Bullying & Harassment - Waverly-Shell Rock Community Schools

Bullying & Harassment - Waverly-Shell Rock Community Schools

Bullying & Harassment - Waverly-Shell Rock Community Schools


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<strong>Bullying</strong> & <strong>Harassment</strong><br />


W-SR School Board Policy<br />

<strong>Harassment</strong> and bullying of students and employees are<br />

against federal, state and local policy, and are not<br />

tolerated by the board. The board is committed to<br />

providing all students with a safe and civil school<br />

environment in which all members of the school<br />

community are treated with dignity and respect. To that<br />

end, the board has in place policies, procedures, and<br />

practices that t are designed d to reduce and eliminate<br />

i bullying and harassment as well as processes and<br />

procedures to deal with incidents of bullying and<br />

harassment. <strong>Bullying</strong> and harassment of students by<br />

other students, by school employees, and by volunteers<br />

who have direct contact with students will not be<br />

tolerated in the school or school district.

The board prohibits harassment, bullying, hazing, or any<br />

other victimization of students, based on any of the<br />

following actual or perceived traits or characteristics,<br />

including but not limited to, race, color, age (except<br />

students), religion, national origin, creed, sex, marital<br />

status, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic<br />

status, physical attributes, physical or mental ability or<br />

disability in admission i or access to, or treatment t t in, its<br />

programs, policies and activities, ancestry, political party<br />

preference, political belief, or familial status.<br />

<strong>Harassment</strong> against employees based upon the<br />

employee’s race, color, age (except students), religion,<br />

national origin, creed, sex, marital status, sexual<br />

orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, or<br />

disability in admission or access to, or treatment in its<br />

hiring i and employment practices is also prohibited.


a. "Electronic" means any communication involving the transmission of<br />

information by wire, radio, optical cable, electromagnetic, or other similar<br />

means. "Electronic" includes but is not limited to communication via electronic<br />

mail, internet-based communications, pager service, cell phones, and electronic<br />

text messaging.<br />

b. "<strong>Harassment</strong>" and "bullying" shall be construed to mean any electronic,<br />

written, verbal, or physical act or conduct toward a student which is based on<br />

any actual or perceived trait or characteristic i of the student and which h creates<br />

an objectively hostile school environment that meets one or more of the<br />

following conditions.<br />

(1) Places the student in reasonable fear of harm to the student's s person or<br />

property.<br />

(2) Has a substantially detrimental effect on the student's physical or<br />

mental health.<br />

(3) Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student's academic<br />

performance.<br />

(4) Has the effect of substantially ti interfering i with the student's t' ability to<br />

participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges<br />

provided by a school.

c. "Trait or characteristic of the student" includes but is not limited to age,<br />

color, creed, national origin, race, religion, marital status, sex, sexual<br />

orientation, gender identity, physical attributes, physical or mental ability<br />

or disability, ancestry, political party preference, political belief,<br />

socioeconomic status, or familial status.<br />

d. "Volunteer" means an individual who has regular, significant contact<br />

with students.<br />

(1) Places the student in reasonable fear of harm to the student's person<br />

or property.<br />

(2) Has a substantially detrimental effect on the student's physical or<br />

mental health.<br />

(3) Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student's academic<br />

performance.<br />

(4) Has the effect of substantially interfering with the student's ability<br />

to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges<br />

provided by a school.<br />

Persistent t & Pervasive<br />


Cyber-bullying<br />

bullying<br />

24 / 7 / 365

Cyber-bullying is the intentional infliction of harm by the<br />

use of one or more media of electronic technologies.<br />

Electronic media include computers, Instant Messaging,<br />

social networking Web sites, handheld communication<br />

devised, cell phones, etc.<br />

The “traditional” school bully, as we have learned the hard<br />

way, is an unhappy youth who feels disenfranchised, and<br />

chooses to take drastic, even tragic steps to get attention.<br />

The anonymity of electronic communications has deepened<br />

the pool from which cyber-bullies emerge. The lack of the<br />

face-to-face element emboldens adults and children alike to<br />

communicate in a way in which they would not dream of doing<br />

otherwise.<br />

http://educateiowa.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1030&It<br />


What do you<br />

suggest we do if<br />

our child is<br />

receiving<br />

inappropriate i emails or text<br />

messages?<br />

To whom can a<br />

child report an incident?<br />

How do we deal with<br />

repercussions<br />

or threats if a report is<br />

made?<br />

Can a student be held<br />

accountable for<br />

comments posted on<br />

social media<br />

sites such as Facebook?<br />

Can a report be made<br />

and yet my child’s, or<br />

my name, remain<br />

anonymous?<br />

What’s the difference between<br />

“teasing” and “harassment”?

W.W.Y.D?<br />

The following slides contain scenarios school officials can<br />

refer to when determining if a reported incident of harassment<br />

must be included in our state report (BEDS). Although used for<br />

state reporting purposes, these situations provide examples of what is or<br />

is not considered harassment.

Situation #1<br />

A group of girls, all whom are on-again, off-again friends, start texting<br />

each other at school. Some of the messages turn nasty; they start calling each other<br />

names. Hurt feelings escalate to a one-time shoving match in the hall between<br />

classes.<br />

Report it in BEDS?<br />

NO. This behavior is more like typical adolescent cruelty that does not<br />

rise to the level of meeting any of the four conditions above in the definition.<br />

Comments<br />

Just because this is not an incident to report under the new law, does<br />

not mean that the school does nothing. It is always appropriate for the school<br />

to look into the matter and talk to the students involved, call the parents,<br />

involve school guidance counselors etc. This is not reportable on our BEDS<br />

report but because it is happening in school, it is punishable under our<br />

school’s student conduct policies.

Situation #1a<br />

Same as the previous incident but now the girls have divided<br />

themselves into two groups and there are frequent physical incidents<br />

between them.<br />

Report it in BEDS?<br />

YES. This behavior has moved beyond adolescent cruelty to the<br />

point where a student has objective reason to be in reasonable fear of<br />

harm to her person.<br />

Comments<br />

The motivation would be reported as based on sex, given that the<br />

name-calling that t started t all this was limited it to derogatory female<br />


Situation #2<br />

Two male elementary students, one Hispanic and one white, standing in the<br />

lunch line get into an argument about who was first in line. They start shoving<br />

each other. The white student calls the Hispanic student a “wetback” and gets<br />

in the last shove. There is no prior history of issues between these two boys.<br />

Report it in BEDS?<br />

NO. While the derogatory name implicates a protected characteristic<br />

(national origin), this is the type of misbehavior that can be resolved quickly by<br />

having a teacher or other school adult immediately separate the boys, make<br />

them apologize, issue a quick consequences and school life goes.<br />

Comments<br />

The classroom teacher is notified of the argument and asks the teacher to keep<br />

an eye on the students to make sure this is a one time event. It if continues and<br />

is based on national origin a report may need to be made in the future.

Situation #3<br />

An elementary student frequently makes rhetorical comments<br />

to no one in particular about how she is going to kill one or another<br />

fellow student. No specifics are mentioned and there is no genuine<br />

expression of intent to harm. The student has older siblings and often<br />

talk tough as a means of posturing.<br />

Report it in BEDS?<br />

NO. But, this answer changes as soon as the student starts<br />

becoming specific and seems to be targeting a specific classmate.<br />

Comments<br />

Generally speaking, the older the student, the less a school may<br />

assume that the student has no means by which to carry out threats.

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