January 2010 - Castor Valley Elementary School Council

January 2010 - Castor Valley Elementary School Council

January 2010 - Castor Valley Elementary School Council


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1. Welcome, Introductions (Heather Wilson)<br />


for <strong>January</strong> 14, <strong>2010</strong><br />

Some organizations that our members are involved with:<br />

- Lori Blinn – Kazari Jewellery from Nairobi (funds to Stephen Lewis foundation)<br />

- Marg Clunie – Sweet Dreams (benefits Children’s Aid Society); Ideas from St. Leonard’s - Gift of Reading<br />

(donations to library in lieu of Christmas gifts) & Gift of Play idea (in lieu of end of year gifts)<br />

In attendance were:<br />

Ann Arden, Lori Blinn, Marg Clunie, Jen Danby-McDonald, Lisa Eggers, Gisèle Gratton (teacher<br />

representative), Crystal Kirkpatrick, Francine Hopley, Tara Klager, Luisa Kuca, Tracy Lager, Julie McDonald,<br />

Christine Mercier, Joan Morrison, Marnie Patterson (Principal), Susanna Penning, Laurel Perry-Hapli, Laurie<br />

Rail, Natasha Robb-Burrows, Tania Salvi, Kim Sheldrick-Bates, Lauriel Wills, Heather Wilson<br />

Regrets: Diane Abboud, Rebecca Parke<br />

2. Quorum, Membership, Constitutional Amendments (Heather Wilson)<br />

Quorum reached, none at this time<br />

3. Approval of Agenda & Approval of November Minutes (Heather Wilson)<br />

Christine made a motion to approve agenda, seconded by Lori, motion carried.<br />

Francine made a motion to approve November minutes, seconded by Laurie, motion carried.<br />

4. Playground Improvement Project Update (Natasha Robb-Burrows)<br />

Natasha will organize a targeted email to CVES families via “Constant Contact” or Luisa and is hoping to get<br />

some names and a sense of interest by March Break. In particular, she is hoping to get volunteers to help fill in<br />

grants starting in September and is hoping to get shovels in the ground in the summer of 2011. Anyone<br />

interested in the playground improvement project please contact Natasha.<br />

5. Arts Club Update (Tara Klager)<br />

The Arts Club kicked off Wed, Jan. 13 and is concurrently running photography and Haida drawing with<br />

volunteer community leaders and parent volunteer support. The next session will be ukulele to bring a music<br />

opportunity to students in the Junior grades. Jess Green from the Ottawa Folklore Centre will be here for 4<br />

weeks to teach ukulele (also plays at Irene’s and Atomic Rooster) – 9 students have signed up for ukulele;<br />

hoping to build this for next year. Tara and Chantal LeBlanc are applying to the S’chool Life Fund for a grant<br />

for 30 ukuleles with tuners, along with James Hill curriculum.<br />

James Hill (a ukulele icon – look for videos on YouTube and www.ukulelejames.com) is booked at CVES April<br />

26 at 9:30 for a whole school assembly/performance. He is also provisionally booked for a workshop for 30<br />

students after the show. The total cost is $600 for both the assembly and workshop. Tara and Chantal asked the<br />

<strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong> for funds to support these two initiatives.<br />

Kim Sheldrick thanked Tara for “Peace” poster for Lions club from last November. Heather thanked Tara for<br />

her efforts.

After discussion <strong>Council</strong> concluded that it supports providing financial support if necessary to cover the costs<br />

associated with the James Hill concert (entire school) and a workshop (for 30 students) pending availability of<br />

funds. Heather suggested that a motion be tabled at the next meeting when we have a better understanding of<br />

our financial status following movie night and the proposed Olympic/Danceathon fundraiser.<br />

6. Co-Chair’s Report (Heather Wilson)<br />

Heather shared a thank you note from Ginette Thibeault (with lots of chocolates).<br />

Still no word on our PRO Grant Application.<br />

Rideauwood update – Heather had a meeting on Jan. 5 with Marnie, the Metcalfe Principal & VP, Amanda<br />

Neilson (Rideauwood Counsellor). There was consensus was that it was a valuable program that should be<br />

continued in some form next year and that the costs should be shared by the two schools (<strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> was<br />

responsible for generating $9,000 of the $10,000 raised through school and community sources. Marnie will<br />

follow up with her counterpart at Metcalfe and Rideauwood to determine the funding requirements for next year<br />

to continue to run the program for grades 6,7 & 8 students at both schools next year and report back at the next<br />

<strong>Council</strong> meeting.<br />

The Ambassador Program raised $762.24 toward the Brick by Brick Campaign to build a school in Kenya<br />

Africa in partnership with Free the Children. Almost $1000 in parent donations were received at Christmas. We<br />

are approximately 11 bricks away from $8,500 goal.<br />

The December Used Cold Weather Clothing Appeal for needy families in OCDSB was very successful.<br />

Lost & Found and Christmas Shopping Day leftovers will hopefully going to consignment store to get sold.<br />

Snowshoes and snow moulds in use in yard, M. Lalonde has purchased 30 crazy carpets from his budget.<br />

News from the OCDSB:<br />

Heather also attended Specialized Programs Consultation – proposed program changes do not affect CVES<br />

The OCDSB faces an estimated shortfall of $14 million in their <strong>2010</strong>/2011 budget. OCDSB Chief Financial<br />

Officer Michael Clarke explains that of the total budget of approximately $700 million, only about $100 million<br />

is available to juggle to find the $14 million in savings that is needed to balance the budget. Public budget<br />

forum Mon. Jan. 25 see OCDSB for more information (Heather plans to attend).<br />

People for Education Heather thanked Kim for completing their annual survey completion, please see the<br />

website for informative tip sheets for parents and school councils<br />

<strong>Castor</strong> Connections Series – next night is <strong>January</strong> 27<br />

1) Family Math Night held in Oct.<br />

2) Literacy at Home held in Nov. update – Heather and Marnie demonstrated a French audio book from the<br />

TumbleBook Library database on the Ottawa Public Library website (Digital books & media ? TumbleBook<br />

Library; there are ebooks for kids available in both English and French<br />

3) Student Supports at CVES and Special Education (runs concurrently with Welcome to LFI and Welcome to<br />

JK/SK) Wed. Jan. 27 6:15 to 7:30. Heather asked for volunteers (2 volunteers for registration desk and 2 for<br />

childcare). Marg, Joan, Tania, Luisa and Natasha offered to help.<br />

Stock Market Challenge June 9, 10 & 11. BMO Financial has donated $500 and Heather asked parents for any<br />

other contacts in the financial sector who might be willing to make a donation. Parent volunteers will be needed.<br />

Heather will follow-up with teacher Kim Holmes.

Parent Supported Literacy Program and ELP Update – still looking for more ELP volunteers (Mon. & Thurs.<br />

2:15 – 3:15 pm)<br />

Heather has prepared a letter for new families to the school throughout the year. It includes information about<br />

the CV <strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong> website, class reps, lunch and milk program and newsletter.<br />

Nominations are now open for several teaching awards, Heather asked parents to consider nominating one of<br />

our amazing teachers for an award:<br />

- Ministry of Education Teaching Awards http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/teachingawards/ (deadline Feb. 1, <strong>2010</strong>)<br />

- Capital Educators’ Awards www.ocri.ca/edugala/ (deadline Mar. 1, <strong>2010</strong>)<br />

- Golden Apple award – Majic 100 FM ($500 award for teacher to be used at school) - ongoing<br />

Heather asked us to consider setting up a <strong>Council</strong> Information Table at <strong>School</strong>/<strong>Council</strong> Events next year – e.g.,<br />

parent teacher interviews, movie nights, Meet the Teacher Night, etc.<br />

7. OCASC Report (Heather Wilson) OCASC<br />

Heather and Natasha attended the November Appreciation Reception and Natasha obtained some valuable<br />

information and contacts through the “Chalk It Up” portion of the OCASC meeting.<br />

Both the OCDSB and OCASC recognize and share the concerns that facing cuts of $14 million will cause<br />

parents, students, teachers, and, in fact, everyone involved in education. OCASC wants to play a role in the<br />

budget process that includes helping to inform parents about budget issues and options for cuts. We want to<br />

approach this from the perspective that informed parents can give informed feedback to the school board. To<br />

that end, OCASC wants to provide parents with budget information on an ongoing basis from now until budget<br />

decisions are made, through OCASC news and their website. If you have a budget related topic or question that<br />

you would like to learn more about, contact OCASC to help us to know what topics to cover in our information<br />

sharing.<br />

ABC Workshop – Association for Bright Children (help support gifted children at home)<br />

IEP Workshop – Individual Education Plan (Special Education) – a very worthwhile workshop that will be<br />

repeated.<br />

Heather will continue to forward the OCASC e-newsletter to council members.<br />

OCASC/Ottawa Community Immigrant Serves Organization – Heather is involved in working with a group<br />

which has applied for $30,000 PRO grant<br />

8. Community Liaison Officer Report (Kim Sheldrick)<br />

<strong>School</strong> speed limit zone has passed through City <strong>Council</strong> – now it is up to individual schools to state there is a<br />

problem. Kim is still pushing to get 60 km/h signs with flashing lights on Snake Island Road.<br />

Kim shared a video of CVES choir (grade 4 & 5) singing O Canada at City Hall (organized through <strong>Council</strong>lor<br />

Doug Thompson’s office).<br />

9. Treasurer’s Report (Susanna Penning)<br />

Bank charge update – revised to flat $10 fee per month (unlimited transactions)<br />

Macmillans fundraiser was successful – perhaps get order forms out before Thanksgiving next year. Discussion<br />

around the table concluded that <strong>Council</strong> would like to repeat this fundraiser again next year. Marnie noted that<br />

the timing conflicted with OTHS band fundraiser.<br />

Business directory – 10 participants so far at $25 fee each<br />

Update on Ad Hoc Expenditures – some money has not yet been spent (Marnie noted some purchases have been<br />

made very recently), Susanna will update us at the next meeting of the outstanding.

Christmas Shopping and Craft Day Net Revenues – very successful<br />

Library Donations received at Christmas will offset Ad Hoc approval for library funds<br />

- Opening bank balance as at November 10th was $27037.85<br />

- Total Revenues: Food Program $557.27, Milk Program $ 8900.90, Movie Night sales $829.52, Macmillans<br />

(net) $4235.50, Business Directory $250.00, Xmas craft day $350.48, Xmas shopping day $960.28, Library<br />

donations (credit to ad hoc) $345.00, Consignment sales $35.36, Free the Children Xmas donations $340.00,<br />

closure of PTHSA acct $42.50<br />

- Total Expenses: Movie Night $125.82, Milk $4415.94, Food Days $3915.89, Ad hoc disbursements $530.96,<br />

Xmas craft day $57.50, Free the Children $340.00<br />

- Closing cash balance as of <strong>January</strong> 13th $33976.84<br />

- Ad hoc committed: $15463.00<br />

- Ad hoc dispersed: $1853.85 Note that this includes a $345 credit to the $1000 commitment to books #11<br />

resulting from parent Xmas donations<br />

- Xmas shopping day was a success: $960.28 raised and volunteers were able to purchase from the remaining<br />

items via donation.<br />

- Xmas craft Day also a success $292.98<br />

- MacMillans numbers were great, pick up was relatively smooth. Continue for next year!<br />

- Good response to Business Directory with 10 requests. Check it out online!<br />

- Our bank charges YTD are $169.83. However, once you back out the $122.68 spent for new deposit books<br />

and cheques due to the account switchover, we are actually in good shape with only $47.15 (we are flagged as a<br />

personal account, so charges are much lower!). Some of this includes NSF fees yet to be recovered from<br />

parents.<br />

Budget<br />


Milk program - $3800 proj<br />

Food program - $5500 proj (based on 20% profit margin 08-09)<br />

Xmas shopping day - $960 actual<br />

MacMillans - $4235 actual<br />

Fun Night - $3000 proj (Bank donation not guaranteed)<br />

Used Book Sale - $1900 proj<br />

Movie Night/Auction - $2300 proj<br />

<strong>School</strong> Ready Supplies - $ 610 actual<br />

OCDSB SC grant - $500 actual<br />

Xmas craft day - $293 actual<br />

Total Net Income - $23098<br />


Reserve requirement - $1000<br />

Administration - $1500 (bank fees, bus driver gifts, teacher lunch, OCASC)<br />

Class Resource Fund - $3550 (honorariums)<br />

AD Hoc - $15463<br />

Garden - $100<br />

Earmarked for Environment - $600 (carry over Environment from 08-09 – playground supplies)<br />

Liability insurance - $180<br />

Total Expenses - $22393

Opening balance $2961.70 + income $23098 – expenses $22393 = $3666.70 buffer<br />

In light of the Fun Night, Movie Night/Auction and Used Book sale funds being uncertain and planned for later<br />

in the year, it would be prudent to have a fundraising event sooner than later so that we can meet our Ad Hoc<br />

cash flow obligations.<br />

10. Fundraising/Activities Report<br />

We could survey parents to find out fundraisers if we decide not to go ahead with more movie nights – could be<br />

done through Constant Contact or the website.<br />

Christmas Shopping Day (Christine)<br />

The shopping day was very successful. The children really enjoyed doing their own shopping. Thank you to all<br />

the volunteers who made this day such a success for our children. These events were both in last week before<br />

Christmas which worked well for the school. There was support for trying to extend Christmas Shopping Day to<br />

all grades next year. There are logistical issues (storing more donation drop-offs – foyer could not handle all the<br />

donations from all grades). Marg suggested green wrapping – newspaper. We have LOTS of leftover gift<br />

wrapping and we will not solicit wrapping paper donations in the future.<br />

Sens Hockey night & auction<br />

Next will be to look at our Sens Hockey night and auction. There is only one Friday night game (March 26th<br />

against the Sabres). We may have to look at Saturday night games or wait to see if they make the playoffs.<br />

Some Saturday games to consider are as follows: Feb 6th against Toronto, Feb 13th against the Red Wings,<br />

March 6th against Toronto, March 27th against the Panthers. We can also set up just a hockey night on some of<br />

these nights.<br />

Possible fundraisers for either Hockey Night, Fun Night or Used Book Sale<br />

Something else to consider on these nights are different fundraisers in the Library.<br />

- Last year we had set up Mary Kay in the Library and a little bit of money was made.<br />

- We can also do a 5th Avenue party in the library for the husbands to possibly do their Valentine’s Day<br />

Shopping.<br />

- We have been approached by a Canadian company called Sunset Gourmet (www.sunsetgourmet.ca). This<br />

company sells a variety of mixes for dips, soups, breads, sauces, etc. The lady selling this product is willing to<br />

come out at a function and set up samples and then we sell from there. We have the options of selling with a<br />

catalogue but taste testing might sell better. She is sending more information in regards to fundraising. They<br />

also have gluten free products.<br />

It may be difficult to coordinate these sales with Fun Night but hosting vendors at an event like the Used Book<br />

Sale might work.<br />

Natasha suggested selling chocolates – there is a 50% margin on this (possibly for Easter?); Marnie stated that<br />

Grade 8s sold chocolate bars to raise money for end of year trip (Lamontagne)<br />

Movie Nights (Laurel)<br />

We have had 3 movie nights and as it stands we are -$263.44 when we factor in the membership paid for last<br />

June for this year. The next movie night is Friday, Jan. 22 with a double feature, pizza and drop-offs. We hope<br />

that this will increase the number of families who come out. If these added incentives do not bring out more<br />

students, Laurel recommends that we look at a new activity for the Friday nights using the web site poll or other<br />

methods to get ideas. Laurel will report at the February meeting as to the movie night status. She also suggested<br />

that we do not have a movie night in February and focus our ideas and time on the Olympic/dance a-thon, if the<br />

council is in support.

Olympic Fundraiser (Marg) – February 17th (Olympics start on February 12th)<br />

Marg shared a fundraising idea from St. Leonard’s – combine an Olympics activity day with a dance-a-thon.<br />

For the dance-a-thon individual students get sponsors and there are prizes as incentives (donated by parents –<br />

suggested that parents cash in points from Air Miles or credit cards). At St. Leonard’s, the dance-a-thon raised<br />

$16,000 in November (in its 7th year). There is already a committee at CVES working to organize the Olympic<br />

event portion and includes the Ambassadors plus some teachers. On Monday morning at 9:30 Laurel, Marg and<br />

Heather will be meeting about the danceathon. If you have a prize that you can donate please email Marg. We<br />

are looking for three big prizes (primary, junior, intermediate). These big prizes need to go into a flyer as<br />

incentive for students to fundraise.<br />

Mabel’s Labels (Tracy)<br />

We need a targeted communication to promote this (already posted on website and icon on Eager Beaver). This<br />

fundraiser will be written up in the next newsletter. Tracy has already written a letter than can be sent via<br />

Constant Contact or Luisa to families. It was suggested that this also be promoted with the school supplies kits<br />

in the Spring and that the sandwich board in the foyer could be used to promote this fundraiser. Tracy will<br />

contact Mabel’s Labels to see about extending the window for the campaign for the whole year.<br />

Fundraising for Haiti<br />

Natasha suggested fundraising for Haiti “Change for Change” or “Help for Haiti”. Mme Gratton said her class<br />

has been looking at this issue – they will do an announcement Friday morning. This fundraiser will be included<br />

in the next Eager Beaver.<br />

Volleyball Friday (Heather)<br />

This event run by M. Lalonde on Fri., Nov. 27 raised approx. $500 for phys ed budget (+ $200 Sept. 2009 from<br />

Uniroyal)<br />

Upcoming Events<br />

Movie Night – Fri. Jan. 22 double feature with drop off for grade 4+ and pre-ordered pizza and regular canteen<br />

items starting at 6 pm. (Laurel)<br />

Olympic Celebration Day/Dance-a-thon Fundraiser – Wed. Feb. 17 - Marg, Laurel, Heather<br />

Stock Market Challenge Sponsors – $500 BMO, $200 Marg’s contact, Tracy’s contact outstanding<br />

Scotiabank support for Fun Night – Lori Blinn to report back at next meeting as new manager starts on Monday<br />

at Osgoode branch.<br />

11. Principal’s, Teaching & Support Staff Reports<br />

Principal’s report (Marnie):<br />

A CVES student (SK) wrote a letter regarding Ottawa’s recently fallen police officer, Const. Czapnik, and<br />

delivered this to a police station; this was used as part of Chief White’s eulogy. Another CVES student (grade<br />

1) wrote a picture book and sold copies (colour photocopies) for $3 to raise money for the Make-a-Wish<br />

foundation. These students have been nominated by Marnie through the Character Ed. initiative<br />

Staffing updates: Diane Abboud (new vice principal) attended our concert last night and will come to a future<br />

school council meeting; Mr. Thorpe will be absent for a few months (medical leave) and has been replaced.<br />

An upcoming event on February 23: Toonie Tuesday (Students helping Students). This is run through Education<br />

Foundation and funds usually go to students in need within the school board. This year, this has changes so<br />

money raised at each school goes to that school’s students in need (CVES families). One of the items that<br />

Marnie would like purchase from this money is some extra Epi-pens ($101) for students whose parents cannot<br />

afford them. Other money could then be used to help other CVES families. It may be possible to donate some

money to another school in the board with greater needs.<br />

There has been one case of confirmed Fifth disease at the school and this has been noted on the doors of the<br />

school. The school needs to be “20 days free” before parents/staff who are pregnant can come into the building.<br />

This year CastArt will have a geometry focus. More information will be coming soon.<br />

There will be changes to report cards as directed by the Minister of Education. Starting next September, the first<br />

report card will become a progress report rather than a full report card (more like a checklist); two other full<br />

report cards will be issued in <strong>January</strong>/February and June. More information is coming.<br />

Marnie thanked parents for support to purchase SMARTBoard in the lab. Grade 7 & 8 students were recently<br />

trained on how to use a Ministry website for math homework help (available during evenings).<br />

As part of the <strong>School</strong> Improvement Plan (SIP), Marnie asked the board for some funds to assist in extra PD.<br />

This request was denied (criteria was changed). Marnie used some SIP funds to send 6 teachers to Adrienne<br />

Clarkson school in Barrhaven to observe a “Bansho” math lesson (which is in addition to 3 teachers who went<br />

last year). Teachers were thrilled with this opportunity and found it very valuable.<br />

The Boys Reading Club is coming together and the plan is to start in mid-February. Mike Speer has agreed to<br />

lead it and the target will be boys in Grades 4 & 5. Every activity involving reading will also involve a “doing”<br />

component – e.g. read directions to play a game in the gym, read for a treasure hunt, read to build something<br />

with Lego. Marnie reports that no other schools have a model like this.<br />

Kindergarten registration is coming soon (Feb 1-5). CVES has not been chosen as an early learning site but<br />

Greely PS and Metcalfe PS HAVE been chosen for full day kindergarten. The criteria were laid out by the<br />

Ministry of Education and included such items as available space (which CVES does not presently have).<br />

Marnie stated that the entry points for French Immersion in the OCDSB are in SK or Grade 4. Since immersion<br />

is not a mandated program CVES can refuse entry to grade 1 for students who attend other local schools for<br />

Kindergarten. Families need to know that if they choose to go to another site for JK/SK the next entry point is<br />

Grade 4 at CVES. Families CAN choose another school for JK and come to CVES for SK.<br />

Marnie expressed concern about bussing issues and MANY parents shared anecdotes of late buses. It was<br />

suggested that parents phone the Transportation Authority (613-224-8800) rather than the bus company (Stock),<br />

school or the district school board office. This suggestion will be included in the newsletter (need to included<br />

the phone number).<br />

Teaching Staff Report (Gisèle Gratton): no report<br />

Support Staff report:<br />

Jeff (Chief Custodian) – Dale Dow (part-time evenings) is leaving CVES to work at Connaught P.S. effective<br />

Monday, Jan 18th. He is in a term position here. As of now, Jeff does not have a name of replacement<br />

Coreen (Library Technician) – no report<br />

Sandy & Gail (Office Staff) - We are preparing for kindergarten registration the week of February 1st and<br />

information night on <strong>January</strong> 27th. We are still trying to rectify issues i.e. 2 buses not arriving until 4:00 or<br />

later. This is due to <strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> being on the end of triple bussing and drivers being stretched in distance.<br />

OSTA working on this, should be fixed by this Friday.<br />

12. Class Rep Coordinator’s Report & Character Education Initiative Update (Jen Danby McDonald)

Clarification - Class reps will do class-specific requests only. Whole school contact will come through Constant<br />

Contact or Luisa to avoid duplicate messages for families with several children at CVES.<br />

Character Ed Assembly on December 1 – character education ballot boxes went out to each classroom, the<br />

library, office. Several classes are participating enthusiastically. Character meter will be updated soon as we<br />

expect to have reached the first milestone of 50!<br />

Will include recognition of students and teachers in the newsletter (student names – listed only first name plus<br />

grade; no last names or last initials)<br />

Jen made a motion to request an additional $50 for certificate design, seconded by Susanna, motion carried.<br />

13. Volunteer Coordinator’s Report (Luisa Kuca)<br />

We need to make 20 hard copies for people who do not have email access or opted out (Heather will coordinate<br />

this). We are still missing (only) 92 emails. Thanks to Heather and the office staff for their help in getting more<br />

email addresses. A suggestion was made to solicit family emails on the Student Verification form (sent out in<br />

the fall).<br />

14. Communication’s Coordinator Report (Crystal Kirkpatrick)<br />

The next deadline for the Eager Beaver e-newsletter is Friday, <strong>January</strong> 22 for anticipated distribution on<br />

Tuesday, <strong>January</strong> 26. Information for whole school (e.g., event information, Macmillans reminders) to be sent<br />

through Constant Contact as a bulletin or Luisa as an email, not class reps to prevent duplication for those<br />

families with more than one child at the school. Class reps will be used only for class specific information.<br />

15. Website Coordinator’s Report (Francine Hopley)<br />

We still do not have a new online survey (possibly soliciting ideas about vendors at school events; e.g. Sunset<br />

Gourmet, Mary Kay)<br />

Suggestions for the future:<br />

- include FAQ section (need to come up with a list) – Tracy offered to come up with 3 questions and report at<br />

the next meeting<br />

- online forms<br />

- blog for idea sharing<br />

16. New Business<br />

The next meeting has been postponed to Thursday, February 25 to allow updates on upcoming events. There<br />

will NOT be a meeting on Thursday, February 11.<br />

17. Adjournment (10:15 pm)<br />

Ann made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Lisa, motion carried.<br />

Important CVESC Dates<br />

CVESC meetings will be held on the second Thursday of the month from 7 to 9 pm in the school library with<br />

the exception of December and March when there will not be a meeting and June when it will be on the third

Thursday so that it does not conflict with OCASC - November 12, <strong>January</strong> 14, February 11, February 25, April<br />

8, May 13, June 17<br />

Used Book Sale Fri. April 30 & Sat. May 1<br />

Movie Nights Fridays Sept. 25, Oct. 23, Nov. 20, Jan. 22, Feb. 26, Apr. 23, May 14<br />

Fun Night – TBD<br />

PRO Grant “<strong>Castor</strong> Connections”<br />

Wed. Oct. 28 – Family Math Night (target JK to grade 3)<br />

Wed. Nov. 25 – Supporting Early Literacy at Home (target JK to grade 2)<br />

Wed. Jan. 27 – 3 concurrent sessions Special Education, LFI and Welcome to JK/SK<br />

Wed. May 26 – Welcome to Intermediates (includes Internet Safety and Drug and Alcohol Addiction<br />

Prevention)<br />

OCASC Meeting Dates<br />

Generally, 3rd Thurs. of each month at Fisher Park <strong>School</strong> 250 Holland Ave., just north of Queensway in the<br />

Library on the second floor Oct. 15, Nov. 19 (at OCDSB offices), Dec. 17, Jan. 21, Feb. 18, Mar. 25, Apr. 15,<br />

May 20, June 10

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