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<strong>The</strong>n she sat down on one chair and put her feet up on another.<br />

"I don't know as I mightn't have forty w<strong>in</strong>ks," said the giantess. "If only that blarney<br />

hunt<strong>in</strong>g party doesn't come back too soon."<br />

All their spirits leaped up when she mentioned forty w<strong>in</strong>ks, and flopped down aga<strong>in</strong><br />

when she mentioned the return <strong>of</strong> the hunt<strong>in</strong>g party.<br />

"When do they usually comeback?" asked Jill.<br />

"You never can tell," said the giantess. "But there; go and be quiet for a bit, my dearies."<br />

<strong>The</strong>y retreated to the far end <strong>of</strong> the kitchen, and would have slipped out <strong>in</strong>to the scullery<br />

there and then if the giantess had not sat up, opened her eyes, and brushed away a fly.<br />

"Don't try it till we're sure she's really asleep," whispered Scrubb. "Or it'll spoil<br />

everyth<strong>in</strong>g." So they all huddled at the kitchen end, wait<strong>in</strong>g and watch<strong>in</strong>g. <strong>The</strong> thought<br />

that the hunters might come back at any moment was terrible. And the giantess was<br />

fidgety. Whenever they thought she had really gone to sleep, she moved.<br />

"I can't bear this," thought Jill. To distract her m<strong>in</strong>d, she began look<strong>in</strong>g about her. Just <strong>in</strong><br />

front <strong>of</strong> her was a clean wide table with two clean pie-dishes on it, and an open book.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y were giant pie-dishes <strong>of</strong> course. Jill thought that she could lie down just<br />

comfortably <strong>in</strong> one <strong>of</strong> them. <strong>The</strong>n she climbed up on the bench beside the table to look at<br />

the book. She read:<br />

MALLARD. This delicious bird can be cooked <strong>in</strong> a variety <strong>of</strong> ways.<br />

"It's a cookery book," thought Jill without much <strong>in</strong>terest, and glanced over her shoulder.<br />

<strong>The</strong> giantess's eyes were shut but she didn't look as if she were properly asleep. Jill<br />

glanced back at the book. It was arranged alphabetically: and at the very next entry her<br />

heart seemed to stop beat<strong>in</strong>g; It ran<br />

MAN. This elegant little biped has long been valued as a delicacy. It forms a traditional<br />

part <strong>of</strong> the Autumn Feast, and is served between the fish and the jo<strong>in</strong>t. Each Man...<br />

but she could not bear to read any more. She turned round. <strong>The</strong> giantess had wakened up<br />

and was hav<strong>in</strong>g a fit <strong>of</strong> cough<strong>in</strong>g. Jill nudged the other two and po<strong>in</strong>ted to the book. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

also mounted the bench and bent over the huge pages. Scrubb was still read<strong>in</strong>g about how<br />

to cook Men when Puddleglum po<strong>in</strong>ted to the next entry below it. It was like this:<br />

MARSH-WIGGLE. Some authorities reject this animal altogether as unfit for giants'<br />

consumption because <strong>of</strong> its str<strong>in</strong>gy consistency and muddy flavour. <strong>The</strong> flavour can,<br />

however, be greatly reduced if-<br />

Jill touched his feet, and Scrubb's, gently. All three looked back at the giantess. Her<br />

mouth was slightly open and from her nose there came a sound which at that moment was

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