local agenda 21 local plan for sustainable development for the ...

local agenda 21 local plan for sustainable development for the ... local agenda 21 local plan for sustainable development for the ...



9 MEDGIDIA Foreword by The Mayor of the Municipality of Medgidia In March 2005, our community benefited from financial support in implementing Local Agenda 21. This project promotes sustainable development principles at the local administration level, and was implemented in several Romanian cities, following the example of European cities. The Local Agenda 21 project represents a tool that attempts to balance the three major pillars of development for Medgidia: economic growth, social equity and environmental protection. It also actively involves the entire community in order to identify problems and to find practical solutions. For the implementation of this project, a local steering committee was established - formed by representatives of public institutions and commercial societies, four working groups formed by local experts and a local coordination office. This committee developed a complex document that includes three main chapters: the Local Strategy for Sustainable Development, the Local Action Plan and the Portfolio of Priority Projects. The civil society’s broad participation and the large public consultation contributed to the successful finalisation of Local Agenda 21 documents. Local Agenda 21 represents the will of the local administration to meet EU requirements, demonstrating the openness of the city and its people towards development and modernisation, thus becoming a good example for other communities. Local Agenda 21 represents a coherent strategic document, with a realistic action plan - a guide to be followed by us in order for Medgidia to become a rich city with a united community. I thank our partners, the United Nations Development Programme and the National Centre for Sustainable Development for their support. I would also thank all institutions, organisations and citizens who expressed their opinions during the consulting process, proving that this document really belongs to Medgidia. Mayor, Dumitru Moinescu

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