Nano-C - Milesi S.p.A.

Nano-C - Milesi S.p.A.

Nano-C - Milesi S.p.A.


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What is nanotechnology?<br />

<strong>Nano</strong>technology is a branch of applied Sciences and Technology referring to a field whose theme is the control of matter on a lower scale than<br />

micrometer scale. Generally, <strong>Nano</strong>technology deals with structures between 1 and 100 nanometers.<br />

(Source: Wikipedia).<br />

The application of technology in Chemistry, and mainly in the field of coating products, allows obtaining a better technical performance than<br />

using traditional products.<br />

Broadly speaking, the nanotechnologic development of raw materials consistently enhances all the properties that they confer to the manufacture.<br />

The reduction in the dimension of the particles allows optimizing their distribution within the coating film. A better distribution of raw materials<br />

corresponds to a higher homogeneity in the technical performances of the coating film.<br />

In particular, it is possible to enhance the coating film mechanical resistance qualities (surface hardness, elasticity, adhesion, scratch resistance),<br />

resistance to yellowing (caused by a prolonged exposure to UV rays), and resistance to heat and flame.<br />

NANO-C for exteriors: test results<br />

The following table summarizes the results of the accelerated test of exterior exposure using QUV Solar Eye equipment with spray system,<br />

according to EN927/3 regulation (2016-hour exposure).<br />

Here the standard coating cycle and the new NANO-C solution are compared<br />

Initial opacity Final opacity Bubble formation Film cracking Chalking Adhesion Color fading Film detachment Yellowing<br />

Standard Cycle 30 18 0 0/1 2 2 n.m 1 Δ E* 3.9<br />

NANO-C Cycle 29 25 0 0/1 1 1 n.m 0/1 Δ E* 1.4<br />

IVM Chemicals srl - International Development Division<br />

Via della Stazione, 3 - 27020 Parona (PV) Italia<br />

www.milesi.com - idd@milesi.com<br />

Tel. +39 02 90 27 931 - Fax. +39 02 48 91 91 69<br />


Δ E*<br />

Legend: 0 = Excellent 5 = Very bad<br />

From what can be observed from the table, the cycle realized with NANO-C products gives the following advantages:<br />

■ Longer lasting brightness of paint in the exterior<br />

■ Stronger adhesion and elasticity<br />

■ Stronger resistance to film yellowing<br />

The aesthetic level of the coating cycle is in line with the best water-based products for exterior distributed on the market.<br />

Besides, the top-coat has the following characteristics:<br />

■ Opacity 30 gloss<br />

■ High verticality<br />

■ Excellent elasticity and adhesion<br />

■ Reduced grain swelling<br />

■ High filling<br />

■ Excellent resistance to water penetration over short times (water-proof)<br />

NANO-C coating cycle is particularly indicated for the coating of light stained woods.<br />

The best results are obtained on conifer woods with white, semi-covering, top-coat effect.<br />

In this specific case, the new proposal offers the utmost protection from visible UV rays, limiting wood yellowing.<br />


Brochure <strong>Nano</strong>-C inglese:Brochure <strong>Nano</strong>-C inglese 4-06-2009 15:19 Pagina 4<br />

<strong>Milesi</strong> products were born in 1947 in Italy, from <strong>Milesi</strong> spa, a company specialized in the<br />

production of coatings, stains and primers for wood.<br />

In 1970, <strong>Milesi</strong> spa became part of IVM, the most important multinational Group in Europe,<br />

and among the first groups in the world in this sector. It has Subsidiaries in Italy, France, Spain,<br />

Germany, Greece and Poland, distributing in over 70 Countries thanks to a highly specialized<br />

Sales Network.<br />

In 2007, IVM Chemicals originated from the merger between <strong>Milesi</strong> and the other Italian<br />

Companies of the Group, and at the same time it was created the International Development<br />

Division, exclusively dedicated to the distribution of <strong>Milesi</strong> products all over the world.<br />

The project involves the building of a highly productive plant, thanks to the possibility offered<br />

by the processing of quantities never managed before by a single plant.<br />

IVM Chemicals plant is the largest and most modern manufacturing establishment in the<br />

world, designed to guarantee high process standardization, the constant possibility to intervene<br />

with tests and quality controls, the optimization of loading operations and a complete control<br />

of raw materials and finished products.<br />

<strong>Milesi</strong> products have been studied and developed by over 200 researchers who, in the<br />

European Research and Development labs of the Group, work every day in constant telematic<br />

contact for the future of wood coatings, with the most technologically advanced instruments.<br />

<strong>Nano</strong>technologically developed innovative<br />

solutions for frames<br />

The constant attention of IVM Chemicals laboratories, in which <strong>Milesi</strong> products are<br />

created, toward technological and scientific innovation, allowed studying the possible<br />

applications of nanotechnology in the field of paints for wood.<br />

<strong>Milesi</strong> NANO-C water-based products for exteriors originate from deep studies and laboratory<br />

research.<br />

Thanks to the nanotechnological development of particular raw materials, NANO-C<br />

water-based products for exteriors allow controlling and delaying the inevitable deterioration<br />

process to which the wood is subject, mainly for what concerns UV rays resistance, one of the<br />

main causes of wood deterioration.<br />

The specific laboratory tests done on samples painted using NANO-C technology have given<br />

results of coating film resistance to UV rays, which are unthinkable with traditional coating<br />

systems.<br />

<strong>Nano</strong>technological water-based products for exteriors are part of <strong>Milesi</strong> NANO-C line,<br />

which also includes:<br />

■ Products for the coating of parquets, office furniture, kitchens and for all manufactured<br />

items requiring extreme hardness and wearing resistance.<br />

■ Water-based UV products<br />

■ Fire-retardant products.<br />

NANO-C for exteriors: products<br />

XHT100<br />

Water-based white primer for immersion or flow coating application.<br />

It is characterized by excellent wrapping and pigmentation, and reduced grain swelling.<br />

It has been formulated using special polymers which can give excellent resistance to yellowing<br />

over time. It is possible to modify its color using <strong>Milesi</strong> Kromosystem series HMT10-90 pastes<br />

to realize the pastel shades required by the market.<br />

XBC100<br />

Intermediate, water-based base-coat for immersion or flow coating application.<br />

Main characteristics: besides the ease of use and its excellent wrapping, the product<br />

distinguishes itself for the high filling and for its reduced grain swelling, mainly on conifer<br />

woods.<br />

XGC100<br />

Neutral water-based top-coat characterized by excellent versatility in application, using<br />

common spray systems (manual or automatic).<br />

It gives high filling, excellent outdoor resistance and stability to light.<br />

Water-proof: it offers the utmost resistance to water in short times, avoiding chalking on the<br />

manufactures exposed to rain after being coated.<br />

NANO-C for exteriors:<br />

stained-effect coating cycles<br />

Water-based coating cycles for manufactures positioned outdoor allow obtaining a particular<br />

stained effect and can limit the inevitable deterioration process on exterior wood.<br />

CYCLE 1<br />


PRIMER:<br />


TOP-COAT:<br />

CYCLE 2<br />


PRIMER:<br />

TOP-COAT:<br />


TOP-COAT:<br />

CYCLE 3<br />


conifer wood frames and manufactures for exteriors<br />

XHT100 (also colored with pastes HMT10-90) Application by<br />

immersion or flow coating<br />

Grammage: 70-80 grs/sqm - Drying: minimum 4 hours<br />

XGC100 (also colored with 2% color matching primer)<br />

Manual or automatic spray application<br />

Grammage: 250-300 grs/sqm - Drying: minimum 24 hours<br />

conifer wood frames and manufactures for exteriors<br />

XHT100 (also colored with pastes HMT10-90)<br />

Application by immersion or flow coating<br />

Grammage: 70-80 grs/sqm - Drying: minimum 4 hours<br />

XGC100 (also colored with 2% color matching primer)<br />

Manual or automatic spray application<br />

Grammage: 100-125 grs/sqm - Drying: minimum 24 hours<br />

XGC100 (also colored with 2% color matching primer)<br />

Manual or automatic spray application<br />

Grammage: 200-225 gr/sqm - Drying: minimum 24 hours<br />

conifer wood frames and manufactures for exteriors<br />

PRIMER:<br />

XHT100 (also colored with pastes HMT10-90)<br />

Application by immersion or flow coating<br />

Grammage: 70-80 grs/sqm - Drying: minimum 4 hours<br />


Application by flow coating<br />

Grammage: 70-80 gr/sqm - Drying: minimum 4 hours<br />


TOP-COAT: XGC100 (also colored with 2% color matching primer)<br />

Manual or automatic spray application<br />

Grammage: 250-275 grs/sqm - Drying: minimum 24 hours

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