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the present. <strong>The</strong>ir first bus<strong>in</strong>ess was, <strong>of</strong> course, Puddleglum's burnt foot. A couple <strong>of</strong><br />

clean shirts from the Pr<strong>in</strong>ce's bedroom, torn <strong>in</strong>to strips, and well greased on the <strong>in</strong>side<br />

with butter and salad oil <strong>of</strong>f the supper table, made a fairly good dress<strong>in</strong>g. When this had<br />

been applied, they all sat down and had a little refreshment, and discussed plans for<br />

escap<strong>in</strong>g from the Underworld.<br />

Rilian expla<strong>in</strong>ed that there were quite a lot <strong>of</strong> outlets by which one could get to the<br />

surface; he had been taken out through most <strong>of</strong> them at one time or another. But he had<br />

never gone out alone, only with the Witch; and he had always reached these outlets by<br />

go<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> a ship across the Sunless Sea. What the Earthmen would say if he went down to<br />

the harbour without the Witch, and with four strangers, and simply <strong>order</strong>ed a ship, no one<br />

could guess. But most likely they would ask awkward questions. On the other hand the<br />

new outlet, the one for the <strong>in</strong>vasion <strong>of</strong> Overworld, was on this side <strong>of</strong> the sea, and only a<br />

few miles away. <strong>The</strong> Pr<strong>in</strong>ce knew that it was nearly f<strong>in</strong>ished; only a few feet <strong>of</strong> earth<br />

divided the digg<strong>in</strong>gs from the outer air. It was even possible that it had now been quite<br />

f<strong>in</strong>ished. Perhaps the Witch had come back to tell him this and to start the attack. Even if<br />

it was not, they could probably dig themselves out by that route <strong>in</strong> a few hours - if they<br />

could only get there without be<strong>in</strong>g stopped, and if only they found the digg<strong>in</strong>gs<br />

unguarded. But those were the difficulties.<br />

"If you ask me -" began Puddleglum, when Scrubb <strong>in</strong>terrupted.<br />

"I say," he asked, "what's that noise?"<br />

"I've been wonder<strong>in</strong>g that for some time!" said Jill.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y had all, <strong>in</strong> fact, been hear<strong>in</strong>g the noise but it had begun and <strong>in</strong>creased so gradually<br />

that they did not know when they had first noticed it. For a time it had been only a vague<br />

disquiet like gentle w<strong>in</strong>ds, or traffic very far away. <strong>The</strong>n it swelled to a murmur like the<br />

sea. <strong>The</strong>n came rumbl<strong>in</strong>gs and rush<strong>in</strong>gs. Now there seemed to be voices as well and also<br />

a steady roar<strong>in</strong>g that was not voices.<br />

"By the Lion," said Pr<strong>in</strong>ce Rilian, "it seems this silent land has found a tongue at last." He<br />

rose, walked to the w<strong>in</strong>dow, and drew aside the curta<strong>in</strong>s. <strong>The</strong> others crowded round him<br />

to look out.<br />

<strong>The</strong> very first th<strong>in</strong>g they noticed was a great red glow. Its reflection made a red patch on<br />

the ro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Underworld thousands <strong>of</strong> feet above them, so that they could see a rocky<br />

ceil<strong>in</strong>g which had perhaps been hidden <strong>in</strong> darkness ever s<strong>in</strong>ce the world was made. <strong>The</strong><br />

glow itself came from the far side <strong>of</strong> the city so that many build<strong>in</strong>gs, grim and great,<br />

stood up blackly aga<strong>in</strong>st it. But it also cast its light down many streets that ran from it<br />

towards the castle. And <strong>in</strong> those streets someth<strong>in</strong>g very strange was go<strong>in</strong>g on. <strong>The</strong><br />

closely-packed, silent crowds <strong>of</strong> Earthmen had vanished. Instead, there were figures<br />

dart<strong>in</strong>g about by ones, or twos, or threes. <strong>The</strong>y behaved like people who do not want to<br />

be seen: lurk<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> shadow beh<strong>in</strong>d buttresses or <strong>in</strong> doorways, and then mov<strong>in</strong>g quickly<br />

across the open <strong>in</strong>to fresh places <strong>of</strong> hid<strong>in</strong>g. But the strangest th<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> all, to anyone who

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