Sidekick Issue 0

Sidekick Issue 0

Sidekick Issue 0


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<strong>Sidekick</strong><br />

The digital magazine on Adobe Experience Manager | <strong>Issue</strong> 0<br />

Sending PhoneGap Push<br />

Notifications from Adobe<br />

Experience Manager<br />

Responsive Design with<br />

Adaptive Images<br />

ClientLibs Explained<br />

By Example<br />

Sightly -<br />

Beautiful Markup<br />

by Rob In der Maur<br />

by Vianney Baron<br />

by Feike Visser<br />

by Şenol Taş<br />

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<strong>Sidekick</strong> | <strong>Issue</strong> 0 | page 1/2

<strong>Sidekick</strong><br />

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Welcome to <strong>Sidekick</strong><br />

by Rob In der Maur (@ridmaur)<br />

Welcome to <strong>Sidekick</strong>. The first digital magazine for Adobe Experience Manager developers and architects. The title<br />

of the magazine refers to the toolbox authors use to build rich and engaging content. The same toolbox that developers<br />

are building, enhancing and/or modifying components for as part of the overall delivery of an Adobe Experience<br />

Manager implementation.<br />

But <strong>Sidekick</strong> actually refers as well to the more literal meaning of the word, being yet another, community driven,<br />

‘assistant’ to our developers and architectects on top of the communication and information that Adobe offers<br />

around Adobe Experience Manager.<br />

We believe there is an audience for a magazine that our beloved Adobe Experience Manager developers and architects<br />

can read while not being busy on the job. As a way of catching up with new ideas, concepts, implementations,<br />

etc., not necessarily part of the engagements they are working on right now.<br />

This magazine is inspired by a similar initiative started by Michael Chaize around web standards and technologies<br />

(HTML5, CSS, JSP) which is named Appliness, has established its footprint and is up to its 20th issue!<br />

The issue you are viewing on your tablet right now is named <strong>Issue</strong> 0 and that is for a particular reason. We consider<br />

this first issue a soft launch of the magazine, not yet supported by an infrastructure consisting of a web site, social<br />

channels, etc. It is almost like we are ‘dipping our toes in the water’ before going for a full launch. The feedback<br />

we receive (and we highly appreciate any feedback) will further define the content, delivery, and supporting<br />

infrastructure of the magazine.<br />

For now, enjoy this first issue of <strong>Sidekick</strong>.<br />

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<strong>Sidekick</strong><br />

Sending Push Notifications<br />

from Adobe Experience Manager<br />

by Rob In der Maur<br />

CommuniQAEM<br />

<strong>Sidekick</strong><br />

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It might be relevant to automatically push out a notification whenever a new piece of content is created<br />

within your AEM environment. This article is going to illustrate how you can combine the power of<br />

AEM workflows with the PhoneGap framework for building cross-device mobile applications.<br />

PhoneGap application<br />

Creating a PhoneGap application that can receive notifications is really beyond the scope of this<br />

publication. But, as usual, there are some good resources out there on the web, particularly Holly<br />

Schinsky’s articles titled Apple push notifications with PhoneGap and Android Push Notifications<br />

with PhoneGap. In this illustration we will only focus on the iOS side of the push notification space.<br />

Once you have your iOS application running on your mobile device, ready to receive notifications,<br />

an excellent way to test these out is using PushMeBaby, an OS X desktop application that allows you<br />

to send notifications to your mobile device. Be aware that you can not test your mobile application<br />

receiving notifications in the iOS simulator; it has to run on a hardware device!<br />

Push Notification Service<br />

Assuming we have the mobile application setup in place and actually working, the interesting bit in<br />

light of the theme of this publication is, obviously, to have it send notifications from our AEM platform.<br />

To invoke push notifications from AEM, we are going to make use of JavaPNS, a Java library to send<br />

notifications through the Apple Push Notification Service as well as Bouncy Castle Java cryptography<br />

API’s, as we need those to work with our iOS certificates.<br />

1. In CRXDELite, create a bundles folder underneath your application root folder.<br />

2. Right click on the bundles folder and select Create Bundle and give the bundle a symbolic<br />

name like com.adobe.demo.pn. This will create a com.adobe.demo.pn folder that contains a<br />

com.adobe.demo.pn.bnd node as well as a src<br />

folder.<br />

3. Create a libs sub folder underneath your bundles<br />

folder.<br />

4. Your src folder has been automatically set up with<br />

an Activator.java source file. At that same level<br />

create a new file node named <br />

java (which will be our interface) and an impl<br />

folder node. Within the impl folder create a<br />

file node (which will<br />

be our implementation). (play the video on the<br />

right to see how we could create a bundle within<br />

CRXDELite).<br />

Play.<br />

Video 1. Create a bundle in CRXDE Lite<br />

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5. To ensure we can use these libraries in our bundle, update the com.adobe.demo.pn.bnd file to look<br />

like<br />

<br />

javapns.test.*<br />

Import-Package: *<br />

# Private-Package: com.adobe.demo.pn<br />

Include-Resource:<br />

<br />

Bundle-Description:<br />

Bundle-SymbolicName: com.adobe.demo.pn<br />

Bundle-Version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT<br />

Bundle-Activator: com.adobe.demo.pn.Activator<br />

6. Our code in is straightforward as it is simply the definition of our interface.<br />

package com.adobe.demo.pn;<br />

import java.util.List;<br />

<br />

<br />

{<br />

<br />

throws Exception;<br />

}<br />

7. Our code in is of more interest.<br />

package com.adobe.demo.pn.impl;<br />

// lots of imports<br />

import ...<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

{<br />

<br />

<br />

@Reference<br />

private SlingRepository repository;<br />

@Reference<br />

<br />

private Session adminSession;<br />

private ResourceResolver resourceResolver;<br />

<br />

@Activate<br />

<br />

{<br />

try<br />

{<br />

<br />

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resourceResolver = resourceResolverFactory.getResourceResolver<br />

(adminSession);<br />

Here we import the APN certificate<br />

InputStream is = resourceResolver.<br />

getResource(“/apps/geometrixx/bundles/apn-cert.p12”).adaptTo(InputStream.class);<br />

<br />

<br />

}<br />

<br />

{<br />

<br />

e.getStackTrace());<br />

}<br />

}<br />

<br />

<br />

{<br />

<br />

<br />

return result;<br />

}<br />

}<br />

Here we send the notification<br />

8. As part of the activation of the bundle, we actually<br />

load our certificate, which we subsequently use<br />

when sending the actual push alert. Note how<br />

we have not worried too much about password<br />

security here...<br />

9. Talking about certificates and the required libraries<br />

for our bundle; the best way to get these in your<br />

bundle is using CRXDE rather than CRXDE Lite,<br />

as CRXDE allows you to simple import (or even<br />

drag and drop) external files into your bundle /<br />

application (as shown in the video on the right).<br />

This is a bit more convoluted in CRXDE Lite.<br />

Push Notification Workflow<br />

Play.<br />

Video 2. Import files in CRXDE<br />

The final bit to our integration is to hook it all together as part of a workflow. Which we then can invoke<br />

from any page in our content.<br />

In order to do that, we need to build a custom workflow step that uses our push notification service<br />

(bundle) and then use that step in a workflow model.<br />

The workflow step we will define as an ECMAScript in <br />

ecma and could look like<br />

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<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

{<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

}<br />

<br />

And then we are going to use this workflow functionality in a workflow by adding a process step and,<br />

as part of the definition of that step, point to our ECMAScript.<br />

On each page, when going to the Workflow tab in the <strong>Sidekick</strong>, we can kick off our Send Notifications<br />

workflow and it will send a push notification to our device containing the page title and page description.<br />

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<strong>Sidekick</strong><br />

Responsive Design<br />

with Adaptive Images<br />

by Vianney Baron<br />

<strong>Sidekick</strong><br />

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As you know CQ 5.6 has recently been released, and if you’ve seen demo’s or read the release notes<br />

you will have noticed that this new version offers support for responsive design. So what does this<br />

mean exactly? And how can you leverage the new features to ensure your website is responsive as<br />

well?<br />

Responsive Design, a clarification<br />

First things first, it’s important to define what responsive design means exactly. There are loads of<br />

resources available on the net of course, but I find that this small sample illustrates the concept really<br />

well: it’s really just about making sure your website design can adapt to various resolution and devices<br />

and offer an optimal user experience in all cases.<br />

So how is this supported in CQ 5.6? With two main features:<br />

• Responsive design preview in authoring<br />

• Geometrixx Media<br />

Let’s explore these and see how the magic happens.<br />

Responsive Preview<br />

When authoring content in CQ 5.6 you will notice that most features that you were used to in previous<br />

version are still there, including the small magnifying glass allowing you to switch to Preview mode.<br />

However when you click you will immediately notice a small difference.<br />

We can now select the device we’re targeting and adapt the user experience accordingly;<br />

this is really convenient, as it saves the hassle of resizing the browser window manually.<br />

Note that the list of available devices is just indicative, you can very simply add new devices<br />

Play.<br />

Video 1. Responsive design preview.<br />

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or modify the existing ones, but it’s not the topic of this post (just a small hint: look at<br />

/libs/wcm/mobile/components/emulators on your CQ 5.6 instance).<br />

Of course I did not choose a random website. This little guy is the new member of the Geometrixx<br />

family: Geometrixx Media, this website is designed for customers in the media and publishing space,<br />

and it illustrates a number of new 5.6 features, including responsive design. Play the video on the<br />

right to explore how the website looks on various devices.<br />

Now let’s see how we achieve this in Geometrixx Media, and how you can leverage this sample to<br />

kick off your responsive design work. The two main concepts here are:<br />

• Media queries<br />

• Adaptive image component<br />

Nowadays most designers are familiar with media queries, this CSS 3 feature allows us to define<br />

different styles for different screen sizes. This is the corner stone of any responsive website.<br />

For instance if you open the Geometrixx Media design you will notice several CSS stylesheets. And<br />

each of these starts with this statement:<br />

@media (max-width: 480px) {<br />

And that’s pretty much all you need to know to start working with media queries…<br />

Adaptive Image Component<br />

Next let’s have a look at the adaptive image component. As you’ve probably noticed the layout is not<br />

the only thing that changes when we resize Geometrixx Media. Images are also resized on-the-fly,<br />

using the adaptive image component.<br />

Figure 1. Overview of CSS stylesheets.<br />

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If you look at the actual code of the component (under /apps/geometrixx-media/components/<br />

adaptive-image) you will see that all we do here is use media queries to load the right image<br />

depending on the screen resolution.<br />

Images are then suffixed with specific selectors to obtain the right size, for example: myImage.<br />

adapt.620.high.jpg will generate a rendition of “myImage.jpg” with a with of 620px.<br />

The actual magic happens in a servlet, the code of which is available here:<br />

/apps/geometrixx-commons/src/core/src/main/java/info/geometrixx/<br />

commons/impl/servlets/AdaptiveImageComponentServlet.java<br />

It’s simply extends the AbstractImageServlet to produce the new image in real time, based on a<br />

pre-defined list of widths that is configured in the Felix console (as to avoid hacks, like specifying a<br />

huge resolution, to slow down the server).<br />

To ensure the right image is reloaded in real time when resizing the browser a couple of JS libraries<br />

are used, these can be found here:<br />

• /apps/geometrixx-media/components/adaptive-image/clientlibs/js/<br />

which is used to test if a media query applies;<br />

• /apps/geometrixx-media/components/adaptive-image/clientlibs/js/<br />

which mimics the Picture element proposed for the HTML5 spec.<br />

Figure 2. OSGi configuration panel for adaptive image component servlet.<br />

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<strong>Sidekick</strong><br />

ClientLibs Explained By Example<br />

by Feike Visser<br />

CommuniQAEM<br />

<strong>Sidekick</strong><br />

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In this article I will go through the basic functionality that the ClientLibraryFolder offers, and how<br />

you can utilize that with the tag.<br />

The clientlib functionality will manage all your Javascript and CSS resources in your application. It takes<br />

cares of dependency management, merging files and minifying content.<br />

The following application scenarios will be explained :<br />

• Multiple components with their own Javascript and CSS files.<br />

• Global Javascript and CSS files.<br />

• /apps folder is not available via the dispatcher.<br />

• CSS resources have to go in the , Javascript resources at the end of the page.<br />

• Resources need to be minified.<br />

• Some resources need to be merged.<br />

Step 1: Creating components and clientlib nodes<br />

To set up our example, create a clientlibsexplained application in CRXDE Lite and add the usual<br />

components and templates folder to your application structure.<br />

In your components folder you create a contentpage component. In your templates folder, you<br />

create a contentpage template that uses the contentpage component as its sling:resourceType.<br />

Next you create 3 additional components: MyFirstComponent, MySecondComponent and<br />

MyThirdComponent. E.g. something like:<br />

Figure 1. Initial component structure.<br />

Next we are going to add a clientlib node of type cq:ClientLibraryFolder, inside each of these<br />

node in order to store the Javascript and CSS resources<br />

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Figure 2. Create Node dialog for clientlib.<br />

Add a property to every clientlib node called categories of type String[] with the single value of<br />

myproject.components. To get a String[] type click the Multi button.<br />

Your components-folder will look now like this:<br />

Figure 3. Propertes of clientlib node.<br />

Step 2: Adding Javascript and CSS files<br />

Now we will add some files to the clientlib folder of the component. As an example, for the first<br />

component:<br />

CSS (first.css):<br />

.firstContainer {<br />

margin-top:10px;<br />

}<br />

Javascript (first.js):<br />

/*<br />

* This is the comment of the function<br />

*/<br />

function getNameFirst() {<br />

// return the name<br />

return "some value";}<br />

js.txt (refers to all the Javascript resources of the clientlib)<br />

first.js<br />

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css.txt (refers to all the CSS resources of the clientlib)<br />

first.css<br />

Do the same for the second component, where names and values should be changed where appropriate.<br />

Your components folder will now look like this:<br />

Figure 4. Final component structure.<br />

The configuration of the components is now finished.<br />

Step 3: Using <br />

Now the components are finished we can now use to write out the<br />

references inside the of our contentpage component. You can also choose to write out certain<br />

references in other places in the page, for example some Javascript at the end of the page.<br />

We start with putting the following into the <br />

<br />

<br />

Note that myproject.components is the value of the categories properties of the clientlib node.<br />

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This results in the following HTML output whenever we create a new page:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

This has a few downsides though:<br />

• The resources are retrieved from /apps.<br />

• Six server calls are to fetch the resources.<br />

• Application structure is exposed.<br />

Step 4: Redirect and Merge<br />

What we want is that the user gets the resources from /etc/designs/, so that /apps can<br />

be closed for the production configuration. And on top of that we want the resources to be merged into<br />

a single .js/.css reference.<br />

Create a new folder aproject in /etc/designs, then create the structure as shown below. The js.txt<br />

and css.txt should be empty files.<br />

The clientlib node has the following properties:<br />

Figure 5. client lib structure moved to design.<br />

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Figure 6. Properties for client lib node (including embed property).<br />

With the embed property it embeds all the resources of myproject.components.<br />

Now change the attributes in the section to:<br />

<br />

<br />

This results now in the following HTML output:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

If you open these files you will see that the three Javascript/CSS resources are merged into one file.<br />

And although the resources are located in the /apps folder all references are now done via the /etc/<br />

designs folder.<br />

Step 5: Dependencies<br />

Another property you can add to the clientlib node is dependencies; this way you can define<br />

dependencies between client libraries.<br />

Let’s add a dependency on cq.jquery:<br />

Figure 7. Adding dependencies property to clientlib node.<br />

When you now reload the page the dependency is created as part of your HTML:<br />

<br />

<br />

Step 6: Minify and GZip<br />

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To deliver a better performance you can enable Minify and Gzip for the Day CQ HTML Library Manager<br />

in the Felix Configuration console. These settings are recommended for production installations.<br />

Figure 8. Configuring minify and gzip in HTML Library Manager..<br />

When you now look at this resource /etc/designs/aproject/clientlib.js, it results in this:<br />

function getNameThird(){return "some value"<br />

}function getNameSecond(){return "some value"<br />

}function getNameFirst(){return "some value"<br />

};<br />

So all comments and spacing are removed to save download-time.<br />

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<strong>Sidekick</strong><br />

Sightly - Beautiful Markup<br />

by Şenol Taş<br />

CommuniQAEM<br />

<strong>Sidekick</strong><br />

▲<br />

Behind The Scenes<br />

The remainder of this article will explain a lot more on what exactly Sightly is, but as a reference it<br />

might be valuable to know this is just one of the initiatives where, within Adobe, we are pushing the<br />

boundaries while 'drinking our own champagne'. To give that a little bit more perspective, watch the<br />

first episode in my video podcasts (posted on Youtube), that talks about 'Adobe@Adobe - Behind The<br />

Scenes'.<br />

Play.<br />

Video 1: The Refactor - Behind The Scenes<br />

sight·ly /sītlē/ (adjective: pleasing to the eye...)<br />

Sightly is an HTML template library with a strong focus on security and programming language<br />

independence, setting a new standard for templating. The template functionality is added to the HTML<br />

by using data attributes, which keeps the markup valid, readable and maintainable. Used in Adobe<br />

Experience Manager, Sightly offers a highly productive enterprise-level web framework with a clear<br />

separation of concerns, allowing Web and Java developers to efficiently work together.<br />

Currently, Sightly is still work in progress and more a concept than anything else, but we just want you<br />

to have a first 'sight' on it...<br />

Goals<br />

The essential things Slightly (wants to) offer(s) out of the box are:<br />

• Security: through the library automatic contextual XSS<br />

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protection and URL externalization is provided;<br />

• Less coding: enforcing separation of concerns between logic and markup;<br />

• Standards adoption: writing readable and valid HTML5 through data-attribute notations;<br />

• Extensibility: a straight forward API for logic;<br />

• Intuitive: a clear, simple and restricted future set.<br />

Vision<br />

The long term vision of what our engineers are aiming for with Sightly is:<br />

• Open Source Contribution: Github and Apache license;<br />

• Programming Language Independence: Javascript lexer with a<br />

plugin system for the output of a code generator;<br />

• Multi-tenant capability: supporting a 'thrust model' in order<br />

to offer a possibility to sandbox components;<br />

• Standards adoption: let Sightly grow beyond Adobe Experience Manager and Adobe;<br />

• Framework support: add capabilities like backend to frontend data binding, forms handling, etc.<br />

Architecture<br />

The high-level diagram below shows that Sightly can use the same Javascript front-end for compiling<br />

to different program languages. Only the code generator from the intermediate representation needs<br />

to be built specifically for the different environments.<br />

HTML Template Library<br />

In reality, Sightly is just the 'marketing' name for an HTML Template Library (HTL); an AEM templating<br />

engine and language implementation. HTL endeavours to supersede JSP as the scripting language for<br />

AEM components. It strives to clearly separate presentation and logic. Security measures, such as XSS<br />

prevention are automatically applied. HTL is purely based on HTML5, allowing 3rd party agencies to<br />

focus on design specifics of an AEM project without having to have deep AEM knowledge.<br />

HTL has two main concepts: Block Elements and Expression Language.<br />

HTL Block Elements<br />

An HTL block element is using the an HTML data like attribute; any tag containing the data-htlpluginName="value"<br />

will be identified as an HTL block element.<br />

some content<br />

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For example one can use the data-htl-test attribute to test an expression and based on the outcome,<br />

show or not show content. In the examples below, the block of content is shown when the expression<br />

evaluates to TRUE.<br />

<br />

This Page is in Edit Mode<br />

<br />

This Page is NOT Edit Mode<br />

<br />

This page is not published or in preview mode<br />

<br />

Show the Title<br />

With the data-htl-list attribute one can iterate of any kind of collection (List, Map, Set, Enumeration)<br />

and display the child elements; again very easy.<br />

<br />

${item.name}<br />

<br />

HTL Expression Language<br />

In the previous examples you saw the ${ } syntax, both as the value of an data-htl-PLUGINNAME<br />

attribute expression as well as part of the resulting output. The field expressions in the HTL Expression<br />

Language are very powerful. They allow to:<br />

• easily read properties of ValueMaps, e.g. ${properties.title} for title property<br />

or even sling resource types, like ${properties.sling:resourceType}.<br />

• use the following common AEM variables by default: resource, request,<br />

response, properties, wcmmode, e.g. ${wcmmode.edit}<br />

• specify options, like defaults e.g. ${properties.title default="string value"}<br />

• 'and' and 'or' expressions, e.g. ${properties.title OR properties.name}<br />

Don't mess with my markup!<br />

Play the video below for a more in-depth information on Sightly..<br />

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Play.<br />

Video 2: Don't mess with my markup!<br />

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