Planning Applications PDF 1 MB - Meetings, agendas and minutes

Planning Applications PDF 1 MB - Meetings, agendas and minutes Planning Applications PDF 1 MB - Meetings, agendas and minutes
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3.25 The office would have a lift from the basement to all floor levels and a level entrance to the street would be provided. It is considered that this building would be designed to be accessible, in accordance with Policy DM G1 of the DM Local Plan and Design Policy 1 of the Planning Guidance SPD. A condition (Condition 9) will be attached to ensure that all proposed measures to comply with accessibility requirements are implemented. HIGHWAYS Traffic Generation 3.26 The existing office/warehouse site, with its substantial loading bay and parking space for a private car, has the potential to generate a significant amount of vehicular traffic. The applicants estimate, based on surveys and records from the current occupiers, that the site currently generates 15-20 daily movements by lorries, and approximately 5 movements by private car in both the AM and PM peak. The development would provide a replacement office use, with one designated parking space, and eight residential units with one parking space each. It can be assumed, then, that the vehicle trips associated with the proposed office use would be similar or lower, whilst the trips associated with the warehouse and loading bay would be completely removed. Data from comparable sites suggests that the proposed residential use would be expected to generate around 5 movements by private car in the AM and PM peak. Therefore, the overall traffic generation would be expected to be significantly less than the existing lawful use of the site. Car parking and car lift 3.27 The parking would be provided in the new basement storey, and accessed by car lift, as the dimensions of the site could not accommodate a ramp to basement level. In terms of the level of parking, Policy DM J2 of the Local Plan and London Plan's parking standards in Table 6.2 state that dwellings with 4 or more bedrooms should have a maximum of 1.5 - 2 spaces per dwelling, although in areas of good transport accessibility developments should aim for significantly less than 1 space per unit. The site is within PTAL 4 which is not the highest public transport accessibility, and given the benefits in reducing traffic generation of removing the existing use, it is considered that one parking space per unit is acceptable in this instance. It would be a condition of a planning approval that the residential dwellings are not entitled to a residents' parking permit, to avoid placing further stress on the on-street parking conditions. This will be secured as part of the S106 legal agreement. 3.28 The car lift would be accessed towards the north of the site, adjacent to the proposed office building, and would utilise part of the existing vehicle crossover. The visibility splays of the lift have been assessed by officers and found to be acceptable. The car lift would be positioned within the building lines of the new building, which would help to shield any noise arising from the use of the lift. The applicants have carried out a night time survey of existing background noise, measured at the facades of the nearest residential properties, and compared this to the noise output of the car lift. The noise associated with the car lift would be from the motor powering the hydraulics; there would be little noise from the shaft itself. The motor would have a noise output of up to 80dB but would be positioned within the basement, significantly shielding any audible noise, and acoustic attenuation would be applied to the ventilation louvre within the plant room. Taking this into account, and allowing for the anti-vibration treatment that would also be applied to the plant, the noise from the car lift would be more than 10dB lower than the lowest existing background noise levels (which were recorded at 43dB),

which is in accordance with the Council's requirements. Full details of the operation of the car lift would be required by condition (Conditions 14, 16 and 34). It is not therefore considered that the installation of the car lift would cause noise and disturbance to neighbouring residents or the future occupiers of the dwellings. 3.29 In terms of the impact on the highway, the applicants have confirmed that one cycle of the car lift would take approximately two minutes, and when the lift is not in operation it would return to a standby position at street level. Although the use of the lift would potentially involve cars entering the development having to wait on Beavor Lane whilst another car used the lift, given the small number of parking spaces within the development and the fact that at peak times, vehicles would generally be travelling to and from the development in the same direction, such occurrences should be pretty infrequent. It is therefore considered that the inclusion of a car lift to access the development is acceptable in this instance and in accordance with Planning Guidance SPD Transport Policy 33. Full details of the dimensions and operation of the car lift would be required by condition (Condition 34) 3.30 The proposal would involve works to the highway to remove redundant crossovers and to restore the pavement to Streetsmart standards. The funding for the highways works, to be undertaken by Council contractors, would be secured within a S106 agreement. Cycle Parking 3.31 Thirty five cycle parking spaces would be provided at basement level; 19 for the office use and 16 for the dwellings. This is in compliance with the Council's cycle parking standards in DMLP Policy DM J5 which state that Class B1 uses should have 1 space per 50sqm (16 spaces required in this instance) and 2 spaces per dwelling with three or more bedrooms (16 spaces required in this instance). The permanent provision of cycle storage would be conditioned (Condition 12). Refuse storage 3.32 Individual storage enclosures for refuse and recycling would be provided within the front gardens for each of the dwellings. A refuse and recycling storage area would be provided at basement level for the commercial unit. The amount of storage provided has been assessed and is considered to be satisfactory for the requirements of the development, and in accordance with Policy DM H5 of the DM LP 2013. A condition would be attached to ensure that the refuse provision is provided in accordance with the Council's policies (Condition 11). Refuse would be collected via the usual weekly Council collections. Construction and Demolition 3.33 It is recognised that the site is on a narrow roadway, close to residential and school uses. Demolition and construction vehicles would therefore need to be carefully managed in order to avoid conflict with other highways users. Meetings have been held with officers to discuss the potential logistics, and full details of this would be required to be submitted as part of a Construction and Demolition Management Plan (condition 3). ENVIRONMENTAL Flood Risk and Sustainability 3.34 The site is located within the Environment Agency's (EA's) Flood Zones 2 and 3 and the proposal would introduce residential use on a site previously used for

which is in accordance with the Council's requirements. Full details of the operation of<br />

the car lift would be required by condition (Conditions 14, 16 <strong>and</strong> 34). It is not therefore<br />

considered that the installation of the car lift would cause noise <strong>and</strong> disturbance to<br />

neighbouring residents or the future occupiers of the dwellings.<br />

3.29 In terms of the impact on the highway, the applicants have confirmed that one<br />

cycle of the car lift would take approximately two <strong>minutes</strong>, <strong>and</strong> when the lift is not in<br />

operation it would return to a st<strong>and</strong>by position at street level. Although the use of the lift<br />

would potentially involve cars entering the development having to wait on Beavor Lane<br />

whilst another car used the lift, given the small number of parking spaces within the<br />

development <strong>and</strong> the fact that at peak times, vehicles would generally be travelling to<br />

<strong>and</strong> from the development in the same direction, such occurrences should be pretty<br />

infrequent. It is therefore considered that the inclusion of a car lift to access the<br />

development is acceptable in this instance <strong>and</strong> in accordance with <strong>Planning</strong> Guidance<br />

SPD Transport Policy 33. Full details of the dimensions <strong>and</strong> operation of the car lift<br />

would be required by condition (Condition 34)<br />

3.30 The proposal would involve works to the highway to remove redundant crossovers<br />

<strong>and</strong> to restore the pavement to Streetsmart st<strong>and</strong>ards. The funding for the highways<br />

works, to be undertaken by Council contractors, would be secured within a S106<br />

agreement.<br />

Cycle Parking<br />

3.31 Thirty five cycle parking spaces would be provided at basement level; 19 for the<br />

office use <strong>and</strong> 16 for the dwellings. This is in compliance with the Council's cycle<br />

parking st<strong>and</strong>ards in DMLP Policy DM J5 which state that Class B1 uses should have 1<br />

space per 50sqm (16 spaces required in this instance) <strong>and</strong> 2 spaces per dwelling with<br />

three or more bedrooms (16 spaces required in this instance). The permanent provision<br />

of cycle storage would be conditioned (Condition 12).<br />

Refuse storage<br />

3.32 Individual storage enclosures for refuse <strong>and</strong> recycling would be provided within the<br />

front gardens for each of the dwellings. A refuse <strong>and</strong> recycling storage area would be<br />

provided at basement level for the commercial unit. The amount of storage provided has<br />

been assessed <strong>and</strong> is considered to be satisfactory for the requirements of the<br />

development, <strong>and</strong> in accordance with Policy DM H5 of the DM LP 2013. A condition<br />

would be attached to ensure that the refuse provision is provided in accordance with the<br />

Council's policies (Condition 11). Refuse would be collected via the usual weekly<br />

Council collections.<br />

Construction <strong>and</strong> Demolition<br />

3.33 It is recognised that the site is on a narrow roadway, close to residential <strong>and</strong><br />

school uses. Demolition <strong>and</strong> construction vehicles would therefore need to be carefully<br />

managed in order to avoid conflict with other highways users. <strong>Meetings</strong> have been held<br />

with officers to discuss the potential logistics, <strong>and</strong> full details of this would be required to<br />

be submitted as part of a Construction <strong>and</strong> Demolition Management Plan (condition 3).<br />


Flood Risk <strong>and</strong> Sustainability<br />

3.34 The site is located within the Environment Agency's (EA's) Flood Zones 2 <strong>and</strong> 3<br />

<strong>and</strong> the proposal would introduce residential use on a site previously used for

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