Viktor Schauberger

Viktor Schauberger

Viktor Schauberger


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The themes they tried to link to politics were scientific magic, astrology, occultism<br />

and Templar knowledge as well as "Golden Dawn" practices like Tantra, Yoga and<br />

Eastern meditation.<br />

The Thule-Gesellschaft believed, following the Revelation of Isais, in a Coming<br />

Saviour (German: Heiland = the Holy One), the "Third Sargon" who would bring to<br />

Germany glory and a new Aryan culture. Dietrich Bronder ("Before Hitler Came")<br />

and E. R. Carmin ("Guru Hitler") named the leading members as follows:<br />

1. Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorf, Grand Master of the Order<br />

2. Guido von List, Master of the Order<br />

3. Jo~rg Lanz von Liebenfels, Master of the Order<br />

4. Adolf Hitler, "Führer", German Chancellor, SS Superior<br />

5. Rudolf Hess, Vice Führer, and SS Obergruppenfii~hrer<br />

6. Hermann Gøring, Reichsmarschall and SS Obergruppenführer<br />

7. Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer SS and Reichsminister<br />

8. Alfred Rosenberg, Reichsminister and NS-Reichsleiter<br />

9. Hans Franck, Dr. Dr. h. c., NS-Reichsleiter and Governor General of Poland<br />

10. Julius Streicher, SA-Obergruppenführer and Gauleiter of Franken<br />

11. Karl Haushofer, Prof. Dr., Major General ret.<br />

12. Gottfried Feder, Prof. Dr., Secretary of State ret.<br />

13. Dietrich Eckart, Editor in Chief of the "Vølkischer Beobachter"<br />

14. Bernhard Stempfle, father confessor and confidant of Hitler<br />

15. Theo Morell, personal physician of Hitler<br />

16. Franz Gurtner, president of the police, Munich<br />

17. Rudolf Steiner, founder of the antroposophic teaching<br />

18. W. 0. Schumann, Prof. Dr. at the Technical University Munich<br />

19. Trebisch-Lincoln, occultist and traveller to the Himalayas<br />

20. Countess Westrap

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