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(INTJ favored most of all Rationals) 148<br />

• As a sailor, he knew everything about navigation, but had far less interest in the practical<br />

aspects of seamanship. As a captain, he was bored by the day-to-day details of running the<br />

ship and left them to his first officer unless an emergency arose, in which case he resumed<br />

his duties at once. (NT; not interested in details or routine maintenance, but rather in<br />

challenges and novel problems.)<br />

• Rose to a leadership position, i.e. captain, and subsequently owned his own insurance<br />

company (TJ leadership)<br />

• Loved to study as a child (NTs favored most)<br />

• Calm, serene and unflappable, even in dangerous situations (NT)<br />

• Modest (Rationals seem to be characterized as either excessively arrogant or excessively<br />

modest.)<br />

• Never wasted time; he would devote all his spare time to mathematics (NT love for work)<br />

• Unbendable integrity and devotion to truth; one person commented, "I have known Dr. B.<br />

intimately for more than fifty years, and I know no faults. This may seem strange; for most<br />

of your great men, when you look at them closely, have something to bring them down; but<br />

he had nothing. I suppose all Europe would not have tempted him to swerve a hair's breadth<br />

from what he thought right." (Probably favors stubborn NT or STJ most; Fs are more likely<br />

to compromise for harmony or tell comforting white lies)<br />

• Described as having "inflexible integrity," "unwavering love of truth," and "high moral<br />

principle." (Favors unmovable, truthful NT or STJ)<br />

• Excellent at mathematics; amazed people by rapidly solving complex problems in his head<br />

(INT favored most)<br />

• Read through a four volume encyclopedia in his youth (NT)<br />

• His knowledge of the Bible was exceptional, reportedly even in comparison to that of<br />

theologians (NTs are most interested in understanding the principles underlying their faith)<br />

• Amassed over 100 dictionaries, which he kept in his own private library (NT)<br />

• Wrote his own almanac; built himself an unusual barometer and a wooden sundial (NT<br />

inventiveness.)<br />

• While working as an apprentice at a shop, he would read or study math when there were no<br />

customers (NT)<br />

• When he first learned about algebra, he was so excited that he couldn't get a wink of sleep<br />

that night (NT)<br />

• Copied down entire books from the library so that he could refer to them later at his leisure<br />

(NT; life was harder in those days)<br />

• Resented unfair criticism and enjoyed an elegant vindication in which he proved his critics<br />

wrong (All types hate criticism, but NTs are particularly affronted by it.)<br />

• Helped oversee Harvard College; elected president of the American Academy of Arts and<br />

Sciences (NTJs are particularly favored for leadership in higher education) 149<br />

• Exercised regularly (NTJs favored over NTPs) 150<br />

148 Thorne & Gough, 1991<br />

149 DiTibeiro; Sears, Kennedy, & Kaye in Beckham 2012<br />

150 Myers, McCaulley, Quenk & Hammer, 1998

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