Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group

Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group
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After Bharahmaaji had prayed, all the other deities also said their prayers and requested to free the great time devourer form Yam-raaj. Due to the prayers of the deities, Hanumaanji let go Yam-raaj. Raavan came to know Yam-raaj was no threat to this monkey. He then commanded the deluge time rains to shower down with great force. But the rains action turned to adding oil to fire. As the rains came down heavier, so did the fire flames blazed even more fiercely. Raavan‘s women and Mandodari became all frightened. Picking their expensive garments they began to roam everywhere away from the inferno. The day had arrived when Raavan‘s women were slandering him! Raavan also listened to the slander of the women. But there was no solution that Raavan could apply. In the whole of Lankaa, the frightgening fire danced. Where the fire had not touched, there were only two locations. One was the Ashok garden and the other was the temple of Vibhishan. But in deep sleep, Kumbhakaran had no knowledge of all the going ons in Lankaa. He had gone to sleep for a long time. When Hanumaanji arrived and set alight his house, Kumbhakaran‘s wife prayed clasping both hands: ―Mahaa-virji, my husband is in deep sleep. He cannot wake up now. Therefore may Raamchandraji forbid you from setting fire to this house.‖ But by this time half the house had already burned out. Hanumaanji blew out the fire respecting his Lord Raamchandraji. So Kumbhakaran‘s half house remained intact. The fire destruction of Lankaa was complete. Apart from the abode of Vibhishan, the destructive glaze of Shanidev (Saturn) had permeated. From that day all the prosperity of Lankaa left. Wealth obtained by evil means destructs in this manner. Raavan had felr great hurt by this inferno, but now he had no way out. Hanumaanji leapt into the ocean and extinguished the flame on the tail. He bathed in the ocean waters. Releaving himself of the stress he went to Mother Sitaa. He bodily prostrated at the Mother‘s feet and prayed: ―Mother! Give me permission to return. I can then go speedily to the Lord‘s feet and relate him of all the facts. If Bhagwaan had permitted I would have taken you back on my shoulder. BNut doing that would be against the command of Swami. But just as Bhagwaan had given the finger ring, similarly pray give me some remembreance – it will be your grace on me.‖ The eyes of the Mother of the cosmos filled with tears, and said: ―Son, Describe this state of mine to the Lord. And pray tell him if he does not arrive in one month, Sitaaji will not be seen alive.‖ ―..And also teel brother Laxman,‖ she said after pausing, ―The harsh which I had uttered after hearing the illusive dear, I have received punishment for that. Pray he now releaves himself of this happening.‖ ―And on my behalf, bow repeatedly at the feet of the Lord.‖ With tear filled eyes Sitaaji gave the Chdaamani hewel from her forehead to Hanumaanji. Maaruti touched the Chdaamani to his forehead and very carefully saved it. Bowing to the Mother he said: ―Please keep patience Mother. Hearing the message of yours, Prabhu will arrive here very quickly.‖ Saying thus, the darling of Anjani fell to the feet of the Mother and taking dust from her feet to his head, he departed from there. 120 | P a g e

From there, Mahaavirji went to meet Vibhishanji. According appropriate hospitality to Hanumaanji, Vibhishan said: ―Mahaavirji! You can see I am living my days like corn between the two wheels of the mill. Describe this state of mine to Bhagwaan Raam. And relay my prostrations at his feet.‖ ―You are fearless!‖ said Hanumaanji with a laugh. ―You have reached the refuge of the kingpin of the mill. You know that the corn supported at the kingpin, even the wheels of the mill cannot grind.‖ ―Just as the wish of Lord Raam!‖ Vibhishan said. Giving confidence to Vibhishan and taking leave of him, Hanumaanji proceeded from there. Completing the fire destruction of Lankaa, Maaruti accomplished the task of his Rudra incarnation. [ 13 ] Jaambvaan and the monkeys after the departure of Hanumaanji had just remained sitting at the coast of the great of ocean with great eagerness awaiting his arrival. In beween, Jaambvaan was relating stories of child feats of Hanumaan. Thereupon, from afar Hanumaanji‘s joyous squeels were heard. All the monkeysa became eager, some climbed trees, some climbed the hills to look out for Hanumaanji. Just then with shout of ―Jay Raghunaath‖ he downed from his sky path. All the monkeys surrounded Hanumaanji. All were wishing to hear what has ensued in Lankaa. Sitting on a big boulder, Hanumaanji related all. Hearing the wellbeing of Sitaaji, all were pleased.The elderly Jaambvaan hugged Hanumaanji to his heart. The other monkeys were engrossed jumping in joy. Some were kissing Hanumaanji‘s tail. Some were pressing his feet. Whereas some were bringing him ripe sweet fresh fruit. For all, the day‘s meeting with Hanunaaji became a festive occasion. Talking to each other, jumping about and with joyous squeels, all departed towards Kishkindhaa. Enroute, Jaambvaan kept asking about Lankaa. Mahaavirji sweetly related the happenings. Getting near Kishkindhaa, there was Sugriv‘s garden. All the monkys expressed desire to eat fruit from it. Angadji was with them. And in the joyous mood Angadji gave permission to eat fruit at their desire. Entering the garden, all the monkeys ate fruit to their hearts‘ desire. According their animal nature they were throwing unripe fruit on the ground. This came to the knowledge of the garden keepers. They did not know of the permission of prince. The keepers stopped some of the monkeys. Overcome in their mood some monkeys gave the keepers beatings. The poor keepers, frightened by all ran to Sugriv to complain. And adding to the facts they said: ―Lord, Prince Angad has sent the troops of monkeys into the garden and by his instruction the monkeys have flattened it all. The Prince for some deliberate reason has destroyed the garden.‖ Sugriv drew inference the search for Sitaaji had been succdessfully concluded. If they had not succeeded, then what would be the use of such destruction? Thinking thus, Sugrivji replied: ―What is the problem? The Prince has full rights on the garden. Let him do as sees fit. You can go.‖ The poor keepers left just as they had come without achieving anything. Just then came shouts from the sky of ―Glory to Siyaavr Raamchandra! Glory to Mahaavir Hanumaan!‖ Sugriv came to front the crowd. Hanumaanji bowed to Sugriv. 121 | P a g e

From there, Mahaavirji went to meet Vibhishanji. According appropriate hospitality to<br />

Hanumaanji, Vibhishan said: ―Mahaavirji! You can see I am living my days like corn<br />

between the two wheels of the mill. Describe this state of mine to Bhagwaan Raam. And<br />

relay my prostrations at his feet.‖<br />

―You are fearless!‖ said Hanumaanji with a laugh. ―You have reached the refuge of the<br />

kingpin of the mill. You know that the corn supported at the kingpin, even the wheels of<br />

the mill cannot grind.‖<br />

―Just as the wish of Lord Raam!‖ Vibhishan said.<br />

Giving confidence to Vibhishan and taking leave of him, Hanumaanji proceeded from<br />

there. Completing the fire destruction of Lankaa, Maaruti accomplished the task of his<br />

Rudra incarnation.<br />

[ 13 ]<br />

Jaambvaan and the monkeys after the departure of Hanumaanji had just remained sitting<br />

at the coast of the great of ocean with great eagerness awaiting his arrival. In beween,<br />

Jaambvaan was relating stories of child feats of Hanumaan. Thereupon, from afar<br />

Hanumaanji‘s joyous squeels were heard.<br />

All the monkeysa became eager, some climbed trees, some climbed the hills to look out<br />

for Hanumaanji. Just then with shout of ―Jay Raghunaath‖ he downed from his sky path.<br />

All the monkeys surrounded Hanumaanji. All were wishing to hear what has ensued in<br />

Lankaa. Sitting on a big boulder, Hanumaanji related all. Hearing the wellbeing of<br />

Sitaaji, all were pleased.The elderly Jaambvaan hugged Hanumaanji to his heart. The<br />

other monkeys were engrossed jumping in joy. Some were kissing Hanumaanji‘s tail.<br />

Some were pressing his feet. Whereas some were bringing him ripe sweet fresh fruit.<br />

For all, the day‘s meeting with Hanunaaji became a festive occasion.<br />

Talking to each other, jumping about and with joyous squeels, all departed towards<br />

Kishkindhaa. Enroute, Jaambvaan kept asking about Lankaa. Mahaavirji sweetly related<br />

the happenings. Getting near Kishkindhaa, there was Sugriv‘s garden. All the monkys<br />

expressed desire to eat fruit from it. Angadji was with them. And in the joyous mood<br />

Angadji gave permission to eat fruit at their desire.<br />

Entering the garden, all the monkeys ate fruit to their hearts‘ desire. According their<br />

animal nature they were throwing unripe fruit on the ground. This came to the knowledge<br />

of the garden keepers. They did not know of the permission of prince. The keepers<br />

stopped some of the monkeys. Overcome in their mood some monkeys gave the keepers<br />

beatings.<br />

The poor keepers, frightened by all ran to Sugriv to complain. And adding to the facts<br />

they said: ―Lord, Prince Angad has sent the troops of monkeys into the garden and by his<br />

instruction the monkeys have flattened it all. The Prince for some deliberate reason has<br />

destroyed the garden.‖<br />

Sugriv drew inference the search for Sitaaji had been succdessfully concluded. If they<br />

had not succeeded, then what would be the use of such destruction? Thinking thus,<br />

Sugrivji replied: ―What is the problem? The Prince has full rights on the garden. Let him<br />

do as sees fit. You can go.‖<br />

The poor keepers left just as they had come without achieving anything.<br />

Just then came shouts from the sky of ―Glory to Siyaavr Raamchandra! Glory to<br />

Mahaavir Hanumaan!‖ Sugriv came to front the crowd. Hanumaanji bowed to Sugriv.<br />

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