ITB 13-022 Key West Bight Ferry Terminal Boat ... - KeyWestCity.com

ITB 13-022 Key West Bight Ferry Terminal Boat ... - KeyWestCity.com

ITB 13-022 Key West Bight Ferry Terminal Boat ... - KeyWestCity.com


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FOR<br />








<strong>ITB</strong> PROJECT #:<strong>13</strong>-<strong>022</strong><br />





SEPTEMBER 20<strong>13</strong><br />



PART 1:<br />


Invitation to Bid……………………………………………………….4-5<br />

Instructions to Bidders………………………………………………...6-12<br />

Bid Form………………………………………………………………<strong>13</strong>-18<br />

Florida Bid Bond……………………………………………………...19-20<br />

Public Entities Crime Form…………………………………………...21-22<br />

Anti – Kickback Affidavit……………………………………………23<br />

City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Indemnification……………………………………24<br />

Local Vendor Certification…………………………………………...25<br />

City Ordinance & Affidavit Sec. 2-799………………………………26-30<br />

City Ordinance & Affidavit Sec. 2-773………………………………31-35<br />

PART 2<br />


Contract……………………………………………………………....37-38<br />

PART 3<br />


Conditions of Bid……………………………………………………40-42<br />

General Conditions…………………………………………………. 43-74<br />

Supplementary Conditions…………………………………………..75-77<br />

Insurance Exhibits A-J……………………………………………….78-87<br />

Grant Requirements ………………………………………………….88-93<br />

PART 4<br />

PART 5<br />


Scope of Work………………………….…………………………….95-96<br />


<strong>Boat</strong> Lift Locations & Boarding Platforms…………………………..97-98<br />


PART 1<br />




Sealed Bids addressed to the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> (CITY), for the Invitation to Bid (<strong>ITB</strong>) # <strong>13</strong>-<strong>022</strong>:<br />

KEY WEST BIGHT FERRY TERMINAL BOAT LIFTS will be received at the office The<br />

Clerk of the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> at 3126 Flagler Ave, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, Florida 33040, until 3:00 p.m.,<br />

local time, on October , 20<strong>13</strong> and then will be publicly opened and read. Any Bids received<br />

after the time and date specified will not be considered.<br />

The project contemplated consists of the supply and installation on the existing seawall of two<br />

(2) elevator boat lifts with boarding platforms including design & permitting, labor and materials<br />

required to perform the work.<br />

Drawings and Specifications may be obtained from Demand Star by Onvia or from the City of<br />

<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> website (www.keywestcity.<strong>com</strong>). Please contact Demand Star at<br />

www.demandstar.<strong>com</strong> or call 1-800-711-1712.<br />

Each Bid must be submitted on the prescribed forms and ac<strong>com</strong>panied by Bid security. Bid or<br />

Bid security shall be by cash, by certified or cashier's check, by a Bid bond or an irrevocable<br />

letter of credit made payable to the city and provided by a surety <strong>com</strong>pany authorized to do<br />

business as a surety in the state in an amount not less than five percent of the amount of the Bid.<br />

Performance and Payment Bonds will not be required as part of this contract.<br />

One (1) original, one (1) copy, and 2 CD copies or flash drives in PDF format of the Bid are to<br />

be submitted in two sealed envelopes, one within the other, clearly marked on the outside<br />

“<strong>ITB</strong> #<strong>13</strong>-<strong>022</strong>:”KEY WEST BIGHT FERRY TERMINAL BOAT LIFTS”, and addressed to the<br />

City Clerk.<br />

Bidders must hold and furnish documentation of all State of Florida licenses, certifications,<br />

registrations or <strong>com</strong>petency cards required in order to Bid and perform the work specified herein.<br />

The successful Bidder will be required to show that he/she is in <strong>com</strong>pliance with the provisions<br />

of Chapter 66 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> within 10-days of Notice of<br />

Award. The successful Bidder must demonstrate that he/she holds, as a minimum, the following<br />

licenses and certificates:<br />

A. City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> License as defined in the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 66, enabling the<br />

Contractor to perform the work stated herein.<br />

B. A valid Certificate of Competency issued by the Chief Building Official of the City of<br />

<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, which shall be valid throughout the contract time.<br />

C. A valid Business Tax Receipt issued by the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>.<br />

All Bid bonds, insurance contracts, and certificates of insurance shall be either executed by or<br />

countersigned by a licensed resident agent of the Surety or insurance <strong>com</strong>pany having his/her<br />

place of business in the State of Florida, and in all ways <strong>com</strong>plying with the insurance laws of<br />


the State of Florida. Further, the said Surety or insurance <strong>com</strong>pany shall be duly licensed and<br />

qualified to do business in the State of Florida.<br />

Before a Contract will be awarded for the work contemplated herein, the Owner will conduct<br />

such investigation as is necessary to determine the performance record and ability of the apparent<br />

lowest, qualified Bidder to perform the size and type of work specified under this Contract.<br />

Upon request, the Bidder shall submit such information as deemed necessary by the Owner to<br />

evaluate the Bidder's qualifications.<br />

For information concerning the proposed work, or for appointment to visit the site of the<br />

proposed work, contact Janet Muccino, Project Manager (305) 809-3867.<br />

Prior to award by the CITY the successful Bidder must be able to prove that Bidder held State<br />

Licenses prior to submittal of Bid as would be required to perform work herein. Within 10-days<br />

after issuance of the Notice of Award, the successful Bidder must be able to prove that Bidder<br />

holds City Licenses as would be required to perform work herein. Any permit and/or license<br />

requirement and subsequent costs are located within the Bid document. The successful Bidder<br />

must also be able to satisfy the City Attorney as to such insurance coverage, and legal<br />

requirements as may be demanded in Bid. The CITY may reject Bids: (1) for budgetary reasons,<br />

(2) if the Bidder misstates or conceals a material fact in its Bid, (3) if the Bidder does not strictly<br />

conform to the law or is non-responsive to Bid requirements, (4) if the Bid is conditional, (5) if a<br />

change of circumstances occurs making the purpose of the Bid unnecessary or (6) if such<br />

rejection is in the best interest of the CITY. The CITY may also waive any minor informalities or<br />

irregularities in any Bid.<br />

This project is funded by the federal government through a grant from the Department of<br />

Homeland Security.<br />



FORMAT<br />


The Contract Documents are divided into parts, divisions, and sections for convenient<br />

organization and reference. Generally, there has been no attempt to divide the<br />

Specification sections into work performed by the various building trades, work by<br />

separate subcontractors, or work required for separate facilities in the project.<br />

The intent of the Documents is to describe a functionally <strong>com</strong>plete project (or part thereof)<br />

to be constructed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Any work, materials, or<br />

equipment that may reasonably be inferred from the Contract Documents, as being required<br />

to produce the intended result shall be supplied whether or not specifically called for.<br />


The separate sections contained within these Contract Documents are intended to be<br />

mutually cooperative and to provide all details reasonably required for the execution of<br />

the proposed work.<br />

Should there be any doubt as to the meaning or intent of said Contract Documents, the<br />

Bidder should request of the Project Manager, in writing, at least ten (10) calendar days<br />

prior to the Bid opening, an interpretation thereof. Any interpretation or change in said<br />

Contact Documents will be made only in writing, in the form of addenda to the<br />

Documents which will be furnished through Demand Star to all registered holders of the<br />

Contract Documents. Bidders shall submit with their Bids, or indicate receipt of, all<br />

Addenda. The Owner will not be responsible for any other explanation or interpretations<br />

of said Documents.<br />


The work to be <strong>com</strong>pleted for this project can be found in Part 4. The Bidder will be<br />

required to <strong>com</strong>plete all work as specified.<br />


Bidders must hold all licenses, certifications, registrations or <strong>com</strong>petency cards required<br />

by Florida Statute and local ordinances in order to perform the work specified herein.<br />


Each Bidder must inform him/herself of the conditions relating to the execution of the<br />

work, and it is required that he/she will inspect the site(s) and make himself/herself<br />

thoroughly familiar with the Bid Documents. Failure to do so will not relieve the<br />


successful Bidder of his/her obligation to enter into a Contract and <strong>com</strong>plete the<br />

contemplated work in strict accordance with the Bid Documents. It shall be the Bidder’s<br />

obligation to verify for himself and to his <strong>com</strong>plete satisfaction all information<br />

concerning site and construction or worksite conditions.<br />

The Owner will make available to prospective Bidders upon request and at the office of<br />

the Project Manager, prior to Bid opening, any information that he/she may have as to<br />

conditions at the worksites.<br />

Investigations conducted by the Project Manager of any locations were made for the<br />

purpose of study and design, and the Project Manager assumes no responsibility whatever<br />

in respect to the sufficiency or accuracy of data or other investigations that have been<br />

made, or of the interpretations made thereof, and there is no warranty or guaranty, either<br />

express or implied, that the conditions indicated by such investigations are representative<br />

of those existing throughout such area, or any part thereof, or that unforeseen<br />

developments may not occur.<br />

Copies of any existing documents regarding the work sites can be viewed at Engineering<br />

Services, City Hall 3140 Flagler Avenue and any that are made available shall not be<br />

considered a part of the Contract Documents, said documents are made available only for<br />

the convenience of the Bidders.<br />

Information derived from Drawings showing location of utilities and structures will not in<br />

any way relieve the contractor from any risk, or from properly examining the site and<br />

making such additional investigations as he/she may elect, or from properly fulfilling all<br />

the terms of the Contract Documents.<br />

Each Bidder shall inform him/herself of, and the Bidder awarded a Contract shall <strong>com</strong>ply<br />

with, federal, state, and local laws, statutes, and ordinances relative to the execution of<br />

the work. This requirement includes, but is not limited to, applicable regulations<br />

concerning minimum wage rates, nondiscrimination in the employment of labor,<br />

protection of public and employee safety and health, environmental protection, the<br />

protection of natural resources, fire protection, burning and non-burning requirements,<br />

permits, fees, and similar subjects. Performance and Payment Bonds are not required as<br />

part of this contract.<br />

5. TYPE OF BID<br />

A. LUMP SUM<br />

The Bid for the work is to be submitted on a LUMP SUM basis. LUMP SUM prices<br />

shall be broken down on a unit price basis for each part of the project in the Bid and a<br />

Schedule of Values shall be included with the Bid. The total amount to be paid the<br />

Contractor shall be the amount of the Lump Sum Bid as adjusted for additions or<br />

deletions in number of units and/or resulting from Owner authorized changes in the<br />

project or by actual number of units used in construction. The owner reserves the right to<br />


enter into a contract for all or portions of the project and to adjust the final Lump Sum<br />

accordingly.<br />



All blank spaces in the Bid form must be filled in, as required, in BLACK INK or<br />

TYPED. All price information will be shown in both words and figures where required.<br />

No changes shall be made in the phraseology of the forms. Written amounts shall govern<br />

in case of discrepancy between amounts stated in writing and the amounts stated in<br />

figures.<br />

Any Bid shall be deemed informal, which contains omissions, erasures, alterations, or<br />

additions of any kind, or prices uncalled for, or in which any of the prices are obviously<br />

unbalanced, or which in any manner shall fail to conform to the conditions of the<br />

published <strong>ITB</strong>.<br />

Bidders shall not submit unbalanced Bids as requested in the breakdown of Bids.<br />

Only one (1) Bid from any individual, firm, partnership, or corporation under the same or<br />

different names, will be considered. Should it appear to the Owner that any Bidder is<br />

interested in more than one (1) Bid for work contemplated, all Bids in which such Bidder<br />

is interested will be rejected.<br />


The Bidder shall sign his/her Bid in the blank space provided therefore. If Bidder is a<br />

corporation, the legal name of the corporation shall be set forth above, together with the<br />

signature of the officer or officers authorized to sign Contracts on behalf of the<br />

corporation. If the Bidder is a partnership, the true name of the firm shall be set forth<br />

above, together with the signature of the partner or partners authorized to sign Contracts<br />

on behalf of the partnership. If signature is by an agent, other than an officer of a<br />

corporation or a member of a partnership, a notarized power of attorney must be on file<br />

with the Owner prior to opening of Bids or submitted with the Bid, otherwise the Bid will<br />

be regarded as not properly authorized.<br />


The Bidder's attention is brought to the hiring practices and licenses and permits of the<br />

City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>. These are defined in the addition to Article 39, CODES,<br />




Bidder shall <strong>com</strong>plete and submit the following forms with Bid or as otherwise identified<br />

in the Bid document:<br />

• Bid Form including detail schedule of values,<br />

• Sworn statement under section 287.<strong>13</strong>3(3)(a) Florida Statutes, on public entity<br />

crimes,<br />

• Anti-Kickback Affidavit<br />

• City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Indemnification Form<br />

• Local Vendor Certification<br />

• Equal Benefits for Domestic Partner Affidavit<br />

• At least three (3) years of current or recent projects of similar work shall be<br />

provided (dates of works and contacts shall be included),<br />

• A description of any previous or existing legal action against the Bidder within<br />

the past three (3) years. If none, Bidder shall state this fact in writing.<br />

• All Bidders shall include with their Bid package their <strong>com</strong>plete Bid on a CD or<br />

flash drive in one (1) PDF format file (two CDs or flash drives are required with<br />

the Bid)<br />

Note: if any of the items above or as required in other parts of the document are not<br />

included in the Bid, the Bid will be considered nonresponsive and therefore will be rejected<br />

unless City Commission directs otherwise.<br />


The Owner is exempt from state sales tax on materials incorporated into the work due to<br />

the qualification of the work under this Contract, the Contractor, as required by the laws<br />

and statutes of the state and its political subdivisions shall pay all state and local sales and<br />

use taxes unless stated differently in these documents. Prices quoted in the Bid shall<br />

include all nonexempt sales and use taxes, unless provision is made in the Bid form to<br />

separately itemize the tax.<br />


All Bids must be submitted not later than the time prescribed, at the place, and in the<br />

manner set forth in the <strong>ITB</strong>. Bids must be made on the Bid forms provided herewith.<br />

Each Bid must be submitted in two sealed envelopes, one within the other, so marked as<br />

to indicate the Bidder's name and its contents without being opened, and addressed in<br />

conformance with the instructions in the <strong>ITB</strong>. One original, one copy, and 2 CD copies or<br />

flash drives are required.<br />



Prior to the time and date designated for receipt of Bids, any Bid submitted may be<br />

modified or withdrawn by notice to the party receiving Bids at the place designated for<br />

the receipt of Bids. Such notice shall be in writing over the signature of the Bidder or by<br />

telephone, fax, or email. If by telephone, fax, or email, written confirmation over the<br />

signature of the Bidder shall be mailed and postmarked on or before the date and time set<br />

for receipt of Bids, and it shall be so worded as not to reveal the amount of the original<br />

Bid. No Bid may be withdrawn after the time scheduled for the opening of Bids, unless<br />

the time specified in paragraph 12, AWARD OF CONTRACT, in these Instructions to<br />

Bidders shall have elapsed.<br />

10. BID SECURITY<br />

The Attorney-in-Fact who executes this bond in behalf of the Surety must attach a<br />

notarized copy of his/her power-of-attorney as evidence of his/her authority to bind the<br />

certification by a resident agent shall also be provided.<br />

Bid or BID security shall be by cash, by certified or cashier's check, by a Bid bond or an<br />

irrevocable letter of credit made payable to the city and provided by a surety <strong>com</strong>pany<br />

authorized to do business as a surety in the state.<br />


Within fifteen (15) days after the award of the Contract or at the discretion of the Project<br />

Manager, the Owner will return the Bid securities to all Bidders whose Bids are not to be<br />

further considered in awarding the Contract. Retained Bid securities will be held until<br />

the Contract has been finally executed, after which all Bid securities, other than Bidder's<br />

Bonds and any guarantees which have been forfeited, will be returned to the respective<br />

Bidders whose Bids they ac<strong>com</strong>panied.<br />


Within ninety (90) calendar days after the opening of the Bids, the Owner will accept one<br />

of the Bids or will act in accordance with the following Section <strong>13</strong> of the Part 3:<br />

Conditions of Bid. The acceptance of the Bid will be by written notice of award, mailed<br />

to the office designated in the Bid, or delivered to the Bidder's representative. In the<br />

event of failure of the lowest, responsive, qualified Bidder to sign the Contract and<br />

provide acceptable insurance certificate(s), the Owner may award the Contract to the next<br />

lowest, responsive, qualified Bidder. Such award, if made, will be made within ninety<br />

(90) days after the opening of the Bids.<br />

Bid Award will be the date of the Notice of Award letter. Any permit and/or license<br />

requirement and subsequent costs are located within the documents. The successful<br />

Bidder must also be able to satisfy the City Attorney as to such insurance coverage and<br />

legal requirements as may be demanded by the Bid in question. The Owner reserves the<br />


ight to reject any and/or all Bids because of irregularities or due to budgetary<br />

considerations, to waive irregularities or informalities in any or all Bids, and to accept<br />

any Bid that the CITY OF KEY WEST deems to be in the best interest of the Owner.<br />

<strong>13</strong>. BASIS OF AWARD<br />

The Owner on the basis of that Bid will make the award on base bid or a <strong>com</strong>bination of<br />

base bid and alternate bids from the lowest, responsive, qualified Bidder that in the<br />

Owner's sole and absolute judgment will serve the best interests of the Owner.<br />

If at the time this Contract is to be awarded, the total of the lowest acceptable Bid<br />

exceeds the funds then estimated by the Owner as available, the Owner may reject all<br />

Bids or take such other action as best serves the Owner's interest.<br />


The successful Bidder shall, within ten (10) working days after receiving notice of award,<br />

sign and deliver to the Owner the Contract together with the acceptable insurance<br />

certificates as required in these Documents. Within ten (10) working days after receiving<br />

the signed Contract, with acceptable insurance from the successful Bidder, the Owner's<br />

authorized agent will sign the Contract. Signature by both parties constitutes execution<br />

of the Contract.<br />


The Bidder who has a contract awarded to him/her and who fails to promptly and<br />

properly execute the contact shall forfeit the Bid security that ac<strong>com</strong>panied his Bid, and<br />

the Bid security shall be retained as liquidated damages by the Owner, and it is agreed<br />

that said sum is a fair estimate of the amount of the damages the Owner will sustain in<br />

case the Bidder fails to enter into a Contract or furnish the required bonds. Bid security<br />

deposited in the form of cash, a certified check, or cashier's check shall be subject to the<br />

same requirements as a Bid Bond. Performance and Payment Bonds will not be required<br />

as part of this contract.<br />


The Contractor shall perform on site and with his/her own organization, labor equivalent<br />

to at least forty (40) percent of the total amount of the work to be performed under this<br />

Contract. If, during the progress of the work hereunder, the Contractor requests a<br />

reduction of such percentage, and the Project Manager determines that it would be to the<br />

client's advantage, the percentage of labor to be performed by the Contractor's own<br />

organization may be reduced; provided prior written approval of such reduction is<br />

obtained by the Contractor from the Project Manager.<br />



The Bidder further agrees to begin work within twenty (20) calendar days after the date<br />

of the Notice to Proceed and to <strong>com</strong>plete the construction of all items in the lump sum<br />

base Bid, in all respects, for this particular project, within ninety (60) calendar days after<br />

receipt of all permits. Contractor is responsible to apply for all permits in a timely manner<br />

and keep project manager informed of progress.<br />


The Contractor will bill the City on a monthly basis. Terms of payment will be a<br />

maximum of 45 days from receipt of invoice. The Contractor may bill the City on a more<br />

frequent basis if agreed upon by the Project Manager. The Contractor may also bill the<br />

City for materials on site once proof of delivery and storage is provided.<br />


The Contractor is responsible for identifying, obtaining and paying for all licenses and<br />

permits from Federal, State, and Local agencies required to perform the work as stated in<br />

Bid document. The Contractor shall verify the list with the appropriate City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong><br />

Departments. The timely submittal of all permits applications is the responsibility of the<br />

contractor.<br />

Pursuant to the Public Bid Disclosure Act, each license, permit, or fee a Contractor will<br />

have to pay the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> before or during construction or the percentage method<br />

or unit method of all licenses, permits, and fees REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF KEY<br />

WEST and payable to the City by virtue of this construction as part of the Contract is as<br />

follows:<br />

• <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, Business Tax Receipt<br />

• General Contractors License<br />





Notice to Bidder: Use Black Ink or Type For Completing the Form.<br />

BID<br />

To:<br />

The City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong><br />

Address: 3126 Flagler Ave, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, Florida 33040<br />

Project Title:<br />


Project: <strong>ITB</strong> #<strong>13</strong>-<strong>022</strong><br />


Name:<br />

Address:<br />

___________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________<br />

Contact Name: ___________________________________________<br />

Email:<br />

Telephone:<br />

Fax:<br />

___________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________<br />

Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ______________<br />


The undersigned, hereinafter called the Bidder, declares that the only persons or parties<br />

interested in this Bid are those named herein, that this Bid is, in all respects, fair and without<br />

fraud, that it is made without collusion with any official of the Owner, and that the Bid is made<br />

without any connection or collusion with any person submitting another Bid on this Contract.<br />

The Bidder further declares that he/she has carefully examined the Contract Documents for the<br />

construction of the project, that he/she has personally inspected the site, that he/she has satisfied<br />

himself/herself as to the quantities involved, including materials and equipment, and conditions<br />

of work involved, including the fact that the description of the quantities of work and materials,<br />

as included herein, is brief and is intended only to indicate the general nature of the work and to<br />

identify the said quantities with the detailed requirements of the Contract Documents, and that<br />


this Bid is made according to the provisions and under the terms of the Contract Documents,<br />

which Documents are hereby made a part of this Bid.<br />

The Bidder further agrees that he/she has exercised his/her own judgment regarding the<br />

interpretation of job conditions and has utilized all data, which he/she believes pertinent from the<br />

Project Manager, Owner, and other sources in arriving at his/her conclusions.<br />

The intent of the Bid Documents is to describe a functionally <strong>com</strong>plete project (or part thereof) to<br />

be constructed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Any work, materials, or equipment<br />

that may reasonably be inferred from the Contract Documents, as being required to produce the<br />

intended result shall be supplied whether or not specifically called for.<br />


The Bidder agrees that if this BID is accepted, he/she will, within ten (10) calendar days after<br />

Notice of Award, sign the Contract in the form annexed hereto, will attach all required licenses<br />

and certificates, and will, to the extent of his BID, furnish all equipment, materials, and labor<br />

necessary to <strong>com</strong>plete all work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. Performance<br />

and Payment Bonds will not be required as part of this contract.<br />


Bidder agrees to furnish the Owner, before <strong>com</strong>mencing the work under this Contract, the<br />

certificates of insurance as specified in these Documents.<br />


The Bidder further agrees to begin work within twenty (20) calendar days after the date of the<br />

Notice to Proceed and to <strong>com</strong>plete the construction of all items in the lump sum base Bid, in all<br />

respects, for this particular project, within sixty (60) calendar days after all permits are received .<br />


In the event the Bidder is awarded the Contract and shall fail to <strong>com</strong>plete the work within the<br />

time limit or extended time limit agreed upon as more particularly set forth in the Contract<br />

Documents, liquidated damages shall be paid to the Owner at the rate of five hundred dollars<br />

($500.00) per day for all work awarded under this contract until the work has been satisfactorily<br />

<strong>com</strong>pleted as provided by the Contract Documents. Sundays and legal holidays shall be included<br />

in determining days in default.<br />


The Bidder hereby acknowledges that he has received Addenda No's. , , , ,<br />

, (Bidder shall insert No. of each Addendum received) and agrees that all addenda issued<br />

are hereby made part of the Contract Documents, and the Bidder further agrees that his Bid(s)<br />

includes all impacts resulting from said addenda.<br />



The Bidder agrees that all federal, state, and local sales and use taxes are included in the stated<br />

Bid prices for the work.<br />


“A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction<br />

for a public entity crime may not submit a Bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a<br />

public entity, may not submit a Bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or<br />

repair of a public building or public work, may not submit Bids on leases of real property to a<br />

public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or<br />

Contractor under a contract with any public entity and may not transact business with any public<br />

entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO for<br />

a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list.”<br />


The Bidder agrees to accept as full payment for performance of the work as herein specified and<br />

shown on the Drawings (if any), the following lump sum. The Bidder agrees that the lump sum<br />

price represents a true measure of the design, labor, materials, and equipment required to<br />

perform the work, including all allowances for overhead and profit for each type and unit of<br />

work called for in these Contract Documents. The amounts shall be shown in both words and<br />

figures. In case of a discrepancy, the amount shown in words shall govern. Final lump sum<br />

payments will be adjusted based on actual units and unit prices.<br />


BID FORM<br />

<strong>ITB</strong> #<strong>13</strong>-<strong>022</strong>: KEY WEST BIGHT FERRY TERMINAL BOAT LIFTS<br />

LUMP SUM BASE BID PRICE* for supply & installation of 2 boat lifts each with a<br />

<strong>com</strong>posite boarding platform<br />

$_____________________________________<br />

Bid Total in Words<br />


The Bidder shall provide a schedule of values for all aspects of the project including<br />

mobilization/demobilization, labor and materials, permitting, etc. required or to be used for the<br />

project. The schedule of values shall be in sufficient detail to allow the owner to understand how<br />

the Bidder arrived at said Base Bid and Alternate Bid prices and shall be<strong>com</strong>e part of the<br />

contract for basis of payment. The City may ask for a more detailed schedule of values if one<br />

submitted is not sufficient.<br />





The Bidder further proposes that the following subcontracting firms or businesses will be<br />

awarded subcontracts for the following portions of the work in the event that the Bidder is<br />

awarded the Contract:<br />

Portion of Work:<br />

Name:<br />

Address:<br />

Portion of Work:<br />

Name:<br />

Address:<br />

Portion of Work:<br />

Name:<br />

Address:<br />

BIDDER<br />

The name of the Bidder submitting this Bid is: __________________________________<br />

Doing business at _____________________________________________________________<br />

City ___________________________________State ______________Zip________________<br />

Telephone No._____________________________________<br />

This address is where all <strong>com</strong>munications concerning this Bid shall be sent.<br />

The names of the principal officers of the Corporation submitting this Bid, or of the Partnership,<br />

or of all persons interested in this Bid as Principals are as follows:<br />

Name<br />

Title<br />

______________________________________________________________________________<br />

______________________________________________________________________________<br />

______________________________________________________________________________<br />


If Corporation<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned corporation has caused this instrument to be executed<br />

and its seal affixed by its duly authorized officers this _______day of ________________, 20<strong>13</strong>.<br />

(SEAL)<br />

Name of Corporation<br />

By: ___________________________________________________<br />

Title: _________________________________________________<br />

Attest: _________________________________________________<br />

Secretary<br />

If Sole Proprietor or Partnership<br />

IN WITNESS hereto the undersigned has set his/her/its hand this ______day of _____________,<br />

20<strong>13</strong>.<br />

Signature of Bidder _____________________________________<br />

Title_____________________________________<br />



BOND NO.________________________<br />

AMOUNT $_______________________<br />


____________________________________________________________, hereinafter called the<br />

PRINCIPAL, and ____________________________________________, a corporation duly<br />

organized under the laws of the State of ______________having its principal place of business at<br />

_____________________________________________in the State of _________________ and<br />

authorized to do business in the State of Florida, as SURETY, are held firmly bound unto<br />

hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of __________________________________________<br />

DOLLARS ($_______________________) for the payment for which we bind ourselves, our<br />

heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these<br />

presents..<br />


WHEREAS, the PRINCIPAL is herewith submitting his or its Bid or Bid for:<br />

KEY WEST BIGHT FERRY TERMINAL BOAT LIFTS, said Bid, by reference thereto, being<br />

hereby made a part hereof.<br />

WHEREAS, the PRINCIPAL contemplates submitting or has submitted a Bid to the OBLIGEE<br />

for the furnishing of labor, materials, (except those specifically furnished by the Owner),<br />

equipment, machinery, tools, apparatus, means of transportation for, and the performance of the<br />

work covered in the Bid and the detailed Specifications entitled:<br />


WHEREAS, it was a condition precedent to the submission of said Bid that a cashier's check,<br />

certified check, or Bid bond in the amount of five (5) percent of the base Bid be submitted with<br />

said Bid as a guarantee that the Bidder would, if awarded the Contract, enter into a written<br />

Contract with the Owner for the performance of said Contract, within five (5) working days after<br />

written notice having been given of the award of the Contract.<br />

NOW, THEREFORE, the conditions of this obligation are such that if the PRINCIPAL within<br />

five (5) working days after written notice of such acceptance, enters into a written Contract with<br />

the OBLIGEE then this obligation shall be void: otherwise the sum herein stated shall be due and<br />

payable to the OBLIGEE and the Surety herein agrees to pay said sum immediately upon<br />


demand of the OBLIGEE in good and lawful money of the United States of America, as<br />

liquidated damages for failure thereof of said principal.<br />

Signed and sealed this day of, _________________ 20<strong>13</strong>.<br />

_______________________________________<br />


____________________________________<br />

By<br />

______________________________________<br />

SURETY<br />

___________________________________<br />

Attorney-In-Fact<br />


SWORN STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 287.<strong>13</strong>3(3)(a)<br />


PROJECT <strong>ITB</strong> #<strong>13</strong>-021: MARINE SANITATION SEWER SYSTEM- WAHOO AND KINGFISH PIERS<br />



1. This sworn statement is submitted with Bid, Bid or Contract No. ____________________________ for<br />

__________________________________________________________________________________<br />

2. This sworn statement is submitted by ______________________________________________________<br />

(Name of entity submitting sworn statement)<br />

whose business address is _______________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________and (if applicable) its Federal<br />

Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is _____________________________(If the entity has no FEIN,<br />

include the Social Security Number of the individual signing this sworn statement.)<br />

3. My name is and my relationship to<br />

(Please print name of individual signing)<br />

the entity named above is .<br />

4. I understand that a "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287.<strong>13</strong>3(1)(g), Florida Statutes, means a<br />

violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of<br />

business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or with the<br />

United States, including but not limited to, any Bid or contract for goods or services to be provided to any<br />

public entity or an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States and involving<br />

antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, material misrepresentation.<br />

5. I understand that "convicted" or "conviction" as defined in Paragraph 287.<strong>13</strong>3(l)(b), Florida Statutes, means<br />

a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without an adjudication guilt, in any<br />

federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment information after July 1,<br />

1989, as a result of a jury verdict, nonjury trial, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere.<br />

6. I understand that an "affiliate" as defined in Paragraph 287.<strong>13</strong>3(1)(a), Florida Statutes, means<br />

1. A predecessor or successor of a person convicted of a public entity crime: or<br />

2. An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of t entity and<br />

who has been convicted of a public entity crime. The term "affiliate" includes those officers,<br />

directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in<br />

the management of an affiliate. The ownership by one person of shares constituting controlling<br />

interest in another person, or a pooling of equipment or in<strong>com</strong>e among persons when not for fair<br />

market value under an arm's length agreement, shall be a prima facie case that one person controls<br />

another person. A person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person who has been<br />

convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 months shall be considered<br />

an affiliate.<br />

7. I understand that a "person" as defined in Paragraph 287.<strong>13</strong>3(1)(8), Florida Statutes, means any natural<br />


person or entity organized under the laws of any state or of the United States with the legal power to enter<br />

into a binding contract and which Bids or applies to Bid on contracts for the provision of goods or services<br />

let by a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or applies to transact business with a public entity. The<br />

term "person" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members,<br />

and agents who are active in management of an entity.<br />

8. Based on information and belief, the statement, which I have marked below, is true in relation to the entity<br />

submitting this sworn statement. (Please indicate which statement applies.)<br />

Neither the entity submitting this sworn statement, nor any officers, directors, executives, partners,<br />

shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in management of the entity, nor any<br />

affiliate of the entity have been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July<br />

1, 1989.<br />

The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of the officers, directors, executives,<br />

partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in management of the entity, or<br />

an affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to<br />

July 1, 1989, AND (Please indicate which additional statement applies.)<br />

There has been a proceeding concerning the conviction before a hearing of the State of Florida,<br />

Division of Administrative Hearings. The final order entered by the hearing officer did not<br />

place the person or affiliate on the convicted vendor list. (Please attach a copy of the final<br />

order.)<br />

The person or affiliate was placed on the convicted vendor list. Them has been a subsequent<br />

proceeding before a hearing officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative<br />

Hearings. The final order entered by the hearing officer determined that it was in the public<br />

interest to remove the person or affiliate from the convicted vendor list. (Please attach a copy<br />

of the final order.)<br />

The person or affiliate has not been put on the convicted vendor list. (Please describe any<br />

action taken by or pending with the Department of General Services.)<br />

(Signature)<br />

(Date)<br />

STATE OF<br />


PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority,<br />

___________________________________ who, after first being sworn by me, affixed his/her signature in the<br />

(Name of individual signing)<br />

space provided above on this day of ________________________, 20<strong>13</strong>.<br />

My <strong>com</strong>mission expires:<br />

____________________________________________<br />




PROJECT <strong>ITB</strong> #<strong>13</strong>-<strong>022</strong>: KEY WEST FERRY TERMINAL BOAT LIFTS<br />

STATE OF ___________________ )<br />

: SS<br />

COUNTY OF _________________ )<br />

I, the undersigned hereby duly sworn, depose and say that no portion of the sum herein Bid will<br />

be paid to any employees of the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> as a <strong>com</strong>mission, kickback, reward or gift,<br />

directly or indirectly by me or any member of my firm or by an officer of the corporation.<br />

By: __________________________<br />

Sworn and subscribed before me this<br />

day of ________________, 20<strong>13</strong>.<br />

___________________________________________<br />

NOTARY PUBLIC, State of _______________at Large<br />

My Commission Expires: ______________________<br />



To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor expressly agrees to indemnify and hold<br />

harmless the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, their officers, directors, agents, and employees (herein called the<br />

“indemnities”) from liabilities, damages, losses and costs, including, but not limited to,<br />

reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs, such legal expenses to include costs incurred in<br />

establishing the indemnification and other rights agreed to in this Paragraph, to persons or<br />

property, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentional wrongful<br />

misconduct of the Contractor its Subcontractors or persons employed or utilized by them in the<br />

performance of the Contract. Claims by indemnities for indemnification shall be limited to the<br />

amount of Contractor’s insurance or $1 million per occurrence, whichever is greater. The parties<br />

acknowledge that the amount of the indemnity required hereunder bears a reasonable <strong>com</strong>mercial<br />

relationship to the Contract and it is part of the project specifications or the bid documents, if<br />

any.<br />

The indemnification obligations under the Contract shall not be restricted in any way by any<br />

limitation on the amount or type of damages, <strong>com</strong>pensation, or benefits payable by or for the<br />

Contractor under workers’ <strong>com</strong>pensation acts, disability benefits acts, or other employee benefits<br />

acts, and shall extend to and include any actions brought by or in the name of any employee of<br />

the Contractor or of any third party to whom Contractor may subcontract a part or all of the<br />

Work. This indemnification shall continue beyond the date of <strong>com</strong>pletion of the work.<br />

CONTRACTOR:________________________________________<br />

SEAL:<br />

________________________________________<br />

Address<br />

________________________________________<br />

Signature<br />

________________________________________<br />

Print Name<br />

________________________________________<br />

Title<br />

Date<br />



SECTION 2-798<br />

The undersigned, as a duly authorized representative of the vendor listed herein, certifies to the best of<br />

his/her knowledge and belief, that the vendor meets the definition of a “Local Business.” For purposes of<br />

this section, “local business” shall mean a business which:<br />

a. Principle address as registered with the FL Department of State located within 30 miles of the<br />

boundaries of the city, listed with the chief licensing official as having a business tax receipt with<br />

its principle address within 30 miles of the boundaries of the city for at least one year<br />

immediately prior to the issuance of the solicitation.<br />

b. Maintains a workforce of at least 50 percent of its employees from the city or within 30 miles of<br />

its boundaries.<br />

c. Having paid all current license taxes and any other fees due the city at least 24 hours prior to the<br />

publication of the call for bids or request for proposals.<br />

• Not a local vendor pursuant to Ordinance 09-22 Section 2-798<br />

• Qualifies as a local vendor pursuant to Ordinance 09-22 Section 2-798<br />

If you qualify, please <strong>com</strong>plete the following in support of the self-certification & submit copies of your<br />

County and City business licenses. Failure to provide the information requested will result in denial of<br />

certification as a local business.<br />

Business Name<br />

Current Local Address:<br />

(P.O Box numbers may not be used to establish status)<br />

Phone:<br />

Fax:<br />

Length of time at this address<br />

____________________________________________<br />

Signature of Authorized Representative<br />

_____________________<br />

Date<br />

STATE OF_________________<br />

COUNTY OF_______________<br />

The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _________day of ________, 20<strong>13</strong>.<br />

By_____________________________________________, of____________________________<br />

(Name of officer or agent, title of officer or agent) Name of corporation acknowledging)<br />

or has produced____________________________________________as identification<br />

(type of identification)<br />

________________________________<br />

Signature of Notary<br />

________________________________<br />

Return Completed form with<br />

Print, Type or Stamp Name of Notary<br />

Supporting documents to:<br />

City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Purchasing<br />

________________________________<br />

Title or Rank<br />



PROJECT <strong>ITB</strong> #<strong>13</strong>-<strong>022</strong>: KEY WEST FERRY TERMINAL BOAT LIFTS<br />

STATE OF ____________________ )<br />

: SS<br />

COUNTY OF ________________ )<br />

I, the undersigned hereby duly sworn, depose and say that the firm of ______________________<br />

provides benefits to domestic partners of its employees on the same basis as it provides benefits<br />

to employees’ spouses per City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Ordinance Sec. 2-799.<br />

By: __________________________<br />

Sworn and subscribed before me this<br />

day of ________________, 20<strong>13</strong>.<br />

___________________________________________<br />

NOTARY PUBLIC, State of _______________ at Large<br />

My Commission Expires: ______________________<br />


City Ordinance Sec. 2-799<br />

Requirements for City Contractors to Provide Equal Benefits for Domestic Partners<br />

(a)<br />

Definitions. For purposes of this section only, the following definitions shall apply:<br />

(1) Benefits means the following plan, program or policy provided or offered by a<br />

contractor to its employees as part of the employer's total <strong>com</strong>pensation package:<br />

sick leave, bereavement leave, family medical leave, and health benefits.<br />

(2) Bid shall mean a <strong>com</strong>petitive bid procedure established by the city through the<br />

issuance of an invitation to bid, request for proposals, request for qualifications,<br />

or request for letters of interest.<br />

(3) Cash equivalent means the amount of money paid to an employee with a<br />

domestic partner in lieu of providing benefits to the employee's domestic partner.<br />

The cash equivalent is equal to the employer's direct expense of providing<br />

benefits to an employee for his or her spouse.<br />

The cash equivalents of the following benefits apply:<br />

a. For bereavement leave, cash payment for the number of days that would<br />

be allowed as paid time off for the death of a spouse. Cash payment would<br />

be in the form of the wages of the domestic partner employee for the<br />

number of days allowed.<br />

b. For health benefits, the cost to the contractor of the contractor's share of<br />

the single monthly premiums that are being paid for the domestic partner<br />

employee, to be paid on a regular basis while the domestic partner<br />

employee maintains such insurance in force for himself or herself.<br />

c. For family medical leave, cash payment for the number of days that would<br />

be allowed as time off for an employee to care for a spouse who has a<br />

serious health condition. Cash payment would be in the form of the wages<br />

of the domestic partner employee for the number of days allowed.<br />

(4) Contract means any written agreement, purchase order, standing order or similar<br />

instrument entered into pursuant to the award of a bid whereby the city is<br />

<strong>com</strong>mitted to expend or does expend funds in return for work, labor, professional<br />

services, consulting services, supplies, equipment, materials, construction,<br />

construction related services or any <strong>com</strong>bination of the foregoing.<br />

(5) Contractor means any person or persons, sole proprietorship, partnership, joint<br />

venture, corporation, or other form of doing business, that is awarded a bid and<br />

enters into a covered contract with the city, and which maintains five (5) or more<br />

full-time employees.<br />

(6) Covered contract means a contract between the city and a contractor awarded<br />

subsequent to the date when this section be<strong>com</strong>es effective valued at over twenty<br />

thousand dollars ($20,000).<br />

(7) Domestic partner shall mean any two adults of the same or different sex, who<br />

have registered as domestic partners with a governmental body pursuant to state<br />

or local law authorizing such registration, or with an internal registry maintained<br />

by the employer of at least one of the domestic partners. A contractor may<br />

institute an internal registry to allow for the provision of equal benefits to<br />


employees with domestic partner who do not register their partnerships pursuant<br />

to a governmental body authorizing such registration, or who are located in a<br />

jurisdiction where no such governmental domestic partnership registry exists. A<br />

contractor that institutes such registry shall not impose criteria for registration that<br />

are more stringent than those required for domestic partnership registration by the<br />

City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> pursuant to Chapter 38, Article V of the <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong><br />

Code of Ordinances.<br />

(8) Equal benefits mean the equality of benefits between employees with spouses<br />

and employees with domestic partners, and/or between spouses of employees and<br />

domestic partners of employees.<br />

(b)<br />

Equal benefits requirements.<br />

(1) Except where otherwise exempt or prohibited by law, a Contractor awarded a<br />

covered contract pursuant to a bid process shall provide benefits to domestic<br />

partners of its employees on the same basis as it provides benefits to employees’<br />

spouses.<br />

(2) All bid requests for covered contracts which are issued on or after the effective<br />

date of this section shall include the requirement to provide equal benefits in the<br />

procurement specifications in accordance with this section.<br />

(3) The city shall not enter into any covered contract unless the contractor certifies<br />

that such contractor does not discriminate in the provision of benefits between<br />

employees with domestic partners and employees with spouses and/or between<br />

the domestic partners and spouses of such employees.<br />

(4) Such certification shall be in writing and shall be signed by an authorized officer<br />

of the contractor and delivered, along with a description of the contractor's<br />

employee benefits plan, to the city's procurement director prior to entering into<br />

such covered contract.<br />

(5) The city manager or his/her designee shall reject a contractor's certification of<br />

<strong>com</strong>pliance if he/she determines that such contractor discriminates in the<br />

provision of benefits or if the city manager or designee determines that the<br />

certification was created, or is being used for the purpose of evading the<br />

requirements of this section.<br />

(6) The contractor shall provide the city manager or his/her designee, access to its<br />

records for the purpose of audits and/or investigations to ascertain <strong>com</strong>pliance<br />

with the provisions of this section, and upon request shall provide evidence that<br />

the contractor is in <strong>com</strong>pliance with the provisions of this section upon each new<br />

bid, contract renewal, or when the city manager has received a <strong>com</strong>plaint or has<br />

reason to believe the contractor may not be in <strong>com</strong>pliance with the provisions of<br />

this section. This shall include but not be limited to providing the city manager or<br />

his/her designee with certified copies of all of the contractor's records pertaining<br />

to its benefits policies and its employment policies and practices.<br />

(7) The contractor may not set up or use its contracting entity for the purpose of<br />

evading the requirements imposed by this section.<br />

(c)<br />

Mandatory contract provisions pertaining to equal benefits. Unless otherwise exempt,<br />

every covered contract shall contain language that obligates the contractor to <strong>com</strong>ply with<br />


the applicable provisions of this section. The language shall include provisions for the<br />

following:<br />

(1) During the performance of the covered contract, the contractor certifies and<br />

represents that it will <strong>com</strong>ply with this section.<br />

(2) The failure of the contractor to <strong>com</strong>ply with this section will be deemed to be a<br />

material breach of the covered contract.<br />

(3) If the contractor fails to <strong>com</strong>ply with this section, the city may terminate the<br />

covered contract and all monies due or to be<strong>com</strong>e due under the covered contract<br />

may be retained by the city. The city may also pursue any and all other remedies<br />

at law or in equity for any breach.<br />

(4) If the city manager or his designee determines that a contractor has set up or used<br />

its contracting entity for the purpose of evading the requirements of this section,<br />

the city may terminate the covered contract.<br />

(d)<br />

Enforcement. If the contractor fails to <strong>com</strong>ply with the provisions of this section:<br />

(1) The failure to <strong>com</strong>ply may be deemed to be a material breach of the covered<br />

contract; or<br />

(2) The city may terminate the covered contract; or<br />

(3) Monies due or to be<strong>com</strong>e due under the covered contract may be retained by the<br />

city until <strong>com</strong>pliance is achieved; or<br />

(4) The city may also pursue any and all other remedies at law or in equity for any<br />

breach;<br />

(5) Failure to <strong>com</strong>ply with this section may also subject contractor to the procedures<br />

set forth in Division 5 of this article, entitled "Debarment of contractors from city<br />

work."<br />

(e)<br />

Exceptions and waivers.<br />

The provisions of this section shall not apply where:<br />

(1) The contractor does not provide benefits to employees' spouses.<br />

(2) The contractor is a religious organization, association, society or any non-profit<br />

charitable or educational institution or organization operated, supervised or<br />

controlled by or in conjunction with a religious organization, association or<br />

society.<br />

(3) The contractor is a governmental entity.<br />

(4) The sale or lease of city property.<br />

(5) The provision of this section would violate grant requirement, the laws, rules or<br />

regulations of federal or state law (for example, The acquisition services procured<br />

pursuant to Chapter 287.055, Florida Statutes known as the "Consultants'<br />

Competitive Negotiation Act").<br />

(6) Provided that the contractor does not discriminate in the provision of benefits, a<br />

contractor may also <strong>com</strong>ply with this section by providing an employee with the<br />

cash equivalent of such benefits, if the city manager or his/her designee<br />

determines that either:<br />


a. The contractor has made a reasonable yet unsuccessful effort to provide<br />

equal benefits. The contractor shall provide the city manager or his/her<br />

designee with sufficient proof of such inability to provide such benefit or<br />

benefits which shall include the measures taken to provide such benefits or<br />

benefits and the cash equivalent proposed, along with its certificate of<br />

<strong>com</strong>pliance, as is required under this section.<br />

(7) The city <strong>com</strong>mission waives <strong>com</strong>pliance of this section in the best interest of the<br />

city, including but not limited to the following circumstances:<br />

a. The covered contract is necessary to respond to an emergency.<br />

b. Where only one bid response is received.<br />

c. Where more than one bid response is received, but the bids<br />

demonstrate that none of the bidders can <strong>com</strong>ply with the<br />

requirements of this section.<br />

(f)<br />

(g)<br />

City's authority to cancel contract. Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the<br />

city's authority to cancel or terminate a contract, deny or withdraw approval to perform<br />

a subcontract or provide supplies, issue a non-responsibility finding, issue a nonresponsiveness<br />

finding, deny a person or entity prequalification, or otherwise deny a<br />

person or entity city business.<br />

Timing of application. This section shall be applicable only to covered contracts<br />

awarded pursuant to bids which are after the date when this section be<strong>com</strong>es effective.<br />



STATE OF ________________ )<br />

: SS<br />

COUNTY OF ________________ )<br />

I the undersigned hereby duly sworn depose and say that all owner(s), partners, officers,<br />

directors, employees and agents representing the firm of _______________________________<br />

have read and understand the limitations and procedures regarding <strong>com</strong>munications concerning<br />

City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> issued <strong>com</strong>petitive solicitations pursuant to City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Ordinance<br />

Section 2-773 Cone of Silence (attached).<br />

Sworn and subscribed before me this<br />

day of ________________, 20<strong>13</strong>.<br />

___________________________________________<br />

NOTARY PUBLIC, State of ______________ at Large<br />

My Commission Expires: ______________________<br />


Sec. 2-773. Cone of Silence<br />

(a) Definitions. For purposes of this section, reference to one gender shall include the other, use<br />

of the plural shall include the singular, and use of the singular shall include the plural. The<br />

following definitions apply unless the context in which the word or phrase is used requires a<br />

different definition:<br />

1) Competitive Solicitation means a formal process by the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> relating to<br />

the acquisition of goods or services, which process is intended to provide an equal<br />

and open opportunity to qualified persons and entities to be selected to provide the<br />

goods or services. Completive Solicitation shall include request for proposals<br />

("RFP"), request for qualifications ("RFQ"), request for letters of interest ("RFLI"),<br />

invitation to bid ("<strong>ITB</strong>") or any other advertised solicitation.<br />

2) Cone of Silence means a period of time during which there is a prohibition on<br />

<strong>com</strong>munication regarding a particular Competitive Solicitation.<br />

3) Evaluation or Selection Committee means a group of persons appointed or designated<br />

by the City to evaluate, rank, select, or make a re<strong>com</strong>mendation regarding a Vendor<br />

or the Vendor's response to the Competitive Solicitation. A member of such a<br />

<strong>com</strong>mittee shall be deemed a city official for the purposes of subsection (c) below.<br />

4) Vendor means a person or entity that has entered into or that desires to enter into a<br />

contract with the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> or that seeks an award from the City to provide<br />

goods, perform a service, render an opinion or advice, or make a re<strong>com</strong>mendation<br />

related to a Competitive Solicitation for <strong>com</strong>pensation or other consideration.<br />

5) Vendor's Representative means an owner, individual, employee, partner, officer, or<br />

member of the board of directors of a Vendor, or a consultant, lobbyist, or actual or<br />

potential subcontractor or sub consultant who acts at the behest of a Vendor in<br />

<strong>com</strong>municating regarding a Competitive Solicitation.<br />

(b) Prohibited Communications: A Cone of Silence shall be in effect during the course of a<br />

Competitive Solicitation and prohibit:<br />

1) Any <strong>com</strong>munication regarding a particular Competitive Solicitation between a<br />

potential Vendor or Vendor's Representative and the City's administrative staff<br />

including, but not limited to, the city manager and his or her staff;<br />

2) Any <strong>com</strong>munication regarding a particular Competitive Solicitation between a<br />

potential Vendor or Vendor's Representative and the Mayor, City Commissioners, or<br />

their respective staff;<br />


3) Any <strong>com</strong>munication regarding a particular Competitive Solicitation between a<br />

potential Vendor or Vendor's Representative and any member of a City evaluation<br />

and/or selection <strong>com</strong>mittee therefore; and<br />

4) Any <strong>com</strong>munication regarding a particular Competitive Solicitation between the<br />

Mayor, City Commissioners, or their respective staff, and a member of a City<br />

evaluation and/or selection <strong>com</strong>mittee therefore.<br />

(c) Permitted Communications: Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing contained herein shall<br />

prohibit:<br />

1) Communication between members of the public who are not Vendors or a Vendor’s<br />

representative and any city employee, official or member of the City Commission;<br />

2) Communications in writing at any time with any city employee, official or member of the<br />

City Commission, unless specifically prohibited by the applicable Competitive<br />

Solicitation.<br />

(A) However, any written <strong>com</strong>munication must be filed with the City Clerk. Any<br />

City employee, official or member of the City Commission receiving or<br />

making any written <strong>com</strong>munication must immediately file it with the City<br />

Clerk.<br />

(B) The City Clerk shall include all written <strong>com</strong>munication as part of the agenda<br />

item when publishing information related to a particular Competitive<br />

Solicitation.<br />

3) Oral <strong>com</strong>munications at duly noticed pre-bid conferences;<br />

4) Oral presentations before publically noticed evaluation and/or selection <strong>com</strong>mittees;<br />

5) Contract discussions during any duly noticed public meeting;<br />

6) Public presentations made to the City Commission or advisory body thereof during any<br />

duly noticed public meeting;<br />

7) Contract negotiations with city staff following the award of a Competitive Solicitation by<br />

the City Commission; or<br />


8) Purchases exempt from the <strong>com</strong>petitive process pursuant to section 2-797 of these Code<br />

of Ordinances.<br />

(d) Procedure<br />

1) The Cone of Silence shall be imposed upon each Competitive Solicitation at the time of<br />

Public Notice of such solicitation as provided by section 2-826 of this Code. Public<br />

notice of the Cone of Silence shall be included in the notice of the Competitive<br />

Solicitation. The city manager shall issue a written notice of the release of each<br />

Competitive Solicitation to the affected departments, with a copy thereof to each<br />

Commission member, and shall include in any public solicitation for goods and services a<br />

statement disclosing the requirements of this ordinance.<br />

2) The Cone of Silence shall terminate at the time the City Commission or other authorized<br />

body makes final award or gives final approval of a contract, rejects all bids or responses<br />

to the Competitive Solicitation, or takes other action which ends the Competitive<br />

Solicitation.<br />

3) Any City employee, official or member of the City Commission that is approached<br />

concerning a Competitive Solicitation while the Cone of Silence is in effect shall notify<br />

such individual of the prohibitions contained in this section. While the Cone of Silence is<br />

in effect, any City employee, official or member of the City Commission who is the<br />

recipient of any oral <strong>com</strong>munication by a potential Vendor or Vendor’s Representative in<br />

violation of this section shall create a written record of the event. The record shall<br />

indicate the date of such <strong>com</strong>munication, the persons with whom such <strong>com</strong>munication<br />

occurred, and a general summation of the <strong>com</strong>munication.<br />

(e) Violations/penalties and procedures.<br />

1) A sworn <strong>com</strong>plaint alleging a violation of this ordinance may be filed with the City<br />

Attorney’s office. In each such instance, an initial investigation shall be performed to<br />

determine the existence of a violation. If a violation is found to exist, the penalties and<br />

process shall be as provided in section 1-15 of this Code.<br />

2) In addition to the penalties described herein and otherwise provided by law, a violation of<br />

this ordinance shall render the Competitive Solicitation void at the discretion of the City<br />

Commission.<br />

3) Any person who violates a provision of this section shall be prohibited from serving on a<br />

City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> advisory board, evaluation and/or selection <strong>com</strong>mittee.<br />


4) In addition to any other penalty provided by law, violation of any provision of this<br />

ordinance by a City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> employee shall subject said employee to disciplinary<br />

action up to and including dismissal.<br />

5) If a Vendor is determined to have violated the provisions of this section on two more<br />

occasions it shall constitute evidence under City Code section 2-834 that the Vendor is<br />

not properly qualified to carry out the obligations or to <strong>com</strong>plete the work contemplated<br />

by any new Competitive Solicitation. The City’s Purchasing Agent shall also <strong>com</strong>mence<br />

any available debarment from city work proceeding that may be available upon a finding<br />

of two or more violations by a Vendor of this section.<br />


PART 2<br />




This Contract, made and entered into this _______ day of _________ 20<strong>13</strong>, by and between the<br />

CITY OF KEY WEST, hereinafter called the "Owner", and<br />

hereinafter called the "Contractor";<br />


The Contractor, in consideration of the sum to be paid him by the Owner and of the covenants<br />

and agreements herein contained, hereby agrees at his own proper cost and expense to do all the<br />

work and furnish all the materials, tools, labor, and all appliances, machinery, and appurtenances<br />

for the PROJECT <strong>ITB</strong> #<strong>13</strong>-<strong>022</strong>: KEY WEST BIGHT FERRY TERMINAL BOAT LIFTS, to the<br />

extent of the BID made by the Contractor, dated this _______ day of ______________ 20<strong>13</strong>, all<br />

in full <strong>com</strong>pliance with the Contract Documents referred to herein:<br />



TERMINAL BOAT LIFTS are hereby referred to and by reference made a part of this Contract<br />

as fully and <strong>com</strong>pletely as if the same were fully set forth herein and are mutually cooperative<br />

therewith.<br />

In consideration of the performance of the work as set forth in these Contract Documents, the<br />

Owner agrees to pay to the Contractor the LUMP SUM BID amount in the Bid as adjusted in<br />

accordance with the Contract Documents, or as otherwise herein provided, and to make such<br />

payments in the manner and at the times provided in the Contract Documents.<br />

The Contractor agrees to <strong>com</strong>plete the work within the time specified in the Contract, and to<br />

accept as full payment hereunder the amounts as determined by the Contract Documents and<br />

based on the said Bid.<br />

The Contractor agrees to remedy all defects appearing in the work or developing in the materials<br />

furnished and the workmanship performed under this Contract during a two (2) year warranty<br />


period after the date of final acceptance of the work by the Owner, and further agrees to<br />

indemnify and hold harmless the Owner from any costs encountered in remedying such defects.<br />

The Bidder further agrees to begin work within twenty (20) calendar days after receipt the date<br />

of the Notice to Proceed and to <strong>com</strong>plete the construction of all items in the lump sum base Bid,<br />

in all respects, for this particular project, within sixty (60) calendar days after the date of receipt<br />

of all permits.<br />

In the event that the Contractor shall fail to <strong>com</strong>plete the work within the time limit or the<br />

extended time limit agreed upon, as more particularly set forth in the Contract Documents,<br />

liquidated damages shall be paid at the rate of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per calendar day.<br />

Sundays and legal holidays shall be included in determining days in default.<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we, the parties hereto, each herewith subscribe the same, this<br />

__________day of ____________ 20<strong>13</strong>.<br />

Attest:<br />

_______________________________<br />

Cheryl Smith, City Clerk<br />

By:<br />

______________________________<br />

Bogdan Vitas, Jr., City Manager<br />

Contractor:<br />

By:<br />

Print Name:<br />

Title:<br />

_____________________________ Witness: ___________________________<br />

_____________________________ Print Name: ________________________<br />

______________________________<br />

______________________________<br />


PART 3<br />






Bids will be prepared in accordance with the following:<br />

a. The enclosed Bid Response Form is to be used, other forms may be rejected.<br />

b. All information required by the Bid form shall be furnished. The BIDDER shall print<br />

or type his/her name and manually sign the Bid Response Form plus each<br />

continuation sheet on which an entry is made.<br />

c. Bid delivery time must be shown and shall include Sundays and holidays.<br />

d. BIDDER shall thoroughly examine the specifications, drawings (if any), schedule,<br />

instructions, and all other contract documents.<br />

e. All Bids shall be submitted in original plus one copy and 2 CDs or flash drives<br />

containing the <strong>com</strong>plete Bid in PDF format.<br />

f. BIDDERs are advised that all CITY OF KEY WEST contracts are subject to all legal<br />

requirements provided for in City ordinances and/or State and Federal Statutes.<br />


a. Any manufacturer's name, trade name, brand name, or catalog number used in the<br />

specifications is for the purpose of describing and establishing general quality levels.<br />


considered for any brand, which meets the quality of the specifications for any item.<br />


a. Bids and changes thereto shall be enclosed in sealed envelopes addressed to the City<br />

Clerk, City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>. The name and address of the BIDDER, the date and hour of<br />

the Bid opening and the Bid number shall be placed on the outside of the envelope.<br />

b. Bids must be submitted on the form furnished. Telecopy Bids will not be considered.<br />

c. Unless otherwise indicated, all City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Bids may be awarded on a line-item<br />

basis.<br />

d. Bid prices must remain in effect for ordering up to three (3) months from Bid opening<br />

date.<br />


a. The CITY OF KEY WEST may reject Bids for any and/or all of the following<br />

reasons: (1) for budgetary reasons, (2) if the BIDDER misstates or conceals a material<br />

fact in his/her Bid, (3) if the Bid does not strictly conform to the law or is nonresponsive<br />

to the Bid requirements, (4) if the Bid is conditional, or (5) if a change of<br />

circumstances occurs making the purpose of the Bid unnecessary to the CITY OF<br />

KEY WEST. The CITY OF KEY WEST may also waive any minor informalities or<br />

irregularities in any Bid.<br />


a. Bids may not be withdrawn after the time set for the Bid opening for a period of time<br />

as specified in the Instruction to BIDDERs.<br />


. Bids may be withdrawn prior to the time set for Bids opening. Such request must be<br />

in writing addressed to the City Clerk.<br />


a. Bids and modifications received after the time set for the Bid opening will not be<br />

considered.<br />

b. Modifications in writing received prior to the time set for the Bid opening will be<br />

accepted.<br />


a. BIDDERs shall <strong>com</strong>ply with all local, state and federal directives, orders and laws as<br />

applicable to this Bid and subsequent contract(s) including, but not limited to:<br />

1. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), in <strong>com</strong>pliance with Executive Order<br />

11246, as applicable to this contract.<br />

2. Minority Business Enterprises (MBE), as applicable to this contract.<br />

3. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), as applicable to this contract.<br />

8. COLLUSION:<br />

a. The BIDDER by affixing his/her signature to this Invitation to Bid, agrees to the<br />

following: "BIDDER certifies that his/her Bid is made without previous<br />

understanding, agreement, or connection with any person, firm, or corporation<br />

making a Bid for the same items and is in all respects fair, without outside control,<br />

collusion, fraud, or otherwise illegal action”.<br />


a. Any and all special conditions and specifications attached hereto, which vary from<br />

General Conditions, shall have precedence.<br />


a. If the contract or delivery extends beyond the current fiscal year, which ends on<br />

September 30, the contract shall be contingent upon the availability of funds<br />

appropriated for such purposed in the City's annual budget for the next succeeding<br />

fiscal year.<br />


a. If any person contemplating submitting a Bid for this contract is in doubt as to the<br />

true meaning of the specifications or other Bid documents or any part thereof, he/she<br />

may submit to the Project Manager, jmuccino@keywestcity.<strong>com</strong>, on or before ten<br />

calendar (10) days prior to scheduled opening a request for clarification. All such<br />

requests for information shall be made in writing (email) and the person submitting<br />

the request will be responsible for prompt delivery. Any interpretation of the Bid, if<br />

made, will be made only by Addendum duly issued. Such addendum will be made<br />

available through the DEMANDSTAR web site. The City will not be responsible for<br />


any other explanation or interpretation of the proposed Bid made or given prior to the<br />

award of the contract.<br />

12. DISCOUNTS:<br />

a. BIDDERs may offer a cash discount for prompt payment; however, such discount<br />

shall not be considered in determining the lowest net cost for Bid evaluation<br />

proposed. BIDDERs are encouraged to reflect cash discounts in the unit price quoted.<br />

b. In connection with any discount offered, time will be <strong>com</strong>puted from the date of<br />

receipt of supplies or services or form the date a correct invoice is received,<br />

whichever is the later date. Payment is deemed to be made on the date of mailing of<br />

the check.<br />

<strong>13</strong>. AWARD OF CONTRACT:<br />

a. The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible BIDDER<br />

whose Bid, conforming to the Request for Bid, is most advantageous to the City,<br />

prices and other factors considered.<br />

b. The City reserves the right to accept and award item by item, and/or by group or in<br />

the aggregate, unless the BIDDER qualifies his/her Bid by specified limitations as<br />

provided in four (4).<br />

c. If two (2) or more Bids received are for the same total amount or unit price, quality<br />

and service being equal, the contract will be awarded according to City Ordinance<br />

Section 2-835(c).<br />

d. Prices quoted must be f.o.b. <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, Florida, with all transportation charges<br />

prepaid unless otherwise specified in the Invitation to Bid.<br />

e. A written award of acceptance (Purchase Order) and a signed contract, mailed or<br />

otherwise furnished to the successful BIDDER shall result in a binding contract<br />

without further action by either party.<br />


a. Pursuant to City Code Section 2-798 the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> policy of local preference<br />

is applied to Bids submitted by qualified local businesses.<br />

15. DAMAGE:<br />

a. Successful BIDDER(s) will be responsible for making any and all claims against<br />

carriers for missing or damaged items.<br />


All bonds, insurance contracts, and certificates of insurance shall be either executed by or<br />

countersigned by a licensed resident agent of the surety or insurance <strong>com</strong>pany, having<br />

his/her place of business in the State of Florida, and in all ways <strong>com</strong>plying with the<br />

insurance laws of the State of Florida. Further, the said surety or insurance <strong>com</strong>pany shall<br />

be duly licensed and qualified to do business in the State of Florida.<br />




Article<br />


1. AS APPROVED<br />


3. BIDDER<br />




7. DAYS<br />

8. DRAWINGS<br />

9. ENGINEER<br />

10. NOTICE<br />

11. OR EQUAL<br />

12. OWNER<br />

<strong>13</strong>. PLANS<br />




17. WORK<br />





















30. SUBMITTALS<br />


Article<br />







A. GENERAL<br />












35. INDEMNITY<br />











42. SAFETY<br />

















Article<br />






WORK<br />













WORK<br />


67. CLEANING UP<br />

Article<br />




B. LUMP SUM<br />



A. GENERAL<br />






E. PAYMENT<br />









Whenever in the Contract Documents the following terms are used, the intent and meaning shall be<br />

interpreted as follows:<br />

1. AS APPROVED<br />

The words "as approved", unless otherwise qualified, shall be understood to be followed by<br />

the words "by the Engineer for conformance with the Contract Document".<br />


The words "as shown" and "as Indicated" shall be understood to be followed by the words<br />

"on the Drawings".<br />

3. BIDDER<br />

The person or persons, partnership, firm, or corporation submitting a Bid for the work<br />

contemplated.<br />


The "Contract Documents" consist of the Bid Requirements, Contract Forms, Conditions of<br />

the Contact, Specifications, Drawings, all modifications thereof incorporated into the<br />

Documents before their execution, Change Orders, and all other requirements incorporated<br />

by specific reference thereto. These form the Contract.<br />


The person or persons, partnership, firm, or corporation who enters into the Contract<br />

awarded him by the Owner.<br />


The "Contract Completion" is the date the Owner accepts the entire work as being in<br />

<strong>com</strong>pliance with the Contract Documents, or formally waives nonconforming work to<br />

extent of nonconformity, and issues the final payment in accordance with the requirements<br />

set forth in Article, "Final Payment" of these General Conditions.<br />

7. DAYS<br />

Unless otherwise specifically stated, the term "days" will be understood to mean calendar<br />

days. Business day or working day means any day other than Saturday, Sunday, or legal<br />

holiday.<br />

8. DRAWINGS<br />

The term "Drawings" refers to the official Drawings, profiles, cross sections, elevations,<br />

details, and other working drawings and supplementary drawings, or reproductions thereof<br />

which shows the location, character, dimensions, and details of the work to be performed.<br />


9. ENGINEER<br />

The person or organization identified as such in the Contract Documents. The Term<br />

"Engineer" means the Owner’s Engineer, Owner’s contracted Engineer, or its authorized<br />

representative.<br />

9 (a). PROJECT MANAGER<br />

The person or organization identified as such in the Contract Documents. The Term<br />

"Project Manager" means the Owner’s authorized representative overseeing the project for<br />

the City.<br />

10. NOTICE<br />

The term "notice" or the requirement to notify, as used in the Contract Documents or<br />

applicable state or federal statutes, shall signify a written <strong>com</strong>munication delivered in<br />

person or by registered mail to the individual, or to a member of the firm, or to an officer of<br />

the corporation for whom it is intended. Certified or registered mail shall be addressed to<br />

the last business address known to him who gives the notice.<br />

11. OR EQUAL<br />

The term "or equal" shall be understood to indicate that the "equal" product is equivalent to<br />

or better than the product named in function, performance, reliability, quality, and general<br />

configuration. The Engineer will make determination of equality in reference to the project<br />

design requirements. Such equal products shall not be purchased or installed by the<br />

Contractor without written authorization.<br />

12. OWNER<br />

The person, organization, or public body identified as such in the Contract Documents.<br />

Wherever in these Documents the word "Owner" appears, it shall be understood to mean<br />

the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> whose address is 3140 Flagler Ave, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, Florida 33040.<br />

<strong>13</strong>. PLANS (See Drawings)<br />


The term "Specifications" refers to those portions of the Contract Documents consisting of<br />

written technical descriptions of materials, equipment, construction systems, standards, and<br />

workmanship as applied to the work and certain administrative details applicable thereto.<br />

Where standard specifications, such as those of ASTM, AASHTO, etc., have been referred<br />

to, the applicable portions of such standard specifications shall be<strong>com</strong>e a part of these<br />

Contract Documents. If referenced specifications conflict with specifications contained<br />

herein, the requirements contained herein shall prevail.<br />



Where portions of the work traverse or cross federal, state, county, or local highways,<br />

roads, or streets, and the agency in control of such property has established standard<br />

specifications governing items of work that differ from these Specifications, the most<br />

stringent requirements shall apply.<br />

The Contractor shall <strong>com</strong>ply with all regulations and requirements of the State Highway<br />

Department and the County Road Department wherever the work traverses or crosses<br />

state or county highways.<br />


A written notice given by the Owner to the Contractor (with a copy to the Engineer) fixing<br />

the date on which the Contract time will <strong>com</strong>mence to run and on which the Contractor<br />

shall start to perform his obligation under the Contract Documents. The Owner will give<br />

the Notice to Proceed within thirty (30) calendar days following the execution of the<br />

Contract.<br />


"Substantial Completion" shall be that degree of <strong>com</strong>pletion of the project or a defined<br />

portion of the project, as evidenced by the Engineer's written notice of Substantial<br />

Completion, sufficient to provide the Owner, at his discretion, the full-time use of the<br />

project or defined portion of the project for the purposes for which it was intended.<br />

"Substantial Completion" of an operating facility shall be that degree of <strong>com</strong>pletion that<br />

has provided a minimum of seven (7) continuous days of successful, trouble-free,<br />

operation, which period shall begin after all performance and acceptance testing has been<br />

successfully demonstrated to the Engineer. All equipment contained in the work, plus all<br />

other <strong>com</strong>ponents necessary to enable the Owner to operate the facility in a manner that<br />

was intended, shall be <strong>com</strong>plete on the substantial <strong>com</strong>pletion date.<br />

17. WORK<br />

The word "work" within these Contract Documents shall include all material, labor, tools,<br />

and all appliances, machinery, transportation, and appurtenances necessary to perform and<br />

<strong>com</strong>plete the Contract, and such additional items not specifically indicated or described<br />

which can be reasonably inferred as belonging to the item described or indicated and as<br />

required by good practice to provide a <strong>com</strong>plete and satisfactory system or structure. As<br />

used herein, "provide" shall be understood to mean, "furnish and install, <strong>com</strong>plete inplace".<br />



The Contract Documents are <strong>com</strong>plementary, and what is called for by one shall be as<br />

binding as if called for by all. The intent of the Documents is to describe a functionally<br />

<strong>com</strong>plete project (or part thereof) to be constructed in accordance with the Contract<br />

Documents. Any work, materials, or equipment that may reasonably be inferred from the<br />

Contract Documents, as being required to produce the intended result shall be supplied<br />

whether or not specifically called for. When words, which have a well-known technical or<br />


trade meaning, are used to describe work, materials, or equipment, such words shall be<br />

interpreted in accordance with that meaning.<br />

Reference to standard specifications, manuals, or codes of any technical society,<br />

organization or association, or to the laws or regulations of any governmental authority,<br />

whether such reference be specific or by implication, shall mean the latest standard<br />

specification, manual, code or laws or regulations in effect on the first published date of the<br />

Invitation to Bid, except as may be otherwise specifically stated. However, no provision of<br />

any referenced standard specification, manual or code (whether or not specifically<br />

incorporated by reference in the Contract Documents) shall be effective to change the<br />

duties and responsibilities of Owner, Contractor, or Engineer, or any of their Contractors,<br />

agents, or employees from those set forth in the Contract Documents, nor shall it be<br />

effective to assign to Engineer, or any Engineer's Contractors, agents, or employees, any<br />

duty or authority to supervise or direct the furnishing or performance of the work or any<br />

duty or authority to undertake responsibility contrary to the provisions of Article<br />



Any discrepancies or omissions found in the Contract Documents shall be reported to the<br />

Engineer immediately. The Engineer will clarify discrepancies or omissions, in writing,<br />

within a reasonable time.<br />

In resolving inconsistencies among two or more sections of the Contract Documents,<br />

precedence shall be given in the following order:<br />


B. BID<br />








Addenda shall take precedence over all sections referenced therein. Figure dimensions on<br />

Drawings shall take precedence over scale dimensions. Detailed Drawings shall take<br />

precedence over general Drawings.<br />


The Owner, without notice to the Sureties and without invalidating the Contract, may order<br />

changes in the work within the general scope of the Contract by altering, adding to, or<br />

deducting from the work, the Contract being adjusted accordingly. All such work shall be<br />

executed under the conditions of the original Contract, except as specifically adjusted at the<br />


time of ordering such change.<br />

In giving instructions, the Engineer may order minor changes in the work not involving<br />

extra cost and not inconsistent with the purposes of the project, but otherwise, except in an<br />

emergency endangering life and property, additions or deductions from the work shall be<br />

performed only in pursuance of an approved Change Order from the Owner, countersigned<br />

by the Engineer.<br />

If the work is reduced by alterations, such action shall not constitute a claim for damages<br />

based on loss of anticipated profits.<br />


The Contractor shall thoroughly examine and be<strong>com</strong>e familiar with all of the various parts<br />

of these Contract Documents and determine the nature and location of the work, the general<br />

and local conditions, and all other matters, which can in any way affect the work under this<br />

Contract. Failure to make an examination necessary for this determination shall not release<br />

the Contractor from the obligations of this Contract. No verbal agreement or conversation<br />

with any officer, agent, or employee of the Owner, or with the Engineer either before or<br />

after the execution of this Contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations<br />

herein contained.<br />


The Contractor shall keep one copy of the Contract Documents on the job- site, in good<br />

order, available to the Engineer and to his/her representatives.<br />

The Contractor shall maintain on a daily basis at the jobsite, and make available to the<br />

Engineer on request, one current record set of the Drawings which have been accurately<br />

marked to indicate all modifications in the <strong>com</strong>pleted work that differ from the design<br />

information shown on the Drawings. Upon Substantial <strong>com</strong>pletion of the work, the<br />

Contractor shall give the Engineer one (1) <strong>com</strong>plete set of these marked up record<br />

Drawings.<br />


Copies of Contract Documents or Drawings may be obtained on request from the Engineer<br />

and by paying the actual cost of reproducing the Contract Documents or Drawings.<br />


All portions of the Contract Documents, and copies thereof furnished by the Engineer are<br />

instruments of service for this project. They are not to be used on other work and are to be<br />

returned to the Engineer on request at the <strong>com</strong>pletion of the work. Any reuse of these<br />

materials without specific written verification or adaptation by the Engineer will be at the<br />

risk of the user and without liability or legal expense to the Engineer. Such user shall hold<br />

the Engineer harmless from any and all damages, including reasonable attorneys' fees, from<br />

any and all claims arising from any such reuse. Any such verification and adaptation shall<br />

entitle the Engineer to further <strong>com</strong>pensation at rates to be agreed upon by the user and the<br />

Engineer.<br />




The Engineer will be the Owner's representative during the construction period. His/her<br />

authority and responsibility will be limited to the provisions set forth in these Contract<br />

Documents. The Engineer will have the Authority to reject work that does not conform to<br />

the Contract Documents. However, neither the Engineer's authority to act under this<br />

provision, nor any decision made by him/her in good faith either to exercise or not to<br />

exercise such authority, shall give rise to any duty or responsibility of the Engineer to the<br />

Contractor, any Subcontractor, their respective Sureties, any of their agents or employees,<br />

or any other person performing any of the work.<br />


The Engineer will make visits to the site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of<br />

construction to observe the progress and quality of the work and to determine, in general, if<br />

the work is proceeding in accordance with the intent of the Contract Documents. He/she<br />

will not make <strong>com</strong>prehensive or continuous review or observation to check quality or<br />

quantity of the work, and he/she will not be responsible for construction means, methods,<br />

techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection<br />

with the work. Visits and observations made by the Engineer shall not relieve the<br />

Contractor of his/her obligation to conduct <strong>com</strong>prehensive inspections of the work and to<br />

furnish materials and perform acceptable work, and to provide adequate safety precautions,<br />

in conformance with the intent of the Contract.<br />

The Engineer will make re<strong>com</strong>mendations to the Owner, in writing, on all claims of the<br />

Owner or the Contractor arising from interpretation or execution of the Contract<br />

Documents. Such re<strong>com</strong>mendations will be of factual and/or technical nature, and will not<br />

include the legal interpretation of the Contract Documents. The Owner will make any<br />

necessary legal interpretation of the Contract Document. Such re<strong>com</strong>mendation shall be<br />

necessary before the Contractor can receive additional money under the terms of the<br />

Contract. Changes in work ordered by the Engineer shall be made in <strong>com</strong>pliance with<br />

Article CHANGES IN THE WORK.<br />

One or more project representatives may be assigned to observe the work. It is understood<br />

that such project representatives shall have the authority to issue notice of nonconformance<br />

and make decisions within the limitations of the authority of the Engineer. The Contractor<br />

shall furnish all reasonable assistance required by the Engineer or project representatives<br />

for proper observation of the work. The above-mentioned project representatives shall not<br />

relieve the Contractor of his/her obligations to conduct <strong>com</strong>prehensive inspections of the<br />

work and to furnish materials and perform acceptable work, and to provide adequate safety<br />

precautions, in conformance with the intent of the Contract.<br />


Engineer will not be responsible for Contractor's means, methods, techniques, sequences,<br />


or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, and<br />

Engineer will not be responsible for Contractor's failure to perform or furnish the work in<br />

accordance with the Contract Documents.<br />

Engineer will not be responsible for the acts or omissions of Contractor or of any<br />

Subcontractor, any supplier, or of any other person or organization performing or<br />

furnishing any of the work.<br />

Whenever in the Contract Documents the terms "as ordered", "as directed", "as required",<br />

"as allowed", "as approved", or terms of like effect or import are used, or the adjectives<br />

"reasonable", "suitable", "acceptable", "proper", or "satisfactory", or adjectives of like<br />

effect or import are used to describe a requirement, direction, review or judgment of<br />

Engineer as to the work, it is intended that such requirement, direction, review, or judgment<br />

will be solely to evaluate the work for <strong>com</strong>pliance with the Contract Documents (unless<br />

there is a specific statement indicating otherwise). The use of any such term or adjective<br />

shall not be effective to assign to Engineer any duty or authority to supervise or direct the<br />

furnishing or performance of the work or any duty or authority to undertake responsibility<br />

contrary to the provisions of this Article.<br />


Any defective work or nonconforming materials or equipment that may be discovered at<br />

any time prior to expiration of the warranty period shall be removed and replaced by work<br />

which shall conform to the provisions of the Contract Documents. Any material<br />

condemned or rejected shall be removed at once from the project site.<br />

Failure on the part of the Engineer to condemn or reject bad or inferior work or to note<br />

nonconforming materials or equipment on Contractor submittals shall not be construed to<br />

imply acceptance of such work. The Owner shall reserve and retain all of its rights and<br />

remedies at law against the Contractor and its Surety for correction of any and all latent<br />

defects discovered after the guarantee period.<br />


Lines and grades shall be established as provided in the supplementary conditions. All<br />

stakes, marks, and other reference information shall be carefully preserved by the<br />

Contractor, and in case of their careless or unnecessary destruction or removal by him/her<br />

or his/her employees, such stakes, marks, and other information shall be replaced at the<br />

Contractor's expense.<br />

It will be the Contractor's responsibility to layout the work and to transfer elevations from<br />

benchmarks. Where new construction connects to existing facilities, the Contractor shall<br />

check and establish the exact location prior to construction of the facilities.<br />

The Contractor shall furnish all surveys, labor, and equipment, including setting all<br />

alignment and gradient, grade stakes, batter boards, and everything necessary to lay out<br />

his/her work. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining and re-establishing at<br />

his expense, all control points. After <strong>com</strong>pletion of his construction, he shall reset all<br />

permanent monuments at their original locations and elevations.<br />


The Engineer may check all layout work, and the Contractor shall furnish all necessary<br />

labor, equipment, and materials, and shall cooperate and assist the Engineer in making<br />

such checks.<br />

The dimensions for lines and elevations for grades of the fuel system structures,<br />

appurtenances, and utilities will be shown on Drawings produced by the Contractor for<br />

the issuance of all required permits, together with other pertinent information required for<br />

laying out the work. If site conditions vary from those indicated, the Contractor shall<br />

notify the Engineer immediately, who will make any minor adjustments as required.<br />

30. SUBMITTALS<br />

After checking and verifying all field measurements and after <strong>com</strong>plying with applicable<br />

procedures specified in Division I, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, Contractor shall submit<br />

to Engineer, in accordance with the schedule for submittals for review, shop drawings,<br />

electrical diagrams, and catalog cuts for fabricated items and manufactured items<br />

(including mechanical and electrical equipment), which shall bear a stamp or specific<br />

written indication that Contractor has satisfied Contractor's responsibilities under the<br />

Contract Documents with respect to the review of the submittal. All submittals shall be<br />

identified as Engineer may require. The data shown shall be <strong>com</strong>plete with respect to<br />

quantities, dimensions specified, performance and design criteria, materials, and similar<br />

data to enable Engineer to review the information. Contractor shall also submit to Engineer<br />

for review, with such promptness as to cause no delay in work, all samples required by the<br />

Contract Documents. All samples shall have been checked by and ac<strong>com</strong>panied by a<br />

specific written indication that Contractor has satisfied Contractor's responsibilities under<br />

the Contract Documents with respect to the review of the submission and shall be identified<br />

clearly as to material, supplier, pertinent data such as catalog numbers and the use for<br />

which intended.<br />

Before submission of each submittal, Contractor shall have determined and verified all<br />

quantities, dimensions, specified performance criteria, installation requirements, materials,<br />

catalog numbers, and similar data with respect thereto and reviewed or coordinated each<br />

submittal with other submittals and with the requirements of the work and the Contract<br />

Documents.<br />

At the time of each submission, Contractor shall give Engineer specific written notice of<br />

each variation that the submittal may have from the requirements of the Contract<br />

Documents, and, in addition, shall cause a specific notation to be made on each shop<br />

drawing submitted to Engineer for review and approval of each variation.<br />

Engineer will review submittals with reasonable promptness, but Engineer's review will be<br />

only for conformance with the design concept of the project and for <strong>com</strong>pliance with the<br />

information given in the Contract Documents and shall not extend to means, methods,<br />

techniques, sequences, or procedures of construction (except where a specific means,<br />

method, technique, sequence, or procedure of construction is indicated in or required by the<br />

Contract Documents) or to safety precautions or programs incident thereto. The review of<br />

a separate item as such will not indicate review of the assembly in which the item<br />

functions. Contractor shall make corrections required by Engineer, and shall return the<br />

required number of corrected copies of shop drawings and submit as required new samples<br />

for review. Contractor shall direct specific attention in writing to revisions other than the<br />


corrections called for by Engineer on previous submittals.<br />

Engineer's review of submittals shall not relieve Contractor from the responsibility for any<br />

variation from the requirements of the Contract Documents unless Contractor has in<br />

writing called Engineer's attention to each such variation at the time of submission and<br />

Engineer has given written approval of each such variation by a specific written notation<br />

thereof incorporated therein or ac<strong>com</strong>panying the shop drawing or sample approval; nor<br />

will any approval by Engineer relieve Contractor from responsibility for errors or<br />

omissions in the shop drawings or from responsibility for having <strong>com</strong>plied with the<br />

provisions herein.<br />

Where a shop drawing or sample is required by the specifications, any related work<br />

performed prior to Engineer's review and approval of the pertinent submission shall be at<br />

the sole expense and responsibility of the Contractor.<br />


The Engineer will furnish, with reasonable promptness, additional instructions by means of<br />

Drawings or otherwise, if, in the Engineer's opinion, such are required for the proper<br />

execution of the work. All such Drawings and instructions will be consistent with the<br />

Contract Documents, true developments thereof, and reasonably inferable there from.<br />



The Contractor shall independently perform all work under this Contract and shall not be<br />

considered as an agent of the Owner or of the Engineer, nor shall the Contractor's<br />

Subcontractors or employees be subagents of the Owner or of the Engineer.<br />


Assignment of any part or the whole of this Contract shall be subject to review and<br />

approval of the City Commission.<br />


Unless modified in the Supplementary Conditions, within ten (10) calendar days after the<br />

execution of the Contract, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the names of all<br />

Subcontractors proposed for the work, including the names of any Subcontractors that were<br />

submitted with the Bid. The Contractor shall not employ any subcontractors to which the<br />

Owner may object to as lacking capability to properly perform work of the type and scope<br />

anticipated.<br />

The Contractor is as fully responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of his<br />

Subcontractors and of persons either directly or indirectly employed by them as he is for<br />

the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by him.<br />

Nothing contained in the Contract Documents shall create any contractual relationship<br />

between any Subcontractor and the Owner or Engineer.<br />



A. GENERAL<br />

The Contractor shall provide (from insurance <strong>com</strong>panies acceptable to the Owner)<br />

the insurance coverage designated hereinafter and pay all costs.<br />

Before <strong>com</strong>mencing work under this Contract, Contractor shall furnish the Owner<br />

with certificates of insurance specified herein showing the type, amount class of<br />

operations covered, effective dates, and date of expiration of policies, and<br />

containing substantially the following statement:<br />

"The insurance covered by this certificate shall not be canceled or materially<br />

altered, except after 30 days' written notice has been received by the Owner."<br />

In case of the breach of any provision of this Article, the Owner, at his option, may<br />

take out and maintain, at the expense of the Contractor, such insurance as the<br />

Owner may deem proper and may deduct the cost of such insurance from any<br />

monies which may be due or be<strong>com</strong>e due the Contractor under this Contract.<br />


The Contractor shall not <strong>com</strong>mence work under this Contract until he has<br />

obtained all the insurance required hereunder and such insurance has been<br />

reviewed by the Owner, nor shall the Contractor allow any Subcontractor to<br />

<strong>com</strong>mence work on his subcontract until insurance specified below has been<br />

obtained. Review of the insurance by the Owner shall not relieve or decrease the<br />

liability of the Contractor hereunder.<br />


The Contractor shall maintain during the life of this Contract the statutory amount<br />

of Workmen's Compensation Insurance, in addition, Employer's Liability Insurance<br />

in an amount as specified in the Supplementary Conditions, for each occurrence, for<br />

all of his employees to be engaged in work on the project under this Contract. In<br />

case any such work is subcontracted, the Contractor shall require the Subcontractor<br />

to provide similar Workmen's Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance for<br />

all of the Subcontractor's employees to be engaged in such work.<br />


See Supplementary Conditions<br />


Unless otherwise modified in the Supplementary Conditions, the Contractor shall<br />

secure and maintain during the life of this Contact, Builders Risk All Risk<br />

Insurance Coverage in an amount equal to the full value of the facilities under<br />

construction. Deductible shall be no greater then $5,000. Such insurance shall<br />


include coverage for earthquake, landslide, flood, collapse, loss due to the result<br />

of faulty workmanship or design, and all other normally covered risks, and shall<br />

provide losses to be paid to the Contractor, Owner, and Engineer as their interests<br />

may appear.<br />

The Owner and Engineer, their officers, agents, and employees shall be named as<br />

additional insureds on the Contractor’s and any subcontractors Builders Risk All<br />

Risk insurance policies for any claims arising out of work performed under this<br />

Contract.<br />

This insurance shall include a waiver of subrogation as to the Engineer, the<br />

Owner, the Contractor, and their respective officers, agents, employees, and<br />

subcontractors.<br />


In carrying out any of the provisions hereof in exercising any authority granted by<br />

the Contract, there will be no personal liability upon any public official.<br />


35. INDEMNITY<br />

All bonds, insurance contracts, and certificates of insurance shall be either<br />

executed by or countersigned by a licensed resident agent of the Surety or<br />

insurance <strong>com</strong>pany, having his place of business in the State of Florida, and in all<br />

ways <strong>com</strong>plying with the insurance laws of the State of Florida. Further, the said<br />

Surety or insurance <strong>com</strong>pany shall be duly licensed and qualified to do business<br />

in the State of Florida. If requested, Contractor shall provide proof of Florida<br />

Licensure for all insurance <strong>com</strong>panies.<br />

The following shall be made a provision of any resulting agreement:<br />

To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor expressly agrees to indemnify and<br />

hold harmless the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, their officers, directors, agents, and employees<br />

(herein called the “indemnities”) from liabilities, damages, losses and costs, including,<br />

but not limited to, reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs, such legal expenses to<br />

include costs incurred in establishing the indemnification and other rights agreed to in<br />

this Paragraph, to persons or property, to the extent caused by the negligence,<br />

recklessness, or intentional wrongful misconduct of the Contractor its Subcontractors or<br />

persons employed or utilized by them in the performance of the Contract. Claims by<br />

indemnities for indemnification shall be limited to the amount of Contractor’s insurance<br />

or $1 million per occurrence, whichever is greater. The parties acknowledge that the<br />

amount of the indemnity required hereunder bears a reasonable <strong>com</strong>mercial relationship<br />

to the Contract and it is part of the project specifications or the bid documents, if any.<br />

The indemnification obligations under the Contract shall not be restricted in any way by<br />

any limitation on the amount or type of damages, <strong>com</strong>pensation, or benefits payable by or<br />

for the Contractor under workers’ <strong>com</strong>pensation acts, disability benefits acts, or other<br />

employee benefits acts, and shall extend to and include any actions brought by or in the<br />


name of any employee of the Contractor or of any third party to whom Contractor may<br />

subcontract a part or all of the Work. This indemnification shall continue beyond the date<br />

of <strong>com</strong>pletion of the work.<br />


In performing its obligations, the Engineer and its Contractors may cause expense for the<br />

Contractor or its subcontractors and equipment or material suppliers. However, those<br />

parties and their sureties shall maintain no direct action against the Engineer, its officers,<br />

employees, agents, and Contractors for any claim arising out of, in connection with, or<br />

resulting from the engineering services performed or required to be performed.<br />


The Contractor shall withhold and pay any and all sales and use taxes and all withholding<br />

taxes, whether State or Federal, and pay all Social Security charges and also all State<br />

Unemployment Compensation charges, and pay or cause to be withheld, as the case may<br />

be, any and all taxes, charges, or fees or sums whatsoever, which are now or may hereafter<br />

be required to be paid or withheld under any laws.<br />


When the Contract Documents concern public works of the state or any county,<br />

municipality, or political subdivision created by its laws, the applicable statutes shall apply.<br />

All parties to this Contract shall determine the contents of all applicable statutes and<br />

<strong>com</strong>ply with their provisions throughout the performance of the Contract.<br />


The Contractor shall keep himself fully informed of all local codes and ordinances, as well<br />

as state and federal laws, which in any manner affect the work herein specified. The<br />

Contractor shall at all times <strong>com</strong>ply with said codes and ordinances, laws, and regulations,<br />

and protect and indemnify the Owner, the Engineer and their respective employees, and its<br />

officers and agents against any claim or liability arising from or based on the violation of<br />

any such laws, ordinances, or regulations. All permits, licenses and inspection fees<br />

necessary for prosecution and <strong>com</strong>pletion of the work shall be secured and paid for by the<br />

Contractor, unless otherwise specified.<br />


The Contractor shall obtain from the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> the necessary permits for<br />

work within the rights-of-way. The Contractor shall abide by all regulations and<br />

conditions, including maintenance of traffic, FDOT Standard.<br />


The Contractor shall <strong>com</strong>ply with the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Noise Ordinance.<br />



BIDDER must represent that he holds all applicable state, county, and City of<br />

<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> licenses and permits required to do business as a contractor with<br />

respect to the work described in the Contract Documents before he may Bid on<br />

the project.<br />

The following licenses and certificates are required as a minimum:<br />

A. All licenses or certificates required by federal, state or local statutes or<br />

regulations.<br />

B. A valid Business Tax Receipt issued by the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, if required.<br />

C. A valid Certificate of Competency issued by the Building Official of the<br />

City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> which shall remain valid throughout the time period of<br />

the Contract, if required.<br />

Further, the successful BIDDER must, within ten (10) calendar days of Notice of<br />

Award, furnish documentation showing that, as a minimum, he has <strong>com</strong>plied with<br />

the provisions of Chapter 91 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong><br />

in order to enter into the Agreement contained in the Contract Documents.<br />


The Contractor shall keep at the project site, <strong>com</strong>petent supervisory personnel. The<br />

Contractor shall designate, in writing, before starting work, a project superintendent who<br />

shall be an employee of the Contractor and shall have <strong>com</strong>plete authority to represent and<br />

to act for the Contractor. Engineer shall be notified in writing prior to any change in<br />

superintendent assignment. The Contractor shall give efficient supervision to the work,<br />

using his best skill and attention. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for all<br />

construction means, methods, techniques, and procedures, and for providing adequate<br />

safety precautions and coordinating all portions of the work under the Contract. It is<br />

specifically understood and agreed that the Engineer, its employees and agents, shall not<br />

have control or charge of and shall not be responsible for the construction means, methods,<br />

techniques, procedures, or for providing adequate safety precautions in connection with the<br />

work under Contract.<br />


A. The Contractor shall employ such superintendents, foremen, and workmen as are<br />

careful and <strong>com</strong>petent. Whenever the Engineer shall determine that any person<br />

employed by the Contractor is in his opinion, in<strong>com</strong>petent, unfaithful, disorderly<br />

or insubordinate, such person shall, upon notice, be discharged from the work and<br />

shall not again be employed on it except with the written consent of the Engineer.<br />

Should the Contractor fail to remove such person or persons, or fail to furnish<br />

suitable or sufficient machinery, equipment or force for the proper prosecution of<br />

the work the Engineer may withhold all estimates which are, or may be<strong>com</strong>e due,<br />

or may suspend the work until such orders are <strong>com</strong>plied with.<br />


B. The Contractor shall provide qualified personnel to assist the Engineer in making<br />

field checks, measurements, asbuilt checks, inspection, test runs, and the<br />

necessary quality check work related to the project work. An english speaking<br />

superintendent or foreman shall be onsight at all times.<br />

C. The Contractor shall provide and maintain at his own expense, in a sanitary<br />

condition, such ac<strong>com</strong>modations for the use of his employees as is necessary to<br />

<strong>com</strong>ply with the requirements and regulations of the State and County Boards of<br />

Health. He shall <strong>com</strong>mit no public nuisance.<br />

D. The Contractor shall conduct the work so as to insure the least obstruction to<br />

traffic practicable, and shall provide for the convenience of the general public and<br />

of the residents along and adjacent to the work in a manner satisfactory to the<br />

Engineer. Materials and equipment stored on the work site shall be placed so as<br />

to cause as little obstruction to the public as possible and shall be lighted and<br />

barricaded as hereinafter provided. Keep driveways and entramces serving the<br />

premises clear and available to the Owner and the Owner’s employees at all<br />

times. Do not use these areas for parking or storage of materials and equipment on<br />

site.<br />

E. Unless otherwise expressly stipulated herein, the use of explosives is not<br />

contemplated in the prosecution of the Contract, and in no case will their use be<br />

permitted within a municipality without the written permission of the City<br />

Engineer and a permit issued by the Chief of the Fire Department. Where such<br />

permission for the use of explosives is obtained, the Contractor shall use the<br />

utmost care so as not to endanger life or property, and whenever directed the size<br />

and number of charges shall be reduced. All explosives shall be stored in a secure<br />

manner, and all such storage places shall be marked clearly, "DANGEROUS<br />

EXPLOSIVES", and shall be in care of <strong>com</strong>petent watchmen<br />


The superintendent shall receive for the Contractor all <strong>com</strong>munications from the Engineer.<br />

Communications of major importance will be confirmed in writing upon request from the<br />

Contractor.<br />

The Engineer may schedule project meetings for the purposes of discussing and resolving<br />

matters concerning the various elements of the work. The Engineer shall determine the<br />

time and place for these meetings, and the names of persons required being present. The<br />

Contractor shall <strong>com</strong>ply with these attendance requirements and shall also require his/her<br />

Subcontractors to <strong>com</strong>ply.<br />

42. SAFETY<br />

The Contractor shall be solely and <strong>com</strong>pletely responsible for conditions of the jobsite,<br />

including safety of all persons (including employees) and property during performance of<br />

the work. This requirement shall apply continuously and not be limited to normal working<br />

hours. Safety provisions shall conform to U.S. Department of Labor (OSHA), and all other<br />

applicable federal, state, county, and local laws, ordinances, codes, and regulations. Where<br />

any of these are in conflict, the more stringent requirement shall be followed. The<br />


Contractor's failure to thoroughly familiarize himself/herself with the aforementioned<br />

safety provisions shall not relieve him from <strong>com</strong>pliance with the obligations and penalties<br />

set forth therein.<br />

The Contractor shall develop and maintain for the duration of this Contract, a safety<br />

program that will effectively incorporate and implement all required safety provisions. The<br />

Contractor shall appoint an employee who is qualified and authorized to supervise and<br />

enforce <strong>com</strong>pliance with the safety program.<br />

The duty of the Engineer to conduct construction review of the work does not include<br />

review or approval of the adequacy of the Contractor's safety program, safety supervisor, or<br />

any safety measures taken in, on, or near the construction site.<br />

The Contractor, as a part of his safety program, shall maintain at hi/hers office or other<br />

well-known place at the jobsite, safety equipment applicable to the work as prescribed by<br />

the aforementioned authorities, all articles necessary for giving first-aid to the injured, and<br />

shall establish the procedure for the immediate removal to a hospital or a doctor's care of<br />

persons (including employees) who may be injured on the jobsite.<br />

If death or serious injuries or serious damages are caused, the accident shall be reported<br />

immediately by telephone or messenger to both the Engineer and the Owner. In addition,<br />

the Contractor must promptly report in writing to the Engineer all accidents whatsoever<br />

arising out of, or in connection with, the performance of the work whether on, or adjacent<br />

to, the site, giving full details and statements of witnesses.<br />

If a claim is made by anyone against the Contractor or any Subcontractor on account of any<br />

accident, the Contractor shall promptly report the facts in writing to the Engineer, giving<br />

full details of the claim.<br />


If the Contractor or Subcontractor fails to provide adequate safety provisions as<br />

required by the Contract Documents the Owner has the right to stop all<br />

construction work at the location with inadequate safety provisions until adequate<br />

provisions are in place. The Owner shall not be liable for any delays caused by the<br />

Contractor's failure to provide and maintain required safety provisions.<br />



In the event the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration<br />

(NOAA) issues a Tropical Storm Watch or a Hurricane Watch for the <strong>Key</strong>s the<br />

Engineer will Contact the Contractor informing him that the Watch has been<br />

established. Within four (4) hours of the notice the Contractor shall provide the<br />

Engineer with a written plan and schedule describing how and when the<br />

Contractor will remove all unnecessary items from the work area and tie down all<br />

necessary supplies and barricades in the event a Tropical Storm Warning or a<br />

Hurricane Warning is issued. The Contractor shall remove all unnecessary items<br />

from work areas and shall tie down all movable objects (under 200 lbs.) The<br />

Engineer will determine "necessary" items. The Owner shall not be liable for any<br />


financial hardship or delays caused as a result of demobilization or remobilization<br />

of work due to the above.<br />


The Contractor shall observe and <strong>com</strong>ply with all applicable local, state, and<br />

federal occupational safety and health regulations during the prosecution of work<br />

under this Contract. In addition, full <strong>com</strong>pliance by the Contractor with the U.S.<br />

Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Standards, as established<br />

in Public Law 91-596, will be required under the terms of this Contract.<br />


The Contractor shall at all times safely guard and protect from damage the Owner's<br />

property, adjacent property, and his/her own work from injury or loss in connection with<br />

this Contract. All facilities required for protection by federal, state, or municipal laws and<br />

regulations and local conditions must be provided and maintained.<br />

The Contractor shall protect his/her work and materials from damage due to the nature of<br />

the work, the elements, carelessness of other contractors, or from any cause whatever until<br />

the <strong>com</strong>pletion and acceptance of the work. All loss or damages arising out of the nature of<br />

the work to be done under these Contract Documents, or from any unforeseen obstruction<br />

or defects which may be encountered in the prosecution of the work, or from the action of<br />

the elements, shall be sustained by the Contractor.<br />


The Contractor shall <strong>com</strong>ply with Florida Historical Resources Act (Florida Statutes,<br />

Chapter 267) and the regulations of the local historic preservation board as applicable and<br />

protect against the potential loss or destruction of significant historical or archaeological<br />

data, sites, and properties in connection with the project.<br />


In case of an emergency that threatens loss or injury of property, and/or safety of life, the<br />

Contractor shall act, without previous instructions from the Owner or Engineer, as the<br />

situation may warrant. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer thereof immediately<br />

thereafter. Any claim for <strong>com</strong>pensation by the Contractor, together with substantiating<br />

documents in regard to expense, shall be submitted to the Owner through the Engineer and<br />

the amount of <strong>com</strong>pensation shall be determined by agreement.<br />


Unless otherwise stipulated, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials, labor,<br />

water, tools, equipment, heat, light, fuel, power, transportation, construction equipment and<br />

machinery, appliances, telephone, sanitary facilities, temporary facilities and other facilities<br />

and incidentals necessary for the execution and <strong>com</strong>pletion of the work.<br />

Unless otherwise specified, all materials shall be new, and both workmanship and materials<br />

shall be of good quality. The Contractor shall, if required, furnish satisfactory evidence as<br />


to the kind and quality of materials.<br />

In selecting and/or approving equipment for installation in the project, the Owner and<br />

Engineer assume no responsibility for injury or claims resulting from failure of the<br />

equipment to <strong>com</strong>ply with applicable federal, state, and local safety codes or requirements,<br />

or the safety requirements of a recognized agency, or failure due to faulty design concepts,<br />

or defective workmanship and materials.<br />



The <strong>com</strong>pleted work shall include all necessary permanent safety devices, such as<br />

machinery guards and similar ordinary safety items required by the state and federal<br />

(OSHA) industrial authorities and applicable local and national codes. Further, any<br />

features of the work subject to such safety regulations shall be fabricated, furnished, and<br />

installed (including Owner-furnished equipment) in <strong>com</strong>pliance with these requirements.<br />

Contractors and manufacturers of equipment shall be held responsible for <strong>com</strong>pliance with<br />

the requirements included herein. Contractors shall notify all equipment suppliers and<br />

Subcontractors of the provisions of this Article.<br />


Except for Owner-selected equipment items, and items where no substitution is clearly<br />

specified, whenever any material, article, device, product, fixture, form, type of<br />

construction, or process is indicated or specified by patent or proprietary name, by name of<br />

manufacturer, or by catalog number, such specifications shall be deemed to be used for the<br />

purpose of establishing a standard of quality and facilitating the description of the material<br />

or process desired. This procedure is not to be construed as eliminating from <strong>com</strong>petition<br />

other products of equal or better quality by other manufacturers where fully suitable in<br />

design, and shall be deemed to be followed by the words "or equal". The Contractor may,<br />

in such cases, submit <strong>com</strong>plete data to the Engineer for consideration of another material,<br />

type, or process, which shall be substantially equal in every respect to that so indicated or<br />

specified. Substitute materials shall not be used unless approved in writing. The Engineer<br />

will be the sole judge of the substituted article or material.<br />


The Contractor shall furnish, without extra charge, the necessary test pieces and samples,<br />

including facilities and labor for obtaining the same, as requested by the Engineer. When<br />

required, the Contractor shall furnish certificates of tests of materials and equipment made<br />

at the point of manufacture by a recognized testing laboratory.<br />

The Owner, Engineer, and authorized government agents, and their representatives shall at<br />

all times be provided safe access to the work wherever it is in preparation or progress, and<br />

the Contractor shall provide facilities for such access and for observations, including<br />

maintenance of temporary and permanent access.<br />

If the Specifications, laws, ordinances, or any public authority require any work, to be<br />

specially tested or approved, the Contractor shall give timely notice of its readiness for<br />

observations. If any work should be covered up without approval or consent of the<br />


Engineer, it shall, if required by the Engineer, be uncovered for examination at the<br />

Contractor's expense.<br />

The Engineer may order re-examination of questioned work, and, if so ordered, the<br />

Contractor shall uncover the work. If such work is found to be in accordance with the<br />

Contract Documents, the Owner will pay the cost of uncovering, exposure, observation,<br />

inspection, testing and reconstruction. If such work is found to be not in accordance with<br />

the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall correct the defective work, and the cost of<br />

reexamination and correction of the defective work shall be paid by the Contractor.<br />


The Contractor shall pay all royalty and licenses fees, unless otherwise specified. The<br />

Contractor shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any patent rights and shall<br />

save the Owner and the Engineer harmless from any and all loss, including reasonable<br />

attorneys' fees, on account thereof.<br />


If the work should be stopped under an order of any court or other public authority for a<br />

period of more than three (3) months, through no act or fault of the Contractor, its<br />

Subcontractors, or respective employees or if the Engineer should fail to make<br />

re<strong>com</strong>mendation for payment to the Owner or return payment request to Contractor for<br />

revision within thirty (30) calendar days after it is due, or if the Owner should fail to pay<br />

the Contractor within thirty (30) calendar days after time specified in Article PARTIAL<br />

PAYMENTS, any sum re<strong>com</strong>mended by the Engineer, then the Contractor may, upon 15<br />

days' written notice to the Owner and the Engineer, stop work or terminate this Contract<br />

and recover from the Owner payment for all acceptable work performed and reasonable<br />

termination expenses, unless said default has been remedied.<br />


The Contractor hereby agrees to make, at his own expense, all repairs or replacements<br />

necessitated by defects in materials or workmanship, provided under terms of this Contract,<br />

and pay for any damage to other works resulting from such defects, which be<strong>com</strong>e evident<br />

within two (2) year after the date of final acceptance of the work or within two (2) year<br />

after the date of substantial <strong>com</strong>pletion established by the Engineer for specified items of<br />

equipment, or within such longer period as may be prescribed by law or by the terms of any<br />

applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Documents. Un-remedied defects<br />

identified for correction during the warranty period but remaining after its expiration shall<br />

be considered as part of the obligations of the warranty. Defects in material, workmanship,<br />

or equipment, which are remedied as a result of obligations of the warranty, shall subject<br />

the remedied portion of the work to an extended warranty period of two (2) year after the<br />

defect has been remedied.<br />

The Contractor further assumes responsibility for a similar guarantee for all work and<br />

materials provided by Subcontractors or manufacturers of packaged equipment<br />

<strong>com</strong>ponents. The effective date for the start of the guarantee or warranty period for<br />

equipment qualifying as substantially <strong>com</strong>plete is defined in Article SUBSTANTIAL<br />



Conditions.<br />

The Contractor also agrees to hold the Owner and the Engineer harmless from liability of<br />

any kind arising from damage due to said defects. The Contractor shall make all repairs<br />

and replacements promptly upon receipt of written order for same from the Owner. If the<br />

Contractor fails to make the repairs and replacements promptly, or in an emergency where<br />

delay would cause serious risk, or loss, or damage, the Owner may have the defective work<br />

corrected or the rejected work removed and replaced, and the Contractor and his Surety<br />

shall be liable for the cost thereof.<br />



Following execution of the Contract, the Contractor shall meet with the Owner and<br />

Engineer relative to his arrangements for prosecuting the work.<br />


Prior to starting the construction, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer, a<br />

progress schedule showing the dates on which each part or division of the work is expected<br />

to be started and finished, and a preliminary schedule for submittals. The progress schedule<br />

for submittals shall be brought up to date and submitted to the Engineer at the end of each<br />

month or at such other times the Engineer may request.<br />

The Contractor shall forward to the Engineer, at the end of each month, an itemized report<br />

of the delivery status of major and critical items of purchased equipment and material,<br />

including shop drawings and the status of shop and field fabricated work. These progress<br />

reports shall indicate the date of the purchase order, the current percentage of <strong>com</strong>pletion,<br />

estimated delivery, and cause of delay, if any.<br />

If the <strong>com</strong>pletion of any part of the work or the delivery of materials is behind the<br />

submitted progress schedule, the Contractor shall submit in writing a plan acceptable to the<br />

Owner and Engineer for bringing the work up to schedule.<br />

The Owner shall have the right to withhold progress payments for the work if the<br />

Contractor fails to update and submit the progress schedule and reports as specified.<br />

Unless specifically authorized by the Engineer, work shall not be performed during the<br />

Goombay Festival, Fantasy Fest, Thanksgiving, or Christmas.<br />


It is expressly understood and agreed that the time of beginning, rate of progress, and time<br />

of <strong>com</strong>pletion of the work are the essence of this Contract. The work shall be prosecuted at<br />

such time, and in or on such part or parts of the project as may be required, to <strong>com</strong>plete the<br />

project as contemplated in the Contract Documents and the progress schedule.<br />

If the Contractor desires to carry on work at night or outside the regular hours, he shall give<br />


timely notice to the Engineer to allow satisfactory arrangements to be made for observing<br />

the work in progress.<br />


If any part or portion of the work <strong>com</strong>pleted under this Contract shall prove defective and<br />

not in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications, and if the imperfection in the same<br />

shall not be of sufficient magnitude or importance as to make the work dangerous or<br />

unsuitable, or if the removal of such work will create conditions which are dangerous or<br />

undesirable, the Owner shall have the right and authority to retain such work but will make<br />

such deductions in the final payment therefore as may be just and reasonable.<br />


If the Contractor or any subcontractor should fail to provide adequate safety provisions<br />

required by the Contract Documents, including but not limited to maintenance of traffic,<br />

trench safety devices and procedures, safety fencing, barricading, signage or unsafe work<br />

practices, the Owner has the right to issue a Stop Work Notice and stop all construction<br />

work at the location with the inadequate safety provisions until such time that adequate<br />

safety provisions are in place. The Owner shall not be liable for delays caused by the<br />

Contractor's failure to provide and maintain required safety provisions. No extension of<br />

time will be granted to the Contractor for delays occurring due to a Stop Work Notice.<br />


Should the Contractor neglect to prosecute the work in conformance with the Contract<br />

Documents or neglect or refuse at his own cost to remove and replace work rejected by the<br />

Engineer, then the Owner may notify the Surety of the condition, and after ten (10)<br />

calendar days' written notice to the Contractor and the Surety, or without notice if an<br />

emergency or danger to the work or public exists, and without prejudice to any other right<br />

which the Owner may have under Contract, or otherwise, take over that portion of the work<br />

which has been improperly or non-timely executed, and make good the deficiencies and<br />

deduct the cost thereof from the payments then or thereafter due the Contractor.<br />


If the Contractor should abandon the work or if he should persistently or repeatedly refuse<br />

or should fail to make prompt payment to Subcontractors for material or labor, or to<br />

persistently disregard laws, ordinances, or to prosecute the work in conformance with the<br />

Contract Documents, or otherwise be guilty of a substantial violation of any provision of<br />

the Contract or any laws or ordinance, then the Owner may, without prejudice to any other<br />

right or remedy, and after giving the Contractor and Surety 10 days' written notice, transfer<br />

the employment for said work from the Contractor to the Surety. Upon receipt of such<br />

notice, such Surety shall enter upon the premises and take possession of all materials, tools,<br />

and appliances thereon for the purpose of <strong>com</strong>pleting the work included under this Contract<br />

and employ by Contract or otherwise, any qualified person or persons to finish the work<br />

and provide the materials therefore, in accordance with the Contract Documents, without<br />

termination of the continuing full force and effect of this Contract. In case of such transfer<br />

of employment to such Surety, the Surety shall be paid in its own name on estimates<br />

according to the terms hereof without any right of the Contractor to make any claim for the<br />

same or any part thereof.<br />


If, after the furnishing of said written notice to the Surety, the Contractor and the Surety<br />

still fail to make reasonable progress on the performance of the work, the Owner may<br />

terminate the employment of the Contractor and take possession of the premises and of all<br />

materials, tools, and appliances thereon and finish the work by whatever method he may<br />

deem expedient and charge the cost thereof to the Contractor and the Surety. In such case,<br />

the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the work is<br />

finished. If the expense of <strong>com</strong>pleting the Contract, including <strong>com</strong>pensation for additional<br />

managerial and administrative services, shall exceed such unpaid balance, the Contractor<br />

and the Surety shall pay the difference to the Owner.<br />


If the Contractor is delayed in the progress of the work by any act or neglect of the Owner<br />

or the Engineer, or by any separate Contractor employed by the Owner, or by strikes,<br />

lockouts, fire, adverse weather conditions not reasonably anticipated, or acts of Nature, and<br />

if the Contractor, within forty-eight (48) hours of the start of the occurrence, gives written<br />

notice to the Owner of the cause of the potential delay and estimate of the possible time<br />

extension involved, and within ten (10) calendar days after the cause of the delay has been<br />

remedied, the Contractor gives written notice to the Owner of any actual time extension<br />

requested as a result of the aforementioned occurrence, then the Contract time may be<br />

extended by change order for such reasonable time as the Engineer determines. It is agreed<br />

that no claim shall be made or allowed for any damages, loss, or expense which may arise<br />

out of any delay caused by the above referenced acts or occurrences other than claims for<br />

the appropriate extension of time.<br />

No extension of time will be granted to the Contractor for delays occurring to parts of the<br />

work that have no measurable impact on the <strong>com</strong>pletion of the total work under this<br />

Contract. No extension of time will be considered for weather conditions reasonably<br />

anticipated for the area in which the work is being performed. Reasonably anticipated<br />

weather conditions will be based on official records of monthly precipitation and other<br />

historical data. Adverse weather conditions, if determined to be of a severity that would<br />

impact progress of the work, may be considered as cause for an extension of Contract<br />

<strong>com</strong>pletion time.<br />

Delays in delivery of equipment or material purchased by the Contractor or his<br />

Subcontractors, including Owner-selected equipment shall not be considered as a just cause<br />

for delay, unless the Owner determines that for good cause the delay is beyond the control<br />

of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the timely ordering,<br />

scheduling, expediting, delivery, and installation of all equipment and materials.<br />

Within a reasonable period after the Contractor submits to the Owner a written request for<br />

an extension of time, the Engineer will present his written opinion to the Owner as to<br />

whether an extension of time is justified, and, if so, his re<strong>com</strong>mendation as to the number<br />

of days for time extension. The Owner will make the final decision on all requests for<br />

extension of time.<br />


The Contractor shall promptly, and before the conditions are disturbed, give a written<br />


notice to the Owner and Engineer of:<br />

A. Subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site which differ materially from<br />

those indicated in this contract,<br />

B. Unknown physical conditions at the site, of an unusual nature, which differ<br />

materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent<br />

in work of the character provided for in the Contract.<br />

The Engineer will investigate the site conditions promptly after receiving the notice. If the<br />

conditions do materially so differ and cause an increase or decrease in the Contractor's cost<br />

of, or the time required for, performing any part of the work under this Contract, whether or<br />

not changed as a result of the conditions, and equitable adjustment shall be made under this<br />

Article and the Contract modified in writing accordingly.<br />

No request by the Contractor for an equitable adjustment to the Contract under this Article<br />

will be allowed, unless the Contractor has given the written notice required; provided that<br />

the time prescribed above for giving written notice may be extended by the Owner.<br />

No request by the Contractor for an equitable adjustment to the Contract for differing site<br />

conditions will be allowed if made after final payment under this Contract.<br />


Should the Contractor fail to <strong>com</strong>plete the work, or any part thereof in the time agreed<br />

upon in each Work Order or within such extra time as may have been allowed for delays<br />

by extensions granted as provided in the Contract, the Contractor shall reimburse the<br />

Owner for the additional expense and damage for each calendar day, Sundays, and legal<br />

holidays included, that project outlined in each Work Order remains un<strong>com</strong>pleted after<br />

the Work Order <strong>com</strong>pletion date. Liquidated damages shall be assessed individually<br />

against each Work Order. It is agreed that the amount of such additional expense and<br />

damage incurred by reason of failure to <strong>com</strong>plete the work is the per diem rate, as<br />

stipulated in the Bid. The said amount is hereby agreed upon as a reasonable estimate of<br />

the costs that may be accrued by the Owner after the expiration of the time of <strong>com</strong>pletion.<br />

It is expressly understood and agreed that this amount is not to be considered in the<br />

nature of a penalty, but as liquidated damages that have accrued against the Contractor.<br />

The Owner shall have the right to deduct such damages from any amount due, or that<br />

may be<strong>com</strong>e due the Contractor, or the amount of such damages shall be due and<br />

collectible from the Contractor or Surety.<br />


The Owner reserves the right to let other Contracts in connection with the work. The<br />

Contractor shall afford other Contractors reasonable opportunity for the introduction and<br />

storage of their materials and the execution of their work and shall properly connect and<br />

coordinate his work with theirs.<br />

If any part of the work under this Contract depends for proper execution or results upon the<br />

work of any other Contractor, utility service <strong>com</strong>pany or Owner, the Contractor shall<br />

inspect and promptly report to the Engineer in writing any patent or apparent defects to<br />

deficiencies in such work that render it unsuitable for such proper execution and results.<br />


The Contractor's failure to so report shall constitute and acceptance of the work by others<br />

as being fit and proper for integration with work under this Contract, except for latent or<br />

non-apparent defects and deficiencies in the work.<br />


The Contractor shall confine his equipment, the storage of materials and the operation of<br />

his workers to limits shown on the Drawings or indicated by law, ordinances, permits, or<br />

directions of the Engineer, and shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with his<br />

materials. The Contractor shall provide, at his own expense, the necessary rights-of-way,<br />

and access to the work, which may be required outside the limits of the Owner's property<br />

and shall furnish the Engineer copies of permits and agreements for use of the property<br />

outside that provided by the Owner.<br />

The Contractor shall not load nor permit any part of the structure to be loaded in any<br />

manner that will endanger the structure, nor shall Contractor subject any part of the work or<br />

adjacent property to stresses or pressures that will endanger it.<br />


The Engineer may issue a written notice of substantial <strong>com</strong>pletion for the purpose of<br />

establishing the starting date for specific equipment guarantees, and to establish the date<br />

that the Owner will assume the responsibility for the cost of operating such equipment.<br />

Said notice shall not be considered as final acceptance of any portion of the work or relieve<br />

the Contractor from <strong>com</strong>pleting the remaining work within the specified time and in full<br />

<strong>com</strong>pliance with the Contract Documents. See SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION under<br />

DEFINITIONS of these General Conditions.<br />


Operating equipment and systems shall be performance tested in the presence of the<br />

Engineer to demonstrate <strong>com</strong>pliance with the specified requirements. Performance testing<br />

shall be conducted under the specified design operating conditions or under such simulated<br />

operating conditions as re<strong>com</strong>mended or approved by the Engineer. Such testing will be<br />

scheduled with the Engineer at least one week in advance of the planned date for testing.<br />


Following issuance of the written notice of Substantial Completion, the Owner may initiate<br />

operation of the facility. Such use shall not be considered as final acceptance of any<br />

portion of the work, nor shall such use be considered as cause for an extension of the<br />

Contract <strong>com</strong>pletion time, unless authorized by a Change Order issued by the Owner.<br />


The Contractor shall do all cutting, fitting, or patching of his work that may be required to<br />

make its several parts <strong>com</strong>e together properly and fit it to receive or be received by work of<br />

other Contractors shown upon or reasonably implied by the Drawings.<br />


67. CLEANING UP<br />


The Contractor shall, at all times, keep property on which work is in progress and the<br />

adjacent property free from accumulations of waste material or rubbish caused by<br />

employees or by the work. Upon <strong>com</strong>pletion of the construction, the Contractor shall<br />

remove all temporary structures, rubbish, and waste materials resulting from his operations.<br />


The Owner's request for quotations on alterations to the work shall not be considered<br />

authorization to proceed with the work prior to the issuance of a formal Change Order, nor<br />

shall such request justify any delay in existing work. Quotations for alterations to the work<br />

shall include substantiating documentation with an itemized breakdown of Contractor and<br />

Subcontractor costs, including labor, material, rentals, approved services, overhead, and<br />

profit. Owner may require detailed cost data in order to substantiate the reasonableness of<br />

the proposed costs.<br />

Any <strong>com</strong>pensation paid in conjunction with the terms of a Change Order shall <strong>com</strong>prise<br />

total <strong>com</strong>pensation due the Contractor for the work or alteration defined in the Change<br />

Order. By signing the Change Order, the Contractor acknowledges that the stipulated<br />

<strong>com</strong>pensation includes payment for the work or alteration plus all payment for the<br />

interruption of schedules, extended overhead, delay, or any other impact claim or ripple<br />

effect, and by such signing specifically waives any reservation or claim for additional<br />

<strong>com</strong>pensation in respect to the subject Change Order.<br />

At the Owner's option, payment or credit for any alterations covered by a Change Order<br />

shall be determined by one or a <strong>com</strong>bination of the methods set forth in A, B, or C below,<br />

as applicable:<br />


Those unit prices stipulated in the Bid shall be utilized where they are applicable.<br />

In the event the Change Order results in a change in the original quantity that is<br />

materially and significantly different from the original Bid quantity, a new unit<br />

price shall be negotiated upon demand of either party. Unit prices for new items<br />

included in the Change Order shall be negotiated and mutually agreed upon.<br />

B. LUMP SUM<br />

A total lump sum for the work negotiated and mutually acceptable to the Contractor<br />

and the Owner.<br />

Lump sum quotations for modifications to the work shall include substantiating<br />

documentation with an itemized breakdown of Contractor and Subcontractor costs,<br />

including labor, material, rentals, approved services, overhead, and profit, all<br />

calculated as specified under "C" below.<br />



The term “cost reimbursement" shall be understood to mean that payment for the<br />

work will be made on a time and expense basis, that is, on an accounting of the<br />

Contractor's forces, materials, equipment, and other items of cost as required and<br />

used to do the work.<br />

If the method of payment cannot be agreed upon prior to the beginning of the work,<br />

and the Owner directs by written Change Order that the work be done on a cost<br />

reimbursement basis, then the Contractor shall furnish labor, and furnish and install<br />

equipment and materials necessary to <strong>com</strong>plete the work in a satisfactory manner<br />

and within a reasonable period of time. For the work performed, payment will be<br />

made for the documented actual cost of the following:<br />

1. Labor including foremen for those hours they are assigned and participating<br />

in the cost reimbursement work (actual payroll cost, including wages, fringe<br />

benefits as established by negotiated labor agreements, labor insurance, and<br />

labor taxes as established by law). No other fixed labor burdens will be<br />

considered, unless approved in writing by the Owner.<br />

2. Material delivered and used on the designated work, including sales tax, if<br />

paid by the Contractor or his Subcontractor.<br />

3. Rental, or equivalent rental cost of equipment, including necessary<br />

transportation for items having a value in excess of one hundred (100)<br />

dollars.<br />

Rental or equivalent rental cost will be allowed for only those days or hours<br />

during which the equipment is in actual use. Rental and transportation<br />

allowances shall not exceed the current rental rates prevailing in the locality.<br />

The rentals allowed for equipment will, in all cases, be understood to cover<br />

all fuel, supplies, repairs, and renewals, and no further allowances will be<br />

made for those items, unless specific agreement to that effect is made.<br />

4. Additional bond, as required and approved by the owner.<br />

5. Additional insurance (other than labor insurance) as required and approved<br />

by the Owner.<br />

In addition to items 1 through 5 above, an added fixed fee for general overhead and profit<br />

shall be negotiated and allowed for the Contractor (or approved Subcontractor) actually<br />

executing the Cost Reimbursement work.<br />

An additional fixed fee shall be negotiated and allowed the Contractor for the<br />

administrative handling of portions of the work that are executed by an approved<br />

Subcontractor. No additional fixed fee will be allowed for the administrative handling of<br />

work executed by a Subcontractor of a Subcontractor, unless by written permission from<br />

the Owner.<br />

The added fixed fees shall be considered to be full <strong>com</strong>pensation, covering the cost of<br />

general supervision, overhead, profit, and any other general expense. The Contractor's<br />

records shall make clear distinction between the direct costs of work paid for on a cost<br />


eimbursement basis and the costs of other work. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer<br />

report sheets in duplicate of each day's cost reimbursement work no later than the working<br />

day following the performance of said work. The daily report sheets shall itemize the<br />

materials used, and shall cover the direct cost of labor and the charges for equipment rental,<br />

whether furnished by the Contractor, Subcontractor or other forces. The daily report sheets<br />

shall provide names or identifications and classifications of workers, the hourly rate of pay<br />

and hours worked, and also the size, type, and identification number of equipment and<br />

hours operated.<br />

Valid copies of vendors’ invoices shall substantiate material charges. Such invoices shall<br />

be submitted with the daily report sheets, or, if not available, they shall be submitted with<br />

subsequent daily report sheets. Said daily report sheets shall be signed by the Contractor or<br />

his authorized agent.<br />

The Owner reserves the right to furnish such materials and equipment as he deems<br />

expedient and the Contractor shall have no claim for profit or added fees on the cost of<br />

such materials and equipment. To receive partial payments and final payment for cost<br />

reimbursement work, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, detailed and <strong>com</strong>plete<br />

documented verification of the Contractor's and any of his Subcontractors' actual costs<br />

involved in the cost reimbursement work. Such costs shall be submitted within 30 days<br />

after said work has been performed.<br />


A. GENERAL<br />

Nothing in this Article shall be construed to affect the right, hereby reserved, to<br />

reject the whole or any part of the aforesaid work, should such work be later found<br />

not to <strong>com</strong>ply with the provisions of the Contract Documents. All estimated<br />

quantities of work for which partial payments have been made are subject to review<br />

and correction on the final estimate. Payment by the Owner and acceptance by the<br />

Contractor of partial payments based on periodic estimates of quantities of work<br />

performed shall not, in any way, constitute acceptance of the estimated quantities<br />

used as a basis for <strong>com</strong>puting the amounts of the partial payments.<br />


No more than once each month, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a<br />

detailed estimate of the amount earned during the preceding month for the<br />

separate portions of the work, and request payment. As used in this Article, the<br />

words "amount earned" means the value, on the date of the estimate for partial<br />

payment, of the work <strong>com</strong>pleted in accordance with the Contract Documents, and<br />

the value of approved materials delivered to the project site suitably stored and<br />

protected prior to incorporation into the work.<br />

The Owner will make payment to the Contractor within forty five (45) calendar<br />

days upon receipt of the written re<strong>com</strong>mendation of payment from the Engineer.<br />

The Engineer will, within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of each request for<br />

payment, both indicate in writing a re<strong>com</strong>mendation of payment and present the<br />


equest to Owner, or return the request to Contractor indicating in writing<br />

Engineer's reasons for refusing to re<strong>com</strong>mend payment. In the latter case,<br />

Contractor may, within seven (7) calendar days, make the necessary corrections and<br />

resubmit the request.<br />

Engineer may refuse to re<strong>com</strong>mend the whole or any part of any payment if, in his<br />

opinion, it would be incorrect to make such representations to Owner. Engineer<br />

may also refuse to re<strong>com</strong>mend any such payment, or, because of subsequently<br />

discovered evidence or the results of subsequent inspections or tests, nullify any<br />

such payment previously re<strong>com</strong>mended to such an extent as may be necessary in<br />

Engineer's opinion to protect the Owner from loss because:<br />

1. The work is defective, or <strong>com</strong>pleted work has been damaged requiring<br />

correction or replacement.<br />

2. Written claims have been made against Owner or Liens have been filed in<br />

connection with the work.<br />

3. The Contract Price has been reduced because of Change Orders.<br />

4. Owner has been required to correct defective work or <strong>com</strong>plete the work in<br />

accordance with Article OWNER'S RIGHT TO DO WORK;<br />

5. Of Contractor's unsatisfactory prosecution of the work in accordance with<br />

the Contract Documents; or<br />

6. Contractor's failure to make payment to Subcontractors or for labor,<br />

materials, or equipment.<br />


Unless modified in the Supplementary Conditions, deductions from the estimate<br />

will be as described below:<br />

1. The Owner will deduct from the estimate, and retain as part security, ten<br />

(10) percent of the amount earned for work satisfactorily <strong>com</strong>pleted. A<br />

deduction and retainage of ten (10) percent will be made on the estimated<br />

amount earned for approved items of material delivered to and properly<br />

stored at the jobsite but not incorporated into the work. When the work is<br />

fifty (50) percent <strong>com</strong>plete, the Owner may reduce the retainage to five (5)<br />

percent of the dollar value of all work satisfactorily <strong>com</strong>pleted to date<br />

provided the Contractor is making satisfactory progress and there is no<br />

specific cause for a greater retainage. The Owner may reinstate the<br />

retainage up to ten (10) percent if the Owner determines, at his discretion,<br />

that the Contractor is not making satisfactory progress or where there is<br />

other specific cause for such withholding.<br />




Unless modified in the Supplementary Conditions, qualification for partial payment<br />

for materials delivered but not yet incorporated into the work shall be as described<br />

below:<br />

1. Materials, as used herein, shall be considered to be those items that are<br />

fabricated and manufactured material and equipment. No consideration<br />

shall be given to individual purchases of less than two hundred (200) dollars<br />

for any one item.<br />

2. To receive partial payment for materials delivered to the site, but not<br />

incorporated in the work, it shall be necessary for the Contractor to include<br />

a list of such materials on the Partial Payment Request. At his sole<br />

discretion, the Engineer may approve items for which partial payment is to<br />

be made. Partial payment shall be based on the Contractor's actual cost for<br />

the materials as evidenced by invoices from the supplier. Proper storage<br />

and protection shall be provided by the Contractor, and as approved by the<br />

Engineer. Final payment shall be made only for materials actually<br />

incorporated in the work and, upon acceptance of the work, all materials<br />

remaining for which advance payments had been made shall revert to the<br />

Contractor, unless otherwise agreed, and partial payments made for these<br />

items shall be deducted from the final payment for the work.<br />

3. Contractor warrants and guarantees that title to all work, materials, and<br />

equipment covered by any Application for Payment, whether incorporated<br />

in the project or not, will pass to Owner at the time of payment free and<br />

clear of all liens, claims, security interests, and encumbrances.<br />

4. If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide, with subsequent<br />

pay requests, invoices receipted by the supplier showing payment in full has<br />

been made.<br />

E. PAYMENT<br />

After deducting the retainage and the amount of all previous partial payments<br />

made to the Contractor from the amount earned, the amount due will be made<br />

payable to the Contractor. Re<strong>com</strong>mendations for payment received by the Owner<br />

less than forty five (45) calendar days prior to the scheduled day for payment will<br />

not be processed or paid until the following month.<br />


In any case where the Contractor deems additional time or <strong>com</strong>pensation will be<strong>com</strong>e due<br />

him under this Contract for circumstances other than those defined in Article DELAYS<br />

AND EXTENSION OF TIME, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer, in writing, of his<br />

intention to make claim for such time or <strong>com</strong>pensation before he begins the work on which<br />


he bases the claim, in order that such matters may be settled, if possible, or other<br />

appropriate action taken. The notice of claim shall be in duplicate, in writing, and shall<br />

state the circumstances and the reasons for the claim, but need not state the amount. If such<br />

notification is not given, or if the Engineer is not afforded proper facilities by the<br />

Contractor for keeping strict account of actual costs, then the Contractor hereby agrees to<br />

waive the claim for such additional time or <strong>com</strong>pensation. Such notice by the Contractor,<br />

and fact that the Engineer has kept account of the cost as aforesaid, shall not in any way be<br />

construed as proving the validity of the claim.<br />

No extension of time will be granted to the Contractor for delays resulting from extra work<br />

that have no measurable impact on the <strong>com</strong>pletion of the total Work under this Contract.<br />

Claims for additional time or <strong>com</strong>pensation shall be made in itemized detail and submitted,<br />

in writing, to the Owner and Engineer within ten (10) calendar days following <strong>com</strong>pletion<br />

of that portion of the work for which the Contractor bases his claim. Failure to make the<br />

claim for additional <strong>com</strong>pensation in the manner and within the time specified above shall<br />

constitute waiver of that claim. In case the claim is found to be just, it shall be allowed and<br />

paid for as provided in Article PAYMENT FOR CHANGE ORDERS.<br />


The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner from all claims for labor and<br />

materials furnished under this Contract. Prior to the final payment, the Contractor shall<br />

furnish to the Owner, as part of his final payment request, a certification that all of the<br />

Contractor's obligations on the project have been satisfied and that all monetary claims and<br />

indebtedness have been paid. The Contractor shall furnish <strong>com</strong>plete and legal effective<br />

releases or waivers, satisfactory to the Owner, of all liens arising out of or filed in<br />

connection with the work.<br />


Upon <strong>com</strong>pletion of the work, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer, in writing, that he<br />

has <strong>com</strong>pleted it and shall request final payment for that Work Performed. The<br />

Contractor shall be responsible for keeping an accurate and detailed record of his actual<br />

construction. Upon <strong>com</strong>pletion of construction and before final acceptance and payment,<br />

the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer record drawings (if applicable) of his<br />

construction. Upon receipt of a request for final payment and the record drawings, the<br />

Engineer will inspect and, if acceptable, submit to the Owner his re<strong>com</strong>mendation as to<br />

acceptance of the <strong>com</strong>pleted work and as to the final estimate of the amount due the<br />

Contractor. Upon approval of this final estimate by the Owner and <strong>com</strong>pliance by the<br />

Contractor with provisions in Article 71. RELEASE OF LIENS OR CLAIMS, and other<br />

provisions as may be applicable, the Owner shall pay to the Contractor all monies due<br />

him under the provisions of these Contract Documents.<br />


Neither the inspection by the Owner, through the Engineer or any of his employees, nor<br />

any order by the Owner for payment of money, nor any payment for, or acceptance of, the<br />

whole or any part of the work by the Owner or Engineer, nor any extension of time, nor<br />

any possession taken by the owner or its employees, shall operate as a waiver of any<br />

provision of this Contract, or any power herein reserved to the Owner, or any right to<br />


damages herein provided, nor shall any waiver of any breach in this Contract be held to be<br />

a waiver of any other or subsequent breach. Acceptance or final payment shall not be final<br />

and conclusive with regards to latent defects, fraud, or such gross mistakes as may amount<br />

to fraud, or as regards the Owner's rights under the warranty.<br />


The acceptance by the Contractor of the final payment shall release the Owner and the<br />

Engineer, as representatives of the Owner, from all claims and all liability to the Contractor<br />

for all things done or furnished in connection with the work, and every act of the Owner<br />

and others relating to or arising out of the work except claims previously made in writing<br />

and still unsettled. No payment, however, final or otherwise, shall operate to release the<br />

Contractor or his Sureties from obligations under this Contract and the Performance Bond,<br />

Payment Bond, and other bonds and warranties, as herein provided.<br />




The General Conditions are hereby revised as follows:<br />


Add the following:<br />

Wherever in these Documents the word "Engineer" appears, it shall be understood<br />

to mean the Owner’s representative overseeing the project for the City.<br />


CONTRACTOR is to secure, pay for, and file with the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, prior to <strong>com</strong>mencing<br />

any work under the Contract, all certificates for Workers’ Compensation, Public Liability, and<br />

Property Damage Liability Insurance and such other insurance coverages as may be required by<br />

specifications and addenda thereto, in at least the following minimum amounts with specification<br />

amounts to prevail if greater than minimum amounts indicated. Notwithstanding any other<br />

provision of the Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the minimum limits of liability<br />

insurance coverages as follows:<br />

Auto Liability $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit<br />

General Liability $2,000,000 Aggregate (Per Project)<br />

$2,000,000 Products Aggregate<br />

$1,000,000 Any One Occurrence<br />

$1,000,000 Personal Injury<br />

$ 300,000 Fire Damage/Legal<br />

Additional Umbrella Liability $_,000,000 Occurrence/Aggregate<br />

CONTRACTOR shall furnish an original Certificate of Insurance indicating, and such policy<br />

providing coverage to, City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> named as “Additional Insured” on PRIMARY and<br />

NON CONTRIBUTORY basis utilizing an ISO standard endorsement at least as broad as CG<br />

2010 (11/85) or its Equivalent, (COMBINATION OF CG 20 10 07 04 and CG 20 37 07 04,<br />

providing coverage for <strong>com</strong>pleted operations is acceptable) INCLUDING A “Waiver of<br />

Subrogation” clause in favor of City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> on all policies. CONTRACTOR will maintain<br />

the General Liability and Umbrella Liability insurance coverages summarized above with<br />

coverage continuing in full force including the “additional insured” endorsement until at least 3<br />

years beyond <strong>com</strong>pletion and delivery of the work contracted herein.<br />

Notwithstanding any other provision of the Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall maintain<br />

<strong>com</strong>plete Workers’ Compensation coverage for each and every employee, principal, officer,<br />

representative, or agent of the CONTRACTOR who is performing any labor, services, or<br />

material under the Contract. Further, CONTRACTOR shall additionally maintain the following<br />

minimum limits of coverage:<br />


Bodily Injury Each Accident $1,000,000<br />

Bodily Injury by Disease Each Employee $1,000,000<br />

Bodily Injury by Disease Policy Limit $1,000,000<br />

The work being done is on or near a navigable waterway, CONTRACTOR’s Workers’<br />

Compensation policy shall be endorsed to provide USL&H Act (WC 00 01 06 A) and Jones Act<br />

(WC 00 02 01 A) coverage as specified by the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>. CONTRACTOR shall provide<br />

the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> with a Certificate of Insurance verifying <strong>com</strong>pliance with the workman’s<br />

<strong>com</strong>pensation coverage as set forth herein and shall provide as often as required by the City of<br />

<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> such certification which shall also show the insurance <strong>com</strong>pany, policy number,<br />

effective and expiration date, and the limits of workman’s <strong>com</strong>pensation coverage under each<br />

policy.<br />

CONTRACTOR’s insurance policies shall be endorsed to give 30 days’ written notice to the<br />

City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> in the event of cancellation or material change, using form CG 02 24, or its<br />

equivalent.<br />

Certificates of Insurance submitted to the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> will not be accepted without copies<br />

of the endorsements being requested. This includes additional insured endorsements,<br />

cancellation/material change notice endorsements, and waivers of subrogation. Copies of<br />

USL&H Act and Jones Act endorsements will also be required if necessary. PLEASE ADVISE<br />


CONTRACTOR will <strong>com</strong>ply with any and all safety regulations required by any agency or<br />

regulatory body including but not limited to OSHA. CONTRACTOR will notify City of <strong>Key</strong><br />

<strong>West</strong> immediately by telephone at (305) 809-3811 of any accident or injury to anyone that<br />

occurs on the jobsite and is related to any of the work being performed by the CONTRACTOR.<br />


ARTICLE 34<br />


Builders Risk All Risk Insurance is not required as part of this contract.<br />


Contractor Insurance Requirements for the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, Florida<br />

All contractors and subcontractors wishing to perform work for the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, Florida, will be required to<br />

<strong>com</strong>ply with the following minimum insurance requirements:<br />

Commercial General Liability Limits:<br />

$2,000,000 Aggregate<br />

$1,000,000 Each Occurrence<br />

$2,000,000 Products-Comp / Op Aggregate<br />

$1,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury<br />

$300,000 Fire Damage / Legal<br />

Coverage must include the following:<br />

- Contractual Liability - Commercial Form<br />

- CG2010 (1185) or Equivalent - Broad Form Property Damage<br />

- No exclusion for XCU - Premises / Operations<br />

- Products / Completed Operations - Independent Contractors (if any part of the work is<br />

- Personal Injury to be subcontracted out)<br />

Automobile Liability:<br />

Additional Umbrella Liability:<br />

Worker’s Compensation:<br />

Employer’s Liability:<br />

$1,000,000 Combined Single Limit<br />

(Include Hired & Non-Owned Liability)<br />

$0,000,000 Occurrence / Aggregate<br />

Statutory<br />

$1,000,000 Each Accident<br />

$1,000,000 Disease-Policy Limit<br />

$1,000,000 Disease-Each Employee<br />

The City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> confirms that the scope of services specified in the Contract requires work on or near<br />

a navigable waterway. Water description: <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>Bight</strong>. Therefore the following coverages will indeed be<br />

required as specified in the contract documents:<br />

• Workers Compensation/Employer Liability<br />

USL&H Coverage (Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act) Endorsement WC 000106A<br />

Jones Act Coverage* Endorsement WC 000201A<br />

• Marine Third Part Liability<br />

Protection & Indemnity<br />

$1,000,000 Limit<br />

Note: Jones Act (Crew) coverage may be provided under the P&I policy, if Contractor is using an OWNED vessel<br />

during the course of the work.<br />

The above reflects the minimum requirements for working with the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>. Any requirements found in a<br />

particular job’s contract that are of a higher standard will prevail.<br />

The City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> must be named as an additional insured under all policies other than worker’s <strong>com</strong>pensation.<br />

Contractor’s or subcontractor’s general liability shall be written on a primary and non-contributory basis.<br />

Certificates of insurance must be ac<strong>com</strong>panied by a copy of the additional insured endorsement (CG 20101185 or<br />

<strong>com</strong>bination of CG20100704 and CG20370704 will be accepted).<br />

Contractors and subcontractors must obtain an endorsement from their carrier that waives and relinquishes any right<br />

of subrogation against the City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> and its agents, representatives, employees, and affiliates they might<br />

possess for any policy of insurance provided under this requirement or under any state or federal worker’s<br />

<strong>com</strong>pensation or employer’s liability act.<br />

Contractor’s policies must be endorsed to give no less than thirty (30) days notice to the City in the event of material<br />

change or cancellation.<br />

The City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> must be given a certificate of insurance showing that the above requirements have been met.<br />

The certificate of insurance must remain current and must include copies of the requested endorsements (additional<br />

insured, cancellation notice, and waiver of subrogation) in order for the City to issue payments to the contractor or<br />

subcontractor.<br />


Agreement Articles<br />

2012-09-01 00:00:00.0<br />

U.S. Department of Homeland Security<br />

Washington, D.C. 20472<br />


Port Security Grant Program<br />

GRANTEE:<br />

City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Port<br />

PROGRAM:<br />

Port Security Grant Program<br />

AGREEMENT NUMBER: EMW-2012-PU-00056-S01<br />


Article I<br />

Summary Description of Project<br />

Article II<br />

Administrative Requirements<br />

Article III GPD - Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000<br />

Article IV<br />

GPD - Drug-Free Workplace Regulations<br />

Article V Fly America Act of 1974<br />

Article VI<br />

Lobbying Prohibitions<br />

Article VII<br />

Activities Conducted Abroad<br />

Article VIII<br />

Acknowledgement of Federal Funding from DHS<br />

Article IX<br />

Copyright<br />

Article X<br />

Use of DHS Seal, Logo and Flags<br />

Article XI<br />

DHS Specific Achnowledgements and Assurances<br />

Article XII Civil Rights Act of 1964<br />

Article XIII Civil Right Act of 1968<br />

Article XIV Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990<br />

Article XV Age Discrimination Act of 1975<br />

Article XVI Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972<br />

Article XVII Rehabilitation Act of 1973<br />

Article XVIII<br />

Limited English Proficiency<br />

- 9 -<br />


Article XIX Animal Welfare Act of 1966<br />

Article XX Clean Air Act of 1970 and Clean Water Act of 1977<br />

Article XXI<br />

Protection of Human Subjects<br />

Article XXII National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969<br />

Article XXIII National Flood Insurance Act of 1968<br />

Article XXIV Flood Distaster Protection Act of 1973<br />

Article XXV<br />

Article XXVI USA Patriot Act of 2001<br />

Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act<br />

of 1990<br />

Article I - Summary Description of Project<br />

Project 1: Security Fence is approved for funding in the amount of $45,000.<br />

Project 2: <strong>Boat</strong> Lifts is approved for funding in the amount of $45,000.<br />

Article II - Administrative Requirements<br />

The administrative requirements that apply to most DHS award recipients through a grant or cooperative agreement arise from<br />

two sources: - Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-102, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and<br />

Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments (also known as the "A-102 Common Rule"), found under FEMA<br />

regulations at Title 44, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part <strong>13</strong>, "Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and<br />

Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments." - OMB Circular A-110, Uniform Administrative Requirements for<br />

Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit Organizations, relocated to 2<br />

CFR Part 215. The requirements for allowable costs/cost principles are contained in the A-102 Common Rule, OMB Circular<br />

A-110 (2 CFR § 215.27), DHS program legislation, Federal awarding agency regulations, and the terms and conditions of the<br />

award. The four costs principles circulars are as follows: - OMB Circular A-21, Cost Principles for Educational Institutions,<br />

relocated to 2 CFR Part 220. - OMB Circular A-87, Cost Principles for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments, relocated<br />

to 2 CFR Part 225. - OMB Circular A-122, Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations, relocated to 2 CFR Part 230. - OMB<br />

Circular A-<strong>13</strong>3, Audits of States, Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations.<br />

Article III - GPD - Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000<br />

All recipients of financial assistance will <strong>com</strong>ply with the requirements of the government-wide award term which implements<br />

Section 106(g) of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000, as amended (22 U.S.C. § 7104), located at 2 CFR<br />

Part 175. This is implemented in accordance with OMB Interim Final Guidance, Federal Register, Volume 72, No. 218,<br />

November <strong>13</strong>, 2007.In accordance with the statutory requirement, in each agency award under which funding is provided<br />

to a private entity, Section 106(g) of the TVPA, as amended, requires the agency to include a condition that authorizes the<br />

agency to terminate the award, without penalty, if the recipient or a subrecipient - (a) Engages in severe forms of trafficking in<br />

persons during the period of time that the award is in effect; (b) Procures a <strong>com</strong>mercial sex act during the period of time that<br />

the award is in effect; or (c) Uses forced labor in the performance of the award or subawards under the award. Full text of the<br />

award term is provided at 2 CFR § 175.15.<br />

Article IV - GPD - Drug-Free Workplace Regulations<br />

All recipients of financial assistance will <strong>com</strong>ply with the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (41 U.S.C. §<br />

701 et seq.), which requires that all organizations receiving grants from any Federal agency agree to maintain a drug-free<br />

workplace. The recipient must notify the awarding office if an employee of the recipient is convicted of violating a criminal<br />

drug statute. Failure to <strong>com</strong>ply with these requirements may be cause for debarment. These regulations are codified at 2 CFR<br />

3001.<br />

Article V - Fly America Act of 1974<br />

All recipients of financial assistance will <strong>com</strong>ply with the requirements of the Preference for U.S. Flag Air Carriers: Travel<br />

supported by U.S. Government funds requirement, which states preference for the use of U.S. flag air carriers (air carriers<br />

holding certificates under 49 U.S.C. § 41102) for international air transportation of people and property to the extent that such<br />

service is available, in accordance with the International Air Transportation Fair Competitive Practices Act of 1974 (49 U.S.C.<br />

- 10 -<br />


§ 40118) and the interpretative guidelines issued by the Comptroller General of the United States in the March 31, 1981,<br />

amendment to Comptroller General Decision B<strong>13</strong>8942.<br />

Article VI - Lobbying Prohibitions<br />

None of the funds provided under an award may be expended by the recipient to pay any person to influence, or attempt to<br />

influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee<br />

of a Member of Congress in connection with any Federal action concerning the award or renewal of any Federal contract,<br />

grant, loan, cooperative agreement. These lobbying prohibitions can be found at 31 U.S.C. § <strong>13</strong>52.<br />

Article VII - Activities Conducted Abroad<br />

All recipients of financial assistance will <strong>com</strong>ply with the requirements that project activities carried on outside the United<br />

States are coordinated as necessary with appropriate government authorities and that appropriate licenses, permits, or<br />

approvals are obtained.<br />

Article VIII - Acknowledgement of Federal Funding from DHS<br />

All recipients of financial assistance will <strong>com</strong>ply with requirements to acknowledge Federal funding when issuing statements,<br />

press releases, requests for proposals, bid invitations, and other documents describing projects or programs funded in whole<br />

or in part with Federal funds.<br />

Article IX - Copyright<br />

All recipients of financial assistance will <strong>com</strong>ply with requirements that publications or other exercise of copyright for any<br />

work first produced under Federal financial assistance awards hereto related unless the work includes any information that is<br />

otherwise controlled by the Government (e.g., classified information or other information subject to national security or export<br />

control laws or regulations). For any scientific, technical, or other copyright work based on or containing data first produced<br />

under this award, including those works published in academic, technical or professional journals, symposia proceedings,<br />

or similar works, the recipient grants the Government a royalty-free, nonexclusive and irrevocable license to reproduce,<br />

display, distribute copies, perform, disseminate, or prepare derivative works, and to authorize others to do so, for Government<br />

purposes in all such copyrighted works. The recipient shall affix the applicable copyright notices of 17 U.S.C. § 401 or 402 and<br />

an acknowledgement of Government sponsorship (including award number) to any work first produced under an award.<br />

Article X - Use of DHS Seal, Logo and Flags<br />

All recipients of financial assistance must obtain DHS's approval prior to using the DHS seal(s), logos, crests or reproductions<br />

of flags or likenesses of DHS agency officials, including use of the United States Coast Guard seal, logo, crests or<br />

reproductions of flags or likenesses of Coast Guard officials.<br />

Article XI - DHS Specific Achnowledgements and Assurances<br />

All recipients of financial assistance must acknowledge and agree-and require any subrecipients, contractors, successors,<br />

transferees, and assignees acknowledge and agree-to <strong>com</strong>ply with applicable provisions governing DHS access to records,<br />

accounts, documents, information, facilities, and staff. 1. Recipients must cooperate with any <strong>com</strong>pliance review or <strong>com</strong>plaint<br />

investigation conducted by DHS. 2. Recipients must give DHS access to and the right to examine and copy records, accounts,<br />

and other documents and sources of information related to the grant and permit access to facilities, personnel, and other<br />

individuals and information as may be necessary, as required by DHS regulations and other applicable laws or program<br />

guidance. 3. Recipients must submit timely, <strong>com</strong>plete, and accurate reports to the appropriate DHS officials and maintain<br />

appropriate backup documentation to support the reports. 4. Recipients must <strong>com</strong>ply with all other special reporting, data<br />

collection, and evaluation requirements, as prescribed by law or detailed in program guidance. 5. If, during the past three<br />

years, the recipient has been accused of discrimination on the grounds of race, color, national origin (including limited English<br />

proficiency), sex, age, disability, religion, or familial status, the recipient must provide a list of all such proceedings, pending<br />

or <strong>com</strong>pleted, including out<strong>com</strong>e and copies of settlement agreements to the DHS awarding office and the DHS Office of Civil<br />

Rights and Civil Liberties. 6. In the event any court or administrative agency makes a finding of discrimination on grounds of<br />

race, color, national origin (including limited English proficiency), sex, age, disability, religion, or familial status against the<br />

recipient, or the recipient settles a case or matter alleging such discrimination, recipients must forward a copy of the <strong>com</strong>plaint<br />

and findings to the DHS Component and/or awarding office. The United States has the right to seek judicial enforcement of<br />

these obligations.<br />

Article XII - Civil Rights Act of 1964<br />

- 11 -<br />


ll recipients of financial assistance will <strong>com</strong>ply with the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C.<br />

§ 2000d et seq.), which provides that no person in the United States will, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin,<br />

be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity<br />

receiving Federal financial assistance.<br />

Article XIII - Civil Right Act of 1968<br />

All recipients of financial assistance will <strong>com</strong>ply with Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, which prohibits recipients<br />

from discriminating in the sale, rental, financing, and advertising of dwellings, or in the provision of services in connection<br />

therewith, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, disability, familial status, and sex (42 U.S.C.§ 3601 et seq.),<br />

as implemented by the Department of Housing and Urban Development at 24 CFR Part 100. The prohibition on disability<br />

discrimination includes the requirement that new multifamily housing with four or more dwelling units-i.e., the public and<br />

<strong>com</strong>mon use areas and individual apartment units (all units in buildings with elevators and ground-floor units in buildings<br />

without elevators)-be designed and constructed with certain accessible features (see 24 CFR § 100.201).<br />

Article XIV - Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990<br />

All recipients of financial assistance will <strong>com</strong>ply with the requirements of Titles I, II, and III of the Americans with Disabilities<br />

Act, which prohibits recipients from discriminating on the basis of disability in the operation of public entities, public and private<br />

transportation systems, places of public ac<strong>com</strong>modation, and certain testing entities (42 U.S.C. §§ 12101-122<strong>13</strong>).<br />

Article XV - Age Discrimination Act of 1975<br />

All recipients of financial assistance will <strong>com</strong>ply with the requirements of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. § 6101<br />

et seq.), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age in any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.<br />

Article XVI - Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972<br />

All recipients of financial assistance will <strong>com</strong>ply with the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972<br />

(20 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq.), which provides that no person in the United States will, on the basis of sex, be excluded from<br />

participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving<br />

Federal financial assistance. These regulations are codified at 44 CFR Part 19.<br />

Article XVII - Rehabilitation Act of 1973<br />

All recipients of financial assistance will <strong>com</strong>ply with the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29<br />

U.S.C. § 794, as amended, which provides that no otherwise qualified handicapped individual in the United States will, solely<br />

by reason of the handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under<br />

any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. These requirements pertain to the provision of benefits or<br />

services as well as to employment.<br />

Article XVIII - Limited English Proficiency<br />

All recipients of financial assistance will <strong>com</strong>ply with the requirements of Executive Order <strong>13</strong>166, Improving Access to<br />

Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency, and resulting agency guidance, national origin and resulting agency<br />

guidance, national origin discrimination includes discrimination on the basis of limited English proficiency (LEP). To ensure<br />

<strong>com</strong>pliance with Title VI, recipients must take reasonable steps to ensure that LEP persons have meaningful access to your<br />

programs. Meaningful access may entail providing language assistance services, including oral and written translation, where<br />

necessary. Recipients are encouraged to consider the need for language services for LEP persons served or encountered<br />

both in developing budgets and in conducting programs and activities. For assistance and information regarding LEP<br />

obligations, go to http://www.lep.gov.<br />

Article XIX - Animal Welfare Act of 1966<br />

All recipients of financial assistance will <strong>com</strong>ply with the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. §<br />

2<strong>13</strong>1 et seq.), which requires that minimum standards of care and treatment be provided for vertebrate animals bred for<br />

<strong>com</strong>mercial sale, used in research, transported <strong>com</strong>mercially, or exhibited to the public. Recipients must establish appropriate<br />

policies and procedures for the humane care and use of animals based on the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory<br />

Animals and <strong>com</strong>ply with the Public Health Service Policy and Government Principles Regarding the Care and Use of<br />

Animals.<br />

Article XX - Clean Air Act of 1970 and Clean Water Act of 1977<br />

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All recipients of financial assistance will <strong>com</strong>ply with the requirements of 42 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq. and Executive Order 11738,<br />

which provides for the protection and enhancement of the quality of the nation's air resources to promote public health and<br />

welfare and for restoring and maintaining the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation's waters is considered<br />

research for other purposes.<br />

Article XXI - Protection of Human Subjects<br />

All recipients of financial assistance will <strong>com</strong>ply with the requirements of the Federal regulations at 45 CFR Part 46,<br />

which requires that recipients <strong>com</strong>ply with applicable provisions/law for the protection of human subjects for purposes<br />

of research. Recipients must also <strong>com</strong>ply with the requirements in DHS Management Directive 026-04, Protection of<br />

Human Subjects, prior to implementing any work with human subjects. For purposes of 45 CFR Part 46, research means<br />

a systematic investigation, including research, development, testing, and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to<br />

general knowledge. Activities that meet this definition constitute research for purposes of this policy, whether or not they are<br />

conducted or supported under a program that is considered research for other purposes. The regulations specify additional<br />

protections for research involving human fetuses, pregnant women, and neonates (Subpart B); prisoners (Subpart C); and<br />

children (Subpart D). The use of autopsy materials is governed by applicable State and local law and is not directly regulated<br />

by 45 CFR Part 46.<br />

Article XXII - National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969<br />

All recipients of financial assistance will <strong>com</strong>ply with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA),<br />

as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 4331 et seq., which establishes national policy goals and procedures to protect and enhance<br />

the environment, including protection against natural disasters. To <strong>com</strong>ply with NEPA for its grant-supported activities,<br />

DHS requires the environmental aspects of construction grants (and certain non-construction projects as specified by the<br />

Component and awarding office) to be reviewed and evaluated before final action on the application.<br />

Article XXIII - National Flood Insurance Act of 1968<br />

All recipients of financial assistance will <strong>com</strong>ply with the requirements of Section <strong>13</strong>06(c) of the National Flood Insurance Act,<br />

as amended, which provides for benefit payments under the Standard Flood Insurance Policy for demolition or relocation<br />

of a structure insured under the Act that is located along the shore of a lake or other body of water and that is certified by<br />

an appropriate State or local land use authority to be subject to imminent collapse or subsidence as a result of erosion or<br />

undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels. These regulations are codified at 44<br />

CFR Part 63.<br />

Article XXIV - Flood Distaster Protection Act of 1973<br />

All recipients of financial assistance will <strong>com</strong>ply with the requirements of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, as<br />

amended (42 U.S.C. § 4001 et seq.), which provides that no Federal financial assistance to acquire, modernize, or construct<br />

property may be provided in identified flood-prone <strong>com</strong>munities in the United States, unless the <strong>com</strong>munity participates in the<br />

National Flood Insurance Program and flood insurance is purchased within one year of the identification. The flood insurance<br />

purchase requirement applies to both public and private applicants for DHS support. Lists of floodprone areas that are eligible<br />

for flood insurance are published in the Federal Register by FEMA.<br />

Article XXV - Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act of 1990<br />

All recipients of financial assistance will <strong>com</strong>ply with the requirements of Executive Order 11990, which provides that federally<br />

funded construction and improvements minimize the destruction, loss, or degradation of wetlands. The Executive Order<br />

provides that, in furtherance of Section 101(b)(3) of NEPA (42 U.S.C. § 4331(b)(3)), Federal agencies, to the extent permitted<br />

by law, must avoid undertaking or assisting with new construction located in wetlands unless the head of the agency finds<br />

that there is no practicable alternative to such construction, and that the proposed action includes all practicable measures<br />

to minimize harm to wetlands that may result from such use. In making this finding, the head of the agency may take into<br />

account economic, environmental, and other pertinent factors. The public disclosure requirement described above also<br />

pertains to early public review of any plans or proposals for new construction in wetlands. This is codified at 44 CFR Part 9.<br />

Article XXVI - USA Patriot Act of 2001<br />

All recipients of financial assistance will <strong>com</strong>ply with the requirements of the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing<br />

Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act (USA PATRIOT Act), which amends 18 U.S.C. §§<br />

175-175c. Among other things, it prescribes criminal penalties for possession of any biological agent, toxin, or delivery system<br />

of a type or in a quantity that is not reasonably justified by a prophylactic, protective, bona fide research, or other peaceful<br />

- <strong>13</strong> -<br />


purpose. The act also establishes restrictions on access to specified materials. "Restricted persons," as defined by the act,<br />

may not possess, ship, transport, or receive any biological agent or toxin that is listed as a select agent.<br />

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PART 4<br />




Selected Bidder shall be responsible for the design, purchase, permitting and installation of all<br />

<strong>com</strong>ponents necessary to <strong>com</strong>plete two (2) side elevator boat lifts, each with a boarding platform, at <strong>Key</strong><br />

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Bight</strong> <strong>Ferry</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong>.<br />

Installation of two (2) Marine Grade Aluminum Side Elevator <strong>Boat</strong> Lifts designed with a lifting capacity<br />

of 18,000 lbs.<br />

SPECIFICATIONS for two (2) model LBL 170 Side Elevator <strong>Boat</strong> Lift<br />

Manufactured by Lifetime <strong>Boat</strong> Lifts, Inc. (Formerly ABL <strong>Boat</strong> Lifts, Inc.)<br />

10120 Betsy Parkway, St. James City, FL 33956<br />

• Model LBL 170 Marine Grade Aluminum Side Elevator <strong>Boat</strong> Lift (or equal) Maximum 18,000<br />

lbs. Capacity each with a boarding platform.<br />

• All Aluminum <strong>Boat</strong> Lift Parts are 6061T Marine Grade Aluminum .<br />

• All Bolts and Pins are Stainless Steel<br />

• Lifting arms consist of an engineered Heavy Duty 10” x 7” Structurally Welded Aluminum Box<br />

Beam Combined with a Pair of Upper and Lower 2 ½” x 8” Pivoting and Compensating (4)Wheel<br />

Sets (8 Wheels per Car Arm) Integrated into a Heavy Duty Upper Aluminum All Welded Frame.<br />

This Car Arm is a One Piece Non-Adjustable Welded Structure. There are Two Car Arms per<br />

LBL 170 <strong>Boat</strong> Lift. The Two Car Arms are connected together with an adjustable aluminum X-<br />

Brace assembly<br />

• Each of the Two Super High Speed Drive Lifting Systems are driven by a 2 HP Electric TEFC<br />

Motor Direct Coupling Double Reduction Heavy Duty Enclosed Gearbox into a 1 ¾” O.D.<br />

Stainless Steel Drive Shaft and through bolted to a 3 ½” O.D. Heat Treated Hardened Machine<br />

Grooved Aluminum Drum Winder which is Enclosed in an Aluminum Housing. Lifting Speed is<br />

48” per minute.<br />

• The <strong>Boat</strong> will Rest on the Exclusive LBL “Pivoting” All Aluminum Bunk System, which<br />

includes fully adjustable All Aluminum Cradle Bunks with Heavy Duty High Density Fender<br />

Material<br />

• The Lifting Cables are 3/8” Diameter Stainless Steel Aircraft Style Cables<br />

• The Fully Adjustable Guide Pole System consists of a 3” O.D. x 5 Ft. Heavy Duty Aluminum<br />

Pipe inserted inside of a 4 “ O.D x 10’ High White PVC Heavy Wall Pipe.<br />

• The Underwater Cross Brace is a 3 ½” x 5 ½” I-beam.<br />

• The Top Brace is a 3” X 3” X 3/8” Aluminum Angle<br />

• Four Wireless Waterproof Dual Motor Radio Remote Control (to be installation by others) and<br />

alternate manual operation included with each LBL 170 <strong>Boat</strong> Lift<br />


Project Requirements<br />

• Contractor is responsible for all associated costs for the purchase and installation of<br />

<strong>com</strong>plete boat lifts.<br />

• Two (2) radio remote controls for each lift.<br />

• Contractor is required to supply all documents necessary for grant reimbursement.<br />

• Contractor will be responsible for contracting with and paying for a licensed engineer to<br />

develop signed and sealed drawings that are in accordance with local, state and federal<br />

regulations and guidelines.<br />

• Contractor will be responsible for as-built drawings and project manuals at project<br />

closeout.<br />

• Equipment and installation will have a two year warranty on parts and labor.<br />

• Contractor is responsible for obtaining all local, state & federal permits and paying for all<br />

fees associated with permits.<br />


PART 5<br />



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