Year: 1994 - 95 AGM December 1, 1994 - SSAAM

Year: 1994 - 95 AGM December 1, 1994 - SSAAM

Year: 1994 - 95 AGM December 1, 1994 - SSAAM


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- <strong>95</strong>% of the message Is emotion - we either control the emotion or we don't control the message.<br />

- Tell me what meaning your mind makes out of what you've read or seen.<br />

- Teach from the Inside out (metacognltion) - heart teaching as well as head teaching.<br />

- Honor Imaginative (right brain) minds as well as memory minds.<br />

- Your school Is like a flshbowl - If the fish get sick don't blame the fish - maybe the water needs changing - treat<br />

the whole flshbowl, not the fish that Is sick.<br />

- Change a kid's behaviour by changing his/her Internal Image - If you feel stupid you act stupid.<br />

- Rearrange classrooms so there Is less teaching and more learning - the less-is-more approach.<br />

- Any teacher that can be replaced by a computer should be.<br />

- Most people will choose the certainty of misery rather than the uncertainty of pleasure.<br />

- If I realty want to change I need to be In contact with people that are ttke I want to be - positive addictions<br />

- Ho healing will ever occur for people who are In the BLAME - FRAME - the frame has to change.<br />

- Before you try to make anything better take an Intense look at what would make It worse.<br />

- Anatyze and celebrate your successes or you're doomed to repeat failure.<br />

- Redirect energy to do with not to kids - ask them for help - more respectful.<br />

- Treat students not as they are but as If they are the way you want them to be.<br />

- Get kids to teach you what Its like for them - validate their life experiences.<br />

- Rituals create addictions - positive or negative.<br />

- Transformation Involves someone becoming the "lead dog" and setting It up.<br />

- It's easier to predict and prevent than react and repair - have a predict and prevent plan for every week.<br />

If experience Is the best teacher, what did I learn today as a teacher (or administrator)?<br />

Actions are driven by the missing emotions In our lives - to transform we need to fill the "hole In the sour.<br />

Teachers need to be "getters of gifts" (honour the gifts In students) and dreammakers (If they don't get It from you,<br />

they may not get It).<br />

True leadership - good for me, good for you.<br />

Don't try to transform a person alone • work with a support group.<br />

Find people doing something right and compliment them - the when/then approach.<br />

Kids will treat each other the way the adults (In the system) treat each other.<br />

Use loving confrontations - "I don't know what your Intent was, but It made me feel...."<br />

School reform begins with people, not with programs.<br />

Don't evaluate anybody unless you're looking for Improvement.<br />

People who feel special act special.<br />

more 'one liners" on next page

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