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<strong>The</strong> low early sunsh<strong>in</strong>e was stream<strong>in</strong>g through the wood and the grass was grey with dew<br />

and the cobwebs were like silver. Just beside them was a little, very darkwooded tree,<br />

about the size <strong>of</strong> an apple tree. <strong>The</strong> leaves were whitish and rather papery, like the herb<br />

called honesty, and it was loaded with little brown fruits that looked rather like dates.<br />

"Hurrah!" said Digory. "But I'm go<strong>in</strong>g to have a dip first." He rushed through a flower<strong>in</strong>g<br />

thicket or two down to the river's edge. Have you ever bathed <strong>in</strong> a mounta<strong>in</strong> river that is<br />

runn<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> shallow cataracts over red and blue and yellow stones with the sun on it? It is<br />

as good as the sea: <strong>in</strong> some ways almost better. Of course, he had to dress aga<strong>in</strong> without<br />

dry<strong>in</strong>g but it was well worth it. When he came back, Polly went down and had her bathe;<br />

at least she said that was what she'd been do<strong>in</strong>g, but we know she was not much <strong>of</strong> a<br />

swimmer and perhaps it is best not to ask too many questions. Fledge visited the river too<br />

but he only stood <strong>in</strong> midstream, stoop<strong>in</strong>g down for a long dr<strong>in</strong>k <strong>of</strong> water and then shak<strong>in</strong>g<br />

his mane and neigh<strong>in</strong>g several times.<br />

Polly and Digory got to work on the t<strong>of</strong>fee-tree. <strong>The</strong> fruit was delicious; not exactly like<br />

t<strong>of</strong>fee - s<strong>of</strong>ter for one th<strong>in</strong>g, and juicy - but like fruit which rem<strong>in</strong>ded one <strong>of</strong> t<strong>of</strong>fee.<br />

Fledge also made an excellent breakfast; he tried one <strong>of</strong> the t<strong>of</strong>fee fruits and liked it but<br />

said he felt more like grass at that hour <strong>in</strong> the morn<strong>in</strong>g. <strong>The</strong>n with some difficulty the<br />

children got on his back and the second journey began.<br />

It was even better than yesterday, partly because every one was feel<strong>in</strong>g so fresh, and<br />

partly because the newly risen sun was at their backs and, <strong>of</strong> course, everyth<strong>in</strong>g looks<br />

nicer when the light is beh<strong>in</strong>d you. It was a wonderful ride. <strong>The</strong> big snowy mounta<strong>in</strong>s<br />

rose above them <strong>in</strong> every direction. <strong>The</strong> valleys, far beneath them, were so green, and all<br />

the streams which tumbled down from the glaciers <strong>in</strong>to the ma<strong>in</strong> river were so blue, that<br />

it was like fly<strong>in</strong>g over gigantic pieces <strong>of</strong> jewellery. <strong>The</strong>y would have liked this part <strong>of</strong> the<br />

adventure to go on longer than it did. But quite soon they were all sniff<strong>in</strong>g the air and<br />

say<strong>in</strong>g "What is it?" and "Did you smell someth<strong>in</strong>g?" and "Where's it com<strong>in</strong>g from?" For<br />

a heavenly smell, warm and golden, as if from all the most delicious fruits and flowers <strong>of</strong><br />

the world, was com<strong>in</strong>g up to them from somewhere ahead.<br />

"It's com<strong>in</strong>g from that valley with the lake <strong>in</strong> it," said Fledge.<br />

"So it is," said Digory. "And look! <strong>The</strong>re's a green hill at the far end <strong>of</strong> the lake. And look<br />

how blue the water is."<br />

"It must be the Place," said all three.<br />

Fledge came lower and lower <strong>in</strong> wide circles. <strong>The</strong> icy peaks rose up higher and higher<br />

above. <strong>The</strong> air came up warmer and sweeter every moment, so sweet that it almost<br />

brought the tears to your eyes. Fledge was now glid<strong>in</strong>g with his w<strong>in</strong>gs spread out<br />

motionless on each side, and his ho<strong>of</strong>s paw<strong>in</strong>g for the ground. <strong>The</strong> steep green hill was<br />

rush<strong>in</strong>g towards them. A moment later he alighted on its slope, a little awkwardly. <strong>The</strong>

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