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"Have a care, Rabadash," said Aslan quietly. "<strong>The</strong> doom is nearer now: it is at the door: it<br />

has lifted the latch."<br />

"Let the skies fall," shrieked Rabadash. "Let the earth gape! Let blood and fire obliterate<br />

the world! But be sure I will never desist till I have dragged to my palace by her hair the<br />

barbarian queen, the daughter <strong>of</strong> dogs, the -"<br />

"<strong>The</strong> hour has struck," said Aslan: and Rabadash saw, to his supreme horror, that<br />

everyone had begun to laugh.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y couldn't help it. Rabadash had been wagg<strong>in</strong>g his ears all the time and as soon as<br />

Aslan said, "<strong>The</strong> hour has struck!" the ears began to change. <strong>The</strong>y grew longer and more<br />

po<strong>in</strong>ted and soon were covered with grey hair. And while everyone was wonder<strong>in</strong>g where<br />

they had seen ears like that before, Rabadash's face began to change too. It grew longer,<br />

and thicker at the top and larger eyed, and the nose sank back <strong>in</strong>to the face (or else the<br />

face swelled out and became all nose) and there was hair all over it. And his arms grew<br />

longer and came down <strong>in</strong> front <strong>of</strong> him till his hands were rest<strong>in</strong>g on the ground: only they<br />

weren't hands, now, they were ho<strong>of</strong>s. And he was stand<strong>in</strong>g on all fours, and his clothes<br />

disappeared, and everyone laughed louder and louder (because they couldn't help it) for<br />

now what had been Rabadash was, simply and unmistakably, a donkey. <strong>The</strong> terrible th<strong>in</strong>g<br />

was that his human speech lasted just a moment longer than his human shape, so that<br />

when he realized the change that was com<strong>in</strong>g over him, he screamed out:<br />

"Oh, not a Donkey! Mercy! If it were even a horse - e'en - a hor - eeh - auh, eeh-auh."<br />

And so the words died away <strong>in</strong>to a donkey's bray.<br />

"Now hear me, Rabadash," said Aslan. "Justice shall be mixed with mercy. You shall not<br />

always be an Ass."<br />

At this <strong>of</strong> course the Donkey twitched its ears forward and that also was so funny that<br />

everybody laughed all the more. <strong>The</strong>y tried not to, but they tried <strong>in</strong> va<strong>in</strong>.<br />

"You have appealed to Tash," said Aslan. "And <strong>in</strong> the temple <strong>of</strong> Tash you shall be healed.<br />

You must stand before the altar <strong>of</strong> Tash <strong>in</strong> Tashbaan at the great Autumn Feast this year<br />

and there, <strong>in</strong> the sight <strong>of</strong> all Tashbaan, your ass's shape will fall from you and all men<br />

will know you for Pr<strong>in</strong>ce Rabadash. But as long as you live, if ever you go more than ten<br />

miles away from the great temple <strong>in</strong> Tashbaan you shall <strong>in</strong>stantly become aga<strong>in</strong> as you<br />

now are. And from that second change there will be no return."<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was a short silence and then they all stirred and looked at one another as if they<br />

were wak<strong>in</strong>g from sleep. Aslan was gone. But there was a brightness <strong>in</strong> the air and on the<br />

grass, and a joy <strong>in</strong> their hearts, which assured them that he had been no dream: and<br />

anyway, there was the donkey <strong>in</strong> front <strong>of</strong> them.<br />

K<strong>in</strong>g Lune was the k<strong>in</strong>dest-hearted <strong>of</strong> men and on see<strong>in</strong>g his enemy <strong>in</strong> this regrettable<br />

condition he forgot all his anger.

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