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6 The Academy Oct.-Nov. 2008 7 The Academy Oct.-Nov. 2008<br />

of Women and Child, Orissa, to assess the state<br />

government's “Mahila Shishu Desk” initiative. The<br />

main aim of the study is to highlight the lessons<br />

learnt from the ongoing activities and design a<br />

roadmap for continuous improvement to<br />

institutionalize the best practices.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Seminars/ Symposium<br />

A National Level Conference on<br />

'Mainstreaming Gender Issues' was organized<br />

by the National Centre for Gender Training<br />

and Research on 13th to 15th November, 2008<br />

The National Institute of Administrative<br />

Research ( NIAR) at the benediction and<br />

benefaction of the 'Thirteenth Finance<br />

Commission' organized a National Level<br />

Workshop on “Development of Indicators of<br />

Governance” at Indian International Centre,<br />

New Delhi on 14th November, 2008.<br />

VIII Central Training Institute's Conference,<br />

The VIII conference hosted in Academy on<br />

16th October,2008 was in continuum to the<br />

previous conferences held in succession at<br />

various Central Training Institutes.<br />

Networking and sharing training resources<br />

amongst the Central Training Institutes was<br />

the pivotal theme of the conference. The<br />

deliberations triggered by collective wisdom<br />

resulted in quite a few novel<br />

recommendations, to name a few, the<br />

volunteership offered by Foreign Service<br />

Institute New Delhi to facilitate international<br />

training programmes for officers of varied civil<br />

services, creation of a Consortium of CTIs ,<br />

holding a thematic training module at the<br />

Academy for the different batches of yester<br />

years foundation courses that comprise of the<br />

conglomeration of officers from all the civil<br />

services.<br />

Faculty Publications<br />

An article on “NICTU An ICT Training Hub for<br />

Civil Servants” was published in Informatics An e-<br />

governance bulletin from NIC, Volume 17, No. 1,<br />

July 2008 jointly authored by NICTU Team.<br />

A Research Paper entitled “Women in Rural Indian<br />

Households and Energy Needs: Struggle and Solace<br />

Cultural Perspective to Reality” authored by<br />

Dr. N. K. Kumaresan Raja , Professor, Centre for<br />

Rural Studies was published in the Edited Volume<br />

on “The Culture of Energy” by Mogens Rudiger,<br />

Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, 2008<br />

Publications from the 'Cannons of<br />

Research' of the Academy<br />

The Academy proudly brings out two 'Journals',<br />

with and of profound professional acumen in the<br />

endeavor of translating the motto of the Academy<br />

by way of publications.<br />

The Administrator<br />

The Journal operates as a mirror of issues<br />

pertaining to contemporary issues in Indian as<br />

well as Global Public Administration. We are<br />

proud to hear from our officer trainees that the<br />

journal was a part of their life jackets during their<br />

gauntlet years of swimming in the waters of Civil<br />

Services Exams finding the shores!<br />

Service Quality<br />

“Service Quality”- the mitochondrion of the<br />

principles of “Total Quality Management”, a<br />

prodigy from the neurons of Shri. Padamvir Singh,<br />

the Joint Director, deciphers his aims of redefining<br />

the pre-established definitions of “Service Quality”<br />

of delivery systems in Government<br />

Administration.<br />

Utmost importance is given for 'out of box<br />

thinking' to ensure optimum quality, confirming<br />

to international benchmarks in every public<br />

service delivery system and articles spearheading<br />

such visions and missions of discovering the<br />

indicators ensuring “Service Quality” is the focal<br />

theme of the contents of the Journal.<br />

Retreat for the 1958 batch<br />

Arti Ahuja*<br />

The batch of 1958 was unique- it was the last batch of<br />

the IAS to be trained at the Metcalfe house in Delhi.<br />

After that, the training was shifted to the National<br />

Academy, as it was then called, at Mussoorie. From<br />

Metcalfe and its proximity to the powers at Delhi, to<br />

the cool, meditative environs of Mussoorie was<br />

indeed a quantum jump, literally and figuratively, for<br />

the idea of training civil servants. This was evident in<br />

the reminiscences of the batch- they recounted with<br />

delight their close interaction with the Prime Minister<br />

Mr Jawaharlal Nehru and other dignitaries including<br />

the Home Minister Mr Pant, before whom they<br />

successfully protested against shifting the Academy<br />

to Mussoorie during their training period! Metcalfe<br />

house, with its colonial grandeur and sprawling<br />

lawns symbolized the handing over of the reigns of<br />

government from the ICS to the IAS and the IFS. The<br />

batch was understandably nostalgic about the time<br />

spent there, and we were regaled with numerous<br />

stories about the training there.<br />

21 members of the batch, some with their spouses,<br />

attended the retreat. Members of the batch, who were<br />

no more, were fondly remembered by the entire<br />

batch before the proceedings started. For the first<br />

time, members of the Indian Foreign Service who<br />

were trained together with the batch at Metcalfe<br />

house were invited. One officer attended the retreat,<br />

and his reminiscences added depth to the<br />

deliberations. It was a pleasure for the faculty to be<br />

part of the sharing of their memories-the group had<br />

many highly distinguished members, who had<br />

achieved excellence in their careers as well as beyond<br />

that. They had braved many odds and achieved a lot<br />

for the country in the areas they had worked in. The<br />

batch also has been highly prolific-we were initially<br />

able to find 16 books written by the batch members,<br />

with more coming to light during the deliberations!<br />

During the retreat, the 82nd Foundation Course was<br />

also going on. Escort Officers from the FC were able<br />

to have a close and meaningful interaction with the<br />

seniors. There was also a structured panel<br />

discussion with all the young Officer Trainees of the<br />

Foundation Course- an experience that was found<br />

very useful by both groups. The 1958 batch also<br />

contributed to the training inputs by giving their<br />

suggestions on various areas of concern for the<br />

officer trainees. This was done through discussion<br />

in groups and arriving at a set of recommendations.<br />

The retreat was given a touch of warmth and colour<br />

by the spouses who gamefully sang at the Director's<br />

dinner and braved the sporadic rain showers at the<br />

valedictory in Polo ground. The last group photo<br />

with the ubiquitous umbrellas become probably the<br />

defining moment of the retreat and the batch gettogether.<br />

There were moments of rain and sunshine,<br />

but they were all greeted with good humour and<br />

immense camaraderie and grace. This was how the<br />

officers had also lived their lives- standing tall<br />

under adversity and paving the way for the future<br />

generation of officers. It was a pleasure coordinating<br />

the retreat for this unique and wonderful batch.<br />

* Former Deputy Director(Sr.), LBSNAA<br />

An agenda for better governance-<br />

What needs to be done?<br />

Padamvir Singh*<br />

To attain global standards in the quality of<br />

governance, consider adopting the following policy<br />

framework:<br />

Improve Service Delivery by focusing on the<br />

following key performance enablers:<br />

Prerequisites<br />

Develop and implement a core governance and<br />

core reform agenda;<br />

Firmly establish the rule of law and maintain<br />

public order at all times as the basic foundation of<br />

good governance;<br />

Keep public interest supreme and place people at<br />

the centre of all government activity;<br />

cont. on p.8

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