M.Com.(ENTREPRENEURSHIP) - University of Madras

M.Com.(ENTREPRENEURSHIP) - University of Madras M.Com.(ENTREPRENEURSHIP) - University of Madras


EDP 605 MARKETING ( Credits –4) OBJECTIVE 1. Know the overview about marketing and its relevance in today’s world 2. Understand the strategies involved in marketing mix decisions viz product, price, promotion and place Unit – I Evolution of marketing – The core concepts of marketing – Features – Importance of modern marketing – Function of marketing – Marketing environment – Consumer behavior – Market segmentation - Marketing strategy. Unit – II Product decision – Product mix decision - Product positioning – Product strategies – Branding and Packaging – Product life cycle – New product planning and Development. Unit –III Pricing decision – Pricing objectives, Policies, and Strategies – New product pricing – Pricing strategies for stages in life cycle of product. Unit – IV Channel decision – Role of distribution channels – Channel functions - Channel management decision – Factors governing choice of channel – Selection of channel for new products. Unit – V Promotional decision – The promotion mix – Advertising, Sales promotion, Personnel selling – Direct marketing – On line marketing –Ethical issues in marketing. References: 1. Philip Kotler, ‘Marketing Management’, Pearson education inc ,2003 2. Stantan, ‘Fundamentals of Marketing’ , Tata Mc Graw hill, Latest Edition. 3. Walker, ‘Marketing Strategy : Planning and Implementation’, Tata Mc Graw Hill. 4. Micheal R. Czinkota & Masaki kotabe, ‘Marketing Mnagement’,Vikas publishing Pvt. Ltd. 5. V.S.Ramaswamy & S.Namakumari, ‘Marketing Management’,Mac Millan 2004. 6. Nikilesh,Rakesh,Labdhi & Abhinandan, ‘Marketing Management – Cases & Concepts’, Mac Millan-2004. 7. R.L.Vershney & S.L. Gupta, ‘Maqrketing Management- an Indian Perspective’, Sultan chand & sons 2000. aaaa 12

EDP 607 FINANCING FOR SMALL BUSINESS ( Credits –4) OBJECTIVE 1. Analyze the requirement of capital and methods of raising 2. Know the role of Banks and its credit appraisal 3. Familiarize with the assistance and benefits extended to SSI Unit – I Capital requirement of small business-Capital structure and long term financing – Sources –credit facilities –SEBI guidelines for new issues –Promoters contribution –guidelines for issue of debt instruments. Unit – II Working capital Financing –Objectives –Composition- Role of commercial banks – credit appraisal by banks –Tandon and Chore Committee recommendations-Borrowings and public Deposits. Unit - III Institutions providing Financial assistance-Loan schemes offered by SIDBI, SIDC’s, SIIC’s, NSIC and NABARD- Difficulties in procuring Institutional finance. Unit – IV Lease financing and Hire purchase finance-Venture capital –Role of consultancy organizations Unit – V Taxation benefits to SSI – need for tax benefits – tax holiday – depreciation – rehabilation allowance – expenditure on scientific research – amortization of preliminary expenses – tax concessions to SSI in rural areas and backward areas – MODVAT and small scale industries. References: 1. Longeneckar et al, ‘Small business management’, Southwestern college publications,1999. 2. S.S Khanka, ‘Entrepreneurial development’ , S.Chand publications,1999. 3. Dansteinshoff JohnA.Burgess, ‘ Small business management fundamentals’, Mc graw Hill- International,2000. 4. Dr. Mata Badal Shukla , ‘Entrepreneurship and small business management’, Kitab Mahal publications – Patna, Latest edition. aaaa 13



1. Analyze the requirement <strong>of</strong> capital and methods <strong>of</strong> raising<br />

2. Know the role <strong>of</strong> Banks and its credit appraisal<br />

3. Familiarize with the assistance and benefits extended to SSI<br />

Unit – I<br />

Capital requirement <strong>of</strong> small business-Capital structure and long term financing –<br />

Sources –credit facilities –SEBI guidelines for new issues –Promoters contribution –guidelines<br />

for issue <strong>of</strong> debt instruments.<br />

Unit – II<br />

Working capital Financing –Objectives –<strong>Com</strong>position- Role <strong>of</strong> commercial banks –<br />

credit appraisal by banks –Tandon and Chore <strong>Com</strong>mittee recommendations-Borrowings and<br />

public Deposits.<br />

Unit - III<br />

Institutions providing Financial assistance-Loan schemes <strong>of</strong>fered by SIDBI, SIDC’s,<br />

SIIC’s, NSIC and NABARD- Difficulties in procuring Institutional finance.<br />

Unit – IV<br />

Lease financing and Hire purchase finance-Venture capital –Role <strong>of</strong> consultancy<br />

organizations<br />

Unit – V<br />

Taxation benefits to SSI – need for tax benefits – tax holiday – depreciation –<br />

rehabilation allowance – expenditure on scientific research – amortization <strong>of</strong> preliminary<br />

expenses – tax concessions to SSI in rural areas and backward areas – MODVAT and small scale<br />

industries.<br />

References:<br />

1. Longeneckar et al, ‘Small business management’, Southwestern college<br />

publications,1999.<br />

2. S.S Khanka, ‘Entrepreneurial development’ , S.Chand publications,1999.<br />

3. Dansteinsh<strong>of</strong>f JohnA.Burgess, ‘ Small business management fundamentals’, Mc graw<br />

Hill- International,2000.<br />

4. Dr. Mata Badal Shukla , ‘Entrepreneurship and small business management’, Kitab<br />

Mahal publications – Patna, Latest edition.<br />

aaaa 13

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