Introduction to Unconstrained Optimization - Scilab

Introduction to Unconstrained Optimization - Scilab

Introduction to Unconstrained Optimization - Scilab


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3 Answers <strong>to</strong> exercises<br />

3.1 Answers for section 1.10<br />

Answer of Exercise 1.1 (Con<strong>to</strong>urs of quadratic functions) By differientiating the equation 25<br />

with respect <strong>to</strong> x, we get<br />

g(x) = b + 1 2 Hx + 1 2 xT H. (62)<br />

We have x T H = H T x. By hypothesis, the matrix H is symetric, which implies that H T = H.<br />

Hence, we have x T H = Hx. This allows <strong>to</strong> simplify the equation 62 in<strong>to</strong><br />

g(x) = b + Hx. (63)<br />

We can differentiate the gradient, so that the Hessian matrix is H.<br />

The following function quadratic defines the required function and returns its function value<br />

f, its gradient g and its Hessian matrix H.<br />

function [f,g,H] = quadratic ( x )<br />

H = [<br />

2 1<br />

1 4<br />

]<br />

b = [<br />

1<br />

2<br />

]<br />

f = b’ * x + 0.5 * x’ * H * x;<br />

g = b + H * x<br />

endfunction<br />

The following script creates the con<strong>to</strong>ur plot which is presented in figure 27.<br />

function f = quadraticC ( x1 , x2 )<br />

f = quadratic ( [x1 x2]’ )<br />

endfunction<br />

xdata = linspace ( -2 ,2 ,100);<br />

ydata = linspace ( -2.5 ,1.5 ,100);<br />

con<strong>to</strong>ur ( xdata , ydata , quadratic , [0.5 2 4 8 12] )<br />

In the following session, we define the point x and compute the function value, the gradient<br />

and the Hessian matrix at this point.<br />

-->x = [<br />

--> 1<br />

--> 1<br />

--> ]<br />

x =<br />

1.<br />

1.<br />

-->[ f , g , H ] = quadratic ( x )<br />

H =<br />

2. 1.<br />

1. 4.<br />

g =<br />

4.<br />

7.<br />

f =<br />

7.<br />


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