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Methods for Reducing the Effects of Background Autofluorescence Using IVIS Imaging Technology T.L. Troy and B.W. Rice Xenogen Corporation December 7, 2004 Introduction The ability to track fluorescent proteins, dyes, quantum dots, and other fluorescent reporters in vivo is a rapidly growing technology known as molecular imaging. The IVIS Imaging Systems developed at Xenogen are optimized for imaging both bioluminescent and fluorescent reporters in vivo. Fluorescence equipment is standard on the IVIS Imaging System 200 Series while the IVIS Imaging System 100 or 50 Series is available with the XFO-12 Fluorescence Option. Table 1 summarizes the standard four fluorescent filter sets raging from the green to the near infrared (NIR). One of the challenges associated with in vivo fluorescence imaging is to minimize the effects of background fluorescence, or autofluorescence. Autofluorescence is a fluorescent signal originating from substances other than the fluorophore of interest. The level of autofluorescence ultimately determines the limit of detection for fluorescent probes. Sources of autofluorescence include both an instrument component due to the optics and filters of the imaging system and a biological component from the animal tissue itself. Although tissue autofluorescence is typically much higher than instrument autofluorescence, particularly in the visible wavelength range, it is desirable to minimize all sources of autofluorescence in order to increase detection sensitivity. This technical

Methods for Reducing the Effects of Background<br />

Autofluorescence Using <strong>IVIS</strong> Imaging Technology<br />

T.L. Troy and B.W. Rice<br />

<strong>Xenogen</strong> Corporation<br />

December 7, <strong>200</strong>4<br />

Introduction<br />

The ability to track fluorescent proteins, dyes, quantum dots, and other fluorescent<br />

reporters in vivo is a rapidly growing technology known as molecular imaging. The <strong>IVIS</strong><br />

Imaging Systems developed at <strong>Xenogen</strong> are optimized for imaging both bioluminescent<br />

and fluorescent reporters in vivo. Fluorescence equipment is standard on the <strong>IVIS</strong><br />

Imaging System <strong>200</strong> Series while the <strong>IVIS</strong> Imaging System 100 or 50 Series is available<br />

with the XFO-12 Fluorescence Option. Table 1 summarizes the standard four fluorescent<br />

filter sets raging from the green to the near infrared (NIR).<br />

One of the challenges associated with in vivo fluorescence imaging is to minimize the<br />

effects of <strong>background</strong> fluorescence, or <strong>autofluorescence</strong>. Autofluorescence is a<br />

fluorescent signal originating from substances other than the fluorophore of interest. The<br />

level of <strong>autofluorescence</strong> ultimately determines the limit of detection for fluorescent<br />

probes. Sources of <strong>autofluorescence</strong> include both an instrument component due to the<br />

optics and filters of the imaging system and a biological component from the animal<br />

tissue itself. Although tissue <strong>autofluorescence</strong> is typically much higher than instrument<br />

<strong>autofluorescence</strong>, particularly in the visible wavelength range, it is desirable to minimize<br />

all sources of <strong>autofluorescence</strong> in order to increase detection sensitivity. This <strong>technical</strong>

ulletin describes techniques developed at <strong>Xenogen</strong> to reduce the effects of<br />

<strong>autofluorescence</strong> using <strong>IVIS</strong> Imaging technology and the Living Image software.<br />

Units for Fluorescent Images<br />

Before discussing methods for subtracting autofluorescent <strong>background</strong>, it is useful to<br />

understand how fluorescent images are displayed and quantified in the Living Image<br />

software.<br />

<strong>IVIS</strong> Imaging Systems are calibrated relative to a National Institutes of<br />

Standards and Technology traceable radiance standard so that images measured in<br />

relative light units (CCD camera counts) can be converted to physical units of surface<br />

radiance (photons/sec/cm 2 /steradian).<br />

Fluorescent images have an additional<br />

complication, however, because the measured surface radiance depends on the<br />

illumination intensity. <strong>IVIS</strong> Imaging Systems use a top illumination scheme (light shines<br />

down on the subject), which means that the illumination intensity can vary somewhat<br />

across the field-of-view and will change as the field-of-view changes. To reduce the<br />

effects of these illumination variations, fluorescent images can be normalized by dividing<br />

the fluorescent image by a reference illumination image. The reference illumination<br />

image is an image of a white plate taken with the excitation filter in place and an open (or<br />

neutral density) emission filter; this image is saved on disk prior to shipping the<br />

instrument. The resulting “normalized” fluorescent image is unitless and is called a<br />

fluorescent efficiency image.<br />

A fluorescent efficiency image is independent of the<br />

illumination intensity. The value of each pixel in an efficiency image represents the<br />

fractional ratio of fluorescent emitted photons per incident excitation photon. Typical<br />

values for fluorescent efficiency images are very low, in the range of 10 -7 – 10 -3 [1].

Instrumentation Background Subtraction<br />

Through the use of fused silica optics, low-<strong>autofluorescence</strong> materials, and high quality<br />

filters, <strong>IVIS</strong> <br />

Imaging Systems are designed to minimize <strong>autofluorescence</strong> and<br />

<strong>background</strong> caused by instrumentation. However, because of the highly sensitive CCD<br />

camera utilized in these instruments, a residual <strong>background</strong> may be detected during<br />

fluorescent imaging. The <strong>background</strong> is often higher near the edges and corners of the<br />

CCD, resulting in a ring-shaped pattern as shown in Figure 1b. The Living Image<br />

software enables you to subtract this <strong>background</strong> using the following procedure. First<br />

take a fluorescent image of the subject (Figure 1a) and evaluate whether the <strong>background</strong><br />

is significant. If it is beneficial to subtract the <strong>background</strong>, remove the subject from the<br />

imaging chamber and take an image of the empty chamber using the same imaging<br />

parameters as the original measurement (for example, time, binning, f/stop, FOV, lamp<br />

level) (Figure 1b).<br />

If a <strong>background</strong> image is available, the Living Image software provides the “Sub Fluor<br />

Bkg” check box (Figure 1c, upper right). If this check box is selected, the <strong>background</strong><br />

(Figure 1b) is subtracted from the original image (Figure 1a), resulting in the final<br />

<strong>background</strong>-subtracted image shown in Figure 1c. This procedure reduced the ring that<br />

was observed in Figure 1a. Note also that the <strong>autofluorescence</strong> from the anesthesia nose<br />

cone was also reduced since the manifold was inside the <strong>IVIS</strong> imaging chamber during<br />

the instrument <strong>background</strong> measurement.

Tissue Autofluorescence<br />

Autofluorescence from animal tissue is usually much higher than instrument <strong>background</strong>,<br />

particularly in the visible wavelength range.<br />

In vivo <strong>autofluorescence</strong> can appear<br />

throughout the internal organs of the animal, but is brightest near the surface where the<br />

excitation light is the strongest. Tissue <strong>autofluorescence</strong> is caused by the endogenous<br />

chromophores in animal tissue, including elastin, collagen, tryptophan, NADH,<br />

porphyrins, and flavins. These chromophores have absorption bands centered from the<br />

ultraviolet to blue regions of the spectrum and emission bands throughout the visible to<br />

near-infrared spectrum [2]. In addition to tissue <strong>autofluorescence</strong>, it has been observed<br />

that chlorophyll from the alfalfa in standard mouse food also fluoresces in the near<br />

infrared part of the spectrum [1].<br />

Figure 2 shows autofluorescent images of control mice (no exogenous fluorophore<br />

present) fed a regular diet that contains alfalfa (Figure 2a) or an alfalfa-free diet (Figure<br />

2b). The images were taken using the four filter sets listed in Table 1. The biggest<br />

distinction between the two sets of data is the large autofluorescent signal concentrated in<br />

the intestinal area of the animal that was observed using the Cy5.5 and ICG filter sets.<br />

This signal is due to the chlorophyll in the regular diet. After the diet was changed to the<br />

alfalfa-free version, the signal in the intestinal area decreased to levels similar to the rest<br />

of the body. Table 2 lists the values of the average tissue autofluorescent efficiency<br />

measured for each filter set. These data show a general decrease in signal with increasing<br />

wavelength and show that the alfalfa-free diet not only lowers the intestinal signal for

Cy5.5, but also slightly lowers the overall <strong>autofluorescence</strong> for the GFP and DsRed filter<br />

sets.<br />

Figure 3 shows the autofluorescent excitation and emission spectra from the surface<br />

tissue of a living nude mouse for each filter passband. The excitation spectrum for each<br />

filter set was measured using the center wavelength of the corresponding emission filter;<br />

likewise, the emission spectrum was measured using the center wavelength of the<br />

excitation filter for each filter passband. All of the data were then normalized to the<br />

autofluorescent efficiency of GFP listed in Table 2. These data, measured on the lower<br />

dorsal region of a mouse fed a regular diet (Figure 3a) or an alfalfa-free diet (Figure 3b),<br />

also demonstrate a general decrease in <strong>autofluorescence</strong> towards the NIR region of the<br />

spectrum. The chlorophyll emission peak, centered around 670 nm, is clearly evident in<br />

the regular diet spectrum.<br />

Autofluorescent Subtraction Using Background Filters<br />

The high levels of tissue <strong>autofluorescence</strong> shown in Figure 2 limit the sensitivity of<br />

detection of exogenous fluorophores, particularly in the visible wavelength range from<br />

400 to 700 nm. Even in the NIR, there is still a low level of <strong>autofluorescence</strong>. Therefore<br />

it is desirable to be able to subtract out the tissue <strong>autofluorescence</strong> from a fluorescent<br />

measurement. The <strong>IVIS</strong> Imaging Systems implement a subtraction method based on the<br />

use of blue-shifted <strong>background</strong> filters. The objective of these blue-shifted excitation<br />

filters or “<strong>background</strong>” filters (see Table 1), is to excite the tissue <strong>autofluorescence</strong><br />

without exciting the fluorophore. The <strong>background</strong> filter image can then be subtracted

from the primary excitation filter image using an appropriate scale factor, thus <strong>reducing</strong><br />

<strong>autofluorescence</strong>. The assumption here is that the tissue excitation spectrum is much<br />

broader than the excitation spectrum of the fluorophore of interest and that the spatial<br />

distribution of <strong>autofluorescence</strong> does not vary much with small shifts in the excitation<br />

wavelength.<br />

Figure 4 shows a typical example of filter passbands and fluorescent<br />

spectra. The fluorescent dye spectra (for PKH26 in this case) is shown by the dashed<br />

curves. The excitation and emission filter passbands are set up to match the excitation<br />

and emission spectra for the dye. The blue-shifted <strong>background</strong> filter excites only a small<br />

part of the PHK26 curve, yet strongly excites the tissue <strong>autofluorescence</strong> (solid curve).<br />

The <strong>background</strong> filter tissue autofluorescent correction procedure is as follows. First,<br />

acquire two images, one using the <strong>background</strong> filter and one using the primary excitation<br />

filter (use the same emission filter for both measurements).<br />

The image sequence<br />

acquisition can be automated using the Sequential Imaging option in the Living Image <br />

software. Next, determine the scale factor by taking the ratio of the autofluorescent<br />

signal measured using the <strong>background</strong> filter to the autofluorescent signal measured using<br />

the excitation filter in a region on the animal with no fluorophore present. The scale<br />

factor accounts for different levels of tissue <strong>autofluorescence</strong> due to different excitation<br />

wavelengths and filter transmission characteristics. Subtract the <strong>background</strong> image from<br />

the primary image using the Image Math panel in the Living Image software (Figure 5).<br />

This panel shows the individual click numbers of the images that were loaded in the<br />

sequence. The images on the right correspond to the highlighted image numbers on the<br />

left. Choose the subtraction mode, A-Bk, from the Result = drop-down list and enter the

value for the scale factor, k, in the variable control box. To display the corrected image,<br />

click Display Results for Measuring. The corrected image results in a significant<br />

reduction in <strong>autofluorescence</strong> while leaving most of the fluorophore signal.<br />

This procedure is illustrated in Figure 6 for all four filter sets using a control mouse (12-<br />

week old female nude (Nu/nu) mouse on an alfalfa-free diet). The scale factor, k, for each<br />

filter set is shown in the figure and was determined from the average tissue<br />

<strong>autofluorescence</strong> over the entire animal. Table 3 lists the average tissue <strong>autofluorescence</strong><br />

and the root mean square (RMS) error measured before and after filter <strong>background</strong><br />

subtraction. Because the <strong>background</strong> filter subtraction technique essentially reduces the<br />

autofluorescent signal to zero, the RMS error is used to quantify the tissue<br />

autofluorescent value.<br />

Table 3 also includes the improvement factor that could be<br />

expected for this example. The improvement was calculated by taking the ratio of the<br />

average <strong>autofluorescence</strong> before correction to the RMS error after correction.<br />

Figure 7 shows an example of this technique using a fluorescent maker. In this example,<br />

1x10 6 HeLa-luc/PKH26 cells were subcutaneously implanted into the left flank of a 6-8<br />

week old female Nu/nu mouse. Figure 4 shows the spectrum for HeLa-luc/PKH26 cells,<br />

the autofluorescent excitation spectrum of mouse tissue, and passbands for the<br />

<strong>background</strong> filter (DsRed Bkg), the primary excitation filter (DsRed), and the emission<br />

filter (DsRed). Figure 7 shows the <strong>IVIS</strong> images using the primary excitation filter, the<br />

<strong>background</strong> excitation filer, as well as the autofluorescent-corrected image.<br />

The<br />

corrected image was obtained using a <strong>background</strong> scale factor of 1.4, determined by

taking the ratio of the autofluorescent signals on the scruff of the animal. The numbers<br />

shown in the figures are the peak radiance of the animal <strong>background</strong> within the region of<br />

interest. In the corrected image, the RMS error is used to quantify the <strong>background</strong>. The<br />

signal-to-<strong>background</strong> ratio of the original fluorescent image (DsRed filter) is 6.5. The<br />

ratio increases to 150 in the corrected image, an improvement factor of 23.<br />

This<br />

improvement reduces the minimum number of cells necessary for detection from 1.5x10 5<br />

to 6.7x10 3 .<br />

Background Subtraction With Quantum Dots (QD)<br />

The unique optical properties of QDs make them attractive for in vivo measurements.<br />

These particles come in a wide selection of colors, can be excited over a broad<br />

wavelength range, and have narrow emission bands at wavelengths that are directly<br />

related to the particle size. QDs have high quantum yields, are highly photostable, and<br />

due to their engineered surface chemistry, are biocompatible [4]. Figure 8a shows the<br />

spectrum of a typical QD along with the autofluorescent excitation spectrum of mouse<br />

tissue and the passbands for the <strong>background</strong> filter, primary excitation filter, and emission<br />

filter (DsRed filter set). Because the excitation curve gradually increases towards shorter<br />

wavelengths, the autofluorescent subtraction technique using a blue-shifted <strong>background</strong><br />

filter is not effective since the <strong>background</strong> filter not only excites tissue <strong>autofluorescence</strong>,<br />

but is also more efficient in exciting the QD.<br />

A better method to reduce tissue <strong>autofluorescence</strong> and improve detection sensitivity from<br />

measurements of QD reporters is to use one excitation filter with several narrow band

emission filters as illustrated in Figure 8b. With this technique, one primary emission<br />

filter captures the peak emission from the QD while the other secondary emission filters<br />

capture <strong>autofluorescence</strong> of the tissue on either side of the peak. The same type of<br />

subtraction technique is used, except the secondary emission filter images are averaged<br />

together and then subtracted from the primary emission filter image. Although filter sets<br />

similar to those in Figure 8b are not currently available as an “off-the-shelf” set, they are<br />

available on a custom basis. The <strong>IVIS</strong> Imaging System <strong>200</strong> Series is particularly well<br />

suited for this application because it is equipped with a 24-position emission filter wheel,<br />

compare to six positions for the <strong>IVIS</strong> Imaging System 100 or 50 Series.<br />

Conclusion<br />

To fully exploit the power of in vivo fluorescent imaging, methods to reduce the effects<br />

of <strong>autofluorescence</strong> and other sources of <strong>background</strong> are required. The broad band light<br />

source and multi-position filter wheels of the <strong>IVIS</strong> Imaging Systems provide the<br />

flexibility necessary for various <strong>background</strong> subtraction techniques. In addition, the<br />

Image Math tool in the Living Image software enables convenient processing and<br />

analysis of fluorescent images.<br />

References<br />

[1] Troy T, Jekic-McMullen D, Sambucett L, Rice B. (<strong>200</strong>4). Quantitative comparison of<br />

the sensitivity of detection of fluorescent and bioluminescent reporters in animal models,<br />

Mol Imaging 3: 9-23.<br />

[2] Billinton N, Knight AW (<strong>200</strong>1). Seeing the wood through the trees: A review of<br />

techniques for distinguishing green fluorescent protein from endogenous<br />

<strong>autofluorescence</strong>. Anal Biochem. 291: 175-197.

[3] Tuchin V (<strong>200</strong>0). Tissue Optics. Bellingtham, WA: SPIE Press.<br />

[4] Bruchez M, Moronne M, Gin P, Weiss S, Alivisatos A (1998). Semiconductor<br />

nanocrystals as fluorescent biological labels. Science. 281: 2013-2016.

a)<br />

b)<br />

c)<br />

Figure 1. Example of instrumentation <strong>background</strong> subtraction using an FVB female<br />

control mouse with the DsRed filter set: a) uncorrected fluorescent image of subject; b)<br />

image of instrument <strong>background</strong>; c) corrected image obtained by subtracting instrument<br />

<strong>background</strong> (b) from the uncorrected fluorescent image of the subject (a).

a) Regular rodent food<br />

Ventral<br />

Dorsal<br />

b) Alfalfa-free rodent food<br />

Ventral<br />

Dorsal<br />

Figure 2. Fluorescent images of the ventral and dorsal sides of a control mouse (Nu/nu<br />

female) illustrating the animal tissue <strong>autofluorescence</strong> for the GFP, DsRed, Cy5.5 and<br />

ICG filter sets (displayed in terms of efficiency). The images were taken after the mouse<br />

was fed for over a week with a) regular rodent food and b) alfalfa-free rodent food.

Normalized Intensity<br />

Normalized Intensity<br />

a) Regular rodent diet<br />

1.0<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

Alfalafa Diet<br />

GFP<br />

DsRed<br />

Cy5.5<br />

ICG<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0.0<br />

400<br />

500<br />

600<br />

700<br />

Wavelength (nm)<br />

800<br />

900<br />

b) Alfalfa-free diet<br />

1.0<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

Alfalfa free diet<br />

GFP<br />

Cy5.5<br />

DsRed<br />

ICG<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0.0<br />

400<br />

500<br />

600<br />

700<br />

Wavelength (nm)<br />

800<br />

900<br />

Figure 3. Autofluorescent excitation (-----) and emission ( _____ ) tissue spectra from the<br />

lower dorsal side of a seven-week-old female Nu/nu mouse fed for a week with a) regular<br />

and b) alfalfa-free rodent diet.

Figure 4. Spectral data describing the autofluorescent subtraction technique using a<br />

<strong>background</strong> filter. The graph shows the excitation and emission spectrum of PKH26 and<br />

the autofluorescent excitation spectrum of mouse tissue. Also included are the spectral<br />

passbands for the blue-shifted <strong>background</strong> filter (DsRed Bkg), the primary excitation<br />

filter (DsRed), and the emission filter used with this dye.

Figure 5. The Image Math Panel of the Living Image software is used to subtract out<br />

tissue <strong>autofluorescence</strong> using <strong>background</strong> filters.

a) GFP filter set<br />

- x<br />

0.7 =<br />

b) DsRed filter set<br />

- x<br />

0.5 =<br />

c) Cy5.5 filter set<br />

- x<br />

1.2 =<br />

d) ICG filter set<br />

- x<br />

2.6 =<br />

Figure 6. Examples of autofluorescent <strong>background</strong> filter subtraction of a 12-week old<br />

female Nu/nu control mouse fed a regular and an alfalfa free diet. The scale factor, k,<br />

was determined from average <strong>autofluorescence</strong> measurements over the entire animal.<br />

The GFP and DsRed images are displayed with the same color scale and the Cy5.5 and<br />

ICG image are displayed with another color scale. Left column: Primary excitation filter<br />

images; middle column: <strong>background</strong> filter images; right column: <strong>background</strong>-subtracted<br />

images. All of the data displayed here are in terms of efficiency.

a) Primary Excitation filter b) Background filter c) Corrected image<br />

(DsRed)<br />

(DsRed Bkg)<br />

Figure 7. Example of the autofluorescent subtraction technique using a <strong>background</strong><br />

excitation filter. The images show: a) primary excitation filter (DsRed), b) blue shifted<br />

<strong>background</strong> excitation filter (DsRed Bkg), and c) corrected data. The corrected image<br />

was obtained by subtracting the scaled <strong>background</strong> filter image (multiplied by 1.4) from<br />

the primary filter image. The 6-week-old female Nu/nu mouse was injected<br />

subcutaneously with 1x10 6 HeLa-luc/PKH26 cells in the left flank.

a) Two excitation filters<br />

b) Several narrow band emission filters<br />

Figure 8. Spectral properties for 605 QD showing the characteristic broad excitation and<br />

narrow emission curve along with the autofluorescent excitation spectrum of mouse<br />

tissue. The graphs illustrate different autofluorescent subtraction techniques using a) two<br />

excitation filters and one emission filter, and b) one excitation filter with several narrow<br />

band emission filters. Due to the broad excitation spectrum for QDs, narrow band<br />

emission filters are more suitable for autofluorescent subtraction.

Table 1. Summary of the <strong>background</strong>, excitation and emission filters.<br />

Background Excitation Emission<br />

filter filter filter<br />

Passband (nm) Passband (nm) Passband (nm)<br />

GFP 410-440 445 - 490 515 -575<br />

DsRed 460-490 500 - 550 575 - 650<br />

Cy5.5 580-610 615 - 665 695 - 770<br />

ICG 665-695 710 - 760 810 - 875<br />

Table 2. Autofluorescent efficiency of mouse tissue for animals fed regular and alfalfafree<br />

rodent food.<br />

Regular rodent food Alfalfa free rodent food<br />

Ventral Dorsal Ventral Dorsal<br />

GFP 1.18E-04 1.06E-04 1.04E-04 1.01E-04<br />

DsRed 5.46E-05 4.02E-05 4.27E-05 3.82E-05<br />

Cy5.5 9.19E-05 2.16E-05 1.52E-05 1.07E-05<br />

ICG 3.44E-06 2.45E-06 3.35E-06 3.06E-06<br />

Table 3. Values of the autofluorescent efficiency (average and RMS error) from the<br />

tissue of a 12-week old female Nu/nu mouse before and after <strong>background</strong> filter<br />

correction. The improvement was determined by taking the ratio of the average<br />

efficiency before and the RMS efficiency after correction.<br />

Before Correction After Correction<br />

Dorsal Ave efficiency RMS efficiency Ave efficiency RMS efficiency Improvement<br />

GFP 8.9E-05 3.6E-05 -6.6E-08 1.6E-05 5.5<br />

DsRed 3.4E-05 1.5E-05 3.1E-08 2.7E-06 12.9<br />

Cy5.5 1.0E-05 3.4E-06 3.9E-09 1.6E-06 6.5<br />

ICG 2.7E-06 6.2E-07 -6.6E-09 5.5E-07 4.9<br />

Before Correction After Correction<br />

Ventral Ave efficiency RMS efficiency Ave efficiency RMS efficiency Improvement<br />

GFP 1.3E-04 4.2E-05 -2.7E-07 1.7E-05 7.7<br />

DsRed 5.7E-05 1.8E-05 2.0E-07 6.0E-06 9.5<br />

Cy5.5 1.6E-05 7.0E-06 3.7E-08 2.4E-06 6.6<br />

ICG 3.1E-06 6.2E-07 -2.2E-09 7.7E-07 4.0

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