November 2011 January 2012 - Castor Valley Elementary School ...

November 2011 January 2012 - Castor Valley Elementary School ...

November 2011 January 2012 - Castor Valley Elementary School ...


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<strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> Council Meeting<br />

<strong>January</strong> 19, <strong>2012</strong> at <strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> Library<br />

1. Welcome, Attendance (Quorum), Acknowledgements & Appointments<br />

Mike Stevenson has had to formally stepped down as our chair, due to work commitments. Leslie Segal has<br />

graciously offered to step in - thanks!<br />

In attendance: Chrystal Brown, Sherri Bonneville, Leslie Chen, Marg Clunie, Jen Danby-McDonald, Tina Eggens,<br />

Kim Holmes, Kristeen Kemp, Alka Moorjani, Rebecca Parke, Laurel Perry-Hapli, Leslie Segal, Tammy St-Jean,<br />

Lauriel Wills, Heather Wilson, Heather Wyche<br />

Regrets: Cindy Ace, Ann Arden, Shannon Bain, Melanie Bennett, Luisa Kuca, Susanna Penning, Laurie Rail, Tania<br />

Salvi, Wendy Spenst, Mike Stevenson, Avital Winer.<br />

Quorum NOT attained.<br />

2. Guest Speakers: We welcomed Kristeen Kemp, our CVES Music Teacher<br />

Music program: The CVES music program has been in transition, with 3 teachers over the last 3 years. Mrs. Kemp is<br />

looking at this year as an opportunity to build in many different directions. Three areas of focus:<br />

1. Music: Music is a vibrant part of our school community, and not just for those with musical background or<br />

interest, but it is accessible to all. Aims at bringing a love of music to all. There has not been a lot of interest on the<br />

part of the students in band this year. Percussion is also being offered. Mrs. Kemp is providing interesting musical<br />

activities, to counteract the feeling that only some have musical ability. Large focus on singing; dispelling the feeling<br />

that "I have to do it well to do it". All should be encouraged to sing (National anthem, etc). Since the concert last<br />

night, there has been more interest in joining choir. Choir practices are informal; gathering around piano, laughing,<br />

having fun, making it a joyful singing experience.<br />

2. Music in the Classroom: presenting curriculum through music by differentiation model to reach every student<br />

and different learning needs. Therefore, it can look different in every classroom. Important to take time to<br />

understand the school community to reach the students. System where they rotate 3 groups in stations; theory,<br />

performance tasks, ensemble playing. Adjusts to meet needs of each student.<br />

3. Performances: there are plans for performing in festivals. Kuwanis music festival: Junior and Intermediate<br />

choirs to participate - no band (not a big enough band - interest not there). Music Monday - choral. Small ensemble<br />

music will also have performance opportunities - tulip festival? TBA. Rural music festivals? TBA. Mrs. Kemp has<br />

been speaking with Carol Ann to get groups together to perform band scores (Metcalfe). Band practices for both<br />

schools are at the same time. Hopes to grow the band over time.<br />

Parental feedback on concert: Liked that the men were involved, lots of range of acts, very inclusive. Impressive,<br />

appreciated.<br />

Mrs. Kemp is primarily the Intermediate music teacher, but is working with her colleagues to encourage music in the<br />

whole school. Primary teachers come in to music room to get instruments, so she has the opportunity to informally<br />

meet with teachers and there is a lot of "music talk" happening. Discussion with teachers ways to share resources,<br />

and how to find continuity from Primary to Junior to Intermediate with regards to music. Mrs. Kemp is hours are parttime<br />

in the afternoons, but she has volunteered time in mornings to work with teachers and help them out. Lots of<br />

instruments are being used every day. Trying to take away some of the fear from teachers who don't feel they have<br />

the experience with music.<br />

3. Approval of Agenda & <strong>November</strong> Minutes<br />

As we did not have quorum, the Agenda and Minutes were both adopted by consensus.<br />

4. Treasurers’ Reports (attached)<br />

• Financial Reports – please see attached report submitted by Lesley Chen.<br />

A request was made that projections for the year be included for next meeting's "big picture".<br />

• Ad Hoc Expenditures – please see attached report submitted by Debbie Hill (absent), presented by Alka.<br />

Some more notes: Item #8 not subsidized yet because event not organized yet. The ukuleles have arrived.<br />

Chess sets are arriving. Would be easier for item #1 to give the funds to Mr. Lalonde to put in his account,<br />

and same for #2 in library account. Others items that have not yet been paid out is because they haven't<br />

occurred yet. Once the money is deposited in the school account not the council account, then it will be earrmarked<br />

and Sherrie can bring an updated report each month as to what has gone through. Anything that's<br />

tendered must go through the school account. Some items may be ordered by school and some by council.<br />

Treasurers, Gail and Sherrie will work out details.

• Surplus of Council Funds – We do not have an exact amount. Can we come up with ideas or approach<br />

teachers for spending surplus (cash surplus vs budgeted surplus). Discussion ensued as to how much we<br />

should hold for unexpected requests, vs. how much do we spend on the current year. We will be kept<br />

updated on a monthly basis of what those figures are.<br />

Question arose about smart boards: we have 4 - one stationary and 3 mobiles. We are looking at buying<br />

projectors for each classroom (we bought 16 last year, and are short 10). They will be ordered by end of<br />

school year for next year. A little under $500 each. The <strong>School</strong> Board is going wireless. Portables were the<br />

first to get projectors.<br />

Additional request from Mmes Merriam and Lacharity for a subscription to a downloadable magazine for<br />

music for choir (U.S. based). We cannot make motion - no quorum - motion tabled.<br />

• Consideration of PayPal Usage – Discussion ensued regarding the pros and cons for opening a PayPal<br />

account for school council. Our service fees at the bank are quite high: we pay per transaction. Manotick<br />

Public is looking into using PayPal. Paypal will give you script or button for your website, which takes you to<br />

a payment processing page, but does not give you any support for software or different payment amounts<br />

(i.e. milk program - how many days, etc). Cost is 1.9% plus $0.30 per transaction (non profit rates). With the<br />

bank we currently pay $0.20 per deposited item. Finance team would like to look into it more - looking at<br />

other schools that are using it - how do they make it work. Consensus around the room: ask parents on<br />

feedback questionnaire. Other ways to reduce costs: look at coordinating milk and lunch fees as one<br />

amount twice a year which would make less deposits. Kim Holmes to get form from Rideau <strong>Valley</strong> who does<br />

it that way.<br />

5. Principal - Please see attached report submitted by Sherrie Bonneville.<br />

Teaching & Support Staff Reports - Kim Holmes<br />

Received positive feedback in regards to the 7/8's helping at Christmas shopping: they were a great help, had lots of<br />

empathy. Sometimes the gym was quite crowded with helpers - there were perhaps too many at a time.<br />

In February, Mrs. Holmes will attend a 4-day conference in moving towards levelling childrens' French abilities based<br />

on what they are able to do. Based on the common European framework, and also parallels with federal government<br />

levels. This will apply to all of Ontario. She will have more info for us at the February meeting..<br />

Staff: No report<br />

6. Fundraising Report<br />

December:<br />

• Christmas Shopping & Gingerbread House Making Day raised $1,075 - still have to pay out of this for the<br />

gingerbread houses. They will try to tweak crowd control of helpers next year. There were many great<br />

items donated. Leftovers were picked up by the Diabetes Foundation. This year was busier because<br />

grades 5 & 6 were also included.<br />

• MacMillans: raised $3,797 - this amount differs from amount on attached financial report because this<br />

figure takes into account $108 of NSF funds.<br />

• Ongoing Fundraisers: QSP - has raised $411 plus $250 handed in today.<br />

• Samko & Miko: raised $104<br />

Upcoming:<br />

• Used Book Sale – Date change to April 13th, with setup on 12th. Kids books and adult fiction.<br />

• Fun Night – need coordinator(s)! We will put a call out in our newsletter.<br />

7. Chair’s Report – Leslie Segal<br />

• Kindergarten Info Night on Jan 26 th 6:30pm - 7:30pm (Kindergarten Registration Jan 30 th - Feb 3 rd ) OCDSB<br />

wants the information out that registration is not on a first come, first serve basis. Parents may as for their<br />

preferences of am/pm, and it will be looked at on a case by case basis. We will be getting full day<br />

kindergarten in 2014 or 2015.<br />

• Roots of Empathy Program starting this month in one class - a family brings their baby in and facilitators talk<br />

about how to empathize and recognize feelings. More information about the program is available on the<br />

Ontario Education website.<br />

• Disseminating OCDSB information – OCDSB’s new website and emails - http://www.ocdsb.ca/par/sc/info-nupdates/Pages/default.aspx<br />

- Leslie will forward info to Council members and include in newsletter<br />

• Dr. Gordon Neufeld (Developmental Psychologist and authority on child development) – February 11-13 th in<br />

Gatineau: Speaker Series and Parent Conference (flyer attached with agenda email)<br />

• <strong>January</strong> Newsletter items were collected.

8. PRO Grant – Jen Danby-McDonald / Leslie Segal<br />

a) Anti-Bullying Presentation for Primary/Junior students - having trouble finding something that fits, local,<br />

affordable. We applied to Majic100 but have not heard anything back from them. They had many, many<br />

schools apply. We have asked other schools through OCASC if there is any interest in sharing a performance<br />

as some interesting ones are from out of town and require multiple schools to make a tour. We have<br />

unfortunately, not heard from any other schools. Cost would be approximately $600 - $700 plus tax per<br />

school. Does anyone have any contacts they could reach out to to see if there is interest in a spring<br />

performance? What type of presentation do we want to give? It should have staying power, has to engage<br />

them and be interactive. Jen will continue to look into it. Parent presentation may be the same group, may<br />

not. parents often don't get the difference between bullying and conflict.<br />

b) Literacy At Home presentation will be on Tuesday, February 28 th . Mme Lacharity and Mrs. Reed will be<br />

doing presentations in English and French. Looking for volunteers for that evening (primarily to supervise<br />

Intermediate students who are doing child care (dads?)<br />

c) Request for help with PRO event committee. We need someone to help with childcare, organizing<br />

intermediate volunteers and attending events as support for these volunteers. With Leslie taking on a<br />

leadership role with council, we are looking for additional people to help with planning these events, including<br />

designing posters, email promos and at the registration tables.<br />

d) Paul Davis event well received!<br />

9. Talent Fest –Talentfest has been given the go-ahead for this year. We are beginning planning next week once again<br />

under the leadership of Karen Warren, and with Mme Lacharity as our teacher leader. Is anyone interested in joining<br />

this committee? Looking at beginning of May during education week. Planned for 2 nights. A student has written a<br />

letter of application for the position of M.C. Teachers have veto power if groups are losing focus on schoolwork.<br />

10. MASC workshops & performances - MASC has contacted Jen Danby McDonald to let us know that there is funding<br />

available for an artist to visit rural schools. They have earmarked some funds specifically for <strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>. MASC<br />

would basically cover 40% of the cost of an artist's visit. We would need to choose and artist from their list. Is there<br />

general support for this idea? Do we want to include as many classes as we can in a school-wide performance or<br />

target a specific grade level? Any ideas for support needed.. Literary Arts, Poetry, Drama, Storytelling, Dance,<br />

Puppetry, Visual Arts, Media Arts...??? We need to choose an artist from the list - Sherry will choose. Funding:<br />

council would need to approve of other 60%. Cost is about $800. We don't have quorum, so no motion was made,<br />

but unanimous consensus was to support this project.<br />

11. CVES Online Business Directory – Renewal time! - call out to be put in newsletter. Jen will contact existing<br />

contributors to see if they want to renew. Yearly fees remain at $25.<br />

12. Round Table Updates<br />

• Website & Communications (Newsletter: external requests). Our school newspaper allows community and<br />

health info from outside organizations to be published, but we have to watch for conflict of interest. Decided<br />

that all non school events or services (i.e. tutoring, etc) should be put under online business directory. Leslie<br />

will add a link to the directory in the newsletter.<br />

• PALS and lunch monitor program. Flyers have been created and were circulated at meeting. They would<br />

like to earmark $50 for lunch monitors and $50 for PALS for nametags, supply box, etc . There is about<br />

$107 left (earmarked for name tags) but general consensus was that they can spend the remainder of her<br />

funds on hula hoops, etc. There are 28 Grade 5 students in PALS.<br />

• Volunteers NO REPORT/ Class reps NO REPORT / Community Liaison NO REPORT/ Environment<br />

Committee (no update)<br />

• OCASC - We are still looking for representative(s) to attend OCASC meetings and bring info back to our<br />

Council meetings. Chrystal went to the last meeting which talked about homework help and on line math<br />

help for grade 7 & 8 students - accessible for all students. There are teachers available every evening to<br />

help students on line. All you need is your student Ontario Education number which is on the report card.<br />

Next Thursday, Jan. 26th, there is a presentation on IEPs (Individual Education Plans). See website for more<br />

info (osasc.ca). We need someone to attend the February 16th meeting.<br />

• PFE (Kim Sheldrick), absent - tabled<br />

• PIC / OCDSB - The consultation for the Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) bylaws is over and the bylaws<br />

have been approved. The next step is the recruitment of committee members. The goal is to have the<br />

members in place by the end of the school year with the PIC actually up and running in Sept. Additional<br />

information on the PIC and upcoming meeting dates (meetings open to all) can be found on the OCDSB<br />

website http://www.ocdsb.ca/par/pi/pic/Pages/default.aspx;

13. Adjournment & Next Meeting<br />

Meeting adjourned at 8:59pm.<br />

Next meeting is Thursday February 9 th<br />

Respectfully submitted by Heather Wyche, Secretary for <strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> Council.<br />

Important CVESC Dates<br />

CVESC meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month from 7 to 9 pm in the school library with the<br />

exception of December and March when there will not be a meeting and June when it is held after Fun Night<br />

(September 8, October 13, <strong>November</strong> 10, <strong>January</strong> 12, February 9, April 12, May 10 & June 21)<br />

Kindergarten Info Night: Jan 26 th 6:30pm - 7:30pm<br />

Kindergarten Registration: Jan 30 th - Feb 3 rd<br />

Dr. Gordon Neufeld: February 11-13 th in Gatineau:<br />

- Developmental Psychologist and authority on child development)<br />

- Speaker Series and Parent Conference (flyer attached with agenda email)<br />

Literacy At Home:<br />

Tuesday, February 28 th<br />

Used Book Sale:<br />

Friday, April 27th with set-up Wed. & Thurs.<br />

Talentfest:<br />

Beginning of May<br />

Fun Night: Tuesday, June 12th (EQAO May 23 to June 6)<br />

OCASC Meeting Dates<br />

Third Thursday of each month at Fisher Park <strong>School</strong> 250 Holland Ave. in the Library on the second floor.

Treasurers’ Report<br />

<strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> Council<br />

Cash Flow Statement - Operating Fund<br />

For the period <strong>November</strong> 1 – December 31, <strong>2011</strong> (in dollars)<br />

Cash<br />

Inflows<br />

Cash<br />

Outflows<br />

Net Increase<br />

(Decrease) in Cash<br />


Programs<br />

Food (note 1) 354 (5,042) (4,687)<br />

Milk (note 2) 8,421 (7,571) 849<br />

Fundraising<br />

Entertainment books 368 (100) 268<br />

MacMillans 14,375 (10,686) 3,689<br />

Christmas Shopping Day 1,075 - 1,075<br />

Magazines (on-line only) 411 - 411<br />

Other Income - Boomerang 67 - 67<br />

Admin Expenses<br />

Bank Charges 42 (320) (278)<br />

Ad Hoc Approved Items - (1,667) (1,667)<br />

Total - Operating Fund 25,112 (25,386) (274)<br />

Cash - Opening balance (Nov. 1/11) 46,885<br />

Cash - Closing balance (Dec. 31/11) 46,611<br />

Note 1: Food - Monies are collected from students for the food program at the beginning of the school year. Payments<br />

are made to suppliers throughout the school year as costs are incurred.<br />

Note 2: Milk - Monies are collected from students for the milk program at the beginning of each of the two school terms.<br />

Payments are made to suppliers throughout the school year as costs are incurred.

Treasurers’ Report – continued<br />

<strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> Council<br />

Cash Flow Statement - Summary of all Funds<br />

For the period <strong>November</strong> 1 to December 31, <strong>2011</strong> (in dollars)<br />

(A)<br />

Cash - Opening<br />

Balance<br />

(Nov. 1/11)<br />

Cash<br />

Inflows<br />

Cash<br />

Outflows<br />

(B)<br />

Net Increase<br />

(Decrease)<br />

in Cash<br />

(A) + (B) = (C)<br />

Cash - Closing<br />

Balance<br />

(Dec. 31/11)<br />

OPERATING FUND 46,885 25,112 (25,386) (274) 46,611<br />


<strong>2012</strong>-13 Class Resource Fund reserve 3,800 - - - 3,800<br />

Mulch/playground plaque reserve 2,246 - - - 2,246<br />

Arts in the Classroom 5,99 - (411) (411) 188<br />

Emergency Reserve Requirement 1,000 - - - 1,000<br />

Total Earmarked Funds 7,645 - (411) (411) 7,234<br />

TOTAL - ALL FUNDS 54,530 25,112 (25,797) (685) 53,845<br />

<strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> Council<br />

Fundraising Report<br />

For the period ended December 31, <strong>2011</strong> (in dollars)<br />

Revenue Expenses Net Income<br />

Entertainment books 12,411 (6,876) 5,535<br />

MacMillans 14,375 (10,686) 3,689<br />

Christmas Shopping Day 1,075 - 1,075<br />

Magazines (on-line only) 411 - 411<br />

NET FUNDS RAISED 28,271 (17,562) 10,709<br />

Note: The above table includes only those fundraisers with final tallies in place for the <strong>2011</strong>-12 school year.

CVESC Ad Hoc Spending <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>2012</strong><br />

Amounts Spent Updated: 6-<strong>January</strong>-<strong>2012</strong><br />

# Teacher/Staff Requests Requested By<br />

Grades<br />

Affected<br />

Amount<br />

requested<br />

Ad Hoc<br />

Recommendation<br />

Amount<br />

Spent<br />

Amount<br />

Remaining<br />

1<br />

Phys ed account reserve for<br />

replacement of equipment as<br />

needed<br />

Lalonde all 750 750 - 750<br />

2 Library book replenishment all 2,500 2,500 - 2,500<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Outdoor consumables: Line<br />

painting for 4 squares; snow<br />

scoops; sleds; tulip bulbs;<br />

chalk<br />

Re-useable name tags for<br />

Lunch Monitors<br />

Natasha Robb-<br />

Burrows<br />

all 500 500 153 347<br />

Lauriel all 180 180 73 107<br />

5 Environment: Gardening kit 300 300 - 300<br />



6 Butterfly kits (note 1)<br />

Tomlinson/<br />

Anderson<br />

4,230 4,230 226 4,004<br />

JK 145 - - -<br />

7 Bus name tags (note 1) Vigneault JK-gr 1 194 - - -<br />

8<br />

Scientists in <strong>School</strong><br />

presentation (note 2)<br />

Vigneault SK 1,014 500 - 500<br />

9<br />

Equipment for listening centres<br />

(note 4)<br />

Primary team<br />

(Beaupre/Messian)<br />

JK-gr 3 1,166 1,366 - 1,366<br />

10 Books for Levelled Book Bins Labelle gr 1-3 1,963 1,963 - 1,963<br />

11a<br />

Interactive Bullying<br />

Presentation<br />

Jen Danby<br />

McDonald<br />

JK-gr 3 350 350 - 350<br />

12a<br />

Safe and Caring <strong>School</strong>s<br />

Parent Presentation<br />

Jen Danby<br />

McDonald<br />

JK-gr 3 250 250 - 250<br />


Gr. 3)<br />

5,082 4,429 - 4,429<br />

11b<br />

Interactive Bullying<br />

Presentation<br />

Jen Danby<br />

McDonald<br />

gr 4-6 350 350 - 350<br />

12b<br />

Safe and Caring <strong>School</strong>s<br />

Parent Presentation<br />

Jen Danby<br />

McDonald<br />

gr 4-6 250 250 - 250<br />

13 Mathletes program Bonneville gr 4-6 1,441 1,441 1,441 -<br />

14 Ukeleles (note 5) Chantal Leblanc gr 4-6 971 1,360 - 1,360<br />

15<br />

10 chess boards (create a<br />

junior chess club)<br />

Holmes gr 4-6 100 100 - 100<br />

16<br />

The Director's Cut workshop<br />

(note 6)<br />

Bickmore<br />

(Junior team)<br />

gr 4-6 4,200 - - -<br />

17a<br />

18a<br />

Spelling bee trophy +<br />

engraving of winner's name<br />

Festival participation for<br />

concert band, junior choir and<br />

intermediate vocal group<br />

Bell gr 4-6 19 19 - 19<br />

Kemp gr 4-6 497 497 - 497


4-5)<br />

7,828 4,017 1,441 2,576<br />

17b<br />

18b<br />

Spelling bee trophy +<br />

engraving of winner's name<br />

Festival participation for<br />

concert band, junior choir and<br />

intermediate vocal group<br />

Bell gr 7-8 18 18 - 18<br />

Kemp gr 7-8 496 496 - 496<br />

19 Stock market challenge Mitchell gr 7-8 2,800 2,800 - 2,800<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

Bus for field trip to<br />

MacSkimming (note 2)<br />

Maintain/upgrade science lab<br />

(note 1)<br />

Annual wood building project<br />

(note 1)<br />

SUBTOTAL -<br />

INTERMEDIATE (Gr. 6-8)<br />

Grassau gr 7-8 500 250 - 250<br />

Grassau gr 7-8 500 - - -<br />

Grassau gr 7-8 500 - - -<br />

4,814 3,564 - 3,564<br />

TOTAL - ALL REQUESTS 21,955 16,240 1,667 14,573<br />

Notes:<br />

1. Item to be funded via the school budget (i.e. not necessary for school council to fund).<br />

Activities or resources deemed essential by the teachers and the principal (for students to access the curriculum) will<br />

be paid for through the school budget.<br />

2. Cost to be shared between the students, the school and the <strong>School</strong> Council.<br />

It is an understanding in the OCDSB that field trips are user pay activities. As such, the cost of field trips can be<br />

100% user pay or the cost can be offset by student/class fundraising or subsidized through funds from the school<br />

budget or the <strong>School</strong> Council.<br />

3. A field trip is a supplemental activity that is tied to the curriculum with the purpose of enhancing, enriching or<br />

extending the learning that has taken place in the classroom. This activity may take place off school premises (eg.<br />

visit to a museum) or on school premises (eg. Scientists in the <strong>School</strong>).<br />

4. Additional funds recommended over the initial request to cover estimated shipping fees.<br />

5. Additional funds recommended over the initial request to ensure supply for an entire class (Recommended units: 28;<br />

Initial Request: 20).<br />

6. Value for money not met relative to curriculum requirements.

Principal’s Report<br />

<strong>School</strong> Council Meeting<br />

<strong>January</strong> 19, <strong>2012</strong><br />

6:30 p.m.<br />

Blue Sky Conversation about Arts Education in the OCDSB. Visit the board’s website to view a short video on Arts Education and<br />

provide your input on the future direction of Arts Education in the OCDSB.<br />

Special Education Consultation<br />

Consultation will be taking place at Confederation Education Centre on Thursday, <strong>January</strong> 19, <strong>2012</strong> regarding Special<br />

Education Classes, Programs and Services for <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>2012</strong>.<br />

The link includes an email address for interested stakeholders to provide input as well as a copy of the report that was<br />

presented to the Education Committee on 13 December <strong>2011</strong>.<br />

http://www.ocdsb.ca/Pages/FeedbackNews_ConsultationonSpecialEducationClasses,ProgramsandServicesfor<strong>2012</strong>-<br />

2013.aspx<br />

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call 613-596-8254.<br />

OSTA Policies – Proposed Harmonization<br />

Please find attached report No. 11-220 (link below) discussed at Business Services Committee on December 14, <strong>2011</strong>. The report<br />

considers, in a broad fashion, the manner in which Ottawa Student Transportation Authority (OSTA) proposes to harmonize transportation<br />

policies of the member boards in order to provide consistent levels of service to Ottawa students and, additionally, address requirements of<br />

the Ministry of Education in their Transportation Effectiveness & Efficiency Review.<br />

In order for OCDSB staff to make recommendations in a follow-up action report (to be considered by the Business Services Committee on<br />

February 8, <strong>2012</strong> and by the Board of Trustees on February 14, <strong>2012</strong>), we ask that you circulate the attached document to your school<br />

council and that their comments on this matter be submitted not later than end of business on Monday, <strong>January</strong> 16, <strong>2012</strong>. ( They<br />

will accept submission after this date as it is very quick turnaround).<br />

Although the report in its entirety should be considered, some pivotal changes under consideration are highlighted below:<br />

• i) Travel time is being reviewed and it is proposed that OSTA articulate that a preferred one-way travel time maximum of<br />

45 minutes for students shall be the targeted standard. There will be exceptions to that standard for road and weather conditions<br />

and to take into account travel for students who live in remote areas or who choose to attend specialized programming. The<br />

current OCDSB standard is 60 minutes; though the vast majority of students are transported under the 45 minute threshold<br />

currently (indeed most are transported under 30 minutes).<br />

•<br />

• ii) Transportation Eligibility is being reviewed with the following walk distance standard being considered:<br />

• JK-SK .8 km<br />

• Grades 1 – 8 1.6 km<br />

• Grades 9- 12 3.2 km<br />

• This would represent a lowering of the OCDSB walk distance for Grades 7 – 8 students (currently 3.0 km). The manner<br />

in which secondary students are transported (currently those living and going to school within the Urban Transit Area do not<br />

receive yellow busing and may utilize OC Transpo) will be considered in subsequent reviews.<br />

•<br />

• iii) Changes in the criteria to establish Hazards is being considered.<br />

•<br />

• iv) Changes in transportation eligibility to and from caregivers is being considered.<br />

It should be noted that the Business Services Committee has requested further information and clarification from OSTA on items iii) and<br />

iv) for the February Business Services Committee.<br />

Questions around OSTA’s governance structure and procedures for transportation for Special Education programming will be addressed<br />

in future meetings.

Comments may be submitted in writing by mailing:<br />

OSTA Transportation Policies<br />

133 Greenbank Road<br />

Nepean, ON K2H 6L8<br />

Attention: Carson Superintendency<br />

or electronically through the OCDSB website by emailing: OSTAPolicyReview@ocdsb.ca<br />

Draft <strong>School</strong> Hours for <strong>2012</strong>-2013 (in discussion phase at this time, feedback appreciated)<br />

Working parameters: Start and finish times cannot be changed; instructional block for primary literacy (which include French,<br />

S.S. Science and Tech) must be 120 minutes; instructional block for jr. and int. literacy (which includes French, S.S or Hist/Geo,<br />

Science and Tech) must be 100 mins; must respect Time Allocation Model which sets out number of instructional minutes/cycle;<br />

additional 40 mins of teacher prep time per 5 day cycle;<br />

<strong>School</strong> Day 9:15 to 3:45 (Start and end times cannot be changed)<br />

9:15 to 11:35 will be the first Instructional Block (Totaling 140 minutes)<br />

9:15-9:35 - Homeroom: Announcements, O Canada, Agendas ( notes for students getting picked up early or not going home<br />

on bus at end of day) , Organization and Planning for the day etc.<br />

9:35-11:35 - First Instructional Block of 120 minutes. Depending on your division the 120 minutes can be divided as such: Lit.<br />

Block of 120 mins (meets primary requirement), 2 X 60 mins., 3 X 40 mins. etc. and also to reflect the # of minutes in the<br />

Time Allocation Model.<br />

11:35 - 11:55 - 20 minutes - Lunch<br />

11:55 - 12:20 - 25 minutes recess<br />

12:20 - 2:00 - Second Instructional Block of 100 minutes. Depending on your division the 100 minutes can be divided as<br />

such: Lit Block of 100 mins.( meets jr. and int. requirements), 2 X 50 mins., 1 X 60 mins. + 1 X 40mins and also to reflect the<br />

# of minutes in the Time Allocation Model.<br />

2:00 - 2:20 - 20 minutes second Nutrition Break<br />

2:20-2:45 - 25 minutes recess<br />

2:45 - 3:45 - Third Instructional Block of 60 minutes. This block will be 1 X 40 mins. + 1 X 20 mins (at which point students will<br />

return to homerooms once again)<br />

3:25 - 3:45 Homeroom: Agendas, Org. or homework etc. We will continue for a short time to make the end of day<br />

announcements for student pick up, but we hope to phase this out,<br />

3:45 - Students dismissed to the yard at the bell, exiting the building by their regular door. Students being picked up will meet<br />

parents on the yard etc. Parents do not have to sign out their child at the end of the day.<br />

Students leaving before the end of the school day, will need to be signed out by parent.<br />

Four Board – Kindergarten Information<br />

To be held at the RA Centre on Jan. 19 th 6:30 to 8:30 pm<br />

Our board and each of our co-terminus boards will have representatives at this Information Night. The goal is to present what each board<br />

has to offer in terms of Kindergarten programs and beyond so, parents can then make an informed decision about which Kindergarten<br />

program best meets their needs prior to the registration period which commences at the end of <strong>January</strong> <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

CVES Kindergarten Info Night – <strong>January</strong> 26, <strong>2012</strong> in the Library 6:30 – 7:30 pm<br />

We are not slated for Full Day Learning (All Day Kindergarten) for September <strong>2012</strong> or 2013.

Parent Resources<br />

We have received a copy of Maggie Mamen’s book, The Pampered Child Syndrome and a DVD entitled Parent Power! Lost and Found –<br />

Ten Small Steps to Reclaiming our Families.<br />

Will be entered into the school’s Alexandria Library System and can be signed out by parents. Please ask Coreen for assistance.<br />

Upcoming dates:<br />

Friday, <strong>January</strong> 20, <strong>2012</strong> – PA Day<br />

First Term Report Cards issued on February 8, <strong>2012</strong><br />

No formal day set aside for Parent Consultation; this will occur through initiation by parent or teachers.<br />

First Winter Activity Day is Thursday, Feb 2 nd. Second Activity Day is the following week on Feb.9 th .

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