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the bottom. All the others were there with him wait<strong>in</strong>g, and Lucy's conscience smote her<br />

when she saw their anxious faces and realized how long she had forgotten them.<br />

"It's all right," she shouted. "Everyth<strong>in</strong>g's all right. <strong>The</strong> Magician's a brick - and I've seen<br />

Him - Aslan."<br />

After that she went from them like the w<strong>in</strong>d and out <strong>in</strong>to the garden. Here the earth was<br />

shak<strong>in</strong>g with the jumps and the air r<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g with the shouts <strong>of</strong> the Monopods. Both were<br />

redoubled when they caught sight <strong>of</strong> her.<br />

"Here she comes, here she comes," they cried. "Three cheers for the little girl. Ah! She<br />

put it across the old gentleman properly, she did."<br />

"And we're extremely regrettable," said the Chief Monopod, "that we can't give you the<br />

pleasure <strong>of</strong> see<strong>in</strong>g us as we were before we were uglified, for you wouldn't believe the<br />

difference, and that's the truth, for there's no deny<strong>in</strong>g we're mortal ugly now, so we won't<br />

deceive you."<br />

"Eh, that we are, Chief, that we are," echoed the others, bounc<strong>in</strong>g like so many toy<br />

balloons. "You've said it, you've said it."<br />

"But I don't th<strong>in</strong>k you are at all," said Lucy, shout<strong>in</strong>g to make herself heard. "I th<strong>in</strong>k you<br />

look very nice."<br />

"Hear her, hear her," said the Monopods. "True for you, Missie. Very nice we look. You<br />

couldn't f<strong>in</strong>d a handsomer lot." <strong>The</strong>y said this without any surprise and did not seem to<br />

notice that they had changed their m<strong>in</strong>ds.<br />

"She's a-say<strong>in</strong>g," remarked the Chief Monopod, "as how we looked very nice before we<br />

were uglified."<br />

"True for you, Chief, true for you," chanted the others. "That's what she says. We heard<br />

her ourselves."<br />

"I did not," bawled Lucy. "I said you're very nice now."<br />

"So she did, so she did," said the Chief Monopod, "said we were very nice then."<br />

"Hear 'em both, hear 'em both," said the Monopods. "<strong>The</strong>re's a pair for you. Always right.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y couldn't have put it better."<br />

"But we're say<strong>in</strong>g just the opposite," said Lucy, stamp<strong>in</strong>g her foot with impatience.<br />

"So you are, to be sure, so you are," said the Monopods. "Noth<strong>in</strong>g like an opposite. Keep<br />

it up, both <strong>of</strong> you."

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