Via Latina 22 - July 2006

Via Latina 22 - July 2006

Via Latina 22 - July 2006


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<strong>Via</strong> <strong>Latina</strong> <strong>22</strong><br />

News From the General Administration - Society of Mary<br />

Papal Decree Regarding<br />

Marianist Martyrs of Madrid<br />

VATICAN CITY, JUN 26, <strong>2006</strong> (VIS) - Today, during<br />

an audience with Cardinal José Saraiva Martins, C.M.F.,<br />

Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, the<br />

Pope authorized the Congregation to promulgate the<br />

following decrees:<br />

MARTYRS: Servants of God Bonaventura Garcia<br />

Paredes, Spanish, professed priest of the Order of Friars<br />

Preachers (1866-1936), Miguel Leibar Garay, Spanish,<br />

professed priest of the Society of Mary (1885-1936),<br />

and 40 companions killed in 1936.<br />

This action means that Fr. Miguel Leibar Garay, along<br />

with his three other Marianist companions, Brothers<br />

Joaquin Ochoa Salazar, Sabino Ayastuy Herrasti and<br />

Florencio Arnaiz Cejudo are expected to be beatified<br />

sometime in the next year.<br />

Special Communications and New Website<br />

Will Help Bring the General Chapter to You<br />

Issue # 149 - <strong>July</strong> <strong>2006</strong><br />

eeping the Marianist Family informed about the General Chapter is the principal responsibility of the<br />

K Communications Office. A “newly revised” website at www.marianist.org will come on line just in time to<br />

inaugurate the Chapter. At this site, you may follow the “Family” menu to the SM section. There you will find a<br />

special section dedicated to the General Chapter.<br />

Daily bulletins will be posted on the website. From time to time, special notifications, photos and video summaries<br />

will also be posted. Notifications and daily bulletins will also be sent to all Branch administrations and SM Unit<br />

administrations (a group similar to those who receive <strong>Via</strong> <strong>Latina</strong> <strong>22</strong>). Any member of the SM who would like to<br />

receive a direct e-mail copy of these notifications may receive one.<br />

Simply send an e-mail to Bro. Michael McAward at<br />

gencomm@smcuria.it. Please clearly state your e-mail address and<br />

specify which language version you would like to receive (Spanish,<br />

English or French).<br />

Speaking of the newly revised website... we hope you will explore the<br />

many features that are contained there. It remains a work “in-progress,”<br />

and your patience as it develops over the next few months is appreciated.<br />

You will notice that there is a special section called “Members.” All<br />

members of the SM are eligible to register as members. Directions are<br />

posted on the website. We hope that you will return often to read news of<br />

the Marianist Family and to use the resources available on the entire site.<br />

Please send comments to the webmaster at gencomm@smcuria.it .

Issue # 149 - <strong>July</strong> <strong>2006</strong><br />

Page 2<br />

Chapter Auxiliary Staff Forms<br />

Behind-the-Scenes Support Network<br />

W<br />

hen the General Chapter begins on <strong>July</strong> 9, the forty-five delegates representing members of the<br />

Society around the world will begin the serious task of evaluating the current status of the SM and<br />

setting directions for the future. In addition, the important responsibility of electing new leadership will<br />

fall to these delegates. Working side-by-side with the delegates will be a large group of support staff.<br />

Through the generous and conscientious work of this talented group, the delegates should have the means<br />

to fulfill their mandate.<br />

There are many different details that must be addressed during the<br />

course of the Chapter. Due to the international nature of this gathering,<br />

many language and cultural issues arise. Obviously, the ability of<br />

Chapter members to communicate is of primary importance. The fact<br />

that they speak and understand different languages makes<br />

communication a real challenge. To address this, there will be a large<br />

group of translators present throughout the chapter (see related article<br />

in this issue). As with all other official business of the Society, the<br />

official languages will be English, French and Spanish. All documents<br />

will be published in each of these languages. Likewise, simultaneous<br />

translation will be provided during general assembly meetings with<br />

modified translation services provided during committee meetings as<br />

well. In addition to the three languages mentioned, special provisions<br />

will be provided for those delegates who speak Japanese and Korean.<br />

The responsibility for the coordination of all documents and auxiliary services lies with the Secretary<br />

General, Br. Peter Pontolillo. Brother Peter and his staff will not only handle the paperwork, but also<br />

coordinate a good bit of the technical and logistical services as well. These would include everything from<br />

computers to transportation. Individual assistants will be on site to assist with the official minutes of the<br />

Chapter and Vatican relations.<br />

Keeping the world informed of the progress, acts and decisions of the Chapter will be the work of the<br />

Communications Committee (see related article). Daily information bulletins, photos and even video<br />

summaries will help to connect members of the Society and other interested persons throughout the world<br />

with what is going on at the Chapter. The marianist.org website will serve as the resource center for this<br />

information, along with various other websites throughout the Marianist world. All are encouraged to stay<br />

informed by taking advantage of these services.<br />

Confident of the presence of the Spirit through the Chapter, prayer will play a primary and constant role<br />

during the three weeks of its session. An international Liturgy Coordinating Committee will see to the<br />

organization of common prayer both in plenary assembly as well as by language groups. Furthermore,<br />

former Superior General, Fr. Quentin Hakenewerth, will be present throughout the Chapter to serve as<br />

Spiritual Animator. Along with these efforts to cultivate a spirit of prayer and faithfulness to our charism<br />

at the Chapter, more than 85 individual communities throughout the world have committed themselves to<br />

special prayer days for the intentions of the General Chapter. This unity, both within the confines of the<br />

Chapter, and throughout the Marianist world, will provide strength and discernment to the members of the<br />


Issue # 149 - <strong>July</strong> <strong>2006</strong><br />

General Chapter—Auxiliary Staff (con’t.)<br />

Page 3<br />

Finally, representing the host country of Italy, Father Gianpaolo Boffelli will see to the personal needs of<br />

members of the Chapter. He will organize socials, transportation within Rome, mail, laundry, newspapers<br />

and so on. As one may imagine, his goal will be to make the experience at the Chapter and in the City of<br />

Rome as pleasant as possible.<br />

As delegates and auxiliary staff come together for the XXXIII General Chapter, let us pray that their work<br />

will strengthen the Society, keep it dedicated to the special mission handed down from Blessed Chaminade,<br />

and be graced with the watchful protection of Mary, our Mother.<br />

Translators: Apostles of Mutual Understanding<br />

he mountain of textual material required for the upcoming General Chapter must be<br />

T published in at least three languages. For the past eight months, and in many cases<br />

much longer than that, Marianist religious have provided non-stop translation services to<br />

PREPCO. This, of course, is in addition to all of the regular and extraordinary translation<br />

requirements of the General Administration.<br />

Who are these invisible, yet essential “apostles of mutual understanding?” They are<br />

Marianist brothers and priests, from all over the world, who generously receive<br />

documents by e-mail, translate and re-type them, and then, send them back. Amazingly,<br />

these are all completed within a matter of days! In fact, many translators provide “sameday<br />

service” when possible.<br />

Most of the translators have other significant responsibilities in their home units. Among<br />

our primary translators, Fr. Bernard <strong>Via</strong>l and Brother Hubert Margrève, who are translators from English or<br />

Spanish to French, are both very active in their own apostolates. Bernard works at the Madeleine and Hubert in<br />

Antony. Meanwhile, Brothers Art Cherrier and Bob Wood translate into English from French and Spanish<br />

respectively. Bob works in the Archival Library at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas, while Art is at the<br />

Provincial Residence in St. Louis. Brother André Vernhes (FR), who recently retired as required by French Law,<br />

continues to work with “Fourth World” immigrants and indigents. He, nevertheless, finds plenty of time to<br />

translate many items for the GA.<br />

E-mail has made the process of sending documents to translators much more efficient. It is ironic, though, that the<br />

greatest number of documents sent from the GA for translation merely need to travel one or two floors above the<br />

GA offices. Chaminade International Seminary Rector, Fr. Lorenzo Amigo, for many years now, has graciously<br />

translated nearly every English or French death notice, <strong>Via</strong> <strong>Latina</strong> <strong>22</strong>, and many other documents into Spanish. His<br />

good-natured response, prompt return of material, and impeccable attention to detail is characteristic of all these<br />

translators.<br />

As we move toward the General Chapter, these translators have willingly handled many more assignments. In<br />

addition, many other Marianists and laypeople have served as translators. They come from many countries and<br />

continents, from Africa to Zaragoza. They have gladly lent their help. Some have consistently translated<br />

documents into German, Korean and Japanese. They are a wonderful, yet anonymous, team of people who show a<br />

conscientious and generous commitment to their work.<br />

Anyone who would like to join this special group of translators is strongly encouraged to contact Bro. Michael<br />

McAward at gencomm@smcuria.it. We always can use more translators.<br />

We, at the GA, in the name of the entire Society, would like to thank our translators who, despite the many<br />

difficulties of language barriers, work tirelessly, in a special way, to keep our Society united.

Issue # 149 - <strong>July</strong> <strong>2006</strong><br />

Page 4<br />

Congratulations<br />

Profession of Vows<br />

G.A. Communications<br />

Recently Sent...<br />

District of Côte d’Ivoire<br />

& Congo Foundation (FR)<br />

First Profession of Vows<br />

June 17 th – Abidjan<br />

• Adela Kouamé Wolfgang (IV)<br />

• Kouamé Kouman Joseph (IV)<br />

• Muanda Aimé Césaire (FR)<br />

• Mlumbu Mfumu Romuald<br />

(FR)<br />

• Shimuna Jean-Paul (FR)<br />

• Mukanza Anaclet (FR)<br />

• Bakoula Christ Paraclet (FR)<br />

Region of Togo<br />

June 24 th – Kara<br />

First Profession of Vows<br />

• Maya Nestor (TO)<br />

• Avidouté Sylvain (TO)<br />

Perpetual Profession of Vows<br />

June <strong>2006</strong><br />

• Frédéric Bini (TO)<br />

• Abraham Mewezino (TO)<br />

• PREPCO Bulletins 9, 10,<br />

11 and 12<br />

• PREPCO Communication<br />

# 9<br />

• Death Notices #’s 17-23<br />

• June 6: Notification to<br />

members of the General<br />

Chapter regarding the<br />

website for Chapter members.<br />

First Professions in the<br />

Province of the USA:<br />

(Photo below) Professing first vows were Bros.<br />

Armando Añeses, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico;<br />

Dennis Bautista, Honolulu, Hawaii; Alfredo<br />

Chávez, Porterville, California; and Andrew<br />

Kosmowski, Attica, New York. The brothers<br />

spent the past year living in Marianist communities<br />

and working in ministries such as teaching,<br />

campus ministry, vocation development and<br />

communications and ministering at various<br />

charitable organizations.<br />


Updated information for the following has been posted online<br />

in the 2005-<strong>2006</strong> International Personnel listings at:<br />

www.marianist.org/int_pers :<br />

• Francis (Skip) Matthews (USA): francis05skip@yahoo.com<br />

• Venancio Garagorri (CE): vegalaarca@yahoo.es<br />

• Pedro Martínez de Salinas (ZA): pmdsalinas@marianistas.org<br />

• Luis F. (Nano) Crespo (MA): nano@marianistas.org<br />

• Valeriano Sarto (ZA): vsarto@marianistas.org ;<br />

smzaeduc@marianistas.org<br />

• Ramón Iceta (ZA): riceta@marianistas.org ;<br />

smzaprov@marianistas.org<br />

• Agustín Valgañón (ZA):<br />

smza@marianistas.org ; avalganon@marianistas.org<br />

• Ignacio Zabala (MA): ignacio.zabala@marianistas..org<br />

• Timothy Mazundah (EA): mazundah@yahoo.com<br />

Prayer Intention from<br />

Fr. Martin Solma of the<br />

District of Eastern Africa:<br />

Please join Marianists from Eastern<br />

Africa in commending to the intercession<br />

of Fr. Chaminade the healing<br />

of Stephen Perotti. Stephen is a<br />

twelve year old boy in Toronto, Canada,<br />

who is suffering from Leukemia.<br />

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