting your arrival.‖<br />

Sugriv, Jaambvaan and Angad and other ministers began to ponder on the Lord‘s words<br />

―Lord of Lankaa‖ Jar with water of the ocean was nearby. Giving his blessings he<br />

showered the water on Vibhishan.<br />

The thousand years penance which obtained the spendour of Lankaa for Raavan from<br />

Shankar – that Lankaa with all its wealth was conveyed without effort to Vibhishanji by<br />

the grace of Hanumaanji.<br />

After consulting Sugriv, Vibhishan, Jaambvaan, Hanumaan, Angad and other ministers,<br />

the Lord prayed to the ocean to make way. But for three days , the ocean did not listen.<br />

So the Lord raised his bow.<br />

Frightened by the wrath of Sri Raam, the trembling ocean appeared praying to Bhagwaan<br />

and suggested way to cross. Nal and Neel – two great monkeys began to build a bridge!<br />

Both these monkeys when they were young used to throw the Shaaligraams of the rushis<br />

in the river. So the rushis had cursed them that stones flung by them will float in water.<br />

The curse of the rushis had now become a boon to them. The monkeys brought big<br />

boulders to Nal – Neel. The bridge began to take shape. Hanumaanji began to bring<br />

mountains to the shore. Of the seven kos of Dronaachal mountain, one of the peaks was<br />

named Govardhan. When all the deities had incarnated on the earth to aid the Lord‘s<br />

tasks, then this mountain had also descended from Golok to aid the Lord. Therefore this<br />

mountain was form of divine bhagvat and all its stones were forms of Shaaligraam.<br />

Hanumaanji lifted the peak of the Dronaachal mountain. But he could not lift the small<br />

peak of Govardhan. Mahaavirji was surprised. Thinking a while he realised the<br />

importance of Govardhan. So he respectfully saluted and said: ―King of mountains! You<br />

have come from Golok to fulfil the tasks of the Lord! I have come to take you to the lotus<br />

feet of the Lord. The Lord will verily put his foot on you to get across the ocean. Will<br />

you come with me?‖<br />

The attraction of the vision of the Lord and touch of his feet provided incentive for<br />

Govardhan mountain to become light. Hanumaanji lifted with ease and proceeded<br />

towards to ocean.<br />

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