Viktor Schauberger

Viktor Schauberger

Viktor Schauberger


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would like to present a short summary of the messages, which received the Vril Telepathen over<br />

the years and which were the basis of all further actions of the Vril society:<br />

The solar system Aldebaran is therefore 68 light-years from the earth far away and their sun of<br />

two inhabited planets circles its, which form the realm "SUMERAN". The mankind of the solar<br />

system Aldebaran is itself into a gentleman people of "light God human being" (Arier) and<br />

different other human races to have partitioned, which are to have developed by negative<br />

mutations of these "God people" due to the climatic changes on the individual planets.<br />

These colored mutanten races are to have had a smaller mental entwicklungsstufe. The more it<br />

for race mixture came, the more is to have down-sunk also the mental development of these<br />

peoples, which had as a consequence that, when the sun began to expand Aldebaran these no<br />

more were not able to receive the space travel technology of their ancestors and to leave<br />

personally the planets. Thus the low races, on the gentleman race completely dependently, are to<br />

have been evacuated with spaceships and have been brought to other habitable planets.<br />

Despite these race differences itself however the different races are to have absolutely respected<br />

and in other habitat not have intervened, neither the so-called God people at the other races, still<br />

differently. Each respected simply that the others made their own development (in contrast to the<br />

earth). The gentleman race of the "light God people" is then approximately 500 million years ago<br />

with it to have begun, after the expansion of the sun<br />

Aldebaran and the increasing heat resulting from it made the planets uninhabitable, to colonize<br />

other earthsimilar planets. It means that they settled the planet Mallona (also mark DEK, Marduk<br />

or with the Russians phaeton mentioned) in our solar system first, which was to have existed in<br />

place of the today's planetoiden at that time between Mars and Jupiter. Afterwards Mars, from<br />

whose highly developed inhabitants the large pyramid cities and the well-known Mars face<br />

witness, which were taken up 1976 by the Mars probe Viking.<br />

And one assumed that the gentleman people of Sumeran Aldebaran came also to this time the<br />

first time on earth, on which approximately 500 million years point old petrified shoe-pure with<br />

from the paragraph zertretenen just as petrified Trilobiten, one at that time on earth living and<br />

400 million years ago become extinct Urkrebs.<br />

The Vril people were the opinion that the race of the Aldebaraner was to have landed therefore<br />

later, than the earth became slowly habitable in Mesopotamien and the ruler caste of the<br />

SUMERER, which as bright white God people were designated, to have formed. The moreover<br />

the Vril Telepathen came to the realization that Sumeri is identical not only to the language of<br />

the Aldebaraner, but also the fact that Aldebaranisch Aldebaranisch-Sumeri sounds like an<br />

incomprehensible German and also the speech frequency of both languages of the German and<br />

Sumeri - is nearly alike.<br />

Whether these statements about Aldebaran correspond to the fact, is undecided, the structural<br />

drawings and technical data, which received the VrilTelepathen - where always these data also<br />

came - was however so exact that they led to one of the most fantastic ideas, which was probably<br />

devised e von Menschen: to the building of the "the other world flight machine". It matured the<br />

concept of "other science" near (today one would say "alternative forms of energy"). But it lasted<br />

over three years, until the project was tackled.

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