September 2011 - Castor Valley Elementary School Council

September 2011 - Castor Valley Elementary School Council

September 2011 - Castor Valley Elementary School Council


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<strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Meeting<br />

<strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2011</strong> from 7 – 9 pm<br />

1. Welcome, Introductions, Important <strong>September</strong> Dates & Acknowledgements<br />

In attendance: Ann Arden, Shannon Bain, Melanie Bennett, Sherri Bonneville, Tasleem Budhwani, Leslie Chen, Marg<br />

Clunie, Chantal Collar, Tina Eggens, Debbie Hill, Kim Holmes, Claire Johnstone, Luisa Kuca, Tracy Lager, Rhonda<br />

Lasalle, Alka Moorjani, Rebecca Parke, Susanna Penning, Laurel Perry-Hapli, Laurie Rail, Lisa Reid, Alison Reaume,<br />

Natasha Robb-Burrows, Tania Salvi, Leslie Segal, Kim Sheldrick, Wendy Spenst, Tammy St. Jean, Mike Stevenson,<br />

Lauriel Wills, Heather Wilson, Tracey Windsor, Avital Winer, Heather Wyche<br />

Regrets: Leon Brown; Jen Danby-McDonald<br />

Meet the Teacher Wed, Sept 14 (Teachers in the classrooms between 5-7 pm); no BBQ at Meet the Teacher night<br />

(probably need an email sent out about this event) – volunteer firefighters unavailable<br />

Photo Day /Family Photo Night Thurs, Sept 22<br />

Terry Fox National <strong>School</strong> Run Day Wed, Sept 28 – Toonie for Terry<br />

2. Chair’s Report – Heather Wilson<br />

Annual Report including Financial Statement of Revenues and Expenses (separate attachment) – to be added to<br />

CVESC website<br />

Charitable Donations to CVES and Income Tax Receipts via OCDSB – also to be added to website<br />

• Cheques made payable to CVES (not school council) with minimum donation of $10. All tax receipts issued<br />

by the OCDSB.<br />

• Charitable registration number for the OCDSB is 119249233RR0003. The following information is required by<br />

the OCDSB in order to issue an income tax receipt: Photocopy of the cheque; Copy of the OCDSB deposit<br />

slip generated by the school office and signed by the Principal if deposited into the school’s board account or<br />

record of deposit into the school’s bank account at Scotiabank, Osgoode; Name in which the income tax<br />

receipt is to be made out to and mailing address.<br />

• The above information is to be placed in an envelope and mailed through the OCDSB mail system to the<br />

attention of: Karen Wittwer, Finance Department, OCDSB, Karen can be reached at 613-596-8211 ext 8137.<br />

• CVESC Chair to keep a copy of the above information sent to the OCDSB.<br />

<strong>School</strong> Supply Kits – 34 + 1 kit donated (this is down in number, but some parents pointed out they are re-using<br />

materials from previous years)<br />

Alternative Lunch Program – Trudy Docksteader coordinator – frequency, start date, choices, nutrition break time,<br />

compliance with new Ministry of Education nutrition guidelines & school’s nut-free requirements<br />

Milk Program – Eleanor Robinson coordinator<br />

Thanks received from Canadian Red Cross for funds raised last year for Japan Earthquake/Asica Pacific Tsunami<br />

relief<br />

3. Dissolution of <strong>Council</strong> – Principal (Sherri Bonneville)<br />

Sherri thanked past participants for all of the work of previous years. Formally dissolved <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

4. CVES <strong>Council</strong> Overview & Distribution of Self-nomination Forms – Heather Wilson<br />

Heather gave an overview of CVESC and emphasized the positive relationship between parents and the school, and<br />

active volunteerism of parents/guardians to “make a positive learning environment for our kids”.<br />


5. Nominations & Elections of <strong>2011</strong>-2012 <strong>Council</strong> Members<br />

Members at Large – 30 parents maximum in constitution<br />

29 voting members identified tonight – Cindy Ace, Ann Arden, Shannon Bain, Melanie Bennett, Chrystal Brown,<br />

Lesley Chen, Marg Clunie, Jen Danby-McDonald, Tina Eggens, Debbie Hill, Luisa Kuca, Tracy Lager, Alka Moorjani,<br />

Rebecca Parke, Susanna Penning, Laurel Perry-Hapli, Laurie Rail, Lisa Reid, Natasha Robb-Burrows, Tania Salvi,<br />

Leslie Segal, Kim Sheldrick, Wendy Spenst, Mike Stevenson, Tammy St. Jean, Lauriel Wills, Heather Wilson, Avital<br />

Winer, Heather Wyche<br />

Executive Officers<br />

a. Chair or Co-Chairs – Mike Stevenson<br />

b. Vice-Chair – Lauriel Wills (considering)<br />

c. Secretary – Heather Wyche<br />

d. Treasurers – Debbie Hill, Alka Moorjani, Lesley Chen<br />

Members with Portfolio<br />

e. Fundraising/Activities Coordinators – Marg Clunie, Cindy Ace & Tina Eggens<br />

f. Ottawa Carleton Assembly of <strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong>s Representatives – Natasha Robb-Burrows & Chrystal Brown<br />

g. Communications Coordinators – Melanie Bennett & Leslie Segal<br />

h. Volunteer Coordinator – Luisa Kuca & Cindy Ace<br />

i. Community Liaison Officer – Kim Sheldrick<br />

j. Environment Coordinator – Ann Arden<br />

k. Website Coordinator – Leslie Segal & Tracy Lager<br />

l. Parent Class Rep Coordinator – Jen Danby-McDonald, Laurie Rail, Lisa Reid<br />

Heather makes a motion to adopt the above people into positions. Kim seconds. Motion carries. Alison Reaume<br />

offered to assist with the Environment portfolio.<br />

6. Approval of Agenda<br />

Leslie Segal makes a motion to approve the agenda – with the amendment for date change (typo has been<br />

corrected). Tracy Lager seconds. Motion carries.<br />

7. Approval of June minutes<br />

Susanna Penning makes a motion to approve the June minutes. Luisa Kuca seconds. Motion carries.<br />

8. Appointment of Signing Officers<br />

Signing officers will be appointed in October. Mike Stevenson & two of three Treasurers depending on convenience<br />

(will discuss). Constitution says “minimum of two signing authorities”.<br />

9. Constitutional Amendments<br />

none<br />

10. Playground Improvement Project & Gardens – Natasha Robb-Burrows<br />

Playstructures are installed! Thanks to D&G Landscaping (the Clunies) for the site preparation & asphalt repairs.<br />

Primary structure being used (one small adjustment). Junior/intermediate structure still has a few issues and is<br />

currently wrapped with signage (not yet open). Board is dealing with installation issues and the Junior/Intermediate<br />

structure will need to be re-inspected. Board is negotiating with the contractor (funds have not been paid to contractor<br />

yet).<br />


We will have a grand opening celebration when both structures are open. Not likely to be resolved by Meet the<br />

Teacher night. Natasha thanks the group for all the efforts – e.g. fundraising, grant researching, grant writing, etc.<br />

There are a lot of gardens at CVES (and a pond) that need to be taken care of. Natasha suggests that the gardens<br />

be minimized to make it easier to upkeep. Lots of weeds. 40 trees planted three years ago are doing well. Heather<br />

has a letter into Ginny Steele who initiated the gardens.<br />

Tania Salvi suggests families take responsible for a small area (as Tracy Lager’s family did in the Kindergarten yard).<br />

Several families indicated interest (Lesley Segal, Tracy Lager, Wendy Spenst, Natasha Robb Burrow, Alison<br />

Rheaume, Chantal Collar, Laurel Perry-Hapli, Tania Salvi, Melanie Bennett, Shannon Bain, Ann Arden).<br />

Natasha suggested asking if teachers want to plant bulbs in a box – particularly in the Kindergarten yard.<br />

Old decrepit wooden sign has been taken out – now there is a hole. Jeff has a meeting about this tomorrow.<br />

There is a new school sign & school name is on the front of the building.<br />

11. Principal, Teaching & Support Staff Reports<br />

Principal’s Report – Sherri Bonneville<br />

• New entry process: The early bell, that allowed students to come into the school at 9:05 and be in the halls and<br />

classes until 9:15 a.m., is no longer permitted as it contravenes the minutes of supervision as outlined in the<br />

teachers’ Collective Agreement. The bell will ring at 9:15; students will line up; teachers will greet the students and<br />

bring them into the school. Opening exercises and announcements will happen at 11:40 just before the first Nutrition<br />

break. [Students will now make their way to their designated playground when they get off the bus. They will have 10<br />

mins outside with their friends. We continue to have 4 bus duty teachers and 3 yard duty teachers (formerly hall duty<br />

teachers) outside]<br />

• <strong>School</strong> Fees and <strong>School</strong> Supplies: [According to the Board/Ministry] A school fee or levy cannot exceed $20 for<br />

Kindergarten to gr. 6 students and $25 for students in 7 and 8, for a school year. A school fee or levy can be used to<br />

offset or cover the costs of student agendas, field trips, special presentations and activities. Principals must report<br />

back to the school council as to how the collected funds were used. If any funds remain unused, principals must state<br />

how the unused funds will be used the following year (i.e., reducing the school fees for the next year etc.) [CVES is<br />

asking for $5 contribution to offset agendas; any fees collected will be used within the grade for specific purposes]<br />

• A common <strong>School</strong> Supplies list has been produced for students in gr. 1-3 and a different common list for gr. 4-8.<br />

Requests for school supplies are voluntary on the part of the parents. Principals will be asked to track the number<br />

of students whose parents are voluntarily sending in these supplies. This will help to ensure that those schools<br />

with limited participation receive a larger portion of the funds. All schools will receive some additional funds as the<br />

common lists are significantly smaller than some lists that have been sent home in previous years. Principals and<br />

teachers can continue to ask parents to supply appropriate gym wear for physical education (e.g. indoor<br />

shoes, shorts, t-shirt). As per our current practice, principals will continue to assist families where this is a hardship.<br />

[parents asked for clarity around whether supplies are individual/private or pooled for class – Sherri indicated the<br />

supplies should be used by the students who bring them]<br />

• Gr. 7 and 8 Instrumental Music: Principals will now be required to provide for the use of a musical instrument<br />

for all students. The intent is to provide a class set of instruments, as well as funding for learning resources<br />

(including mouthpieces) to each school. Parents, if they desire, may still rent or purchase musical instruments<br />

for their child. (Transportation of musical instruments on buses – Musical instruments must be housed in<br />

cases and should be kept on student laps. No instrument is permitted on the floor.<br />

• Ms Reid & M Lalonde – Jump Rope for Heart: CVES was the #1 fundraiser in the province (over $20,000)!<br />

Teaching Staff Report – Kim Holmes<br />

• Kim will be liaison between staff and parents.<br />


Chief Custodian Report - Jeff<br />

• Everything up and running for first day of school with the usual shortage of staff over the summer<br />

• OTHS will loan Jeff shampooer Friday to clean music room carpets<br />

Office Staff Report - Gail Souliere<br />

WELCOME BACK to everyone. Laurie and I look forward to working with you once again this year!<br />

• Today’s enrolment stands at 646 students. There has been more movement this year than previous ie<br />

families moving into the community, families moving out of the community<br />

• Transportation seems to be smoother this year with OSTA posting the bus routes to the school board website<br />

and updates are being communicated in a timely manner between school and drivers. For our new families,<br />

please be aware there is no traveling on a school bus other than the designated one.<br />

• <strong>School</strong> council email requests have been given to new families. This is such an efficient system. We will work<br />

with you to encourage parents to use this important tool<br />

Library Report - Coreen Atkins<br />

Welcome to <strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>'s Newly Rejuvenated Library!<br />

• Scholastic Book Fair (Bilingual): Wed, Sept 14 to Friday, Sept 16 - Wed. 9:00 - 7:00 pm (to take advantage of<br />

Meet-the-Teacher); Thurs. 8:30 - 4:00; Fri. 8:30 - 4:00. This year Coreen has added a selection of Adult<br />

Books for sale.<br />

• Putting books back on shelves - Coreen has had three parents/guardians offer assistance with putting books<br />

back on shelves. One parent will be here Friday, Sept 9 to wash all the shelves, dust, etc. Coreen hopes to<br />

have a few boxes of Primary French Fiction books ready to go back on shelves (i.e. scanned into system<br />

looking for irregular cataloging, lost or missing books). Due to Scholastic Book fair, Coreen anticipates that<br />

bulk of work to get books back on shelves will start week of 20th (Tues - Thurs from 9:15 to 3:45). Prior to<br />

start, Coreen will have shelves labeled to correspond to box labels. Goal is to have back computer lab<br />

emptied of books and ready for use before end of <strong>September</strong>, if not before. B&LT still has to come in and<br />

"check" the computers prior to use by students.<br />

• Glass Show Cases - CVES has received a donation of two 5 foot Glass Showcases (from the Hobby Centre).<br />

Thanks to the Clunies for picking them up and delivering them to CVES. The planned use is to showcase<br />

various themes throughout the school year - Fall, Remembrance Day, Holidays, Pioneers, Famous<br />

Canadians, special events or to tie-in to curriculum topics. If you know of anyone who has a special collection<br />

that they would like to lend to CVES from time to time, please have them contact Coreen.<br />

12. Treasurer’s Report – Susanna Penning<br />

• Closing bank balance as at June 23rd $22363.73 (last meeting)<br />

• Small balance from Mabel’s Labels to come soon<br />

• Cheque to Rideauwood $2000, some s/c 2 months @ $10.95 and one small deposit $98 since (Talentfest<br />

DVD sales and coverage of an NSF)<br />

• Current balance $20498.88<br />

• 2 small cheques o/s: $100 teacher honorarium and $63.59 to Lauriel (Talentfest expenses)<br />

CASH FLOW - Opening Balance $20498.88<br />

In terms of what we must set aside now for this year:<br />

1. $1000 Reserve requirement<br />

2. $1185 Arts in the Classroom carry forward<br />

3. $2000 for *Admin Fund & Bank Charges<br />

4. $3800 Class resource fund (approx)<br />

Leaves approx $12515 to spend + fundraising<br />


*Administrative Fund<br />

200 bus driver gifts<br />

250 staff recognition (custodian, office & admin staff, teacher rep, library technician)<br />

200 staff appreciation lunch (dish rentals and flowers)<br />

200 student recognition (library helpers, green team, Kelso’s Pals & Ambassadors)<br />

35 OCASC membership<br />

60 Membership Canadian Parents for French<br />

185 <strong>Council</strong> liability insurance<br />

400 Constant Contact (e-newsletter)<br />

65 Miscellaneous (coffee fund)<br />

300 Bank charges<br />

$1895 Subtotal + slush<br />

Motion to approve expenditure for OCASC membership fee (approx. $35) – DELAYED until October to clarify<br />

fee amount (OCASC & new Parent Involvement Committee)<br />

Motion to approve <strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong> liability insurance recommended by OCDSB (approx. $180) – DELAYED<br />

until October to clarify fee amount<br />

Laurie Rail makes a motion to approve spending $60 annual associate membership renewal with Canadian<br />

Parents for French www.cpf.ca for <strong>2011</strong>-12. Heather Wyche seconds. Motion carries.<br />

Rebecca Parke makes a motion to approve classroom resource fund ($100) to each teacher, library<br />

technician, Principal & VP (approximately $3800 to $4200) for <strong>2011</strong>-12. Chrystal Browne seconds. Motion<br />

carries.<br />

Request for Funds for Library ($2500) [Letter from Coreen Atkins attached; use specific list for Ad Hoc requests]<br />

Stock Market Challenge ($3000) – Kim Holmes will ask Intermediate teachers if CVES will participate this year<br />

Plaque for foyer for Playstructure project (will come from extra funds raised last year – about $2000 remaining)<br />

Purpose of Fundraising & Goals for <strong>2011</strong>/12<br />

Request for Funds Process and Need for Ad Hoc Finance Meeting (co-chaired by Treasurer & Activity/Fundraising<br />

coordinators) – date set before November meeting - funds raised during a year spent during that year<br />

Notification of motions for spending funds as agenda items on pre-circulated meeting agenda<br />

June 30 deadline for approved expenditures to spend funds in year generated unless special project<br />

13. PRO Grant Update – Leslie Segal<br />

This is the third year we have received this Parents Reaching Out grant. We received $800 this year. Working group:<br />

Leslie Segal, Tania Salvi, Leon Brown, Jen Danby-McDonald, Chrystal Brown. More of an update for the October<br />

meeting.<br />

14. Fundraising/Activities Report – Marg Clunie<br />

– outline of fundraising plan for the year<br />

We have decided to sell Entertainment Books again. Launch Thursday, <strong>September</strong> 22. Entertainment Books will<br />

send 2 people to help during the day on Monday <strong>September</strong> 19. We will also get evening group together on Monday,<br />


<strong>September</strong> 19 from 7 to 9 pm (Lauriel Wills, Lisa Reid, Lesley Chen, Cindy Ace, Alka Moorjani, Louisa Kuca, Tania<br />

Salvi, Tammy St Jean, Tina Eggens, Chantal Collar). Lesley will help with covering letter to be sent home – need to<br />

make sure letter indicates fundraising plan and emphasizing (Mabel’s Labels, QSP magazines); these are <strong>Council</strong><br />

fundraisers, not <strong>School</strong> fundraisers. Perhaps list a few Ad Hoc requests (e.g. Library purchases, Stock Market<br />

challenge).<br />

MacMillan’s Frozen Products Sale – this would be our 4 th year and generally raises $3500-$4000; Susanna willing to<br />

take this on again next year. Late November delivery. Need forms out mid-October and back mid-November.<br />

15. Round Table including updates from:<br />

a. OCASC – Heather Wilson – no update<br />

b. Community Liaison Officer – Kim Sheldrick – no update<br />

c. Class Rep Coordinator – Jen Danby-Macdonald<br />

Thank you to everyone who volunteered for this year. With its continuing success, we had more volunteers<br />

than needed. An email was sent to those who were not selected. If you think you should have been<br />

contacted, please let Jen know. Class Reps have now been assigned to all but the following classes:<br />

Deborah Tomlinson JKAM – Melanie Bennett volunteered<br />

Alison Vigneault SKPM – Avital Winer volunteered<br />

Talia Makuch Gr 3/4 – Heather Wyche volunteered<br />

Leslie is working on re-organizing the class lists from last year and making updates. Once the lists are ready,<br />

the class reps will receive their contact lists and will be able to start communicating with their classes.<br />

New this year, there will be a check-in table for all Parent Class Reps (new and experienced) during Meet the<br />

Teacher from 5 until 7. If you are a Parent Class Rep, please check in with Jen Danby McDonald & team in<br />

the foyer when you arrive. An email will be coming soon as well.<br />

d. Communications & Website Coordinators – Leslie Segal<br />

Leslie Segal taking over mass email list from Luisa Kuca. Send information for newsletters to Leslie. Send<br />

messages for Class Reps to Jen Danby-McDonald.<br />

e. Volunteer Coordinator - Luisa Kuca (survey target date: )<br />

We need to decide what the activities are going to be this year in order to line up volunteers. Luisa will start<br />

working on the survey with Tania and Leslie.<br />

16. New Business<br />

• Lunch Monitors hand guide - Laurel Perry-Hapli. We had twice as many volunteers are classrooms. Alison &<br />

Luisa will help Laurel.<br />

• Heather shared a thank you note from Giselle thanking <strong>Council</strong> for her retirement gift.<br />

• Correspondence received from Ottawa Safety <strong>Council</strong> looking for Adult Crossing Guards in Ottawa (e.g.<br />

Riverside South, Orleans)<br />

• Coreen submitted a fundraising idea – has been passed from Heather to Cindy Ace & Marg Clunie. Will<br />

report back next meeting.<br />

• Natasha mentioned gift certificate from Greely Sand & Gravel $150 – perhaps spend on mulch; Tania Salvi &<br />

Tammy St Jean have trailers that can pick up mulch<br />

• In school wide email – emergency closure phone volunteers needed<br />


17. Adjournment & Next Meeting Thurs. Oct. 13<br />

Heather makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ann seconds. Motion carries.<br />

CVES Library Wish List<br />

To Parents’ <strong>Council</strong> 6 Sept <strong>2011</strong><br />

From: Coreen Atkins-Sheldrick<br />

I have been asked by several members of Parents’ <strong>Council</strong> to submit a Library “Wish” list for consideration<br />

for funding by Parents’ <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

Since becoming the Librarian at CVES, I have been compiling a running Shopping “Wish” List for Library<br />

resources. This list includes requests for specific books by Teachers/Staff, requests by students, as well as<br />

gaps in our collection (age of resource, physical condition of resource, partial collections or a total lack of<br />

resources). To compile this list, I have poured over the many catalogues we have received from the various<br />

suppliers as well as visits to Chapters and other book stores (an ongoing process).<br />

Please find attached a list of some of the Library materials I would like to be able to purchase for our CVES<br />

Library, should some funding become available.<br />

Important CVESC Dates<br />

CVESC meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month from 7 to 9 pm in the school library with the<br />

exception of December and March when there will not be a meeting and June when it is held after Fun Night<br />

(<strong>September</strong> 8, October 13, November 10, January 12, February 9, April 12, May 10 & June 21)<br />

Entertainment Books to go home Thurs. Sept. 22 and campaign ends Fri. Oct. 7<br />

Christmas Shopping Day Tues. Dec. 20 with Monday set-up<br />

Used Book Sale Fri. April 27 with set-up Wed. & Thurs.<br />

Fun Night- Tues. June 12 (EQAO May 23 to June 6)<br />

OCASC Meeting Dates<br />

Third Thursday of each month at Fisher Park <strong>School</strong> 250 Holland Ave. in the Library on the second floor.<br />


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