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1936 Paul Young, '36ed, Muskogee, was one of two Oklahomans nominated for the 1957 Silver Anniversary All-America roster sponsored by Sports Illustrated magazine . (The other : Hiram Alexander, Tulsa, nominated by the University of Tulsa .) Young, after more than 20 years of coaching high school football, has been called the state's outstanding high school coach . Called "Immortal" Young when he played football for O. U. in 1932, he was the first of the Sooner honorary grid captwins . Since taking up coaching duties at Muskogee High in 1947, he has produced at least four players who came on to the University and to All-America fame . W. W. Whiteman, Jr ., '366a, '37Law, '40bus, '47m .bus, president and founder of the Bank of Mid-America Savings and Trust Company, recently purchased a building in Oklahoma City and moved into the new quarters January 6 . DEATH : George Allen Kramer, '366a, '39ms, a naval officer during World War II and for the past 12 years an employe of the U. S . Veterans Achninistration, flied December 12 in a Washington, D. C., hospital following a brief illness . Kramer was head of the V. A.'s foreign affairs division . Last September he was honored by his department for sustained superior performance in his duties . He was 41 . Nahum Ellsworth Butcher (above, right) was guest of Donor at an appreciation dinner held in November at Tinker Air Force Base by his fellow workers . Butcher enrolled at 0. U . in 1893, was one of 142 students but the only freshman . He later served as 0. U.'s librarian, superintendent of Norman public schools and president of the Oklahoma Education Association. In 1942 he retired as representative of American Book Company, then went to work-at age 70-at Tinker, due to World War 11 . After 15 years he's retiring again . In the above photograph, Butcher is shown being congratulated by Milt Phillips, Seminole publisher and president of the University of Oklahoma Alumni Association . Below, Butcher and wife pose with the citation given by the Association . 1937 Harry S . Collinson, Jr ., '376a, is now with the Puritan Chemical Company in Greenville, South Carolina . Dr . Arthur N. Bragg, '37ph.d, is curator of amphibians at the University's Stovall Museum . At present he is concerned with numerous special studies on the habits of frogs and toads in their relations to their distribution, particularly in Oklahoma . DEATH : Max K. Gilstrap, '37journ, died in Boston December 20, 1957 . A native of Ardmore, Gilstrap was associate editor of the Christian Science Monitor. Before joining the Monitor staff, he was a naturalist and lecturer with the National Park Service . 1938 C . J . Schwartz, '38geol, is now manager of production for Rock Island Refining Corporation. He is stationed in Denver, Colorado . 1939 Major William B . Rayburn, Jr ., '39, graduated from the U. S . Army command and general staff college associate course, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, December 20 . Rayburn has been on three months active duty training at the Army's senior tactical school . He is now training officer of the 45th Infantry Division, Oklahoma National Guard, Oklahoma City . The Rayburns have two children, Jane, 7, and John, 5. common interests of former students and graduates of universities which are members of the Missouri Valley -Intercollegiate Athletic Conference, or the Big Eight. Mrs . Jack Holbrook (the former Lois Cobb, '356a) is a member of the advertising department of the McAlester News-Capitol . The Holbrooks have three children, Vicki, 16 ; Bruce, 13, and Beverly, 7 . MARRIAGE : Mrs . Helen McMahon Brewer and Dr . Andrew Merriam Young III, '356s, '37 med, were married December 7 in St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral, Oklahoma City . The couple will live in Alexandria, Louisiana, where Dr. Young will be head of the department of urology at the Veterans Hospital . 1940 Lucyl Shirk, '406a, former Oklahoma City school teacher, has written a history entitled Oklahoma City, Capital of Soonerland . The book will serve as a high school text . The schools paid for printing the first 5,000 copies . This year Miss Shirk was director of the Oklahoma City Camp Fire Girl council . T. H. Trower, '406a, '42Law, secretary-trea - surer of Bovaird Supply Company of Tulsa, was elected a new director of the firm at its annual stockholders meeting . Trower joined Bovaird seven years ago from the law firm of Williams, Boesche and McDermott of Tulsa . As secretary, treasurer of Bovaird, he is responsible for corporate, legal and financial matters . DEATHS : Cecil Myers, '40Law, North Sacramento, California, died November 25, 1957 . Myers, 45, served two terms as Beckham County state representative before moving to California about 15 years ago to become an FBI official . Glenn D. Britt, '406a, '41Law, Tulsa, former operator of the Britt and Britt Mining and Mill' ing Company at Commerce, Oklahoma, died De' cember 16 in a Tulsa hospital. Britt, 39, operated the firm 12 years before coming to Tulsa three PAGE 24 SOONER MAGAZINE

years ago . He was employed there by the Farmer- Stockman Publishing Company as a salesman . Thomas Arthur Patterson, Jr., '40m .ed, (lied December 3 at his home in Oklahoma City . Patterson, 61, was a former band director at Capitol Hill High School . He helped organize band and music classes in various grade schools and junior high schools throughout the city . 1941 Lawton L . Laurence, '41eng, manager of e ngineering, oilfield equipment division of Black, Sivalls and Bryson, Inc ., Oklahoma City, has been elected engineering vice president and will serve in a staff capacity . Laurence joined BS&B in 1941 upon graduation from the University . J . R . Forrester, '416us, has been advanced to via president in the oil loans department of the First National Bank an(] Trust Company, Tulsa . Forrester has been with the bank since 1951 . He was formerly with the First National Bank of Broken Arrow . Harold R . Rubin, '41journ, is teaching English and American history in Groningen, Holland, on a Fulbright fellowship . Rubin, with his wife, Helen, and daughter, Carol Ann, spent an hour visiting with Queen Juliana in her summer palace recently. Before going to Holland, Rubin was reporter on the San Antonio (Texas) Evening News. John G. H. Scoon and Mrs . Scoon (the former Annabelle Rouse, '416a) have just returned from two years in Germany and are now in Washington, D. C., where Scoon is awaiting another assignment by the State Department . The Scoons have four children, Marion, Pete, Jean and Johnnie. Colonel Philip J . Smith (at right), '35ba, '356s, '37med, formerly of Lookeba, Oklahoma, receives a certificate of achievement in Tokyo, Japan, from Colonel Robert Skinner, commander of Tokyo U. S . Army Hospital . Smith was commended for outstanding service as chief of outpatient service with the installation . Colonel Smith has been in military service for the past twenty years . 1942 Roy F. Heatly, '42, Los Angeles, California, is now sports director of the Armed Forces Radio and TV Service . AFRTS broadcasts news, special events and sports to U. S. Armed Forces in the Pacific by shortwave . Heatly -was news editor for the service from 1951 to 1956 when he left to become West Coast editor of the NBC-TV show "Today ." P . Edward Merrill, '42eng, is now a consulting engineer and manufacturer's agent, with headquarters in Dayton, Ohio, and branches in Detroit and Cleveland . He is with Custom Engineering Company . The Merrills have two daughters, ages two and four . 1943 Dr . J . Raymond Hinshaw, '436a, '46med, I published an article entitled "The Histolic Studies of Burns" in the November, 1957 issue of Mechanical Engineer, official magazine of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers . The work was extracted from an address made by Hinshaw last June in San Francisco, California, before the A . S . M. E nationa l convention . Hinshaw, a former Rhodes Scholar and now a surgeon at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, New York, is internationally recognized as an authority in the field of burns . He is director of the flash-burn division of the atomic laboratory in Rochester and advisor to the Army Quartermaster Corps in this respect . In October he addressed the American College of Surgeons in Atlantic City, New Jersey, for the third straight year . L. D. Gassett, '43eng, is an engineer with C . F . Braun Company in Alhambra, California . The Gassetts live in nearby West Covina and have three children, Barbara, 8; Betty, 6, and David, 2 . Guy L. McClung, Jr ., '43, has just finished a three-year term on the board of governors of St . Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas . Dr . James A. Dugger, '436s, '446a, is now associated in the practice of pediatrics with Dr. Fred Margolis in Kalamazoo, Michigan . 1944 Earl E . Patterson, '44eng, '47m .eng, moved in December to Richmond, Virginia, where he works in the metallurgical research laboratory of Reynolds Metal Company . Patterson formerly lived in Louisville, Kentucky. Dr . T. R. Pfundt, '44med, has co-authored an article, "A Pilot Study on Rheumatic Fever Prevention," for the Oklahoma State Medical Association Magazine. Dr . Pfundt is assistant professor of pediatrics and preventive medicine at the University of Oklahoma School of Medicine . 1945 Dr . M. Thomas Buxton, Jr ., '456s, '47med, has been appointed company physician for the Oklahoma Publishing Company and Mistletoe Express. An internal medicine specialist, Dr . Buxton will direct the clinic maintained for some 1,000 employes of the two firms . The Buxtons have three children, Tommy, Jay and Bill . 1946 Richard L. Fentem, '466s, is a seismologist for Amerada Petroleum Corporation . He and Mrs . Fentem (the former Patsy Potter, '476us) have recently moved from Enid to Chickasha, Oklahoma . They have three children . James B. Logan, '46bus, has been elected a member of the board of directors of the University Life Insurance Company of Norman . Logan has been associated with the firm since its founding last year and has served as assistant secretary-treasurer and personnel manager . Troy Knowles, '46bus, has been appointed manager of the business division of Gonser and Gerber, Chicago, Illinois, public relations consultants . He was previously assistant to the chairman of the board of Helene Curtis Industries, Inc ., in Chicago . The Knowleses have a new daughter, Kim Ellen, born November 10, 1957 . BIRTH : Morris Nunley, '46, and Mrs . Nunley (the former Patsy Harston, '51ba) have announced the birth of a daughter, Rendell, born November 16 in Lubbock, Texas . 1947 Dr . Eran O. Burgert, '47med, Omaha, Nebraska, has been appointed to the staff of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, as a consultant in pediatrics . From 1948 to 1950 and in 1952 and 1953 he was a fellow in pediatrics in the Mayo Foundation in Rochester, a part of the graduate school of the University of Minnesota . B . H. Flippen, '47eng, and family have moved from Fort Worth, Texas, to Silver Springs, Maryland . BIRTH : Arthur V. Lewis, Jr ., and Mrs . Lewis (the former Lorraine E. Hoyl "_, '47geol, '49ms) have chosen the name Janet Vaughan for their (laughter born November 15 in Denver, Colorado . The Lewises have one other daughter, Anne Whittier, 2 . DEATH : Mrs . Julia Perry, '47m .ed, Purcell, (lied November 30 at the age of 55 . Mrs . Perry was a teacher and was active in the Order of the Eastern Star and the American Association of University Women. 1948 Billy Dennis Weaver, '48fa, Hollywood, California, was the subject of the national television program, "This Is Your Life," on December 11 . Weaver, originally from Joplin, Missouri, plays the role JANUARY, 1958 PAGE 2 5

1936<br />

Paul Young, '36ed, Muskogee, was one <strong>of</strong> two<br />

<strong>Oklahoma</strong>ns nominated for the 1957 Silver Anniversary<br />

All-America roster sponsored by Sports<br />

Illustrated magazine . (The other : Hiram Alexander,<br />

Tulsa, nominated by the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Tulsa .)<br />

Young, after more than 20 years <strong>of</strong> coaching high<br />

school football, has been called the state's outstanding<br />

high school coach . Called "Immortal"<br />

Young when he played football for O. U. in 1932,<br />

he was the first <strong>of</strong> the Sooner honorary grid captwins<br />

. Since taking up coaching duties at Muskogee<br />

High in 1947, he has produced at least four<br />

players who came on to the <strong>University</strong> and to<br />

All-America fame .<br />

W. W. Whiteman, Jr ., '366a, '37Law, '40bus,<br />

'47m .bus, president and founder <strong>of</strong> the Bank <strong>of</strong><br />

Mid-America Savings and Trust Company, recently<br />

purchased a building in <strong>Oklahoma</strong> City<br />

and moved into the new quarters January 6 .<br />

DEATH : George Allen Kramer, '366a, '39ms,<br />

a naval <strong>of</strong>ficer during World War II and for the<br />

past 12 years an employe <strong>of</strong> the U. S . Veterans<br />

Achninistration, flied December 12 in a Washington,<br />

D. C., hospital following a brief illness .<br />

Kramer was head <strong>of</strong> the V. A.'s foreign affairs<br />

division . Last September he was honored by his<br />

department for sustained superior performance in<br />

his duties . He was 41 .<br />

Nahum Ellsworth Butcher (above, right) was guest <strong>of</strong> Donor at an appreciation dinner held in November<br />

at Tinker Air Force Base by his fellow workers . Butcher enrolled at 0. U . in 1893, was one<br />

<strong>of</strong> 142 students but the only freshman . He later served as 0. U.'s librarian, superintendent <strong>of</strong><br />

Norman public schools and president <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Oklahoma</strong> Education Association. In 1942 he retired<br />

as representative <strong>of</strong> American Book Company, then went to work-at age 70-at Tinker, due to<br />

World War 11 . After 15 years he's retiring again . In the above photograph, Butcher is shown being<br />

congratulated by Milt Phillips, Seminole publisher and president <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oklahoma</strong><br />

Alumni Association . Below, Butcher and wife pose with the citation given by the Association .<br />

1937<br />

Harry S . Collinson, Jr ., '376a, is now with the<br />

Puritan Chemical Company in Greenville, South<br />

Carolina .<br />

Dr . Arthur N. Bragg, '37ph.d, is curator <strong>of</strong><br />

amphibians at the <strong>University</strong>'s Stovall Museum .<br />

At present he is concerned with numerous special<br />

studies on the habits <strong>of</strong> frogs and toads in their<br />

relations to their distribution, particularly in <strong>Oklahoma</strong><br />

.<br />

DEATH : Max K. Gilstrap, '37journ, died in<br />

Boston December 20, 1957 . A native <strong>of</strong> Ardmore,<br />

Gilstrap was associate editor <strong>of</strong> the Christian Science<br />

Monitor. Before joining the Monitor staff, he<br />

was a naturalist and lecturer with the National<br />

Park Service .<br />

1938<br />

C . J . Schwartz, '38geol, is now manager <strong>of</strong><br />

production for Rock Island Refining Corporation.<br />

He is stationed in Denver, Colorado .<br />

1939<br />

Major William B . Rayburn, Jr ., '39, graduated<br />

from the U. S . Army command and general staff<br />

college associate course, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas,<br />

December 20 . Rayburn has been on three<br />

months active duty training at the Army's senior<br />

tactical school . He is now training <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> the<br />

45th Infantry Division, <strong>Oklahoma</strong> National<br />

Guard, <strong>Oklahoma</strong> City . The Rayburns have two<br />

children, Jane, 7, and John, 5.<br />

common interests <strong>of</strong> former students and graduates<br />

<strong>of</strong> universities which are members <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Missouri Valley -Intercollegiate Athletic Conference,<br />

or the Big Eight.<br />

Mrs . Jack Holbrook (the former Lois Cobb,<br />

'356a) is a member <strong>of</strong> the advertising department<br />

<strong>of</strong> the McAlester News-Capitol . The Holbrooks<br />

have three children, Vicki, 16 ; Bruce, 13, and<br />

Beverly, 7 .<br />

MARRIAGE : Mrs . Helen McMahon Brewer<br />

and Dr . Andrew Merriam Young III, '356s, '37<br />

med, were married December 7 in St. Paul's<br />

Episcopal Cathedral, <strong>Oklahoma</strong> City . The couple<br />

will live in Alexandria, Louisiana, where Dr.<br />

Young will be head <strong>of</strong> the department <strong>of</strong> urology<br />

at the Veterans Hospital .<br />

1940<br />

Lucyl Shirk, '406a, former <strong>Oklahoma</strong> City<br />

school teacher, has written a history entitled<br />

<strong>Oklahoma</strong> City, Capital <strong>of</strong> Soonerland . The book<br />

will serve as a high school text . The schools paid<br />

for printing the first 5,000 copies . This year Miss<br />

Shirk was director <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Oklahoma</strong> City Camp<br />

Fire Girl council .<br />

T. H. Trower, '406a, '42Law, secretary-trea -<br />

surer <strong>of</strong> Bovaird Supply Company <strong>of</strong> Tulsa, was<br />

elected a new director <strong>of</strong> the firm at its annual<br />

stockholders meeting . Trower joined Bovaird seven<br />

years ago from the law firm <strong>of</strong> Williams,<br />

Boesche and McDermott <strong>of</strong> Tulsa . As secretary,<br />

treasurer <strong>of</strong> Bovaird, he is responsible for corporate,<br />

legal and financial matters .<br />

DEATHS : Cecil Myers, '40Law, North Sacramento,<br />

California, died November 25, 1957 .<br />

Myers, 45, served two terms as Beckham County<br />

state representative before moving to California<br />

about 15 years ago to become an FBI <strong>of</strong>ficial .<br />

Glenn D. Britt, '406a, '41Law, Tulsa, former<br />

operator <strong>of</strong> the Britt and Britt Mining and Mill'<br />

ing Company at Commerce, <strong>Oklahoma</strong>, died De'<br />

cember 16 in a Tulsa hospital. Britt, 39, operated<br />

the firm 12 years before coming to Tulsa three<br />

PAGE 24<br />


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