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This probably argues against ENTJ.)<br />

• Was an effective, strong and determined military leader (This best fits the ENTJ<br />

Fieldmarshal, but again, we must note that Dracula received his position from hereditary<br />

succession.)<br />

• Seems to have kept himself and his possessions neat to some extent; he brought along<br />

hygiene supplies to his new house. (J)<br />

"There were title deeds of the Piccadilly house in a great bundle, deeds of the purchase of the houses<br />

at Mile End and Bermondsey, notepaper, envelopes, and pens and ink. All were covered up in thin<br />

wrapping paper to keep them from the dust. There were also a clothes brush, a brush and comb, and<br />

a jug and basin. The latter containing dirty water which was reddened as if with blood."<br />

• Planned ahead in great detail when prosecuting a new enterprise (Deliberate, meticulous<br />

preparation argue for J, especially SJ)<br />

“[Dracula] went on to ask about the means of making consignments and the forms to be gone<br />

through, and of all sorts of difficulties which might arise, but by forethought could be guarded<br />

against. I explained all these things to him to the best of my ability, and he certainly left me under<br />

the impression that he would have made a wonderful solicitor, for there was nothing that he did not<br />

think of or foresee.”<br />

---<br />

"Everything had been carefully thought out, and done systematically and with precision. He<br />

[Dracula] seemed to have been prepared for every obstacle which might be placed by accident in the<br />

way of his intentions being carried out. To use an Americanism, he had 'taken no chances', and the<br />

absolute accuracy with which his instructions were fulfilled was simply the logical result of his<br />

care."<br />

---<br />

"...He [Dracula] have long since conceive the idea of coming to a great city. What does he do? He<br />

find out the place of all the world most of promise for him. Then he deliberately set himself down to<br />

prepare for the task."<br />

• His efforts at conquest were characterized by repeated persistence and endurance (J favored<br />

over P)<br />

• "The Count is a criminal and of criminal type. Nordau and Lombroso would so classify him,<br />

and qua criminal he is of an imperfectly formed mind. Thus, in a difficulty he has to seek<br />

resource in habit." [Emphasis mine.] (Habitual behaviors are a J trait.)<br />

• "Then, as he is criminal he is selfish. And as his intellect is small and his action is based on<br />

selfishness, he confines himself to one purpose. That purpose is remorseless." (Intense,<br />

prolonged focus on one goal is more characteristic of NTJs than NTPs, though not because<br />

of small intellect or selfishness.)<br />

Evidence Against INTJ:<br />

• Chatted for hours at a stretch with Jonathan Harker. (Loquacity argues weakly for E, but, he<br />

was also trying to practice his English.)<br />

• Glib, suave, and verbally persuasive (Argues for ENTP most of all Rationals, INTJ least of<br />

all Rationals)<br />

• “A table in the centre was littered with English magazines and newspapers, though none of<br />

them were of very recent date [emphasis mine].” (Mess points weakly towards P)<br />

• “[Dracula’s possessions] lay in a sort of orderly disorder on the great dining room table.”

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