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<strong>AMERICAN</strong> <strong>DENTAL</strong> HYGIENISTS’ <strong>ASSOCIATION</strong><br />




The 2014 CLL at Annual Session will be held in Las Vegas, NV, June 18 - 24, 2014.<br />



LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 2013 TO ADHA AT cll@adha.net.<br />

All presenters must be approved in advance. ADHA reserves the right to refuse a<br />

presentation if it is commercial in nature or if the speaker is not educationally and/or or<br />

experientially qualified to present a CE-credited class.<br />

The Goals of the ADHA Center for Lifelong Learning (CLL):<br />

1. To develop an educational program consistent with the mission and goals of ADHA.<br />

2. To provide relevant, unique, and timely content delivered by qualified and<br />

experienced presenters with expertise in their field.<br />

3. To improve the knowledge, skills and ability of dental hygienists in order to provide<br />

quality care and service to the public and profession.<br />

Complete ADHA Continuing Education Guidelines are found on the last page of the CE<br />

Program Submission Form.<br />

Checklist of Required Information:<br />

Course<br />

Title<br />

Description<br />

Objectives<br />

Format<br />

Timeframe<br />

Set-up requirements<br />

Audience<br />

References<br />

Sponsorship<br />

Speaker(s)<br />

Name<br />

Bio<br />

Short vitae<br />

Availability<br />

Membership<br />

Honorarium<br />

Book signing/sales<br />

Photo<br />

Please note: Incomplete proposals will not be considered.

2014 ADHA CLL at the 91 th Annual Session<br />

CE Program Proposal Submission Form<br />


Course Title: ________________________________________________<br />

Speaker(s):_______________________________________________________<br />

Speaker Bio(s) (please limit to a paragraph):<br />

Short Speaker Vitae (not to exceed 4 pages for each speaker):<br />

Date Availability: Please select ALL dates you are available to present.<br />

Thursday, June 19, 2014 Friday, June 20, 2014 Saturday, June 21, 2014<br />

Comments:____________________________________________________________<br />

Membership:<br />

Please indicate membership of ADHA:<br />

Not an ADHA member<br />

Yes, ID# ___________(for each speaker)<br />

Travel/Hotel:<br />

The following is provided for all CLL speakers:<br />

• Air Fare to/from event (coach)<br />

• 1 night hotel accommodations<br />

• Ground Transportation (not to exceed $50 each way)<br />

Comments:____________________________________________________________<br />

Honorarium:<br />

In addition to travel and hotel, requested honorarium is $______<br />

Book Signing:<br />

If you are interested in having a table in the back of the course room in order to sell<br />

books/materials, ADHA will adjust your honorarium. Please indicate your intent:<br />

No, I do not want a table for book signing/sales of materials<br />

Yes, I want a table for book/material sales and agree my honorarium will be adjusted.<br />

Photo:<br />

I have included in my submission a high resolution jpeg photo for each speaker.<br />

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2014 ADHA CLL at the 91 th Annual Session<br />

CE Program Proposal Submission Form<br />

Course Description:<br />

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:<br />

Course Format:<br />

Please indicate which best describes the presentation format:<br />

Single Interactive Lecturer<br />

Breakout Groups<br />

(Maximum course participants: ____)<br />

Case Study Presentation<br />

Hands-on<br />

(Maximum course participants: ____)<br />

Panel Discussion<br />

Time Frame:<br />

Please indicate which best describes the presentation time frame, including a question and answer<br />

period:<br />

1-2 hours<br />

2-3 hours<br />

3-4 hours<br />

More than 4 hours<br />

Other __________<br />

Preferred/Ideal Audience Size:<br />

Based on course objectives, please indicate the ideal attendance number for this course:<br />

25-50 attendees<br />

50-100 attendees<br />

100-150 attendees<br />

Other_____<br />

Special AV Requirements:<br />

Please indicate any AV requirements requested for this course, in addition to the standard set<br />

which includes a standard sized screen, projector and<br />

microphone:______________________________________________________________<br />

Other Special Requirements:<br />

Please indicate any other special room requirements requested for this course (for example,<br />

internet availability, larger screen 3:1, power, special equipment, limited capacity, additional staff):<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________<br />

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2014 ADHA CLL at the 91 th Annual Session<br />

CE Program Proposal Submission Form<br />

References:<br />

Please provide previous venues where this course has been presented, including a summary of<br />

evaluations and number of attendees:<br />

Venue 1:<br />

Evaluation Summary:<br />

Number of Attendees: ____<br />

Venue 2:<br />

Evaluation Summary:<br />

Number of Attendees: ____<br />

Will this course be presented elsewhere in 2013 or 2014?<br />

No, this course will not be presented elsewhere in 2013 or 2014.<br />

Yes. Please indicate where and when this course will be presented in 2013, 2014:<br />

Has this course been sponsored in the past?<br />

No, this course has not previously been sponsored.<br />

Yes. Please indicate when and by what corporations:<br />

Do you have an established relationship with a corporation/organization?<br />

No<br />

Yes. Please describe:<br />

**PLEASE NOTE – Solicitation of funding is the responsibility of ADHA.<br />

Key Contact Information:<br />

Please provide contact information for the individual designated as the primary contact for this<br />

submission:<br />

First Name: ________________ Last Name:_______________________<br />

Address: ___________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________<br />

Email: ___________________ Phone: ____________________________<br />

Page 4

2014 ADHA CLL at the 91 th Annual Session<br />

CE Program Proposal Submission Form<br />

ADHA Continuing Education Guidelines<br />

Course content and speakers will be selected based on the ability to complement other course<br />

offerings. The focus will be to create a balanced educational program, while also meeting the<br />

needs of the professional roles of the dental hygienist. The program content will be relevant to the<br />

educational needs and interests of the intended audience as defined through annual, objective<br />

survey assessments conducted by ADHA, and through defined regional interest and scope of dental<br />

hygiene practice as noted in the state practice act/s.<br />

ADHA is responsible for ensuring that the educational program developed, including goals,<br />

objectives, and content, is based on current dental hygiene practice and in the spirit of the<br />

ADHA-defined Standards for Clinical Dental Hygiene Practice, seeks to address issues highlighted in<br />

the ADHA Research Agenda, promotes the professional roles of the dental hygienist, and does not<br />

conflict with or appear to violate the ADHA Code of Ethics.<br />

Program topic selection will be based on the perceived needs for professional information and<br />

not for the purpose of endorsing specific products or services. ADHA is responsible for requiring<br />

that presenters ensure that all clinical and/or technical continuing education activities offered have<br />

a sound scientific basis, proven efficacy and ensure public safety.<br />

Requirements:<br />

• Written educational objectives defining learning outcomes must be developed for each<br />

continuing education course.<br />

• Professional colleagues invited to present educational sessions must be qualified by<br />

education and experience in order to provide instruction in the defined subject matter.<br />

• The educational methods used must be appropriate to the defined objectives of the program<br />

as well as to the knowledge and skill level of the intended audience.<br />

• ADHA requires that presenters disclose to the association and to participants and/all<br />

commercial relationships of the presenter.<br />

• External funding for any continuing education course will be disclosed to participants in<br />

promotional and educational materials, as well as prior to the presentation itself.<br />

• ADHA requires that presenters disclose to participants any monetary or other special<br />

interest the presenter may have with any company whose products are discussed in their<br />

continuing education program.<br />

• ADHA requires that presenters include a balanced representation of all products and/or<br />

treatment options, or that the promotional nature of the activity is fully disclosed. In an<br />

effort to impartially present information, ADHA requests that generic names be used, when<br />

possible.<br />

• ADHA requires that within the context of the educational program, no products or<br />

commercial services will be marketed or promoted.<br />

• Signed conflict of interest statements will be obtained from all course presenters.<br />

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