Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group

Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group
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But would such attractions deflect the heart of Sitaaji? Would any threat give her fear?Could any other man‘s sweet talk ever cheat the chaste woman? The great devi Sitaaji did not even glance at Raavan nor in the least got frightened from his threats. With words that would adore an Aryan lady, she replied: ―O wicked! I know your power very well. In the absence of the Arya son, you abducted me. Are you not ashamed? O sinful! By your very sin fire, your Lankaa together with your family will invite your destruction.‖ Raavan could not endure these fire showering words of Sitaaji. Raising his sword, he redied to to slaughter Sitaaji‘s head. But suddenly from behind a delicate beautiful held Raavan‘s hand. Hanumaanji noticed it was the same lady Mandodari who was sleeping before in Raavan‘s bedroom. Thinking per chance Raavan having got up early at dawn may have gone to Ashok garden, she had followed him. Shaking with anger, Raavan‘s hand dropped. And seeing Mandodari, he retraced his steps back. But going back, he told the demonesses watching over Sitaaji that if Sitaaji desired to live then she would have to obey the command of Raavan. Remember that Raavan‘s anger would shake even the time! The demonesses taking very fearful forms tried to persuade Sitaaji. But as among the bad people there is someone good, from amongst the nasty demonesses there was a demoness by the name Trijataa who was good natured and kind. She called all the demonesses to her and said: ―Dear sisters! Let us go to roam in the gardens. Today the Lord of Lankaa arrived early, so we do not to fear him!‖ That same Trijataa after midnight had related to Sitaaji about her dream. Trijataa had seen in her dream a valorous monkey man come to Lankaa and set it alight. And she had seen him slaughtering the heads of the demons and destroying Akshaya-kumaar. Sitaaji was also thinking about what Trijataa had narrated to her. Were the demonesses near her or away, she did not even notice.Sitting on the Shisham tree, Hanumaanji was observing all. Sitaaji in half faint mood was calling out sighs ―Son of Aarya, Raam!‖ and other words. Mother‘s each word was shaking Hanumaanji‘s heart. Suddenly, Hanumaanji dropped from his hand the finger ring into Sitaaji‘s lap. Seeing the jewel studded ring in her lap, Sitaaji took it in her hand and carefully inspected it. It was impoosible for the chaste wife to not recognise her husband‘s ring! Recognising fully the ring, she hugged it to her heart. Looking repeatedly at the ring , she still remained unsatisfied. A mixture of surprise and love could be seen in Sitaaji‘s heart. She began to ponder: ―O! This is my beloved‘s ring. His name is inscribed in this ring. But how did it get here? Could God have sent this as a present by his grace? Who would have brought it here?‖ Looking up at the tree and the surrounding area, she could not see anyone. Again she hugged the ring to her heart and began to think:. Sitting on the tree, Maaruti suddenly began to sing praise to Lord Sri Raam. Hanumaanji reckined that if he went straight to the Mother, she would not have any faith in him. Listening to the praise to Lord Sri Raam, Bhagvati Sitaaji was very pleased. She was overjoyed coming to realise that her heart‘s delight had sent someone to her. But who is it? And Hanumaanji quickly alighted and began to bodily prostrate to the feet of the Mother. 112 | P a g e

How can any paen describe the daughter of Janak‘s great emotional delight? Even so, she did not engage in direct conversation to an unknown man. But taking the ring in her hand and questioning it, she said: MUDRE SANTI SA-LAKSHMANA-HA KUSHLIN-HA SRI RAAM PAADAA-HA SUKHAM SANTI SWAAMINI MAA VIDHEHI VIDHURAM CHETO-ANAYAA CHINTAYAA ENAAM VYAAHAR MEITHILAADHIP-SUTE NAAMAANTARE-NAA-DHUNAA RAAM-STAWAD-VIRHEN KANKAN-PADAM HYASYEI CHIRAM DATTAVAAN ―O ring! Tell me quickly. Is Sri Raamchandraji together with Laxman well?‖ ―Yes, daughter if Meithil,‖ as if the ring replied. ―Due to separation from you, the emaciated Sri Raam instead of wearing me in his hand was wearing me as a jewel round his hand. I have now come to you.‖ Sitaaji looked into jewel in the ring. The place where Sri Raam‘s name was inscribed, there she saw the form of Raam visible. And in the jewel her reflection was as if standing smiling at Sri Raam. For a moment, in the pair of Sita Raam‘s vision, Bhagvati Sitaa became engrossed! In a moment she became aware and began to think: ―O! Instead of wearing the ring in his finger, my Lord was wearing on his hand? Why, has he become so emaciated in separation from me? And now as a remembrance in his hand, even this ring has not remained. He will now become even fickle!‖ ―But would that have happened?‖ Sitaaji had a doubt. ―Why not?‖ Sitaaji‘s pure heart replied. ―Why does separation from my beloved makes even the moon rays feel burn like fired coals? Why does the touch of lotus flowers become unbearable like sparks from fire? How come the beauty of the moon instead of giving pleasure to the eyes seems raw as flash of lightening?The cool mild scented air, why does it feel like forest fire? And why do the tender things of the world seem harsh? When the separation from the dear gives me this expeience, then the message from this ring must be true.‖ ―But O ring!‖ Sitaaji said after a pause. ―Now go quickly to the beloved of us both Sri Raam and at his feet announce my message. You have already heard my heart‘s cries. It is not possible to endure that affliction anymore. That is all you have to relate to our Lord of life.‖ ―Yes my Mother!‖ in between the voice of Mahaavir Maaruti was heard by pensive Sitaaji. ―Just as the ring understands the grief of your heart, this child‘s heart comprehends it multi fold. And more so understands Raam who resides in my heart. How can that anguish be hidden from him?‖ Bhagvati Sitaaji now looked directly at Hanumaanji. And denoting the monkey form Mahaavir, she said: ―O strong one! I have recognised you by the praises you said of the Lord, sitting in the tree. You are truly fortunate. To this day, my Lord had no friendship with a monkey, but now there is no doubt left in my mind. Tell me O king of the monkeys. Together with brother Laxman, is the Arya son well?‖ Speaking Arya son, her heart filled with emotions. The tears flowing from her eyes were sanctifying the ring in her hand. Despite wanting to talk she was unable to express any words. 113 | P a g e

But would such attractions deflect the heart of Sitaaji? Would any threat give her<br />

fear?Could any other man‘s sweet talk ever cheat the chaste woman?<br />

The great devi Sitaaji did not even glance at Raavan nor in the least got frightened from<br />

his threats. With words that would adore an Aryan lady, she replied: ―O wicked! I know<br />

your power very well. In the absence of the Arya son, you abducted me. Are you not<br />

ashamed? O sinful! By your very sin fire, your Lankaa together with your family will<br />

invite your destruction.‖<br />

Raavan could not endure these fire showering words of Sitaaji. Raising his sword, he<br />

redied to to slaughter Sitaaji‘s head. But suddenly from behind a delicate beautiful held<br />

Raavan‘s hand.<br />

Hanumaanji noticed it was the same lady Mandodari who was sleeping before in<br />

Raavan‘s bedroom. Thinking per chance Raavan having got up early at dawn may have<br />

gone to Ashok garden, she had followed him.<br />

Shaking with anger, Raavan‘s hand dropped. And seeing Mandodari, he retraced his steps<br />

back.<br />

But going back, he told the demonesses watching over Sitaaji that if Sitaaji desired to live<br />

then she would have to obey the command of Raavan. Remember that Raavan‘s anger<br />

would shake even the time!<br />

The demonesses taking very fearful forms tried to persuade Sitaaji. But as among the bad<br />

people there is someone good, from amongst the nasty demonesses there was a demoness<br />

by the name Trijataa who was good natured and kind. She called all the demonesses to<br />

her and said: ―Dear sisters! Let us go to roam in the gardens. Today the Lord of Lankaa<br />

arrived early, so we do not to fear him!‖<br />

That same Trijataa after midnight had related to Sitaaji about her dream. Trijataa had<br />

seen in her dream a valorous monkey man come to Lankaa and set it alight. And she had<br />

seen him slaughtering the heads of the demons and destroying Akshaya-kumaar.<br />

Sitaaji was also thinking about what Trijataa had narrated to her. Were the demonesses<br />

near her or away, she did not even notice.Sitting on the Shisham tree, Hanumaanji was<br />

observing all. Sitaaji in half faint mood was calling out sighs ―Son of Aarya, Raam!‖ and<br />

other words. Mother‘s each word was shaking Hanumaanji‘s heart. Suddenly,<br />

Hanumaanji dropped from his hand the finger ring into Sitaaji‘s lap.<br />

Seeing the jewel studded ring in her lap, Sitaaji took it in her hand and carefully<br />

inspected it. It was impoosible for the chaste wife to not recognise her husband‘s ring!<br />

Recognising fully the ring, she hugged it to her heart. Looking repeatedly at the ring , she<br />

still remained unsatisfied.<br />

A mixture of surprise and love could be seen in Sitaaji‘s heart. She began to ponder: ―O!<br />

This is my beloved‘s ring. His name is inscribed in this ring. But how did it get here?<br />

Could God have sent this as a present by his grace? Who would have brought it here?‖<br />

Looking up at the tree and the surrounding area, she could not see anyone. Again she<br />

hugged the ring to her heart and began to think:.<br />

Sitting on the tree, Maaruti suddenly began to sing praise to Lord Sri Raam. Hanumaanji<br />

reckined that if he went straight to the Mother, she would not have any faith in him.<br />

Listening to the praise to Lord Sri Raam, Bhagvati Sitaaji was very pleased. She was<br />

overjoyed coming to realise that her heart‘s delight had sent someone to her. But who is<br />

it?<br />

And Hanumaanji quickly alighted and began to bodily prostrate to the feet of the Mother.<br />

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