Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group

Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group
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―Dear Mother!‖ said Mahaavir Hanumaanji consoling. ―Please you do not become so grief stricken. The pair of Bhagwaqan Raam and Laxman are just well. Nevertheless, your recollection always pains his heart. Pray do have patience. I will narrate Bhagwaan Raam‘s message to you.‖ Become composed and relaxed, Sitaaji prepared to hear life‘s Lord‘s message eagerly. She wiped the tears from her eyes with the end of her sari. ―Maataaji‖ said Hanumaanji. ―Now I will reiterate in Bhagwaan Raam‘s words his given message.‖ ―Darling of Janak. The tree under which I sit, instead of its shade giving relaxation gives me pain of the body. The moon rays and the breeze of the Malyaachal pain me like the flames of fire. Deer of the forest, khanjan, Shuk, Saarikaa, Kokilaa, listening to their sweet singing bring me your memories. From that understand my mind is always with you.‖ ―Maataaji!‖ said Hanumaanji after a pause. ―Saying these sentences, the Lord‘s eyes overflowed with tears. He could not say anymore. Now you also have patience. If he had come to know of your location then he would have got here long time ago. Now he will very shortly with army of monkeys. He will mete out destruction of Raavan togther with the demons. And taking you back he will proceed to Ayodhyaa.‖ ―Army of monkeys?‖ Sitaaji‘s sad face turned to a smile with these words. She said: ―Son, Is the all of the army like yourself? Do you know these demons are very strong. What of monkeys? Even of humans, musicians to the deities (kinners), serpent beings and other beings – these demons eat their raw flesh. By the valour of these demons the deities shake. Against these demons, what will an army of monkeys do? Are all the monkeys similar to you?‖ Until now, Hanumaanji was in the small form of a monkey talking to Bhagvati Sitaaji. Hearing the words of Sitaaji he laughed. And with the laugh he assumed his massive form. His feet on the earth and his head in the sky, seeming like a frightening huge mountain. ―Yes Mother‖ said Hanumaanji laughing. ―All the monkeys are like me. But you do not worry. On those on whom the grace of of Sri Raghunaathji showers, that speck accomplishes task to that of mountain Meru. By the grace of the Lord a serpent devours even an eagle. What will the monkeys achieve by his grace? Not me but the time will demonstrate that.‖ Only now Sitaaji looked at the huge luminous form of Mahaavir Maaruti. It was not the small form of a monkey any more. But it was a great impenetrable huge mountain like vastly strong Hanumaanji present in front of Sitaaji. Destruction of the Ashok garden [ 11 ] The great illusion creatrix Sitaaji observed the vastly huge form of Hanumaan. She was very pleased. She was convinced that really Hanumaanji was the strength of the strong and the time dissolver of the demons. There is no error in my Lord‘s choice! Mother‘s heart was filled with emotions. Just like by the child‘s talk a mother‘s heart is filled with affection, so did her heart melt. Giving boon she said: ―Son! I am now convinced that for strength, intellect and skilfulness you are no monkey but a human par- 114 | P a g e

exellence. I grant you a boon that you become immortal with this monkey form. All the accomplishment reside in your form. And that for always the grace of Srim Raam showers on you incessantly. Just like a child rolls at the feet of its mother, so did Hanumaanji at the feet of Sitaaji roll. Taking the dust of her feet he repeatedly annointed his head. Dawn had just passed. Lord Bhaaskar‘s (Sun) rays were lighting Ashok garden‘s flowers. Hanumaanji cast his eyes in all the four directions. He felt he was now very hungry. So he prayed: ― Mother! I am hungry. If you permit, then I will partake of the fruits of this garden.‖ ―Son!‖ said Sitaaji, ―This Ashok Garden is the favourite garden of Raavan. On its each tree there is security of demons. If you want to eat fruits then eat with caution. These demons are very sruel.‖ ―Please don‘t worry‖, prayed Hanumaanji. ―Just give me your permission, then it is between me and the demons.‖ ―Very well dear. Gladly eat the fruits and satisfy your hunger,‖ permitted the Mother. The security guard demons were still in sleep. Some were turning over sides, while others still under intoxication muttering / prattling in sleep. After bowing to the Mother, Mahaavir began to roam in the Ashok garden. But he did not like it. Taking the whole trees he began to shake them on the ground. All the ripe fruit then dropped off. Leaving the unripe fruit, he then went to do the same to the next tree repeating the same. In a while the demons began to wake up and looking at the commotion began wake up the others. By that time Hanumaanji had demolished the garden. Jumping from one tree he was going on to the next one. By Hanumaanji‘s single jump, between five and ten trees began to fall. It seemed like destruction had struck the whole of the garden! Here the demons were rubbing their eyes from sleep and rearranging their clothes from the night‘s sleep. Picking their weapons they ran towards Hanumaanji. Mahaavir was only waiting for them. Seeing the crowd of the demons coming he threw a few trees at them. Some died crushed under them. Others lost arms, legs or got their heads crushed. Some of the garden‘s demons screaming went direct to Raavan. Hearing the screams of the guards, Raavan‘s sleep vanished.Raavan had also been seeing bad dreams in his sleep. Composing himself, he called for the guards. Crying out, the guards complained: ―O Lord! We have a calamity!‖ ―Will someone say what?‖ said Raavan screaming. ―What calamity?‖ One demon shaking said: ―The whole of your Ashok garden has been destroyed.‖ ―Destroyed?‖ said Raavan angrily. ―Who has destroyed it?‖ ―One monkey‖ said one of the guards. ―A monkey?‖ Raavan said in a distorted voice. He had just seen a great strong monkey in his dream. Looking with wide eyes he had been frightening Raavan. ―..What were you all dead then?‖ Raavan said. ― Monkey…! Monkey is like our pickle food! One monkey has destroyed whole of Ashok garden! How can this be?‖ ―Yes my Lord! Only the few of us managed to escape. All the other guards are really dead. That strong monkey killed them all!‖ 115 | P a g e

exellence. I grant you a boon that you become immortal with this monkey form. All the<br />

accomplishment reside in your form. And that for always the grace of Srim Raam<br />

showers on you incessantly.<br />

Just like a child rolls at the feet of its mother, so did Hanumaanji at the feet of Sitaaji roll.<br />

Taking the dust of her feet he repeatedly annointed his head.<br />

Dawn had just passed. Lord Bhaaskar‘s (Sun) rays were lighting Ashok garden‘s flowers.<br />

Hanumaanji cast his eyes in all the four directions. He felt he was now very hungry. So<br />

he prayed: ― Mother! I am hungry. If you permit, then I will partake of the fruits of this<br />

garden.‖<br />

―Son!‖ said Sitaaji, ―This Ashok Garden is the favourite garden of Raavan. On its each<br />

tree there is security of demons. If you want to eat fruits then eat with caution. These<br />

demons are very sruel.‖<br />

―Please don‘t worry‖, prayed Hanumaanji. ―Just give me your permission, then it is<br />

between me and the demons.‖<br />

―Very well dear. Gladly eat the fruits and satisfy your hunger,‖ permitted the Mother.<br />

The security guard demons were still in sleep. Some were turning over sides, while others<br />

still under intoxication muttering / prattling in sleep.<br />

After bowing to the Mother, Mahaavir began to roam in the Ashok garden.<br />

But he did not like it. Taking the whole trees he began to shake them on the ground. All<br />

the ripe fruit then dropped off. Leaving the unripe fruit, he then went to do the same to<br />

the next tree repeating the same. In a while the demons began to wake up and looking at<br />

the commotion began wake up the others.<br />

By that time Hanumaanji had demolished the garden. Jumping from one tree he was<br />

going on to the next one. By Hanumaanji‘s single jump, between five and ten trees began<br />

to fall. It seemed like destruction had struck the whole of the garden!<br />

Here the demons were rubbing their eyes from sleep and rearranging their clothes from<br />

the night‘s sleep. Picking their weapons they ran towards Hanumaanji. Mahaavir was<br />

only waiting for them. Seeing the crowd of the demons coming he threw a few trees at<br />

them. Some died crushed under them. Others lost arms, legs or got their heads crushed.<br />

Some of the garden‘s demons screaming went direct to Raavan. Hearing the screams of<br />

the guards, Raavan‘s sleep vanished.Raavan had also been seeing bad dreams in his<br />

sleep. Composing himself, he called for the guards. Crying out, the guards complained:<br />

―O Lord! We have a calamity!‖<br />

―Will someone say what?‖ said Raavan screaming. ―What calamity?‖<br />

One demon shaking said: ―The whole of your Ashok garden has been destroyed.‖<br />

―Destroyed?‖ said Raavan angrily. ―Who has destroyed it?‖<br />

―One monkey‖ said one of the guards.<br />

―A monkey?‖ Raavan said in a distorted voice. He had just seen a great strong monkey<br />

in his dream. Looking with wide eyes he had been frightening Raavan.<br />

―..What were you all dead then?‖ Raavan said. ― Monkey…! Monkey is like our pickle<br />

food! One monkey has destroyed whole of Ashok garden! How can this be?‖<br />

―Yes my Lord! Only the few of us managed to escape. All the other guards are really<br />

dead. That strong monkey killed them all!‖<br />

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