Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group

Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group Mangalmandir - Maruti Edition (PDF) - Sai Kirtan Group
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Hanumaanji thought that this wicked demoness will not be persuaded, and that there was no point in arguing with her. In case if some other demon came during the conversation, then it would only make matters worse. And that time will be lost in search of Jaankiji. Blow to Lankini Having thought such, Pavankumaar punched a blow to the head of the demoness. The heavy solid blow blew out the eyes of the demoness and she began to vomit blood. Before Hanumaanji was to hit her the second blow, she fell at the feet of Hanumaanji. And crying out she said: ―Mahaavir, I have recognised you. When Bhrahmaa gave boon to Raavan, he had told him that Sri Raam‘s messenger will come searching for Bhagvati Sitaaji. And if by his single blow Lankaa‘s deity is agitated and confounded, then realise that Lankaa city and the Lord Lankaa are guests for only few days.‖ ―Lord of Kapi!‖ she continued after a breath, ―I am not a demoness but worshipped by Raavan I am the overlord of Lankaapuri. It is my great priviledge that I have gained your vision. You make enterane to the city contemplating on the name of Raam. Success is already facing you.‖ Saying thus the deity relinquished the task of guarding of Lankaa. Granting her freedom from fear, Hanumaanji made entrance to the city. Mahaavirji just realised that he could have asked Smapaati the whereabouts of Janaknandini in Lankaa. And Sampaati also did not bother to explain the location. Now I will have to search this whole vast Lankaapuri for Sitaaji. Where could Sitaaji be? Has the Lord of Lankaa – Raavan put her into a prison? Thinking thus he searched all the prisons in the city. The prisons were all filled with deities and divine souls – but showed no trace of Sitaaji. Thereafter he roamed in secret form in the abodes of the ministers. To carry out the task of his master, the celibate Mahaavirji had to pass through the abodes of the married. At some locations, animals were being slaughtered, at others intoxicating drinks were being boiled, some were preparing meat dishes and at others the demons were engaged in acts of their desires. Hanumaanji saw all these abodes, and he also entered many public places in secret form. Maybe he will get some news of Sitaaji from the chatting of people. But there was not a single mention of Sitaaji in any of the discussions. In all locations he roamed with unadulterated mind. The one in whose heart the name of Sri Raam and Sri Raam‘s task consistently reside, where is the scope for adulteration of the mind? Roaming around, he entered the vast great palace of Kumbhkaran. This huge bodied demon was in long deep sleep, so he came out again. Half the night had passed. All the people had succumbed into the lap of mother sleep. But the one who was engaged in carrying out the task of Bhagwaan, how can sleep enter his eyes? And just a little distance ahead he observed made from markat diamond the palace of Raavan. Skillfully he made entrance into it. Raavan‘s beauty room, inner room, meeting room, weapon store, committee room and inner court – he looked at all those. He checked out the sleeping of all the queens, looked at all the dance halls. In all the places he observed those arrogant women lying fainted from intoxication of extremely potent liquor. After pleasing Raavan with their form, colour and attraction those women were 108 | P a g e

lying there part naked. Hanumaanji inspected all those carefully. He returned again to the beer mall of Raavan. That which would set aside the even the heaven, in such Raavan‘s palace Hanumaanji observed everywhere an empire of warriors and beautiful damsels. The lights were shining like diamonds. Attractive nude women‘s pictures adored all the rooms. The environment was filled with fragrant scents all over. An in that beautiful great palace Raavan himself was sleeping on a covered bed. His huge body was covered with soft silk cloth. And on his left a very beautiful lady was seen sleeping. For a moment Hanumaanji stopped there. Coming to Lankaa he had seen many beautiful women, but the one sleeping on Raavan‘s bed was no comparison to any others he had witnessed. ―Would that not be the darling of Janak – Sitaaji?‖ Mahaavir for moment had a doubt. No. An answer came from his heart. Sitaaji was worshipful of her husband. Her eyes would never turn to any other except for the vision of Bhagwaan Raam. And also Sampaati had said that distressed due to the separation from Bhagwaan Raam, Sitaaji was constantly in sorrow. Whereas this woman was pleasantly in sleep. ―This woman must be the favourite of Raavan‖. Hanumaanji immediately concluded thus. And thereafter he observed evry corner of Raavan‘s abode. But he could not find Sitaaji. Now where to go? Having explored the whole of Lankaa he was not successful in search of Bhagvati Sitaaji. Is Sitaaji not in Lankaa? The elderly Sampaati would not lie. ―- But it is all right. My search is still incomplete – Hanumaanji suddenly thought. Roaming around in Lankaa city I have observed all the visions of sin and looked all the sinners. Despite being celibate, I saw thousands of naked women. I saw copulations in many rooms. My eyes have become impure. I have to repent. Only high thinking people can think like this. Recollection of sins and their repentance only comes to the pure hearted of merit. Sinners think of sin as merit. The throw themselves wilfully into the dump sin. What need do they see for repentance? With just the rememberance of sin, Hanumaanji‘s heart became light. By the constant repetition of name of Raam, sin could not touch him. So from his sanctified heart came the voice: ―Hanumaan! You have come to perform the task of Bhagwaan. Where the body is not yours, where your heart is not yours, where all yours has been offered at the feet of Sri Raghunaath, then where is sin? Having roamed all of Lankaa city, to see the forests, lakes, temples and gardens he thought of coming out of Lankaa. It was nearly the last quarter of the night. A new light had as if sprung in the heart of devotee to Raam. And pearcing the deep darkness of the night, the rays of Arun-dev were making first attempt. On the edge of Lakaa-nagari, he was proceeding in the easterly direction. Just then seeing a beautiful abode, Hanumaanji stood there. On the doorway of this house were big letters ―Sri R a a m‖. Mahaa-vir Maaruti bowed to the name form of Sri Raam with great affection. Beyond the doorway inside was a beautiful garden of Tulsi plants, and he also saw articles for worship prepared with flowers. Hanumaanji entered inside. The dwelling‘s floor were covered with cow dung. The walls were adored with pictures of the many incarnations of Bhagwaan. And in the middle of the dwelling was a magnificent temple. And by the 109 | P a g e

Hanumaanji thought that this wicked demoness will not be persuaded, and that there was<br />

no point in arguing with her. In case if some other demon came during the conversation,<br />

then it would only make matters worse. And that time will be lost in search of Jaankiji.<br />

Blow to Lankini<br />

Having thought such, Pavankumaar punched a blow to the head of the demoness. The<br />

heavy solid blow blew out the eyes of the demoness and she began to vomit blood.<br />

Before Hanumaanji was to hit her the second blow, she fell at the feet of Hanumaanji.<br />

And crying out she said: ―Mahaavir, I have recognised you. When Bhrahmaa gave boon<br />

to Raavan, he had told him that Sri Raam‘s messenger will come searching for Bhagvati<br />

Sitaaji. And if by his single blow Lankaa‘s deity is agitated and confounded, then realise<br />

that Lankaa city and the Lord Lankaa are guests for only few days.‖<br />

―Lord of Kapi!‖ she continued after a breath, ―I am not a demoness but worshipped by<br />

Raavan I am the overlord of Lankaapuri. It is my great priviledge that I have gained your<br />

vision. You make enterane to the city contemplating on the name of Raam. Success is<br />

already facing you.‖<br />

Saying thus the deity relinquished the task of guarding of Lankaa. Granting her freedom<br />

from fear, Hanumaanji made entrance to the city.<br />

Mahaavirji just realised that he could have asked Smapaati the whereabouts of Janaknandini<br />

in Lankaa. And Sampaati also did not bother to explain the location. Now I will<br />

have to search this whole vast Lankaapuri for Sitaaji. Where could Sitaaji be? Has the<br />

Lord of Lankaa – Raavan put her into a prison?<br />

Thinking thus he searched all the prisons in the city. The prisons were all filled with<br />

deities and divine souls – but showed no trace of Sitaaji.<br />

Thereafter he roamed in secret form in the abodes of the ministers. To carry out the task<br />

of his master, the celibate Mahaavirji had to pass through the abodes of the married. At<br />

some locations, animals were being slaughtered, at others intoxicating drinks were being<br />

boiled, some were preparing meat dishes and at others the demons were engaged in acts<br />

of their desires.<br />

Hanumaanji saw all these abodes, and he also entered many public places in secret form.<br />

Maybe he will get some news of Sitaaji from the chatting of people. But there was not a<br />

single mention of Sitaaji in any of the discussions. In all locations he roamed with<br />

unadulterated mind. The one in whose heart the name of Sri Raam and Sri Raam‘s task<br />

consistently reside, where is the scope for adulteration of the mind?<br />

Roaming around, he entered the vast great palace of Kumbhkaran. This huge bodied<br />

demon was in long deep sleep, so he came out again.<br />

Half the night had passed. All the people had succumbed into the lap of mother sleep. But<br />

the one who was engaged in carrying out the task of Bhagwaan, how can sleep enter his<br />

eyes?<br />

And just a little distance ahead he observed made from markat diamond the palace of<br />

Raavan. Skillfully he made entrance into it. Raavan‘s beauty room, inner room, meeting<br />

room, weapon store, committee room and inner court – he looked at all those. He checked<br />

out the sleeping of all the queens, looked at all the dance halls. In all the places he<br />

observed those arrogant women lying fainted from intoxication of extremely potent<br />

liquor. After pleasing Raavan with their form, colour and attraction those women were<br />

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