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Gold Canyon Resources Inc. Springpole Gold Project Road Alternatives Assessment Crins, W., P. Gray, P. Uhlig, and M. Wester. 2009. The ecosystems of Ontario Part I: Ecozones and Ecoregions. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Peterborough Ontario. Inventory, Monitoring and Assessment. SIB TER IMA TR-01, pp71 Garshelis, D.L. and M.R. Pelton. 1981. Movements of black bears in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Journ. Wildl. Manag. 45:912-925. Hash, H.S. 1987. Wolverine In Wild furbearer management in North America. Ont. Trappers. Assoc. North Bay, ON. pp 574-585 Hundertmark, K.J. 1998. Home range, dispersal, and migration. pp. 303-335. in A.W. Franzman and C.C. Schwartz, eds. Ecology and Management of North American Moose. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington DC. Ives, R. L. 1942. The beaver-meadow complex. J. Geomorphology 5: 191-203. Johnson, D. and M. Todd. 1997. Summer use of a highway crossing by mountain caribou. Can. Field Nat. 91:312-314 James, A. R. C. and A. K. Stuart Smith. 2000. Distribution of caribou and wolves in relation to linear corridors. J. Wildl. Manage. 64(1): 154-159 Jones, C., K. M. Somers, B. Craig and T. B. Reynolds. 2007. Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network: Protocol Manual. Queen’s Printer for Ontario. Pp 109. Krebs, J.A., E.C. Lofroth, J. Copeland, H. Golden, M. Hornocker, D. Cooley, V. Banci, A. Magoun, R. Mulders, and B. Shultz. 2000. Rates and causes of mortality in North American wolverines. Presentation at Carnivores 2000. Denver Col. Kunkel, K., and D.H. Pletscher. 2001. Winter hunting patterns of wolves in and near Glacier National Park, Montana. J. Wildl. Manage. 65: 520-530. Lambert, C. R. Courtois, L. Breton, R. Lemieux, V. Brodeur, J-P. Ouleete, D. Fortin, and M. Poulin. 2006. Etude de la predation du caribou forestier dans un ecosystème exploité: Resultats préliminaires. Naturaliste Canadien 130: 44-50. Lucherini, M. and S. Lovari. 1996. Habitat richness affects home range size in the red fox (Vulpes vulpes). Behav. Proc. 36:103-106. MacArthur, R.A., V. Geist, and R. Johnston. 1982. Cardiac behavioural response of caribou to human disturbance. J. Wildl. Manage. 46:351-358. McLoughlin, P.D., J.S. Dunford, and S. Boutin. 2005. Relating predation mortality to broadscale habitat selection. J. Anim. Ecol. 74: 701-707. Naiman, R.J., C.A. Johnston and J.C. Kelley. 1988. Alteration of North American streams by beaver. BioScience 38:753-762. NAWMP. 2004. North American waterfowl management plan 2004. Implementation framework: strengthening the biological foundation. Canadian Wildlife Service, US Fish & Wildlife Service, & Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Rescursos Naturales.

Gold Canyon Resources Inc. Springpole Gold Project Road Alternatives Assessment Nelleman, C. and R. Cameron. 1996. Effects of petroleum development on terrain preferences of calving caribou. Arctic 49:23-28. Nowak, R. M. 1995. Another look at wolf taxonomy. Pp 375-397 in L. N. Carbyn, S. H. Fritts and D.R. Seip, eds. Ecology and Conservation of Wolves in a Changing World. Canadian Circumpolar Institute, University of Alberta, Edmonton. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 2012. Interim Policy Guidance for Assessing Development Proposals in the Continuous Distribution for Caribou in Ontario. Draft March, 2012. 7pp. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 2010. Forest Management Guide for Conserving Biodiversity at the Stand and Site Scales – Background and Rationale for Direction. Toronto: Queen’s Printer for Ontario. pp 575. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 2009a. Ontario’s Woodland Caribou Conservation Plan. Toronto. Queen’s printer for Ontario. pp28. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 2009b. Cervid Ecological Framework. Toronto. Queen’s printer for Ontario. pp19. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 2009c. Ecosites of Ontario. Toronto. Queen’s printer for Ontario. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 2003. A Class Environmental Assessment for MNR Resource Stewardship and Facility Development Projects. Toronto. Queen’s printer for Ontario. pp80. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 2000. Significant Wildlife Habitat Technical Guide. Toronto. Queen’s printer for Ontario. pp384. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1996. Forest Management Guidelines for the Provision of Marten Habitat. Toronto. Queen’s Printer for Ontario. pp30. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1986. Guidelines for Providing Furbearer Habitat in Timber Management. Toronto. Queen’s Printer for Ontario. pp 35. Poole, K.G. 2003. A review of the Canada lynx, Lynx canadensis, in Canada. Canadian Field Naturalist 117: 360-376. Racey, G., A. Harris, L. Gerrish, E. Armstrong, J. McNicol, and J. Baker. 1999. Forest management guidelines for the conservation of woodland caribou: a landscape approach. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Thunder Bay,ON. 69 pp. Renecker, L.A. and C.C. Schwartz. 1998. Food habits and feeding behaviour pp. 403-439. in A.W. Franzman and C.C. Schwartz, eds. Ecology and Management of North American Moose. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington DC. Rettie, W.J., and F. Messier. 2000. Heirarchical habitat selection by woodland caribou: its relationship to limiting factors. Ecography 23: 466-478.

<strong>Gold</strong> <strong>Canyon</strong> Resources Inc.<br />

Springpole <strong>Gold</strong> Project<br />

Road Alternatives Assessment<br />

Crins, W., P. Gray, P. Uhlig, and M. Wester. 2009. The ecosystems of Ontario Part I: Ecozones<br />

and Ecoregions. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Peterborough Ontario. Inventory,<br />

Monitoring and Assessment. SIB TER IMA TR-01, pp71<br />

Garshelis, D.L. and M.R. Pelton. 1981. Movements of black bears in the Great Smoky<br />

Mountains National Park. Journ. Wildl. Manag. 45:912-925.<br />

Hash, H.S. 1987. Wolverine In Wild furbearer management in North America. Ont. Trappers.<br />

Assoc. North Bay, ON. pp 574-585<br />

Hundertmark, K.J. 1998. Home range, dispersal, and migration. pp. 303-335. in A.W. Franzman<br />

and C.C. Schwartz, eds. Ecology and Management of North American Moose. Smithsonian<br />

Institution Press. Washington DC.<br />

Ives, R. L. 1942. The beaver-meadow complex. J. Geomorphology 5: 191-203.<br />

Johnson, D. and M. Todd. 1997. Summer use of a highway crossing by mountain caribou. Can.<br />

Field Nat. 91:312-314<br />

James, A. R. C. and A. K. Stuart Smith. 2000. Distribution of caribou and wolves in relation to<br />

linear corridors. J. Wildl. Manage. 64(1): 154-159<br />

Jones, C., K. M. Somers, B. Craig and T. B. Reynolds. 2007. Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring<br />

Network: Protocol Manual. Queen’s Printer for Ontario. Pp 109.<br />

Krebs, J.A., E.C. Lofroth, J. Copeland, H. <strong>Gold</strong>en, M. Hornocker, D. Cooley, V. Banci, A.<br />

Magoun, R. Mulders, and B. Shultz. 2000. Rates and causes of mortality in North American<br />

wolverines. Presentation at Carnivores 2000. Denver Col.<br />

Kunkel, K., and D.H. Pletscher. 2001. Winter hunting patterns of wolves in and near<br />

Glacier National Park, Montana. J. Wildl. Manage. 65: 520-530.<br />

Lambert, C. R. Courtois, L. Breton, R. Lemieux, V. Brodeur, J-P. Ouleete, D. Fortin, and M.<br />

Poulin. 2006. Etude de la predation du caribou forestier dans un ecosystème exploité: Resultats<br />

préliminaires. Naturaliste Canadien 130: 44-50.<br />

Lucherini, M. and S. Lovari. 1996. Habitat richness affects home range size in the red fox<br />

(Vulpes vulpes). Behav. Proc. 36:103-106.<br />

MacArthur, R.A., V. Geist, and R. Johnston. 1982. Cardiac behavioural response of caribou to<br />

human disturbance. J. Wildl. Manage. 46:351-358.<br />

McLoughlin, P.D., J.S. Dunford, and S. Boutin. 2005. Relating predation mortality to broadscale<br />

habitat selection. J. Anim. Ecol. 74: 701-707.<br />

Naiman, R.J., C.A. Johnston and J.C. Kelley. 1988. Alteration of North American streams by<br />

beaver. BioScience 38:753-762.<br />

NAWMP. 2004. North American waterfowl management plan 2004. Implementation framework:<br />

strengthening the biological foundation. Canadian Wildlife Service, US Fish & Wildlife Service, &<br />

Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Rescursos Naturales.

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