1 MINUTES Castor Valley Elementary School Council Meeting Held ...

1 MINUTES Castor Valley Elementary School Council Meeting Held ...

1 MINUTES Castor Valley Elementary School Council Meeting Held ...


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<strong>MINUTES</strong><br />

<strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

<strong>Held</strong> on Thursday, November 10, in CVES Library<br />

1. Welcome & Attendance & Acknowledgements & Important Dates & Amuse-toi bien kits<br />

Acknowledgments: Welcome to Ron Loder who has 2 children in our school, and is here to give us feedback<br />

from Canadian Parents for French<br />

In attendance: Ann Arden, Sherri Bonneville, Leslie Chen, Marg Clunie, Jen Danby-McDonald, Tina Eggens,<br />

Debbie Hill, Kim Holmes, Luisa Kuca, Rhonda Lasalle, Ron Loder, Julie McDonald, Alka Moorjani, Susanna<br />

Penning, Laurel Perry-Hapli, Leslie Segal, Mike Stevenson, Lauriel Wills, Heather Wilson, Heather Wyche<br />

Regrets: Melanie Bennett, Crystal Brown, Tracy Lager, Laurie Rail, Alison Reaume, Natasha Robb-Burrows,<br />

Kim Sheldrick, Wendy Spenst.<br />

Amuse-toi Bien kit returned by Alka Moorjani, taken by Julie McDonald. Jen Danby-McDonald has the other kit.<br />

2. Approval of Agenda<br />

Moved by Jen Dandby McDonald, seconded by Leslie Segal, to approve the agenda as submitted. All in<br />

favour; motion carried.<br />

**Request from Heather to please forward her your speaking notes ahead of the meeting to mitigate<br />

any potential errors and make her job more efficient. Digital or handwritten copies are fine.<br />

3. Approval of October Minutes<br />

Watermark should have read "FINAL" not "DRAFT"<br />

On page 4, under item 11 "Fundraising Report", should read Volleyball night, not Soccer night.<br />

Motion about liability insurance of $185 was tabled, but has already been paid.<br />

Treasurer's report: Subheading of Financial position and subheading of Motions to be added,<br />

and numbers to be aligned.<br />

Moved by Heather Wilson, seconded by Luisa Kuca, to approve the minutes from October 13, 2011 as<br />

amended. All in favour; motion carried.<br />

4. Constitutional Amendments (Kim) - tabled.<br />

5. Junior/Intermediate Play Structure Offline (Shannon, Mike, Sherri) - tabled.<br />

6. Canadian Parents for French – Ron Loder attended the annual conference in Toronto. He presented<br />

feedback from the conference and about the organization in general. Here are the highlights:<br />

• Next year's national conference will be held in Ottawa.<br />

• There are 26000 members nationally - mostly women. Bigger membership in B.C. and in Ontario.<br />

Many teachers were present.<br />

• European Union standards are used for testing for French.<br />

• Kits are available with games, competitions, etc.<br />

• Teacher can recommend whether or not a student should be enrolled in French Immersion but the final<br />

decision is made by the parents.<br />

• E-learning resources are available online. Contact Ron for more info.<br />

• Many of the parents don't speak French - it is not a requirement to become member.<br />

• Our school council has a membership. Laurie Rail is our rep from council; she will connect and share<br />

info with Ron. Ron was invited to share information he gets with our council and newsletter.<br />

• They are looking for new members for in the Ottawa area (currently 104 members in Ottawa).<br />

Membership is $25 per year or $60 for 3 years. There are lots of networking opportunities. Ron left<br />

some materials with Mike.<br />


Canadian Parents for French (cont.) Our council rep for CPF, Laurie, was unable to attend this evening, but<br />

submitted the following for the minutes: Please be advised that the Canadian Parents for French, Ottawa<br />

Chapter's annual information night and general meeting will be held on Monday, November 21, 7-8 pm at the<br />

Nepean Sportsplex, 1701 Woodroffe Ave, Nepean (park at rear of building and the meeting room is to the left,<br />

entering at Entrance #3). Join them for this great parent networking opportunity, meet other members, hear<br />

about their recent highly successful parent conference, activities and programs in French in Ottawa for 2012,<br />

as well as how to support your child's learning in French. Visit their website for new information at<br />

www.cpfchapters.ca/ottawa.<br />

7. Principal, Teaching and Support Staff Reports<br />

Principal's Report:<br />

a) Reminder about social network presentations on November 28th, 2011. Grades 5 and 6 will have a<br />

presentation at 1:30pm, Grades 7 and 8 at 3:00pm, and evening presentation for parents and teachers<br />

at 7pm. Funds have been requested from Continuing Education. If there are 75+ parents in<br />

attendance, we could get up to $480 to cover costs. Internal promotion is being done in the school.<br />

b) The <strong>School</strong> Board is in the process of revising the policy of acceptable use of technology. Copies<br />

distributed. Seeking public input. Component on digital citizenship is a global competency. More info<br />

can be found on the school board website (www.ocdsb.ca).<br />

c) Discussion ensued regarding students bringing in lunches with wow butter or peanut butter. Concern<br />

that it looks and smells enough like peanut butter that it is difficult to tell the difference. Some students<br />

with peanut allergies are bothered even by the smell. Decided that a letter will go out from Sherri<br />

explaining why we don't want it sent it in.<br />

d) Workforce census results are available in pamphlet - distributed.<br />

Lunch monitoring program.<br />

Since our last council meeting 2 parents have expressed interest, but nothing has happened yet. We do have<br />

the funding, which has to be used or we won't receive it again next year. Supervision is for the whole school,<br />

not just the primary grades. Recommended that position could be advertized outside of school to attract<br />

grandparents, or others in the community. Candidates have to go through board screening, police check, etc.<br />

Teaching Staff Report<br />

As reported by Kim Holmes.<br />

• Mme Lalonde-Blais relayed her thanks for the prize for most Entertainment books sold. She has<br />

purchased white boards which are being used daily.<br />

• Thank you card from all teachers for honorarium presented to council. Some samples of purchases<br />

made: books, acrylic paint & wood for art, Mrs. Archer Farrell purchased supplies for the parent<br />

literacy program, many teachers purchased literacy resources, personal whiteboards. In general,<br />

funds "being used for the greater good".<br />

• Parent Inquiry: are telephone interviews new for progress reports? No - all parents have to be offered<br />

some sort of interview or opportunity for feedback, and due to time constraints, some parents are<br />

offered telephone interviews. There are no interviews scheduled at report card time. Parents or<br />

teachers can request them as needed, but there is no P.A. day to do them.<br />

Gail's first day back is Nov. 16th.<br />

8. Chair’s Report<br />

6:30 <strong>Meeting</strong> Time - some members (teacher, principal) don't leave the school between end of school day and<br />

our meetings so we will move our meeting time up to 6:30 to let them get home earlier to their families!<br />

Co-chairs for upcoming months - Mike needs help with managing the flow of information; has concerns that<br />

things are getting out last minute and wants to ensure that communication is getting out to all who need it.<br />

Needs a co-chair for next meeting... has a large project at work coming up. Leslie volunteered. (Thanks!).<br />

Insurance for <strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong> has been obtained.<br />

<strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong> – our Vision. Summary of feedback: Parental and community engagement, sharing<br />

information, and combining both to offer opportunities to enhance the lives of our parents and students (i.e.<br />

information sessions). Would like to see an increase of parental engagement in our website. How do we get<br />

more parents involved in our kids' education? How can we more efficiently distribute and receive feedback.<br />


9. Treasurers’ Report<br />

Financial Report:<br />

• Please see attached report presented by Lesley Chen.<br />

• There have been some NSF cheques for milk, food and Entertainment books, so we are asking for<br />

replacement cheques or cash, plus $7.00 to cover bank fees.<br />

2011-2012 Cash flow projections<br />

• Please see attached report presented by Debbie Hill.<br />

• Note that fundraising projections are conservative.<br />

Ad Hoc meeting summary and motions to approve requests<br />

• Please see attached report presented by Debbie Hill<br />

• Sherry has been very helpful to let the committee know about funding opportunities available through<br />

the school and school board.<br />

• One more ad hoc submission has been submitted. Committee laid out the requests to see how each<br />

affects school as a whole or grade divisions. Largest request was not been accepted based on value<br />

in comparison to curriculum requirements.<br />

• Zeros on spreadsheet indicated that the item will be funded by the school not school council, so we<br />

don't need to approve those items.<br />

• Scientists in <strong>School</strong> presentation is more like a field trip, so each student should pay $2, with council<br />

and school contributing the rest. $500 represents the school council portion, and takes into account<br />

that some students won't pay but still get to participate. Finance Committee to coordinate with Gail so<br />

that the school pays the total bill and we reimburse the school accounts for our contribution.<br />

• $200 added to item #8 (equipment for listening centres) for shipping fees.<br />

• #18 (stock market challenge): funds were requested by Mr. Mitchell, not Ms. Holmes.<br />

• Funds were requested for entry fees to French public speaking contest (entrance fees and trophies).<br />

($80 for registration for 2 students, and $40 x 2 for trophies?). Sherri will clarify for next meeting.<br />

• Requested by Ann Arden, seconded by Luisa Kuca, for $300 dollars for Environmental Improvement<br />

Project to create gardening kits.<br />

• As the year progresses we will re-evaluate other projects we can support i.e. smart boards, etc.<br />

• Debbie to take care of replying to all applicants.<br />

• Reports will be posted on the website.<br />

Motions:<br />

Moved by Debbie Hill, seconded by Jen Danby-McDonald, to accept ad hoc committee's recommendations, as<br />

amended. All in favour; motion carried.<br />

.<br />

Double-counting cash<br />

Alka Moorjani recommended that we double-count cash at all fundraising events, especially at highly cashbased<br />

events (Christmas shopping, etc). This is already in our guidelines, so this serves as a reminder for us.<br />

Other points arising from discussion :<br />

• All schools to have Wi-Fi by August.<br />

• Teachers in portables have priority over the computer lab.<br />

• Soon, all portables will have projectors that will connect o teachers' computers.<br />

10. PRO (Parents Reaching Out) Grant Update<br />

• Paul Davis social networking workshop to be held on November 28th at 7pm. This will be a 90 minute<br />

presentation for parents. Website and newsletter info sent home with students in Grades 4-8. We<br />

would like to open this up to other parents outside of CVES. Invitations to be extended to Metcalfe,<br />

Kars, Rideau <strong>Valley</strong>, Osgoode and Greely schools. Need to be clear that this is for ADULTS ONLY<br />

(no children). Advanced registration in place to give us an idea of numbers, but participants can still<br />

sign up at the door.<br />


PRO (Continued)<br />

• The PRO is looking more helpers on their committee; can be just for one event, or a place on the<br />

committee.<br />

• Next event: Literacy night "How to support your K-3 child in literacy at home". This will be our 4th one.<br />

Jennifer Reed is interested in coordination the English portion, still awaiting confirmation for the French<br />

component. Date to be determined, probably early December. Presentation will be in the library,<br />

babysitting in gym. 7/8 class reps to be contacted to get a list going of potential babysitters.<br />

• Anti-bulling presentation. Not a PRO. Jen contacted the organization but hasn't had a response. Also<br />

waiting to hear back from Magic100. Another group does multiple schools at once - theatrical and fun,<br />

requires at least 3 schools. Bully boy and Gossip girl is a comic in English and French. If there are<br />

teachers who are interested, Jen has lots of info for you! Suggested that someone come in to role play<br />

issues on the bus. Not much report of problems in class and schoolyard at CVES. Rhonda Lasalle<br />

suggested we participate in the Magic100 "no more bullies" picture campaign. More discussion to<br />

follow by email. Three Grade 7 students have approached Sherri about having an anti-bullying day.<br />

11. Fundraising Report<br />

Entertainment Books - Initial report said 56 books missing. Actually only about 20.<br />

Macmillan’s - Forms were collected on Tuesday, order will be submitted next Monday. Looking for<br />

volunteers to help on delivery day.<br />

Christmas Shopping Day - JK to Grade 6 to participate, letter going home about Nov. 21. Accepting<br />

donated items beginning November 28. Setup will be on December 19 in afternoon and evening.<br />

Shopping day on Tuesday 20th. For Grades 7 & 8, they will help with shopping day and participate in a<br />

gingerbread house decorating contest (groups of approx. 5 kids per house). They will be given the choice<br />

to help as "personal shoppers" or wrappers or decorating contest (can choose more than one).<br />

Samko Miko - Tomorrow is the last day. Results to be presented next meeting.<br />

Talentfest - tabled<br />

Volleyball night – Tabled.<br />

12. Round Table Updates<br />

a. Communications – all is going well.<br />

b. Volunteer update - Volunteer Survey Results:<br />

• We have approx. 56 volunteers for available days and 46 for evenings (some are crossovers).<br />

• Some respondents stepped forward with some skills. Resource list to be forwarded to office<br />

for teachers to see if they want someone for photography, yoga, etc.<br />

• Survey sent to 462 families. 93 responded, 82% said yes to volunteer.<br />

c. Website - no report<br />

d. Community Liaison - Heather Wilson reported on behalf Kim Sheldrick.<br />

• Lisa MacLeod our MPP for Nepean/Carelton has been named Education Critic.<br />

• Kim attended the People for Education conference and will share info with us at our January<br />

meeting.<br />

e. Class Rep - Jen Danby-McDonald organized a meeting for all class reps. Lots of great ideas were<br />

shared and notes sent to those who couldn't attend.<br />

f. Environment updates<br />

• Ann Arden gave slideshow presentation describing plans for the school grounds. Alison and<br />

Ann to take charge of circular bed in front of front door. Garden kits to be prepared. Eleven<br />

families have volunteered to help at our Sept. meeting, and 3 more via email. Still looking for<br />

volunteers to take on certain gardens. Sheet circulated so people could sign up to take<br />

sponsorship of sections.<br />

• We have had a mulch donation. Will be picked up and used in the spring.<br />

• 5 classes expressed interest in bulb planting. <strong>Council</strong> went out and asked teachers who would<br />

be interested. Getting late in the year. Suggestion made to postpone until next year and Ann<br />

would organize purchasing bulbs and delegating classes. Ann to follow up with teachers.<br />

• Ann will follow up with Mr. Jeff as to status of line painting.<br />

• Kiln should not be under environment committee - remove from agenda.<br />

g. OCASC – www.ocasc.ca, - Chrystal cannot attend next meeting next Thursday, and would like<br />

someone to go on her behalf.<br />

h. OCDSB - Tabled.<br />


Round Table Updates (continued)<br />

i. PIC - (Heather Wilson)<br />

• Bylaws for the PIC approved at Nov. 9 meeting and will be posted on OCDSB website for<br />

review and comment. Any revisions can be brought to the Jan. PIC meeting. Anyone can<br />

attend a PIC meeting, not just existing PIC members.<br />

• PIC meeting dates and minutes to be shared via our SC liaison, Paula Marble, in the <strong>School</strong><br />

<strong>Council</strong> Update sent to all SC Chairs and available on the OCDSB website.<br />

• Membership of the PIC to be determined over the next several months and to include 10<br />

parents, 3 community reps, 1 trustee, the Director of Education and 3 OCDSB staff. Intent is<br />

for the 10 parent members (who will be appointed for a 2 year period based on knowledge,<br />

skills and experience criteria established by the current PIC membership) to reflect the<br />

diversity of the OCDSB.<br />

• The mandate of the PIC is to enhance parent engagement in education. OCASC works with<br />

already engaged schools and parents; the PIC will focus on 'hard to reach' parents.<br />

j. People for Education - no report (Melanie absent)<br />

k. Character Certificates – awaiting follow-up from teachers - tabled<br />

l. Nobody Doll–Lauriel will store Nobody dolls on shelf in library. Awaiting feedback from teachers to see<br />

who wants to keep them and who doesn't. Picture of finished doll will be put in book and<br />

disassembled, or if can't be disassembled will be put on shelf.<br />

m. Parent Supported Literacy Program – sign-up sheets have been posted outside of Mrs. Archer Farrell's<br />

office. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Heather Wyche. Volunteers can come in a<br />

couple of times a week, or even only once or twice a month. Students are not paired with volunteers,<br />

but read on a rotation so that all students have equal time.<br />

n. Playground Activity Leaders (PALs): Coordinators will meet with Grade 5 students on Tuesday to<br />

gauge interest. Program offers training to older students on how to help mentor, mediate, animate<br />

younger students in schoolyard.<br />

13. <strong>Meeting</strong> adjourned. Next <strong>Meeting</strong> Thurs. Jan. 12, 2012<br />

Important CVESC Dates<br />

CVESC meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month from 6:30 to 9 pm in the school library with<br />

the exception of December and March when there will not be a meeting and June when it is held after Fun<br />

Night (September 8, October 13, November 10, January 12, February 9, April 12, May 10 & June 21)<br />

PRO Evening:<br />

Monday, November 28th - Social Networking Safety 101 for Parents<br />

Christmas Shopping Day: Tuesday, December 20th with Monday set-up<br />

Used Book Sale:<br />

Friday, April 27th with set-up Wed. & Thurs.<br />

Fun Night: Tuesday, June 12th (EQAO May 23 to June 6)<br />

OCASC <strong>Meeting</strong> Dates<br />

Third Thursday of each month at Fisher Park <strong>School</strong> 250 Holland Ave. in the Library on the second floor.<br />


<strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

Cash Flow Statement - Operating Fund<br />

For the period October 11 - 31, 2011 (in dollars)<br />

Cash<br />

Inflows<br />

Cash<br />

Outflows<br />

Net Increase<br />

(Decrease) in<br />

Cash<br />


Programs<br />

Food (note 1) 27,463 (2,522) 24,941<br />

Milk (note 2) (118) (200) (318)<br />

-<br />

Fundraising -<br />

Entertainment books 12,043 (6,776) 5,267<br />

-<br />

Admin Expenses -<br />

Bank Charges (168) (168)<br />

-<br />

Memberships -<br />

OCASC (35) (35)<br />

-<br />

Liability Insurance (185) (185)<br />

-<br />

Total - Operating Fund 39,388 (9,886) 29,502<br />

Cash - Opening balance (Oct. 11/11) 17,382<br />

Cash - Closing balance (Oct. 31/11) 46,885<br />

Note 1: Food - Monies are collected from students for the food program at the beginning of the school year.<br />

Payments are made to suppliers throughout the school year as costs are incurred.<br />

Note 2: Milk - Monies are collected from students for the milk program at the beginning of each of the two school<br />

terms. Payments are made to suppliers throughout the school year as costs are incurred.<br />


<strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

Cash Flow Statement - Summary of all Funds<br />

For the period October 11 - 31, 2011 (in dollars)<br />

(A)<br />

Cash - Opening<br />

Balance<br />

(Oct. 11/11)<br />

Cash<br />

Inflows<br />

Cash<br />

Outflows<br />

(B)<br />

Net Increase<br />

(Decrease) in<br />

Cash<br />

(A) + (B) = (C)<br />

Cash - Closing<br />

Balance<br />

(Oct. 31/11)<br />

OPERATING FUND 17,382 39,388 (9,886) 29,502 46,885<br />


2012-13 Class Resource Fund<br />

reserve 3,800 - 3,800<br />

Mulch/playground plaque<br />

reserve 2,246 - 2,246<br />

Arts in the Classroom 1,185 (586) (586) 599<br />

Emergency Reserve Requirement 1,000 - 1,000<br />

Total Earmarked Funds 8,231 - (586) (586) 7,645<br />

TOTAL - ALL FUNDS 25,613 39,388 (10,472) 28,916 54,530<br />

<strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

Fundraising Report<br />

For the period ended October 31, 2011 (in dollars)<br />

Revenue Expenses Net Income<br />

Entertainment books 12,043 (6,776) 5,267<br />

NET FUNDS RAISED 12,043 (6,776) 5,267<br />

Note: The above table includes only those fundraisers with final tallies in place for the 2011-12 school<br />

year.<br />


<strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

Projected Cash Flows (excluding Ad Hoc expenditures)<br />

2011-12 <strong>School</strong> Year<br />

(in dollars)<br />

CASH - Opening balance 20,499<br />


Programs<br />

Food (net income) 5,500<br />

Milk (net income) 4,000<br />

<strong>School</strong> Ready Supplies 136 9,636<br />

Fundraising<br />

Entertainment books 5,267<br />

MacMillans 4,600<br />

Fun Night 2,000<br />

Used Book Sale 1,000<br />

Christmas Shopping Day 1,000<br />

Magazines (on-line only) 500 14,367<br />

Grants<br />

Parents Reaching Out (PRO) Grant (Ministry of Education) 800<br />

Parent Involvement Grant (OCDSB) 500 1,300<br />

Total Projected Cash Inflows 25,303<br />


Class Resource Fund - 3,800<br />

Rideauwood Addiction and Family Services programming - 2,000<br />

Admin Expenses 1 - 2,000<br />

PRO Grant - 800<br />

Liability Insurance - 185<br />

Memberships 2 - 145<br />

Total Projected Cash Outflows - 8,930<br />

Less: Earmarked Funds<br />

2012-13 Class Resource Fund reserve - 3,800<br />

Mulch/playground plaque reserve - 2,246<br />

Arts in the Classroom - 1,185<br />

Emergency Reserve Requirement - 1,000<br />

Total Earmarked Funds - 8,231<br />



1 - Admin expenses: Bank charges ($425); Constant Contact e-mail service ($400); Photocopying ($250); Staff<br />

recognition ($250); Bus driver gifts ($200); Staff appreciation lunch (dish rentals, etc.) ($200); Student recognition<br />

(eg. library helpers; green team) ($200); Other ($75).<br />

2 - Memberships: Parents for French ($60); People for Education ($50); OCASC ($35).<br />

<strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

2011-2012 Ad Hoc Requests<br />

# Teacher/Staff Requests Requested by<br />

Grades<br />

Affected<br />

Amount<br />

requested<br />

Ad Hoc<br />

Recommendation<br />

1<br />

Phys ed account reserve for replacement of<br />

equipment as needed<br />

Lalonde all 750 750<br />

2 Library book replenishment all 2,500 2,500<br />

3<br />

Outdoor consumables: Line painting for 4 squares;<br />

snow scoops; sleds; tulip bulbs; chalk<br />

Natasha Robb-<br />

Burrows<br />

all 500 500<br />

4 Re-useable name tags for Lunch Monitors Lauriel all 180 180<br />

5 Environment: Gardening kit 300 300<br />


6 Butterfly kits (note 1)<br />

Tomlinson/<br />

Anderson<br />

JK 145 -<br />

7 Bus name tags (note 1) Vigneault JK-gr 1 194 -<br />

8 Scientists in <strong>School</strong> presentation (note 2) Vigneault SK 1,014 500<br />

9 Equipment for listening centres (note 4)<br />

Primary team<br />

(Beaupre/Messian)<br />

JK-gr 3 1,166 1,366<br />

10 Books for Levelled Book Bins Labelle gr 1-3 1,963 1,963<br />

11a<br />

Interactive Bullying Presentation<br />

Jen Danby<br />

McDonald<br />

JK-gr 3 350 350<br />

12a<br />

Safe and Caring <strong>School</strong>s Parent Presentation<br />

Jen Danby<br />

McDonald<br />

JK-gr 3 250 250<br />

SUBTOTAL - PRIMARY (JK-Gr. 3) 5,082 4,429<br />

11b<br />

Interactive Bullying Presentation<br />

Jen Danby<br />

McDonald<br />

gr 4-6 350 350<br />

12b<br />

Safe and Caring <strong>School</strong>s Parent Presentation<br />

Jen Danby<br />

McDonald<br />

gr 4-6 250 250<br />

13 Mathletes program Bonneville gr 4-6 1,441 1,441<br />

14 Ukeleles (note 5)<br />

Chantal Leblanc gr 4-6 971 1,360<br />

15 10 chess boards (create a junior chess club) Holmes gr 4-6 100 100<br />

16 The Director's Cut workshop (note 6)<br />

Bickmore<br />

(Junior team)<br />

gr 4-6 4,200 -<br />

17a Spelling bee trophy + engraving of winner's name Bell gr 4-6 19 19<br />


18a<br />

Festival participation for concert band, junior choir<br />

and intermediate vocal group<br />

Kemp gr 4-6 497 497<br />

SUBTOTAL - JUNIOR (Gr. 4-5) 7,828 4,017<br />

17b Spelling bee trophy + engraving of winner's name Bell gr 7-8 18 18<br />

18b<br />

Festival participation for concert band, junior choir<br />

and intermediate vocal group<br />

Kemp gr 7-8 496 496<br />

19 Stock market challenge Mitchell gr 7-8 2,800 2,800<br />

20 Bus for field trip to MacSkimming (note 2) Grassau gr 7-8 500 250<br />

21 Maintain/upgrade science lab (note 1) Grassau gr 7-8 500 -<br />

22 Annual wood building project (note 1) Grassau gr 7-8 500 -<br />

SUBTOTAL - INTERMEDIATE (Gr. 6-8) 4,814 3,564<br />

TOTAL - ALL REQUESTS 21,955 16,240<br />

Notes:<br />

1 Item to be funded via the school budget (i.e. not necessary for school council to fund).<br />

Activities or resources deemed essential by the teachers and the principal (for students to access the curriculum)<br />

will be paid for through the school budget.<br />

2 Cost to be shared between the students, the school and the <strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong>. It is an understanding in the OCDSB<br />

that field trips are user pay activities. As such, the cost of field trips can be 100% user pay or the cost can be<br />

offset by student/class fundraising or subsidized through funds from the school budget or the <strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

3 A field trip is a supplemental activity that is tied to the curriculum with the purpose of enhancing, enriching or<br />

extending the learning that has taken place in the classroom. This activity may take place off school premises<br />

(eg. visit to a museum) or on school premises (eg. Scientists in the <strong>School</strong>).<br />

4 Additional funds recommended over the initial request to cover estimated shipping fees.<br />

5 Additional funds recommended over the initial request to ensure supply for an entire class<br />

(Recommended units: 28; Initial Request: 20).<br />

6 Value for money not met relative to curriculum requirements.<br />


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