Viktor Schauberger

Viktor Schauberger

Viktor Schauberger


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During the war, especially the latter part, German U-boats made frequent trips to the South Atlantic,<br />

South America, and Antarctica. Germany also set up floating meteorological buoys in Antarctic waters<br />

and weather stations on islands located between Antarctica and the tip of South America. The SS<br />

RuSHA, (Rasse und SeidlungsHauptAmt- Race and Settlement Bureau) began in 1942 to take women<br />

of Aryan decent (Volksdeutsch) from the Ukraine solely for the purpose of transporting them to Base<br />

211. Ten thousand women between the ages of 17-24, blonde and well proportioned, were recruited for<br />

the project along with 2,500 Waffen SS soldiers serving in Russia. The goal of this massive undertaking<br />

was to create a colony at Base 211 suitable for habitation and continued development of the Thule-Vril<br />

technology. It is believed that both the Thule and Vril Gesellschafts evacuated that technology to<br />

Base 211 at the close of the war under SS General Kammler, who was in charge of Germany‟s most<br />

secret weapons programs. Two U-boats that surrendered after the war in Argentina are also believed to<br />

have carried cargo and high-ranking SS to Base 211. Both boats were empty upon surrender with the<br />

crews refusing to disclose their cargos and destinations.<br />

It became apparent in 1946 that 54 U-boats and over 6,000 technicians and scientists were „"missing"<br />

from Germany- especially from the SS Technical Branch. There were also 40, 000 slave laborers and<br />

between 142,000-250,000 German citizens unaccounted for. Despite simply writing these off as<br />

probable losses and deaths of the war, Washington suspected that a large number of these missing<br />

actually escaped to South America and Base 211 (if such a base existed). The US then went on a hunt<br />

using the "war criminal" propaganda to cover up the search for technology akin to a South American<br />

version of "Operation Paperclip".

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