Klauzule prijava odstetnih zahtjeva - Bosna RE

Klauzule prijava odstetnih zahtjeva - Bosna RE Klauzule prijava odstetnih zahtjeva - Bosna RE

<strong>Klauzule</strong> <strong>prijava</strong> odštetnih <strong>zahtjeva</strong> za<br />

reosiguranje<br />

i<br />

Indeksacija prioriteta i limita<br />

Georg Stein<br />

Seminar Zelena karta <strong>Bosna</strong> Re<br />

Sarajevo<br />

24. april 2008.

Program<br />

• Kratka prezentacija Munich Re-a<br />

• Prijava odštetnih <strong>zahtjeva</strong> reosiguravaču –zaštoikako?<br />

• Indeksacija šteta – zašto i kako?<br />

• Diskusija<br />


1. Kratka prezentacija Munich Re-a<br />


Osnovne brojke o Munich Re-u<br />

Osnovan: 1880.<br />

Tri stuba:<br />

Reosiguranje Osiguranje Upravljanje kapitalom<br />

Ključne brojke za Munich Re Grupu 2007.:<br />

Premija: Euro 37 mld (od toga 22 mld reosiguranje)<br />

Rezultat:Euro 3.9 mld<br />

Reosiguranje:<br />

~ 6.500 zaposlenih širom svijeta<br />

~ 5.000 klijenata<br />


Munich Re-ova svjetska mreža za<br />

reosiguranje<br />

• Atlanta<br />

• Boston<br />

• Chicago<br />

• Columbus<br />

• Dallas<br />

• Hartford<br />

• Kansas City<br />

• Los Angeles<br />

• Montreal<br />

• New York<br />

• Philadelphia<br />

• Princeton<br />

• San Francisco<br />

• Seattle<br />

• Toronto<br />

• Vancouver<br />

• Waltham<br />

• München<br />

• Athen<br />

• Genf<br />

• London<br />

• Madrid<br />

• Mailand<br />

• Moskau<br />

• Paris<br />

• Warschau<br />

• Hongkong<br />

• Kalkutta<br />

• Kuala Lumpur<br />

• Mumbai<br />

• Peking<br />

• Schanghai<br />

• Seoul<br />

• Singapur<br />

• Taipeh<br />

• Tokio<br />

• Bogotá<br />

• Buenos Aires<br />

• Caracas<br />

• Mexiko<br />

• Santiago de Chile<br />

• São Paulo<br />

• Accra<br />

• Durban<br />

• Harare<br />

• Johannesburg<br />

• Kapstadt<br />

• Nairobi<br />

• Port Louis<br />

• Auckland<br />

• Brisbane<br />

• Melbourne<br />

• Perth<br />

• Sydney<br />


Munich Re-ova usluga i dodatna<br />

vrijednost reosiguranicima<br />

Munich Re pruža<br />

• Usluge prema potrebama klijenata zasnovane na profesionalnoj stručnosti i<br />

iskustvu<br />

• Kapacitet uvezan sa inovativnošću, financijskom snagom<br />

• Pun spektar proizvoda i povezanih usluga (poput usluga upravljanja štetama), od<br />

tradicionalnog reosiguranja do alternativnog financiranja rizika i struktura prenosa<br />

rizika<br />

Munich Re daje operativnu i stratešku podršku i savjete putem<br />

• prilagođenih seminara i radionica<br />

• konferencija sa učesnicima visokog profila<br />

• tematskih i temeljitih publikacija<br />

• inteligentnih uslužnih alata<br />


2. Prijava odštetnih <strong>zahtjeva</strong><br />

reosiguravaču<br />

– kako i zašto?<br />


Prijava odštetnih <strong>zahtjeva</strong> – zašto?<br />

Omogućava reosiguravaču da<br />

•stekne znanje o pojedinoj šteti<br />

•postavi odgovarajuće rezerve<br />

•razvije znanje o tržištu<br />

•procijeni dugoročni razvoj i povećanje visine šteta<br />

•izračuna korektnu cijenu<br />


Prijava odštetnih <strong>zahtjeva</strong> – zašto?<br />

Korist za obje strane, jer reosiguravač može<br />

•sarađivati sa osiguranikom<br />

•pružiti pomoć kod obrade <strong>zahtjeva</strong><br />


Prijava odštetnih <strong>zahtjeva</strong> – kako?<br />

Promptno obavještavanje o štetama koje mogu pogoditi<br />

pokriće viška štete (XL)<br />

•već iznad prioriteta<br />

•ispod prioriteta, ali vjerovatno će ga preći tokom razvoja<br />

•određene povrede<br />

•plaćanje anuiteta<br />

Redovno i dovoljno ažuriranje<br />


Prijava odštetnih <strong>zahtjeva</strong> – kako?<br />

Claim and Loss<br />

Reporting<br />

1 The Reinsured shall give immediate written notice to the Reinsurer<br />

of any individual claim or aggregation of claims provided for in this<br />

Contract made against the Reinsured in respect of business<br />

Reinsured thereunder or of its becoming aware of any circumstances<br />

which could give rise to such a claim or aggregation of claims where<br />

the same:<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

Exceeds or may possibly exceed the percentage share<br />

specified in the RISK DETAILS of the Retention (irrespective of<br />

any question as to liability) [ here: 70% of deductible] or<br />

Relates to any bodily injury or disease which results or may<br />

result in any of the following:<br />

i) a permanent disability rating of 50% or more,<br />

ii)<br />

payment of an annuity or any other periodic payment,<br />

iii) an award which may be subject to augmentation at some<br />

future date other than on appeal or<br />

(c)<br />

Originates from any of the following:<br />

i) fatal injury,<br />

ii)<br />

iii)<br />

iv)<br />

brain damage,<br />

spinal injury resulting in partial or total paralysis,<br />

amputation,<br />

v) permanent loss of use of a limb,<br />

vi)<br />

blindness,<br />

vii) severe burns,<br />

viii) extensive scarring or severe facial disfigurement.<br />

2 Notice (in accordance with 1 above) shall include information about<br />

facts, legal assessment and estimated amount of loss. After such<br />

notice the Reinsured shall keep the Reinsurer informed about the<br />

development of any such claim or loss occurrence.<br />

3 The Reinsurer shall not be liable for any claim which has not been<br />

reported before the expiry of one year from the date upon which the<br />

Reinsured knew of a claim covered under this Contract.<br />

[here: degree of claims cooperation regulated in § claims settlement;<br />

full cooperation with leader]<br />


3. Indeksacija šteta<br />

– zašto i kako?<br />


Indeksacija šteta – zašto?<br />

Ugovor o reosiguranju Inflacija 25%<br />

Prioritet 200<br />

Limit 800<br />

Šteta 500 Inflatirana šteta 625<br />

Osiguravač 200 (40%) Osiguravač 200 (32%)<br />

Reosiguravač 300 (60%) Reosiguravač 425 (68%)<br />


Indeksacija šteta – kako?<br />

Ugovor o reosiguranju Inflacija 25%<br />

Prioritet 200 Indeksirani Prioritet 250<br />

Limit 800 Indeksirani limit 1000<br />

Šteta 500 Inflatirana šteta 625<br />

Osiguravač 200 (40%) Osiguravač 250 (40%)<br />

Reosiguravač 300 (60%) Reosiguravač 375 (60%)<br />


Indeksacija šteta – kako?<br />

Nominalni sloj: 800 xs 200<br />

Prioritet<br />

(Nominalna šteta / Nominalna šteta umanjena inflacijom) * Nominalni prioritet<br />

(625 / 500) * 200<br />

= 1,25 * 200 = 250<br />

Limit<br />

(Nominalna šteta / Nominalna šteta umanjena inflacijom) * Nominalni limit<br />

(625 / 500) * 800<br />

= 1,25 * 800 = 1000<br />

Indeksirani sloj: 1.000 xs 250<br />


Indeksacija šteta – kako?<br />


Indeksacija šteta – kako?<br />

Index Clause<br />

1. In the event of any loss hereunder the Deductible of the Reinsured and the limit of liability of the<br />

Reinsurers shall be adjusted by reference to an index, as hereinafter defined, applying at the<br />

month of January in the manner hereinafter set out. The index of the above-mentioned date<br />

shall be called the Base Index. [here: base date = contract year]<br />

2. In respect of each and every loss settlement made under this treaty, the Reinsured shall submit<br />

a list showing in respect of each and every loss, any settlement payments, indicating the<br />

amount(s) paid and the date(s) of payment, as well as any separately calculated loss reserve.<br />

The sum of each and every loss settlement payment, if any, plus the current loss reserve, if any,<br />

shall for the purpose of this clause be termed the “Actual Amount of Loss Development”.<br />

3. The “Adjusted Amount of Loss Development” shall be calculated individually for each and every<br />

loss settlement by the following means:<br />

(i) Paid Loss Base Index Adjusted Paid<br />

on Day “X” x Index on Day “X” = Loss<br />

(ii) Current O/S Base Index Current Adjusted<br />

Loss x Index on Current = O/S Loss<br />

Day<br />

(iii) All Adjusted Adjusted Amount<br />

Paid Losses +<br />

of Loss<br />

Current Adjusted = Development<br />

O/S Loss<br />

(where “X” designates the date of the respective payment and/or corresponding reserve, if any).<br />

However, the above calculation shall only apply in respect of those loss developments where<br />

there is a variation of more than 10% (ten percent) between the base index and the index on the<br />

date of the loss development. In respect of all other loss developments the "Adjusted Amount of<br />

Loss Development" shall always be equal to the “Actual Amount of Loss Development".<br />

The Deductible of the Reinsured and the limit of liability of the Reinsurers shall then be multiplied by<br />

the following fraction:<br />

Actual Amount of Loss Development<br />

Adjusted Amount of Loss Development<br />

4. Index:<br />

a) In respect of an award resulting in continuing regular payments the index or indices to the<br />

applied shall be that/those to which an award is linked.<br />

b) For all other loss developments the index to be applied shall be the Wage Index for the<br />

country in which the claim is settled appearing in the statistics published by the<br />

International Monetary Fund.<br />

In the event that the publications does not contain a Wage index for the territory<br />

concerned then the index to be applied shall be that for the Cost of Living or Retail<br />

Prices. If the publication does not contain any indices for the territory concerned, then an<br />

alternative publication shall be mutually agreed between the Reinsured and Reinsurers.<br />

c) The index at the date of loss development shall be the last available index appearing in<br />

the publications mentioned above for the month in which payment(s) is/are made.<br />

5. The date of loss development shall be deemed to be as follows:<br />

a) The date upon which a loss reserve is set.<br />

b) The date upon which a payment made by the Reinsured is accepted.<br />


Indeksacija šteta – Primjer<br />

Godina štete<br />

Osnov indeksacije<br />

Prioritet<br />

2002<br />

juli 1999. 171.30%<br />

363,500<br />

Nom inalni zahtjev<br />

Prilagođeni zahtjev<br />

Distribucija <strong>zahtjeva</strong><br />

Godina Plaćeno Rezervirano Ukupno Indeks Plaćeno Rezervirano Ukupno % Plaćeno Rezervirano Ukupno<br />

2002 21,999 478,001 500,000 186.50% 20,206 439,043 459,249 79% 21,999 373,756 395,755 Osiguranik<br />

21% 0 104,245 104,245 Reosigurava<br />

2003 33,262 944,739 1,000,000 190.60% 29,894 849,076 899,175 40% 55,261 348,999 404,259 Osiguranik<br />

60% 0 595,741 595,741 Reosigurava<br />

2004 120,070 824,670 1,000,000 194.60% 105,693 725,930 881,723 41% 175,330 236,931 412,261 Osiguranik<br />

59% 0 587,739 587,739 Reosigurava<br />

2005 30,772 793,898 1,000,000 199.50% 26,422 681,678 863,893 42% 206,102 214,668 420,770 Osiguranik<br />

58% 0 579,230 579,230 Reosigurava<br />

2006 7,314 786,584 1,000,000 205.50% 6,097 655,678 843,990 43% 213,416 217,276 430,692 Osiguranik<br />

57% 0 569,308 569,308 Reosigurava<br />

2007 136,418 650,166 1,000,000 210.80% 110,856 528,337 827,505 44% 349,834 89,438 439,272 Osiguranik<br />

56% 0 560,728 560,728 Reosigurava<br />

Indeks<br />

Jul-86 100.00% Jul-00 175.30% (Nominalna šteta / Indeks na dan plaćanja) * Indeks na bazni datum<br />

Jul-87 103.50% Jul-01 181.00%<br />

Jul-88 106.40% Jul-02 186.50% 2002 (500.000 / 186,5%) * 171,3% = 459.249<br />

Jul-89 110.50% Jul-03 190.60% 363.500 / 459.249 = 79%<br />

Jul-90 118.30% Jul-04 194.60%<br />

Jul-91 127.50% Jul-05 199.50% 2003 plaćeno u 2002 (21.999 / 186,5%) * 171,3% = 20,206<br />

Jul-92 136.00% Jul-06 205.50% plaćeno u 2003 (33.262 / 190,6%) * 171,3% = 29,894<br />

Jul-93 142.40% Jul-07 210.80% rezervir. 2003: (944.739 / 190,6%) * 171,3% = 849,075<br />

Jul-94 147.90% 899,175<br />

Jul-95 153.50% 363.500 / 899.175 = 40%<br />

Jul-96 158.50%<br />

Jul-97 162.20%<br />

Jul-98 166.20%<br />

Jul-99 171.30%<br />


Indeksacija šteta – zašto i kako?<br />

U poslovima sa dugim istekom kao što je autoodgovornost,<br />

zahtjevi se razvijaju kroz niz godina<br />

Tokom razvoja, cijene rastu<br />

Zahtjevi postaju sve skuplji<br />

Bez indeksacije, reosiguravač bi trebao nositi cjelokupni<br />

rast troška<br />

‣Sistem je potreban da bi osigurao da se inflatirani zahtjev<br />

dijeli na isti način na koji bi bio bez uticaja inflacije<br />

‣Indeksacija !!<br />


Indeksacija šteta – zašto i kako?<br />

Indeksacija<br />

•omogućava osiguravaču i reosiguravaču da podijele<br />

efekte inflacije<br />

•zadržava fiksiranu proporciju u kojoj se zahtjevi dijele<br />

između osiguravača i reosiguravača tokom godina kroz<br />

koje se zahtjev razvija<br />

‣dogovoreni sloj reosiguranja zadržava svoju strukturu<br />

koja je originalno namjeravana<br />

Primjenjuje se na prioritet i limit; tj. fer efekt za obje strane<br />


Indeksacija šteta – zašto i kako?<br />

prioritet i limit<br />

se povećavaju u skladu sa povećanjem određenog indeksa<br />

između baznog datuma (početak ugovora ili drugi datum)<br />

i datuma izmirenja štete<br />


Indeksacija šteta – zašto i kako?<br />

Indeks<br />

treba odražavati inflaciju na najbolji mogući način<br />

Standard: IMF Indeks plaća<br />

Poželjno za odštetne zahtjeve po tjelesnim povredama:<br />

Indeks zdravstvene zaštite<br />

10% slobodne margine radi smanjenja administrativnog<br />

rada<br />


Hvala vam na pažnji!<br />

Georg Stein<br />

Casualty Underwriting CEE<br />

Telefon: 0049 / 89 / 3891 – 9365<br />

e-Mail: gstein@munichre.com<br />


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