Year: 1994 - 95 AGM December 1, 1994 - SSAAM

Year: 1994 - 95 AGM December 1, 1994 - SSAAM Year: 1994 - 95 AGM December 1, 1994 - SSAAM


BRIEF to the BOUNDARIES REVIEW COMMISSION Introduction The Student Services Administrators' Association of Manitoba stresses the importance of considering the following principles pertaining to services for all children in Manitoba. As an organization SSAAM is committed to supporting a community which advocates and promotes good educational practices for all students. Students have a right to programs and services commensurate with their needs in an atmosphere of coordination and collaboration. Services to all Children Reorganization of school boundaries should have as a major objective the fostering of best practices in education. Education in Manitoba has been at the forefront of developing inclusionary practices to ensure a proper place for all children with special needs, both in the school system and in the community. It is hoped that in the coming years the practice of inclusion will continue and provide the opportunity to build on what has been accomplished in the past. A. COORDINATION OF SERVICES Meeting the needs of all children in the school system is a complex and rewarding challenge. As the needs of children are examined, it is imperative that greater coordination of services be undertaken at all levels, including community services, health, education and justice. Any reorganization of boundaries should consider the impact of such a process on the services mentioned above. Boundaries reorganization may represent a positive opportunity for an alignment of services across the province. Such a realignment of services will have a positive benefit on services provided to all families including families having children with special needs. B. COMMUNITY NEEDS It is not the intention of SSAAM to make recommendations as to the appropriate size of any school division. Our intent is to ensure that adequate services and programs appropriate to meet the needs of all children remain in place. It would be deemed

impractical and possibly unethical to develop a system whereby community response would become impossible. School Divisions should respond to specific community needs and their cultural diversity. C. EQUITABLE CLINICAL SERVICES Once again it is hoped that reorganization would give the province with the opportunity to provide equitable clinical services across the province. The complexity of the needs of children and adolescents and their families are such that services provided by educational psychologists, social workers, speech and language pathologists and other professionals in the human resources field must continue to be available to ALL schools and school divisions. Realignment of boundaries should ensure to more adequately meet the growing complexity of needs in our communities. We WOULD hope to impress upon the committee the importance of maintaining the current minimum level of clinical services. D. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR TEACHERS Professional development activities provided to teachers represent an essential element in the creation of positive learning environments and in the teachers' ability to provide programs within those environments. In the process of realigning boundaries it is hoped that individuals who provide professional development and curriculum support to all school divisions will continue to be an essential part of the service provided by the province and not be seen as a political opportunity to eliminate or decrease the support required by an changing society and by ever-evolving technology. CONCLUSION The exceptional needs of some children in our Manitoba schools are not far removed from the needs of all children in our schools. We wish to stress, nonetheless, that in times of economic restraint there is a tendency withdraw supports that address the needs of those who require support both within the school and the community. This shortsighted view fails to take into accound the long-term costs to society if appropriate supports are not provided. We feel that the commission has an important role to play in ensuring that services and resources are provided to all children and to look at proactive approaches that encourage coordination and collaboration in all areas of human resources.

BRIEF<br />

to the<br />


Introduction<br />

The Student Services Administrators' Association of Manitoba stresses the importance of<br />

considering the following principles pertaining to services for all children in Manitoba.<br />

As an organization <strong>SSAAM</strong> is committed to supporting a community which advocates and<br />

promotes good educational practices for all students. Students have a right to programs and<br />

services commensurate with their needs in an atmosphere of coordination and collaboration.<br />

Services to all Children<br />

Reorganization of school boundaries should have as a major objective the fostering of best<br />

practices in education.<br />

Education in Manitoba has been at the forefront of developing inclusionary practices to ensure<br />

a proper place for all children with special needs, both in the school system and in the<br />

community. It is hoped that in the coming years the practice of inclusion will continue and<br />

provide the opportunity to build on what has been accomplished in the past.<br />


Meeting the needs of all children in the school system is a complex and rewarding<br />

challenge. As the needs of children are examined, it is imperative that greater<br />

coordination of services be undertaken at all levels, including community services,<br />

health, education and justice. Any reorganization of boundaries should consider the<br />

impact of such a process on the services mentioned above. Boundaries reorganization<br />

may represent a positive opportunity for an alignment of services across the province.<br />

Such a realignment of services will have a positive benefit on services provided to all<br />

families including families having children with special needs.<br />


It is not the intention of <strong>SSAAM</strong> to make recommendations as to the appropriate size of<br />

any school division. Our intent is to ensure that adequate services and programs<br />

appropriate to meet the needs of all children remain in place. It would be deemed

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